My Rescue Game Came True

Chapter 354 You are the only one called Shinhwa! (seeking a monthly ticket)

The first auction of the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce came to a successful conclusion, under the watchful eyes of the six great myths.

This can be called a legend, enough to be the talking point of many mercenaries and businessmen.

——"I was once watched by six mythical princes!"


Even returning to the Broken Sea can blow for hundreds of years.

"However, it ended peacefully in the end. I feel a little surprised."

"Huh? You are still expecting the existence of mythology to start, and we will be the first ones to disappear by then."

"How can it be, it's just that the existence of mythology can restrain it. It's really unexpected, especially the one from the Dawn Legion. I heard that the people of the Dawn Legion are all violent, and they failed to capture the treasure this time."

In the last two auctions, one was taken by Esfus of the Red Lotus Empire, and the other fell into the hands of an unknown person, who was probably not a top power.

However, that force bid extremely high.

20 divine crystals, plus four epic-level rituals, with some ritual stone slabs attached, even if there are two or three burning fire chambers in the four rituals that are similar, this asking price is much higher than other forces.

The mien of the dawn legion, the charm of the whole body fluctuated violently, but in the end he still didn't say anything, got up and left.

People who are familiar with the style of the Leaping Legion are greatly surprised, but after seeing through some of the top ranks of the Six Senses that compare the deeper combat power, they feel that it is not surprising. It is normal for His Majesty Leaking to make such a choice.

"Because the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce has two Mythical Crowns sitting in command, and both of them are present, they are the strongest forces that are well-deserved. Even if the Daybreak Legion wants to threaten the mysterious forces that bid, they can't do it."

"Also, it's very strange. The City of Fallen Stars clearly didn't capture any treasures, but that His Majesty Blazermon seems very...very supportive, which is unreasonable."

Unreasonable in the eyes of outsiders.

But in the eyes of City of Falling Stars, this had to be reasonable.

One Myth, two Myths, three Myths... One more Myth exists, and when competing for resources with other top forces, you can have more confidence!

It is rare for super oasis forces to attack each other, but there are not many conflicts. For example, when two super forces discover a large warp crystal vein at the same time, conflicts and competition are inevitable. At this time, which side's high-ranking existence occupies Whichever side has the advantage will get more shares.

Exploring the ruins, and today's auction transactions are similar!

After all, it is a world where power comes first.

As for the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce, this small oasis has gathered three myths? This is outrageous.

What makes the superpowers even more puzzled is the predecessor of the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce. There are two/three myths left here after being down and out. How strong was the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce at its peak? And which force is it?

"The paradoxical world is too vast, and it is not impossible for a powerful force to exist in a strange large area. The predecessor of the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce is obviously a super power with a very rich foundation and a long history."

"They have the background of Qingxin tea tree, which can take the super oasis to a higher level, and they also have many treasures and tricks obtained from ancient ruins."

Outside the auction venue, the starmaker Kairios, who was wearing black round glasses, looked up at the sky and let out a long breath.

Under the watchful eyes of the six Mythical Crowns just now, he was also under pressure, because there was no Shinhwa in their team, and he became unconfident when he called for the price. In the end, he could only watch the finale auction being sold by other forces. shoot away.

Unfortunately, helpless.

If he could capture the root water and pure divine brilliance, even a person with no talent like himself would be able to get a glimpse of the mythical realm.

How could Kairios not be eager?

"But there is still a chance."

"The Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce promises that in the future, it will hold a small auction every month, with a gap of one year or more, and hold a large auction that is not inferior to today's specifications. .”

"The Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce still has pure divine brilliance!"

"One year, we must take advantage of this time to prepare more strange crystals and divine crystals. The next large-scale burning fire auction may be the last chance to auction pure divine brilliance."

After all, these two are almost non-renewable treasures.

That is to say, the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce urgently needs a lot of resources to restore blood, and it may be that there are no mythical seeds suitable for promotion in a short period of time, so it took out the two treasures for sale.

Even so, Kairios still felt outrageous.

Especially the 'Pure Divine Radiance', which can not only increase the chances of awakening the myth, but also ensure the safety of oneself when the awakening breakthrough fails... It is a treasure that many myth seeds dream of.

Even if there is no mythical species in the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce, it is normal to keep them for future use.

"Maybe it's because the young people don't feel bad about selling off their ancestors. After all, the two myths of the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce look quite young, maybe they are not as old as you and me."

