My Rescue Game Came True

Chapter 387 The fire organization is beyond words!

Yiyue Luxi climbed up the stairs and walked through this familiar place that she hadn't set foot in for several months.

She came to the quiet room where her grandma had been retreating for many years, feeling a little apprehensive.

She knew about her grandma's situation. Even though she was in the Burning Fire Mall, she was always paying attention to the situation in her hometown. At the same time, she had correspondence with her grandma, but the other tower owners didn't know about it.

Since the two top mercenary groups were hired, the crisis of the Blackstone Alliance was immediately resolved, and her grandmother, the first tower master, finally did not need to be at the forefront.

Therefore, although grandma's situation is not optimistic, it is not as bad as it was before taking the longevity fruit last year.

What she was worried about was whether she could convince grandma.

Even though she used her talent to become three, and worked three jobs at the same time, she earned a lot of contribution points and exchanged them for precious treasures such as 'life extension fruit', 'clean heart tea', 'water of life', etc., but she knew that these Treasures are not enough to cure grandma.

There is no treasure that can eradicate severe pollution and erosion.

The second time the longevity fruit is used, the effect is not as good as the first time.


She opened the door and entered.


Although the Blackstone Alliance is a large oasis level, it has only been operating for a few decades, and the time to advance to the large oasis is even shorter. The architectural style of the entire oasis is very simple, dominated by black tones, especially the tallest tower.

The entire tower looks like it is made of black boulders, there are not many open windows, and the inside of the tower is gloomy and gloomy. Ms. Alexis, the first tower master in charge of the heart of the oasis, is hiding in this gloomy darkness at the moment environment.

She was already used to such an environment, and it was easier to block outside interference in the dark, allowing people to focus on the work in front of them. After her own pollution and erosion intensified, Lord Elkstar even found that she had symptoms of light annoyance, which were obviously some side effects of pollution and erosion.

She often hid in this dark and closed quiet room.

However, compared to a year ago, when her life was about to come to an end, the first tower master was not in despair at this time. Because, she has a very outstanding granddaughter, who not only seeks reinforcements in times of crisis, but also saves the Blackstone Alliance from overthrowing, and even puts her death on the back of her life, advancing to Liujue!

Granddaughter Yiyue Luxi is already at the top of the ordinary ranks, enough to secure the position of the first tower master and lead the Blackstone Alliance to continue. In this way, even if she died of exhaustion immediately, she would have no regrets.

"You're back."

The aging first tower master showed a kind but terrifying smile in the eyes of outsiders. At this moment, the door is open, and a sliver of light penetrates from outside. The half body of Ms. Alexis who is sitting upright is hidden in the darkness, and the other half is exposed in the dim light, like a ghost protruding from the darkness, you can see clearly. Seeing her wrinkled face, squirming blood vessels and open scarlet scars.

Seeing the granddaughter taking out precious treasures one after another from the storage device, the old woman looked very surprised. She recognized all the treasures such as 'Longevity Fruit', 'Pure Heart Tea', and was shocked and worried at the same time.

She remembered what her granddaughter said about working part-time at Burning Fire Mall to buy some medicines, but she never expected that these medicines were precious treasures comparable to legendary materials.

The high-level treasures of the entire Blackstone Alliance may not be worth as much as these few treasures!


In only three or four months, my granddaughter can earn money to buy so many treasures. What kind of job is she doing?

The old woman wanted to speak but stopped, stopped talking and wanted to speak, opened her mouth and finally turned into a sigh.

She shook her head, "I am aware of my physical condition, so don't waste these treasures, and replace them with resources that the alliance needs more."

"These treasures can't be cured, but... there is still something that can be cured... that is..."

Yiyue Luxi was also hesitant to speak, and then she wanted to speak, she opened her mouth to reveal her shell.

It's not that she doesn't want to say it, it's just that she can't.

The contract clearly stipulates that relevant secrets cannot be disclosed to people outside the organization. Torch, mentor, awakening, eradication of pollution...these are all top secret.

Obviously there is a way, but she just can't say it directly, so she can only turn a corner to give hints to her grandma, which makes Yiyue Luxi stomp her feet in such a hurry that the top of her head is about to be filled with smoke.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are the normal state of human beings. Grandma has already lived a wonderful life. Now as long as the Blackstone Alliance is in your hands, there will be no regrets."

