My Rescue Game Came True

Chapter 357 You don't know anything about benefits

Of the four ceremonies at the back door, the most valuable is the "Wanmu Shengxu Defense Ritual". Without it, the main material required for this ritual is plant roots. The tenacity and life activity of the roots greatly affect the defense ability of rituals.

One of the fields that the organization is good at is plant cultivation.

Liu Chang is a bigwig in this field. At the same time, he has the tree of life of Idola, and a variety of special plant seeds drawn by his fate, as well as the humanoid monster plants that Liu Chang and others have tapped to assist in the birth.

If the rituals and secret information are the shortcomings of the fire, then the cultivation of mysterious plants is definitely the strength of the fire.

With the increase in materials, Wan Mu Shengxu's defense ritual may be close to and comparable to the legendary ritual.

"You can also let Liu Chang and others delve into this ritual and find out how to improve it... But the ritual data accumulated by Xinhuo is still too little, and the technical reserve is not enough. It may not be easy to improve."

At the same time, this defensive ritual is also the most expensive one to arrange.

Rituals are completely different from trick weapons and potions, and the consumption required to arrange them not only depends on the grade of the ritual, but also depends on the scale of the ritual. It is not uncommon for a blue-level ritual to be laid out, costing far more than the legendary level.

However, if the defensive rituals are combined with the layout of the city wall, the consumption will definitely be frowned upon by any force, and careful planning is required. If the city wall is more than one kilometer, it may require a huge investment.

"Fortunately, compared with other types of defensive rituals, the investment in Wanmu's growing beard rituals is still less. The main consumption is in the cultivation of root materials... and now I have no shortage of ghost crystals."

He thought about setting up the burning oasis first.

One is that the Burning Fire Oasis is very small, and the investment in a circle is not large. The other is that the Starfire Oasis has already built the Rigid City Wall before, so it seems a bit wasteful to build another one.

The hidden rituals and the notarized rituals are both of high value, but the blood source irrigation ritual, after reading the explanation, you will lose interest after reading it, so throw it in the database to collect ashes.

"However, what is the hidden existence in the notarization ceremony?"

"Is it a symbol, an indescribable existence, or..."

Staring at the description that had been entered into the system and presented on the panel, Fang You fell into deep thought.

Notary ceremony is a category of rituals. As the name suggests, it refers to signing a contract under the witness and authorization of a notary, so that the contract has a mysterious binding force.

Different notarization rituals have different hidden existences.

But, what kind of existence is the hidden existence?

"Is it the ninth level, or the tenth level, or something else?"

"Could it be an indescribable evil god?"

He had such worries. The notarization ceremony arranged by the old man Bai Yao just now did indeed give rise to a faint, deep and extremely terrifying aura.

However, this aura was completely different from the evil god he' looked at directly. Not only is it less creepy, but there is also a fundamental difference that he can hardly articulate.

"Notarized rituals and secret existence, this seems to be common-sense information in the superpower, but I have nowhere to get my salary!"

Just now, Qianqiu asked him what is hidden existence.

Instructor Fang also wants to know this question, why don't you pester the white-haired old man to ask.

Fang You can only pretend to be busy, ignoring Qianqiu's message.

"If you take over the Yinsha Pavilion, you may be able to find the corresponding information, but the speed is fast."

On this trip, he arranged for Qianqiu to accompany the owner of the Yinsha Pavilion to the Broken Sea. At the same time, more than 30 people with more management ability were selected from the three senses and four senses of the organization, and they went to the Broken Sea with them to take over and establish the Fire Vest Force, the stronghold of the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce.

It's not that he doesn't want to send more professional people—professional accountants, lawyers, personnel management masters—but this trip will cross a large area, and there are many risks.

It's just not clear how much data can be harvested and whether the data will be transferred in advance.

In his opinion, even if the notarization rituals are very effective, it is not difficult to find loopholes in the contract terms with a total of less than 300 words.

He also recruited a team of lawyers to draw up a detailed contract. However, due to his unfamiliarity with notarization rituals, and in order to maintain the mystery of the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce, he put out such thoughts.

Fang You has never pinned the constraints on a small ritual contract, and it is more naturally because of the benefits.

Even if the hidden murderer wants to take revenge, it will be half a year, a year, or even a few years later, and the salary at that time...

The spectacular scene of myths standing in rows appeared in his mind.

However, the attack of killing the pavilion master and Julius this time also revealed a shortcoming of his family.

— Insufficient reconnaissance and early warning capabilities.

