My Rescue Game Came True

Chapter 211 Oh, there is a newcomer here (ask for a monthly ticket!)

"Are you a newcomer? Show me your admission letter."

Seeing him coming, the young lady at the front desk who was playing with her mobile phone kicked, her eyes lit up, and she looked at him with great interest.

Ye Luo couldn't help taking half a step back.

He took another half step forward and handed over the phone.

He was also observing his surroundings. This building was located in an area where every inch of land was expensive in Baiyun City. It covered a large area, but it was surprisingly deserted inside.

Before coming here, he had inquired about the information here.

The building is owned by a certain large company, but that happened half a month ago. Now that the building has been transferred, he can't find out more information.

It looks very mysterious.

"Student Ye Luo, right? A freshman at Baiyun University... Hey, he's still a fresh-faced primary school boy."

"Sister is also from Baiyun University?"

"It's been two years since she graduated, she's an old aunt."

But she's also a senior!

Ye Luo got close and asked about the situation here.

Nan Chaolu, the lady at the front desk, brushed her hair by her ears, and said, "You know about the training of the Bureau of Investigation, and we are similar here. Newcomers like juniors must go through a period of training. When you can graduate depends on your performance."

"As for the content of the training camp, there are many, and I won't be able to finish it in a while. You can check it yourself after you get the students' mobile phones."

"Here, this is the student's mobile phone, but it has not been activated yet, and you cannot use many functions in it."

Ye Luo took the phone.

It looks like an ordinary touch-screen mobile phone with only a few simple apps on it.

"Personal Panel"

"Task Module"

"Exchange List"

"Organization Intranet"

At present, the only thing that can be opened is the personal panel, which shows his name, ID card, report date and other items.

But more information is blank, such as the following 'body', 'spirit' and so on.

It's kind of in-game.

Nan Chaolu said, "Let's go, idle is idle, senior sister will take you for a physical examination."

Ah this.

Ye Luo frowned, "Don't we need to keep people here?"

The entire hall is empty, and there are no other people. Hey!

"No, no." The senior sister said, and rang the bell again, "Let's leave it to others."

"This is our inspection area and also a training area."

Senior sister Nan Chaolu introduced.

The first floor of this building is the lobby, and the second floor is the reception area, rest area, and entertainment area.

The third floor and the upper floors are all exercise areas.

I heard that the underground area is also an exercise area, and just in front of it, there are countless exercise equipment. Ye Luo has seen some of them in the gym, but he can't even guess what they are for from the appearance alone. .

Quite a taste of black technology!

He was surprised, but he could accept it. The world has changed so much. It is reasonable to have awakened people, monsters, and some black technology.

Ye Luo also saw the runway behind the building. It looked like the entire building, including the surrounding area, was organized.

"Is our training camp also here?"

"Of course not." The senior sister glanced at him, as if wondering why he had such a strange idea, "This place can't be used, how can it be used for training, there are not many training facilities here, the real training must go to us base of the organization."

"These equipment here are only provided for those who work in the office. For example, senior sister, I will come up to exercise when I am too free on weekdays."

Ah this this.

I always feel a bit embarrassing, there are a lot of equipment he can recognize, which he really wants but can't afford.

Nan Chaolu said, "Okay, don't dawdle, hurry up to this test bench, this is for you to test the basic two-dimensional."

"Basic two-dimensional?"

"It's physical and mental strength. Depending on your basic two-dimensional level, the content of your next training camp will also be different. In layman's terms, it is divided into classes. You can also understand it as a retest before the training camp. Work hard."


Ye Luo didn't really understand. He stepped up and stood still for two seconds.

next moment,


Two numbers light up on the display screen next to it.

"Physical: 4.6"

"Spirit: 2.6"

"this number?"

"For a normal person, body and spirit are just one." Nan Chaolu walked around him twice, "Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect you, junior, to be an awakened person."

But she doesn't seem surprised?

Ye Luo didn't notice, he was focusing on this device now, he roughly estimated that this indeed about the same speed as his own strength.

Although I know that there is black technology here, it is too dark.

This is detected? Even more miraculous than yesterday's test Kistler!

"Then the next item is to test your fist strength."

The equipment for testing punching strength is much more common, similar to the punching strength testing machines on the market.

Ye Luo was a little worried, "It won't be broken, right?"

His strength is not small, but in an instant he realized that he was stupid. The equipment here is all black technology, not to mention that the young lady asked him to test it, so there is no possibility of problems.

He stood still and took a deep breath.

Immediately after twisting the waist and punching, the strength of the whole body was concentrated on the fist, and it exploded suddenly.


The fist trembled slightly, and soon a number appeared.

— 471!

Ye Luo couldn't quite understand it. If it was in kilograms or pounds, he would have to go far beyond it.

"The unit of this number is the attack power. Generally speaking, an attack power that can hit one hundred times the physical strength is qualified."