"No...but, there are still..."

Yiyue Luxi scratched her scalp fiercely, messing up her beautiful silver hair. After turning around a few times, she simply broke the jar.

"Grandma, there is a contract here. I can't say anything superfluous. I can only say that signing this contract is of great benefit to you...I really can't explain more, woohoo!"

Yiyue Luxi stared at grandma with bright eyes.

She was a little apprehensive, old people like her grandma were often very stubborn, but she couldn't think of a more suitable way.

Of course, it's not completely absent. If she advances to Mythology, her persuasive power will go up a few notches, and it will be much easier to convince grandma. It's just that she only advanced to Liujue three months ago, and it's impossible to awaken the myth in a short period of time. She doesn't want to delay it any longer!

After finishing speaking, to Yiyue Luxi's surprise, her grandmother bit her thumb and pressed down the bloody fingerprints without even looking at the content of the contract.

Yiyue Luxi: "???"

"Grandma has experienced so many storms and waves in her life. Besides, now that grandma is not afraid of death, will she still be afraid of the contract documents given by her granddaughter?"

The old woman grinned a kind but sinister smile.

She felt that her granddaughter must have paid a lot of price for these treasures in front of her. If she could reduce some of the price by signing the contract, it would be worth it. Now, even if she sells her soul, the old woman has nothing to fear.

Master Alexa smiled, and was about to say something.

Suddenly, a stream of information flooded into her mind, and the wrinkled old woman froze, her filthy eyes widened immediately.


This is not a contract to sell one's soul, but a very serious and serious membership certificate.

The certificate to enter the "Salary Fire" organization!

And the name "Xinhuo" is no stranger to Eluksta Master, she has heard it many times from her granddaughter, and her Blackstone Alliance has even had a relatively in-depth cooperation with the Blue Star Alliance dominated by Xinhuo .

Can an organization rising from Blue Star in the outer world produce such a high-level contract document?

While she was lost in thought, Yiyue Luxi began to explain.

Instead of hemming and hawing, getting stuck after half-sentence, from the mouth of her granddaughter, Eluksta master heard the "new version" of the torch.

It is more legendary and mythical than the Blue Star version of the fire organization!

"The Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce is actually a subordinate force established by the Xinhuo Organization?"

"You were performing tasks in Xinhuo before, so you can earn enough money to buy many rare treasures in just a few months?"

"Not only that, but there is also a chance to get rid of the filth, and even advance to the myth?"

Looking at the granddaughter who kept nodding, Lord Eleksta recovered from the shock, she began to think, thought for a while and then shook her head.

Yiyue Luxi: "?"

She was wondering when she heard grandma say, "Granddaughter, you are so naive, or in other words, your knowledge is still too little."

"The Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce may indeed be a newly created force of the Xinhuo organization, but Xinhuo... cannot be an organization that sprouted in Blue Star. What you see is obviously just the tip of the iceberg of Xinhuo."

Master Eleksta founded the Blackstone Alliance by herself. She has experienced many storms and seen many landscapes. Even if she is unable to set foot in a higher circle because of her lack of strength, she can still understand the convenience provided to them by the Xinhuo Organization. mean something.

Means mysterious!

It means great power!

Means, unfathomable!

Obviously, Xinhuo is a mysterious organization that spreads all over the Paradise World, possesses countless strong men and unpredictable power! She even guessed that only when the myth exists, can it have a certain right to speak in the organization. Then deduce it from your own identity, and guess deeper, is it true that the helmsmen of many big oases, and even super oases, are actually secretly members of the fire organization?

Thinking of this, Master Alexa couldn't help but gasp.

She seemed to see a giant hand covering the sky, constantly making moves in various places in the strange world, and finally formed a vast and indescribable chess game. She was terrified and shocked.

Thinking about it again, the purpose of the Xinhuo organization is to eradicate disasters and fight against evil gods, and she became more and more sure of her guess.

After all, how could it be possible for a great mysterious organization that dared to fight against the unspeakable evil god to sprout in the Blue Star World only a few years ago?

Don't even think about it, you know it's impossible.

Blue Star is only one of the layout of the fire organization, but it may be a very important part.