If Ulis hadn't bothered to hide and released the mythical power early, the poisonous fog would have shrouded the burning oasis long ago. But this does not mean that the burning oasis is bad, because a mythical existence wants to hide its tracks, and it is impossible to detect it in any oasis.

Only myths can discover myths.

On the other hand, stepping out of the oasis is a vast gray fog, with gray fog blocking the vision, and there are ghosts wandering around, no matter what the arrangement is, it is difficult to last forever, and detection and early warning are even more empty talk.

After thinking about it for a while, Fang You couldn't think of any clues, so he could only adopt the methods used by most large oases and super oases - that is, protect the oasis with defensive rituals, and then use detection enchantment rituals to guard against the enemy Sneak into the oasis.

Wait a minute, it seems that your own firewood doesn't detect barrier-like rituals?

Fang You fell into deep thought.

Fire Mall.

The success of the auction pushed the mall to a new height, defeated the two incoming myths unscathed, and pushed the mall to a higher position.

There is no doubt that the burning fire mall with three mythical statues will become the focus of the entire Falling Star Catacombs, and even several surrounding areas.

Not to mention, Burning Fire promises to throw out the fruit of ability at intervals. With this point, the big forces of the Broken Sea will also be greedy. It is foreseeable that there will be caravans going back and forth between Burning Fire Mall and various places. With this trend, Burning Fire Mall will develop into a magnificent city within ten years. Bustling commercial city.

The only pity is that there are too few personnel in the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce, which may restrict the development of the mall and the expansion speed of the oasis.

Even so, not long after the Battle of Mythology ended, several big forces rushed to the shop leasing management office. Shops in prime locations.

"It's a pity that the shops and real estate in the Burning Fire Mall can only be leased, not fully bought, and the longest lease is only for two years. I heard that long-term leases or purchases can only be made after the two-year period is up... But at that time The rent must be much higher than it is now.

"Fortunately, this director had the foresight to rent a large shop at a lower price long before the auction started."

Pokerry is the director of the Blue Clothes of the Great Miran City.

In Damian Chaotic City, there are three levels of management below the myth, red-clothed directors, blue-clothed directors, and yellow-clothed directors. Although Pokerry is not the highest-ranking red-clothed director, he is still the number one figure in the Chaotic City of Dami. After all, there are only a few red-clothed directors, either the acting city lord, the acting head of the chaos army, or the chief of the garrison army. Dominate one level.

As a director of the Blue Clothes, Pokerry is in charge of a lot of business, including caravans, large chaos reports, and many other aspects. In a neutral and chaotic zone, surrounded by many forces, the commercial development of Dami Chaotic City can be called its heyday.

At least, compared with the staid Red Lotus Empire, the xenophobic Ancient Moon Dynasty, and the decadent Seven-Star Alliance, their Dami Chaotic City is undoubtedly like the rising sun.

It is precisely because of this that, with a keen business sense, Director Pokerry has been deployed in the Burning Fire Oasis early on. During this period of time, he has made a lot of money, and the size of his chamber of commerce has been upgraded to a higher level.

However, compared to making money from warp crystals and running the chamber of commerce, Perkary is more aware that the identity of the director in blue is his greatest glory and reliance. If he is not a director in blue clothes, he is not qualified to create a large chamber of commerce, let alone be a representative of Dami Chaotic City, stationed in the Burning Fire Oasis.

If you want to go one step further and be promoted to the highest director in red, it is not enough to just earn ghost crystals, you need to bring greater contributions to Dami Chaotic City, contributions that are enough to surprise even the existence of mythology.

Originally, Pokerry had given up hope, and it was normal for him to stop being a director in blue clothes without a mythical background, but now, he saw an opportunity again.

He looked into the distance, and his eyes fell on the burly figure with his upper body shirtless.

A powerful man who is shocking and admirable.

At this time, after the pervert Liujue finished fighting and returned to normal, he put on a loose white martial arts uniform and walked towards the side of the street.

Yulisi Myth, who was defeated by this burly man, is being held captive by that Myth Empress.

However, compared with the high spirits of the goddess of mythology, the burly man who really defeated the mythology with the body of six senses, enough to become a new generation of legends, does not seem to be very interested?

This kind of feat, in the entire history of the Broken Sea, few people can do it, this is enough to be recorded in the annals of history, what an honor.

No reason to be so bland.

Watching the mythical prisoner being taken away by the red-haired empress, and watching the burly man stride away without healed injuries.