Kerios said.

After walking out of the auction site, many caravans that had already packed their luggage immediately drove away from the Burning Fire Oasis. This means that they must return to their own oasis as soon as possible after taking pictures of treasures. As soon as he left the auction venue, he made many dazzling arrangements.

Disguising, transshipment, escaping... All kinds of methods are frequently used, trying to get rid of the forces that are eyeing them.

This benefited from the protection of the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce. Within the oasis, and even near the oasis, these areas are all within the order protection of the Burning Chamber of Commerce, so that those forces that may become looters at any time dare not make a move.

Let the forces that have photographed the treasure have enough time to make arrangements.

Of course, they can also stay in the city and enjoy the protection of the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce, but the strong are unwilling to entrust their own safety in the hands of others, so it is quite good to have a buffer time.

At this moment, one can see figures and caravans walking out of the oasis, and disappearing in the thick gray fog in the blink of an eye.

Dawn is the first to leave.

Under the crown of the falling star, he also walked far away on the galaxy.

The caravans of the Great Sumeru City, the Ancient Moon Dynasty, and the Red Lotus Empire left one after another.

After a while, the entire Oasis Mall became much sparser and less lively. Kairios from the Sixth Star Island shook his head. He didn't need to return immediately. After all, he didn't take many pictures during the entire auction, so he couldn't return empty-handed.

It's all here, of course I have to go to the burning fire hypermarket.

Taste it again, it is said that the fire food is quite unique.

"Let's go."

He calls out to the strong ones in his entourage.

The top title Liujue who protected him suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at the sky, "Your Excellency, it seems that a mythical statue has come, and..."

Kyrios noticed it too.

As he looked, the gray mist outside the oasis surged violently like boiling water, and under the impact of waves of terrifying and mysterious charm, it actually gradually swayed to both sides.

Like soldiers lined up to welcome them.

Like a wave in the middle.

Surrounded by dark green clouds. This cloud cluster flew from the end of the sky, as if countless grievances were entangled and gathered together. Its shape was particularly terrifying, making those who watched it dizzy, and a conceptual toxin poured into their bodies along the line of sight.

"Don't look! Don't look at that poisonous cloud!"

Kairios poured down a potion, continued to look up, and saw a figure standing with arms folded on the flying dark green cloud.

The person who came was wearing a red and black oversized robe, his long gray hair fluttered in the wind, but his figure looked thin, especially his pale face was sunken in, like a skull covered with human skin, and his eyes It is as dead and cold as a deep pool, so that people dare not look directly at it.

He just rode the poisonous cloud like this, flying straight towards the oasis without any concealment.

"This myth seems to come from a bad person?"

"Brother, you can remove the seem."

"Which side of the myth is this? Is it the enemy of the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce?"

Unlike the Crown Prince Esphus and the Crown Prince Nie Ruide who came before, this menacing myth exists and many powerful people still can't judge his identity for a while.

Kairios frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly said, "Controller of the poisonous cloud, Pale Resuscitator, Your Majesty Uris!"

When he said this, some knowledgeable elders present at the scene immediately understood.

"It turned out to be him!"

"This myth is said to have appeared more than a hundred years ago. He is good at manipulating poisonous clouds and resuscitating corpses. It is said that he is quite vicious. He doesn't show up many times, but he kills a lot of people!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, you don't want to die!"

"It is said that this His Majesty Ulis created a force in a remote sea area in the southern part of the Broken Sea, but he is not well-known and cannot afford to develop."

"What the hell is this Myth coming for?"

Obviously not for tea.

When the vast and powerful divine power disperses from afar, Hitina, who was still in the auction venue, was the first to notice it.

She naturally didn't know the pale resuscitator Ulis, but Xitina could tell a thing or two from the poisonous cloud and the charm.

——This is a myth who is good at using poison and spreading disasters.

"Don't let him get close to the oasis, otherwise, the poisonous cloud will spread and other people in the oasis won't be able to hold on."

At this time, many people in the oasis had symptoms of poisoning. They were those awakened people who had looked directly at the poisonous cloud and were of a lower level. The distance is still so powerful, if the enemy is allowed to enter the oasis, wouldn't there be heavy casualties?

"Then what shall we do?"

Qian Qiu glanced at the two of them and asked.