Looking at the still somewhat ignorant granddaughter, Lord Eleksta sighed, but she regenerated her will to live—her granddaughter still needs more tempering, seeing the mysterious power of the fire organization, she found that I also have the possibility to survive and go further.

She said, "You have to understand that the organization is unspeakable, but since the organization hasn't made it clear to you, we don't need to guess wildly, just do what we are supposed to do."

The old woman smiled again, "Now that I think about it, granddaughter, you are indeed very lucky. You discovered Lanxing early on and established a relationship with Lanxing. Now, you have been selected by the Xinhuo organization again. Just like fate has revealed, you are the Goddess daughter."

"Grandma will not give up her will to survive, but the future is still yours."

Yiyue Luxi scratched her head, she caught some highlights, "Fate enlightenment?"

"Your talent is extremely high. According to Xinhuo's description, you are born with a legendary talent, the Daughter of Destiny. Not only that, but when you were born, some mysterious things happened."

Master Alexa spoke eloquently.

Yiyue Luxi was born in the middle of the night. When she was born, the entire bedroom was filled with bright moonlight out of thin air, covering her little figure, as if she was celebrating or being baptized.

Not only that, but a crescent-shaped stone appeared on the body of the newly born baby Yiyue Luxi.

Now that I think about it, Yiyue Luxi is indeed like a celestial relative.

"Grandma, are you talking about the Yueshi hanging around my neck all the time?"

Yiyue Luxi reached out her hand from her collar and took out a crescent-shaped necklace. After thinking about it, she stuffed it back.

Whatever it is, let's continue to work and become stronger.



Another place in the Fallen Star Territory, the Great Oasis of the City of Swords and Flowers, is also going on at this moment, which is similar to the Blackstone Alliance.

In the conference room of the Academy of Sword, most of the high-level executives of the fifth and sixth awakenings in the oasis have arrived and are seated one by one.

Times have changed, and Metisa, who was promoted to Liujue a few months ago, is now the number two figure in the Rose Academy, and has been awarded the post of honorary president of the Rose Academy.

In this conference hall, Medisa's seat is quite at the front, second only to the three deans.

It's just that she didn't realize it herself, and she still regarded herself as a young junior, and she was a little restless sitting in the front seat. She glanced left and right, and saw that the old man of the Sword Master spoke on the main seat.

"Two things are going to be said in today's meeting."

"First, our development plan for Sword Flower City in the next few years."

"Second, about the city of falling stars to hold the Great Domain Summit."

"Two things are actually one thing, and everyone can speak freely."

After the dean of the sword finished speaking, a vice dean who was in charge of the affairs of the Great Oasis spoke.

"After the statistics of this evil frenzy disaster, we have the following property and personnel losses: ... In addition, there is also a large amount of expenditure for hiring the Longtao mercenary group. In the next ten years, our sword The financial situation of the City of Flowers will not be optimistic."

But compared with the gloomy Blackstone Alliance before, the loss of Sword Flower City is certainly not small, and it is still within the acceptable range.

After all, the City of Sword and Flower had six sixth-level awakeners before that, and the construction of defense facilities, the background of the oasis, etc., were also much stronger than the Blackstone Alliance.

But even so, the high-level executives present frowned at the thought of spending a large amount of employment fees in the next ten years or so.

Many places in the oasis need to be rebuilt, the city walls need to be repaired, and there is still a large amount of expenditure. They will become quite struggling for a long time in the future.

Of course, it is impossible to renege on a debt. They have already signed a contract with the Longtao Mercenary Group. Moreover, this transaction is supervised by the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce. They will not and dare not have similar ideas.

"For some time to come, the salaries of Oasis officials will be reduced by 30%. I hope you understand."

The dean of the sword looked around and saw many people frowning and looking sad, but no one raised any objections. He nodded and continued, "Of course, in our current situation, it's not enough just to save money, we have to find a way to increase revenue, otherwise, our oasis will gradually go downhill."

In the case of Sword Flower City, if one only wants to meet the most basic 'living conditions', it is naturally more than enough.

However, if there are not enough resources to train a new generation, the comprehensive combat power of Sword Flower City may not rise but fall instead. The general environment of the Paradise is so dangerous, and the decline in overall combat power means that the ability to resist risks is weakened, which is intolerable to any far-sighted person.

