My Rescue Game Came True

Chapter 346: The Era of Big Blood Earning

There is no doubt about the effect of Sangkira's rumored gramophone, but it is also necessary to consider that the strange world is full of dangers and the transportation is inconvenient.

The first to come to Burning Fire Mall was the official merchant team of the Burning Flame Oasis, and Cang Yan was among them, as an avatar doll.


"This is indeed the oasis we sold."

In the distance, in the gray mist, there is a lighthouse shining with golden light, which seems to be a beacon guiding the way forward - this is a special building taken from the dawn lighthouse, and it has only one effect, which is to guide the way. The shining golden light Even through the dense gray fog, the light can be seen from a distance.

This kind of ability is actually very tasteless.

Oases try to hide themselves as much as possible. Who would hang a big light bulb so that people can see it from a few kilometers away.

But it has to be said that with the guidance of the shining golden light, the merchant team in the Scorching Flame Oasis saved a lot of effort in finding their way. When they continued to move forward along the beacon, the dense fog and gray fog covering the surroundings quickly subsided, and the sun shone on the ground, and a small-scale oasis appeared in front of the team.

The ground is neat, a spacious road leads straight ahead, and some landscape flowers are planted on both sides of the road.

Farther away, there is a small town wrapped in the city wall, shining with neon lights.

——Lianhuo Mall.

Although the original features of the oasis can't be seen at all, but comparing the coordinates, Cang Yan is very sure.

"Has it been built in just over two months?"

"No, apart from the time on the road, the oasis has only been built for more than a month at most."

It doesn't look like it was just built. Could it be that this is really a super chamber of commerce across a large domain?

Cang Yan didn't really believe what Qian Mian said at the time.

It’s not that there are no chambers of commerce across the Great Domain. It’s just that people’s crossing over the Great Domain is also going to the prosperous one. Their Star Falling Catacombs Great Domain is a relatively new large domain. Not to mention the fact that foreign forces have established and operated here, it is the caravans from the Outer Domain. Not seen a few times.

He had never heard of the name Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce.

"Let's go in and have a look."

The interior of the shopping mall is a little deserted, except for the occasional patrol team wearing fiery red fire costumes, almost no outsiders can be seen.

There were not many patrolling personnel, and even fewer were scattered throughout the oasis, and there were not many people in sight at a glance.

If it weren't for the exquisite and brand-new buildings around it, this would almost be a dilapidated oasis.

The doors of the shops on both sides of the road were closed, with the words "leaseable" marked on them. When they continued along the main road, they saw a magnificent building shrouded in colorful splendor.

Fire up the hypermarket!

The door is open, and through the crystal glass, you can see some commodities hanging on the display cabinets, all of which emit a faint treasure brilliance, which is very extraordinary at first glance.

"This is an epic trick! A war blade with powerful cutting ability!"

An old man with a goatee and a look of old age walked forward a few steps, his face a little excited.

He is 'Mo Yan', the president of the official Chamber of Commerce of the Burning Flame Great Oasis. He is already over a hundred years old, and his own strength is not strong. He is only four senses and inhumane. Due to his age, the old man has no hope of making progress.

But being able to serve as the president of the Burning Flame Chamber of Commerce naturally has its advantages.

The old man is very knowledgeable and has a unique awakening ability. He can recognize most of the trick weapons, potions, props, and materials at a glance. Even if he can't recognize them, he can still judge the general effect of the ability.

At this moment, he recognized this epic battle blade, and there was more than one...

The dazzling array of treasures in the display cabinet dazzled the eyes of the people in the burning oasis. It was not that they had never seen epic treasures, but the visual impact of so many treasures was still too strong.

I can't help but admire the boldness of the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce.

"With so many treasures clearly displayed, they are not afraid of encountering robbers?"

A strong member of the chamber of commerce muttered.

In his opinion, this oasis is small in scale and the guards are sparse. All he needs to do is smash the showcase, put the treasures in the storage device, and run out of the oasis as fast as possible...

When the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce came back to its senses, the robbers all got into the gray mist, and it was difficult to catch up with the robbers even if the Chamber of Commerce was powerful due to the environment of the deceitful world.

"Perhaps, Burning Fire Mall has enough confidence?"

"Didn't Lord Yan just say that this is likely to be a force from a foreign domain. A force that can do business across a large domain must not be weak."

"Well, I heard that the Burning Fire Mall also sells legendary treasures?"

"Yes guest."

Bai Yansi walked over.

At this time, she was wearing a dress similar to a cheongsam, embroidered with patterns like fire and phoenix, elegant and noble.

She is the main person in charge of this hypermarket, and although she is also the vice president of the Witch Sisters' Association, Blue Star has nothing serious to do. Naturally, a talent like Bai Yansi cannot stay in the Sisters' Association to waste time.

(Ilohi: 呲牙ψ(`)ψ!)