How lonely that elongated back was in Pokerry's eyes, he suddenly understood.

"The Burning Fire Merchant Guild doesn't seem to pay much attention to an unimaginable Liujue who is enough to rebel against myths? This is my chance to destroy Chaos City!"

Perkary strode after him.

"Just say what you want to say quickly. My uncle is very busy and doesn't have so much time to waste."

In a single room in a tavern, Xing Jinglei looked at this guy who came to him out of nowhere, and said impatiently.

If it wasn't for this person's identity as the representative of the Great Miran City, he wouldn't even bother.

Didn't you see that Mr. Xing is very busy, even the follow-up treatment of the myth of Julius was left to Ilohi, why? Isn't it just to have more time to train!

Even though he defeated a mythical statue, Xing Jinglei didn't show the slightest complacency.

Heidao, An Jianyou, Yiluoxi... Wait, who can't defeat a myth? My strength at this time is indeed stronger than when the black knife controlled the blade corps and fought against the incarnation of the flesh and blood king.

But that was all a few months ago!

In a few months, Hei Dao will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes, but he will catch up and keep chasing until he has another hearty battle with Hei Dao! Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Mr. Xing to give a good face to anyone who wasted his time.

Xing Jinglei's impatient face fell into the eyes of director Pokrei in blue, and he only felt normal.

Such a strong Liujue, how could he have no temper, not to mention that he just lost the enemy and was not taken seriously, so it is reasonable to be in a bad mood.

He moistened his throat and said,

"Your Excellency, I have come here this time to invite you to the Chaotic City of Damia."

Knowing that Xing Jinglei was a little impatient, Pokerry said without any fuss, "We have a very favorable living environment and welfare benefits in Dami Chaotic City, and we will spare no effort in cultivating a genius like you."

"Different from the Red Lotus Empire and the Ancient Moon Dynasty, these super oasis resources are only devoted to the royal family. Outsiders, even if they are outstanding in appearance, are just high-level thugs, but our Dami Chaotic City is different. We tolerate everything. In the past There are also characters like you who settled in Damian Chaotic City and were promoted to mythology."

These benefits are absolutely generous.

What's more, the comparison is a burning fire that has lost its super oasis, can only exist in the form of a chamber of commerce, and lacks resources.

Pokrey felt that the victory was within his grasp.

However, Xing Jinglei in front of him didn't show any emotion at all, he just frowned, his expression became more and more impatient and hostile, "That's it? You wasted a quarter of an hour, sir, just to talk nonsense?!"

Wait, this plot is going wrong!

It must be reserved and tentative.

After all, even if there is intention, it will definitely not show frizz. Your Excellency Xing Jinglei is doing this on purpose to strive for more benefits.

It's not that Pokerry can't understand, he continued to throw temptations, and said,

"Could it be that your Excellency is looking forward to pure divine splendor? Since the Combustible Fire Merchant Association did not hesitate to auction these treasures, I am afraid that they have not considered you. On the contrary, if you join the Dami Chaotic City, we can provide many myths Awakening help."

However, Xing Jinglei snorted coldly:

"Pure divine brilliance? I never need such a thing for my mythological awakening! What a waste of my time!"

After speaking, he drank the wine on the table in one gulp, then pushed open the door of the private room with a slam, and walked away without looking back.

Leaving behind the staring, incomprehensible blue-clothed Director Pokerry.

This is unreasonable!

While Xing Jinglei was passively wasting time, Iroshi was actively wasting time, interrogating her mythical captive, Poison Cloud Controller, Pale Resuscitator Ulis.

at this time,

Youlisi's demeanor is very sluggish. This is due to the double trauma of body and mind, especially spiritually - obviously, he has an appointment with the master of the hidden killing pavilion, obviously, the master of the hidden killing pavilion will die in less than two seconds. It's off the street.

But why, the master of the hidden killing pavilion can leave safely, but he, a frightening myth, has been reduced to a prisoner?

Ulis tried to break free, but under the guard of a mythical statue, he had no chance.

Shackles were placed on the wrists, ankles, and neck—the Forbidden Stone, which is an epic-level strange stone that can forbid life energy and abilities.

It is difficult to completely ban powerful awakened people, but it can also play a weakening role.

Seriously injured, weakened, and the mythical empress staring at her.

Ulis chose Congxin.

I saw that the red-haired empress Da Ma Jindao sat down in front of her, folded her hands, and looked at him from a bird's-eye view.

"Tell me, what role do you have, what are you good at, think about it clearly, this will affect your next life as a prisoner."

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