But, how to open source?

Now that he has just experienced the catastrophe of the treacherous frenzy, many strong people in Sword Flower City have been injured, and it has become difficult to go out to search for resources. The daily income has already dropped, so how can we talk about increasing income?

"It's not impossible. Why did the City of Falling Stars suddenly hold a summit? Its purpose... we can probably guess. Besides, there is also the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce. There may also be some opportunities there. If we can seize the opportunity, our sword The City of Flowers might not be able to recover the losses, and even go one step further."

While speaking, a group of high-ranking officials looked at the head of the sword.

There are three deans in Sword Flower City, but this one is the strongest Sword Flower, the helm of Sword Flower Oasis.

However, at this moment, the headmaster of the sword obviously hasn't made up his mind. He glanced around and finally landed on...Medissa.

"What do you think, little Metisa?"



Medisa did not express any opinions at the meeting, but Dean Rose saw that her students were hesitant to speak.

After the meeting, the two sat together, and the graceful and elegant Dean Rose said, "You are now a top-notch powerhouse with six senses. You have to look like a strong man and be confident. You are fully qualified to make suggestions."

Although the dean said so, but...

Medisa still doesn't have the spirit of a strong man, without it, Liu Jue really isn't a strong man! In the Xinhuo organization, Liujue doesn't talk about walking everywhere, it's... almost the same.

She is still used to being a soldier and obeying Shangfeng's command.

However, seeing what her dean said, and it was in private at this time, she thought about it and said, "Master dean, is the city of falling stars fighting against the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce in secret? If we have to stand in line, then I...then I suggest standing on the side of the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh? Tell me more specifically."

"Specifically..." She scratched her head, it was hard to say clearly, she could only pick what she could say, "Some time ago, I stayed in the Burning Fire Mall, and I found that the Burning Fire Merchant Association is not simple, and... and The Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce is more friendly to external forces and can provide us with more opportunities."

Dean Rose pondered for a while and said, "It's okay, you can speak more bluntly, I also knew that you have a special relationship with the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce... Hehe, don't be nervous, everyone has tendencies, This is normal, just like old man Jian prefers the City of Falling Stars."

"Actually, for a large oasis like ours, as long as the conditions are right, it is not shameful to belong to a super oasis, and it can even be said to be normal."

"Because, belonging to the super oasis, the super oasis has the responsibility to provide shelter... and in the paradox world, nothing is more important than safety."

"There are two duke-level nobles in the City of Falling Stars, and they are the two big oasis forces that moved closer to the City of Falling Stars back then."

What Dean Rose didn't say was that their Sword Flower City also wanted to belong to the Falling Star City in the early days, but they didn't want it.

Of course, time has passed, and now the status of the Fallen Star City is being challenged, and their Sword Flower City is much stronger than in the early days. If they belong to the Fallen Star City, they can use this as a condition to win a lot of benefits for themselves, while retaining Greater autonomy.

For this point, you can refer to the Broken Sea, where the superpowers are all attached to the four overlords.

"So, what the old man Jian is struggling with is whether the oasis should remain in its original state, or move closer to the City of Falling Stars, or to the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce, or to formally belong to it."

"Because the frenzied disaster has frightened many people, there are actually quite a few voices in the city who support and move closer. Of course, there are also many voices of opposition."

Medisa was lost in thought.

She said that she had to think about it. Half a day later, Medisa applied for a 'contract document', and took this document to find her dean and briefly explained the situation.

Soon, the three deans gathered again.

Looking at the document in Rose's hand, which was "unexplained" and "only the contract process can read the specific content", Dean Warsong frowned slightly.

But before he opened his mouth, the Dean of the Sword said, "This contract contains very mysterious and mysterious rules, and since it comes from the Burning Fire Chamber of Commerce, I think we can take a gamble."

If you win the bet, everything is happy.

If you lose the bet, that's just...

Dean Rose is also a courageous person. She looked at the part of the contract text that is currently visible on the document, and then looked at Medisa for a while.

She reached out and pressed down heavily.

In an instant, the lady's eyes widened, and the door to the new world suddenly opened in front of her.

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