Yiluoxi clasped her hands together, raised her chin slightly, "Of course it's his fault! If you dare to act wildly on our territory, I'll see the empress blast him out of shit!"

Hitina also tended to crush the enemy, her blood began to boil, and she wished she could just pick up the Infinity Sword and fight.

However, she still remembers that she is the guard of the oasis, and the safety of the oasis should be the first task.

Do things more steadily.

How steady? she thinks.

"I... let's ask the mentor for his old man's advice."

"All right, all right."

Ilohi waved his hand impatiently, "GKD, time is running out."

Without Iloshi's words, Xitina dialed the dedicated line of the tutor in her mind, and soon, she got a reply from the tutor.

The whole person was stunned, and the golden hair on top of his head, like an antenna, was beeping like a propeller.

"What did the instructor say?"

"The instructor said that we can fight when necessary, but how to fight... let us arrange it ourselves."

But she just didn't know how to arrange it, so she wanted the mentor and the old man to issue orders directly.

This question is so difficult!

Hitina in a daze.jpg.

"Then it's time for this girl to come on stage, raise our fire... to burn the prestige of the Fire Chamber of Commerce, otherwise there will be cats and dogs jumping out in the future."

Ilohi is full of aura.

Qianqiu couldn't help but said, "Hey, that's a mythical existence, not a cat or a dog."

"Metaphor, do you understand the metaphor! What you want is this momentum!"

After finishing speaking, Yiluoxi looked at Hitina, "Think about it slowly, I will play first."

She waved her hand and walked towards the back door of the venue.

Hitina called to her,

"Wait a moment."

"Why, you don't want to snatch my spot in the competition, do you? Let me tell you, this girl made the reservation first!"

Hitina really wanted to.

Yiluoxi fights to pretend to be in front of others, but she just wants to fight, and wants to have a real fight with enemies of the same level.

However, among the four guards of the Burning Oasis, she tried not to make a move if she could. This was explained by the instructor.

She said, "This myth is good at attacking with poison, so it should not be underestimated. If you accidentally apply some poison, it will be quite dangerous."

After all, Ilohi is not yet a myth.

There is too much difference in personality.

Facing a myth alone, or a myth that is good at poisonous clouds and extremely sinister, is quite dangerous.

"Let Mr. Xing go with you. His ability may be more suitable for dealing with this enemy. Your Excellency Qianqiu and I are in charge of guarding the oasis. Beware of other mythical sneak attacks."

As soon as the words fell, a big hand suddenly pushed the door open.

The bright light outside penetrated into the backstage of the venue, and a burly and majestic figure stood against the light, with the cloak hunting and howling in the wind. He grinned, revealing his white and neat teeth, his pupils and teeth shining brightly.

"I seem to hear someone calling for my uncle!"

Yiluoxi was a little depressed, but finally agreed.

After all, she didn't want her stalwart empress image to be compromised in front of so many people.


Why do you play support by yourself! hateful!

She lifted her body with invisible hands and flew up into the air, her striking wine-red long hair fluttering in the wind. She doesn't have the charm, but after embracing the Taoist space ripples with her hands, they spread out, projecting a vast coercion like a sky.

"Here it is, that mythical empress!"

The two principals, Jianhua and Zhange, looked up.

Starmaker Kyrios watched quietly.

The red-haired empress roared, and flew out of the oasis in front of everyone's attention, facing the dark green clouds floating in the distance.

Standing on the poisonous cloud, the pale recoverer Ulis grinned an ugly smile on his shriveled cheeks, "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie, little girl, are you one of the two myths of the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce?"

"Since you have heard of the emperor's reputation, don't hesitate to beg for mercy."

Myth Uris: "..."

"This king has always disdain to hide things. I came here only for the legendary sacred tree of your chamber of commerce—the Qingxin tea tree. As long as you hand over the tea tree, I will leave immediately. This king will give you a warning, such a treasure as the Qingxin tea tree , you, a small chamber of commerce, can’t handle it.”

"Besides, you don't want everyone in the oasis to be slaughtered by this king, Du Yun, right?"

"Jie jie jie jie—"

He laughed with confidence.

He knew that the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce would have two mythical statues in charge, and it would be difficult for him to be an opponent, but the oasis itself was the weakness of the Burning Fire, and he, the Poison Cloud Controller, was best at grasping this weakness.

Once he got the cash cow of the Qingxin tea tree, it would be easy for him to get out.