So I called here.

So is Yiluoxi, she is the main person in charge of the Oasis security department.

Bai Yansi said,

"The legendary treasures here have the root water that can increase the potential, the pure divine brilliance that can increase the probability of advancing to the myth, there are a variety of legendary materials, and legendary tricks. These legendary treasures can also be visited, but you need to make an appointment in advance , the price..."

The price is naturally high, and not only the ghost crystal can buy it.

There are still many restrictions, for example, you need to reach a certain membership level in Burning Fire Mall, and so on!

As the person in charge of the store, Bai Yansi naturally understood the reason.

Legendary treasures are rare and expensive on the one hand, and the organization's supply is not much on the other hand, especially treasures such as the root water, which have purchase restrictions.

However, after she finished speaking, she was good at observing words and expressions, and soon found that although these people swallowed their saliva, they didn't have much desire to buy.

Do you not believe it?


Turning her mind around, she quickly understood the reason, this group of people came from the Great Oasis of Burning Flame!

Treasures such as the water of the root and the pure divine brilliance are mainly for superpowers, and only from the hands of superpowers can they make enough money.

Facing the big oasis...

She paused and continued,

"It's not just high-end treasures. We sell all kinds of goods in the burning fire hypermarket, including tricks, potions, props, materials, etc., ranging from high-end to low-end."

"The first floor you see is the showcase area, which is designed to display all kinds of goods; the second floor is the daily necessities area, as long as you can think of it; the third floor is the food area, with ingredients, cooked food, snacks, etc. , the ingredients range from ordinary food to epic food, and there are discounts for bulk transactions, dear~”

"The fourth floor is the equipment and pharmacy sales area, the fifth floor is the props, materials, and other items sales area, and the sixth floor is the top sales area that requires reservations."

After visiting the exhibition area on the first floor, Cang Yan and his group walked to the second floor.

This is the area for daily necessities, including toiletries, household items, cooking items, decorative items, cosmetic items, bedding, etc., which are similar to the categories on Blue Star, but the products shipped here are all special customized models.

The packaging is exquisite and the materials used are high-quality. The product batch number, production date, and materials used are not marked on it.

There are only simple names and usage effects.

To keep the packaging simple.

What stands out is an expensive... aristocratic item.

"Rose scented paper towels, this paper towel is engraved with a rose pattern, and you can smell the faint scent of roses when you wipe it. What an elegant paper towel!"

Cang Yan and his group were a little moved.

Although their oasis can also produce paper towels, but limited by raw materials, technology, equipment and other issues, the paper towels they make are very rough and usable, but they are not comfortable. Use the same inferior goods.

Can only be purchased from the City of Fallen Stars.

But there is no such rose-scented paper towel in City of Falling Stars!

"Not only roses, but also tulips, potpourri, etc., and you can see the softness of this paper towel and the delicate patterns on it. This, this is simply a work of art!"

Mo Yan's eyes widened.

He has traveled all over the world for many years, but he has never seen such a delicate tissue. How much work has to be done? !

Isn't it too wasteful!

The paper towels in Falling Star City are not as good as here. Of course, Mo Yan thinks that Falling Star City is also capable of making such tissues, but the cost is too great to make it meaningless.

The burning fire mall is so beautifully made, but what comes with it is the high price, right?

Before he could think about it, a low cry sounded beside him.

"so cheap?!"

Mo Yan was stunned for a moment, and his gaze gradually moved down.

[Rose scented tissues: 1 crystal/pack, a bundle of 10 packs only costs 8.8 crystals. ]

Not 888, not 88, just 8.8.

In 8.8, you can go out and hunt a few ghosts casually, and you can earn money by digging materials, but you can buy enough tissues for half a year.

This, this is much cheaper than the City of Falling Stars! And it's more delicate and softer than falling stars!

So is Cang Yan.

He thought for a while, "Just order 1,000 bundles."

Just after finishing speaking, Mo Yan pulled him back and said in a low voice, "Master Cang Yan, we are traveling lightly this time, the capacity of the carriage is limited, and we will have to buy other items later, we can't bring all the tissues back with us, right?"

"Hey, you're right, let's take a look."

Paper towels are so good and cheap, what if other daily necessities are the same?

Wouldn't it be able to save a lot of money? Besides, Burning Fire Mall is closer to their burning oasis, and it's much easier to go to and from Xinghui Fortress!

He got serious, looked at Mo Yan and said,

"Investigate the prices of the goods here immediately, and compare and see how much cheaper it is than buying from the City of Falling Stars."

"Obey my lord!"

Greeting other personnel in the chamber of commerce, Mo Yan immediately dispersed into various sales areas.

Trial, compare, summarize.

After a while, Mo Yan wiped off his sweat, with an excited look on his face.

"Master Cang Yan, the daily necessities here, here are more complete than those in Falling Star City! Moreover, all of them are very cheap!"