"Then I am qualified."

His physique is 4.6, a hundred times is 460, and his punching strength value is not only qualified, but also exceeded!

However, the senior sister shook her head.

"Qualified is qualified, but just qualified, if you don't get an excellent evaluation, you are a poor student. Of course, you haven't been trained by the organization, and there is still a lot of room for improvement."

"It looks like you don't believe it?"

Nan Chaolu stepped onto the testing platform.

Her physique is 5.5, much more than Ye Luo's.

Wait, senior is actually an awakener? !

While Ye Luo was surprised, Nan Chaolu stood in front of the punch test machine and threw out a simple punch.

boom--! !

The punching target trembled, and after a while, a number appeared.

——1011 strong attack!

Looking at the senior sister's pink and tender fists, Ye Luo couldn't help taking a step back and widening her eyes.

Trapped in doubt.

Second floor, lounge area.

Ye Luo sat alone, still remembering the scene of Nan Chao bombarding the test target just now with his bare fists in his mind.

It does have a strong fist style.

I didn't expect that the lady at the front desk who was in charge of registration and handling procedures turned out to be a master of concealment. It seems that the content of many novels is not made up, but has a basis in reality.

Experts like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers in humble positions!

"Physique is the foundation of boxing power, but on top of that, there are also your control over your body, explosive power, power of boxing, etc. These constitute a person's attack power increase—that is, the difference between attack power and the qualifying line percentage."

"For someone like me, the increase in attack power is 83.8%! And you are only 2.3%, which is still far away."

Ye Luoming understood.

However, Nan Chaolu-senpai is really powerful. She never thought that she would meet an awakened person when she first came here, and she is still a strong one among the awakened ones!

It is indeed a mysterious organization.

After I participate in the training camp, can I also have such a high attack increase?

Ye Luo thought.

He first took out the student mobile phones provided by the organization, and inquired about the general situation of the organization and the arrangements for the newcomers.

He took out his mobile phone and sent Wang Fan'er a message.

Wang Fan: "Hehehe, I saw the awakened one. The team leader who is in charge of leading our instructors is the one who shoots like a rainbow. It's so cool!"

"Afterwards, we conducted another thrust and speed test."

"And tomorrow we will set off to train at the base in the neighboring state... It is said that it is our three-state training camp in Baiyun State, Yunling State, and Nanyang State. There will be newcomers entering one after another. The pressure of competition is huge."

"However, the instructor also said that those who perform well will be rewarded, and those who are very outstanding will have the opportunity to go to a special place for further study in the future."

"Thinking about it, the sense of anticipation is overwhelming!"

Especially the places for advanced studies in that special place are very precious, and the instructors are all competing.

I don't know the details, but I just heard from the instructor that the strength of those who came back from that special place has at least doubled or tripled.

He, Emperor Wang Fan, must obtain such a place for advanced studies!

Ye Luo doesn't know what to study, and the training arrangement of the Investigation Bureau has nothing to do with him.


"Why does the investigation bureau's entry test seem to be simpler than our organization?"

"Ahem, maybe it's because there are too many new recruits in the Bureau of Investigation?"

He heard from Wang Fan that there were one or two hundred newcomers who reported to the Baiyun Prefecture Bureau in the morning.

And that's just the beginning.

What about the organization? From morning to now, there are only 9 newcomers, that's right, only nine people.

And it's not just college students, it looks like most of them aren't.

Ye Luo lives in the building.

This is not only an office building, but also an apartment building.

These newcomers still need to wait here for a few days.

During this period, Ye Luo devoted himself to the equipment area, constantly exercising, and occasionally looked up information on the Internet.

The top ten most searched are all related to 'New World'.

And at least half of them are hot searches by the Bureau of Investigation.

"Live-streaming training for newcomers, revealing the secrets of the training base in Yunling Prefecture."

"What are investigators? Investigate, eliminate, they are guardians in the dark."

"Investigator: From trainee to special class."

These days, he has not chatted with Wang Fan, this guy is already tired.

But according to him, they made little progress in just two days of training, and the Bureau of Investigation provided them with a lot of nutritional supplements and liquid medicine.

In anticipation, one day, two days, three days.

By the fourth day, there were already 41 new recruits in the White Cloud City office.

The 41 people, led by quasi-official personnel such as Nan Chaolu, departed from Baiyun City Airport by special plane and flew all the way to the southeast.

Baiyun leisurely.

The sky is clear and blue.

A mysterious sea area shrouded in white mist appeared in the eyes of everyone.

At this time, the white mist covering the island slowly dispersed.

In the Pacific base,

Luo Jianxing controlled the White Mist Realm, and looked at the sky with a smile, "There are newcomers here, it's time to show the demeanor of our seniors."

Cough cough, it’s double, please ask for a monthly pass QAQ

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