What's more, he still has...

Seeing the angry veins protruding from Yiluoxi's forehead, he couldn't help but continue to grin and laugh loudly. He was about to say something more when a rough roar came from below.

"Your opponent is my uncle, for you - die!"

The figure went straight through the dark green poisonous cloud without dodging or evading, and one palm kept growing, and the palm that was as big as the chassis of the carriage was grabbed towards Ulis.

He was surprised.

This is a poisonous cloud that he himself has to be careful of.

I saw that the figure in the dark green cloud was corroded, and the hunting cloak on his body quickly rotted and shattered, and only halfway through the flight, there was only a pair of elastic shorts of extraordinary material left on his body, and he was almost defenseless.

What kind of method of seeking death in the new era is this?

Juris was surprised and sneered again.

But this shirtless figure didn't turn blue and purple in the poisonous mist, but seemed to step up into the air unhindered, his palms turned into fists, and the air was pierced by the punch.

Ulis' complexion changed slightly.

Pressing the palm of the hand, the poisonous cloud changes, manipulating the poisonous mist and the shirtless strong man to fight several moves.

"Another myth, there is a third myth in the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce?"

"No, he's not a myth, he's just a Liujue, but he's an invincible Liujue with half the power of a myth, what a pity..."

He was surprised.

And a little regretful.

Without pausing at all, he manipulated several dark green poisonous pythons, crashing into the body of this strong man with six senses.

The top of the shirt itself turned green with the naked eye, and under the corrosion of the poisonous mist, the skin, which was as hard as epic materials, also began to fester.

This is an internal and external attack.

Relying on poisonous mist corrosion alone is not enough to deal with it.

Amidst the loud noise, the green Xing Jinglei fell from the sky, and the poison was still penetrating deep into his body, bringing him uninterrupted and even stronger toxin damage all the time.

This is the frightening aspect of the myth of Julius.

With a little bit, the poison will become deeper and deeper, and even myths are afraid of it.

"No matter how strong Liujue is, it's just Liujue. What's more, this Liujue's brain doesn't seem to be very bright."

He turned his attention to Ilohi again.

Half guarded, half proud.

"You don't want to continue to see your companion get hurt, even though you, a companion with a weak head, is probably hopeless."

When he said this, the Goddess Goddess in front of him really had more embarrassing veins.

Anger is right.

It's called impotent rage.

Ilohi was indeed furious.

In my mind, in the "Temporary Combat Communication Group (5)" pulled up by my instructor, Xing Jinglei kept yelling.

"This is my uncle's battlefield."

"Okay, okay, at least give me time to stack a BUFF first."

"Let me play the second half of the head office for you."

Yiluoxi could only endure and endure, but her violent temper was so unbearable.

Seconds are like years.

The green Xing Jinglei in the pothole on the ground suddenly exploded like a shell, at a speed several times faster than before.

"what happened?"

Juris was slightly startled, but only slightly.

His attention was still focused on Yiluoxi, but he turned his poisonous cloud towards Xing Jinglei.

The poisonous python strangled!

Venom kills!

Toxic detonation!

Liujue's whole body became greener, and the epic stretch shorts became bumpy, but why did Ulis have the illusion that the Liujue strong man in front of him was more energetic? It seems that the whole body has grown in size.

No, not as if.

Xing Jinglei's heart was beating violently, his whole body was like an oven, converting all damage into fuel, the fire was burning, and endless power gushed out from the oven and spread to all parts of his body.

Power, power poured out.

His muscles swelled up like dragons and snakes, his body bulged and swelled round and round, with streamers wandering on the surface.

Standing in the poisonous mist, facing the poisonous attacks, Xing Jinglei exhaled and inhaled, and instantly sucked the surrounding poisonous mist into his body like a whale swallowing, his body rose again, and his eyes sparkled.

There was so much energy in his body that he exhaled from his mouth and nose, setting off waves like a storm!

Flashing in front of Youlis, Xing Jinglei ignored the poison around him, stretched out two thick arms to hug him, and then turned into a meteorite and fell to the ground.

It all happened too fast.

The poison seems to have lost its effect.

The shriveled face was smashed to the ground amidst distortion and astonishment.

The earth trembled, setting off bursts of storms and energy tides. Xing Jinglei, dressed in green, was even more imposing than this mythical statue.

He stepped on the ground and stared angrily.

"You are called Shinhwa!"

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