Cang Yan also showed joy.

These daily necessities are just ordinary items that are not advanced, and the price of a single item is extremely cheap, even if it is several times more expensive or cheaper, it makes no difference in his eyes.

Like a dime, a dollar, ten dollars, that's it.

But if you want to carry out large transactions, the gap is large.

Can save a lot of money!

Of course, not buying is the best way to save money, but it’s not impossible. In this way, the price/performance ratio is very important, not to mention that Ranhuo Mall is cheap and high-end.

"Leave these to you to deal with. Also, don't forget to negotiate the price with Burning Fire Mall."

"Lord Cang Yan, please rest assured, cheap is a cheap thing, bargaining is a bargaining thing, these are two different things, I know."

"Well, when there are more merchants here, there may be insufficient inventory in the Burning Fire Mall. Now that you order a few more batches, don't worry about the transportation problem. I will arrange a few more teams to come over."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and Mo Yan, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, arranged to go.

Cang Yan continued to stroll around, walking in the women's clothing exhibition area, and there was a dazzling array of beautiful things here, with so many styles that he could hardly imagine dazzled his eyes.

He stopped in front of a gorgeous blue dress with ripples.

[Pearl of the sea]

[Explanation: It is mainly made of second-order material Mingluo silk, which is carefully crafted by the textile master of the chamber of commerce, "Canghai". ]

[Price: 888 Ghost Crystal]

This is still a rankless costume, not a green rank equipment.

For the sake of aesthetics and special effects, a lot of defense was sacrificed, at most it was more resilient than ordinary clothes.

But Cang Yan was very satisfied.

Is it expensive? No, it's too cheap!

"I'll give this to the second lady, but the price is too cheap to reflect my heart...Maybe Burning Fire Mall was relatively conservative at the beginning of its operation. In the future, there will be more high-end fashion materials, right?"

He looked at Bai Yansi.

Bai Yansi was stunned for a moment, a piece of useless fashion that was several times or ten times the price of green-grade equipment, and it was actually cheaper?

She called Fat Sheep in her heart.

With a smile on his face, "Don't worry, sir, I will report your suggestions to the higher authorities."

After finishing speaking, she guided this noble and rich fat sheep...the Lord of the Burning Flame Oasis to continue shopping in the high-end area of ​​the fashion sales area.

Watching Cang Yan embark on a journey of chopping hands.

"This one is suitable for my third wife."

"This one is suitable for my sixth wife."

"These three pieces are all packed up, suitable for my eleventh lady."

Cang Yan, who has been shopping in the mall all day, is in a very happy mood.

This is another experience that I didn't have in Xinghui Fortress.

Burning Fire Mall, a good place.

"The service of Burning Fire Mall is very good, and the price is affordable, especially their daily necessities area and food area."

"Indeed, the price of buying daily necessities here is 40% cheaper than that of Falling Star City, and the quality is higher. You can also buy many items that are not available in Falling Star City!"

"It's so cheap that I feel that Burning Fire Mall is doing a loss-making business. It may be because it just arrived in the Falling Star Catacombs, in order to open up sales."

"Perhaps, but the loss is also the loss of the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce. No matter what we do, we will earn blood!"

"Will this cause dissatisfaction in the City of Falling Stars?"

"If you want to be dissatisfied, you are also going to the Burning Fire Mall. What does it have to do with us?"

"That's right, we just need to keep a low profile, make money low-key, and earn money low-key."

More than a month later, several leaders of chambers of commerce from various oasis were talking freely and agreed on their respective trade areas.

The goods they bought from Burning Fire Mall were not only transported back to their own big oasis, but some of them were also prepared to be shipped to various small oases for sale and make a fortune.

At this time, it is an agreement in advance, agreeing on the scope of trade, unifying the price, and everyone making money together.

It's a win-win!

Means they won twice!

The only worry is that one day the burning fire mall will increase the price, or it will be out of stock.

"Price increase? Out of stock?"

"Are these guys so well-bred?"

He doesn't know how much profit the City of Falling Stars makes from selling these ordinary supplies and food, but in his case, the profit is at least 60%, and the main cost is transportation and the wages of the mall personnel.

The cost of manufacturing is only the price of materials, electricity, and labor costs of Blue Star.

Not worth mentioning.

As for out of stock, it is even more impossible.

How many people are there in a big oasis? What's more, his positioning of daily necessities is luxury goods, and the audience is only nobles and quasi-nobles in the big oasis, and the scope has narrowed down a few circles.

Blue Star can provide for billions of people, so why can't it provide for some nobles?

This is the advantage of owning a world.

"I didn't expect that the best-selling items were these luxury items. These are the most profitable ones. Blood money!"

Everyone is making money, so the question is, who is losing money?

Asking for tickets at the end of the month, ying ying ying~!

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