My Rescue Game Came True

Chapter 399 Blue Star Super Enhancement!

In the past six months and a year, someone from the hamster party has hoarded a large number of fate points. After the first battle, the fate points have reached an unprecedented peak.

But this peak didn't last long before it was cut in half with a slap.

It took 100W of destiny points to intervene in the birth of the resource points 'Secret Realm Stone Vein' and 'Trickster Protoembryo Vein'.

At the same time, if you want to upgrade the existing LV6 resource points to level 7 immediately, you also need to consume 60W fate points and 60W ghost crystals. Fang You doesn't care about hundreds of thousands of crystals, but facing hundreds of thousands of fate points, he has a million points of heartache.

But no matter how distressed he is, the upgrade has to be upgraded.

The Fountain of Life and the Mingliu Gem Mine don’t need to be mentioned too much, even the not-so-precious Golden Iron Wood Forest can produce a small amount of legendary wood after being upgraded to LV7. This kind of wood can be provided to the strong with suitable compatibility for the awakening of mythology, and it can also be used as one of the main materials to build vehicles such as flying boats.

If you don't rely on the power of fate to intervene in the upgrade, it may take decades and hundreds of years of careful care, and the resource points... may not be able to upgrade to LV7, let alone upgrade to the direction of rarity.

Early rise and early enjoyment, early purchase and early repayment.

However, Fang You couldn't help but think of the two newly born resource points of "Stone of the Secret Realm" and "Protoembryo Vein of Concealed Weapons". Pain refrained.

He retained this part of fate points, and then, on this basis, he reserved 1000000 fate points for daily use.

At this time, the remaining points that can be used in the fate draw card are only:


Fang You was silent.

What about my fate points, how many fate points do I have? How come this is all that's left in the blink of an eye!

Speaking of conscience, the previous destiny points have indeed accumulated to the highest peak in history, and it is far beyond the previous peak. However, the upgrade of various resource points in the oasis cost too much!

What can he say, smoke it.

Three million destiny points is actually quite a lot, and a lot of good things can be drawn.

He opened the extraction interface silently, stirring up violent ripples in the vast and calm lake. The next moment, one after another treasure brilliance shot out from it, fell outside the card pool, and appeared in front of him.

Gold Purple Blue Blue Gold Gold Green White Blue.

Fang You glanced at it, took most of the ordinary gold and purple items into his eyes, ignored them, and continued with the next ten consecutive draws.

Extract, skip, take a look;

Extract, skip, take a look;

He smokes fast. The golden brilliance is also like shooting stars, which are fleeting and cannot cause a slight ripple in Fang You's heart.

He was very calm, so calm that he was a little silent. On the translucent panel that shone with golden light, a cold and hard face that was gradually blackening was vaguely reflected.

The card drawing CG keeps repeating.

The fate point balance in the upper right corner keeps shrinking.

At the same time, the speed of extracting and skipping this repetitive step is getting faster and faster. Under Fang You's expressionless face, the fingers that keep pressing the extraction button are trembling like cramp because of pressing too fast.

Suddenly, a red rainbow flashed past, turning into a palm that seemed to have the power to reach heaven and earth.

Fang You remained expressionless.

A mere scarlet-level treasure is not worth getting excited about at all. After all, his pre-stored three million destiny points are almost exhausted! With so many fate points, only one piece of crimson can be produced? It's time to get home!

Of course, the other teacher is a well-bred person after all, not resentful, not sad, still maintains calm and calm, but there seems to be no light in the depth of the pupils, and the pupils are a little divergent.

He didn't take a second look at the crimson treasure, so he skipped the step and continued with the next round of drawing.

Soon, another crimson rainbow light appeared.

Teacher Fang remained expressionless.

This is the calmness that a mentor should have. From the perspective of probability, if three million destiny points draw two scarlet-level treasures, he is still right and wrong.

And this is the last ten consecutive rounds. Even if it is shipped again, he will not go against the original idea and invest more fate points for extraction.


The crimson glow split apart and turned into ten meteors that fell outside the card draw pool, revealing the specific appearance of treasures with halos of different colors.

Fang You originally aimed at the appearance of the treasure, and saw the treasure shrouded in a red halo. It was a gem with an indescribable shape that seemed infinitely large and infinitely small—a strange stone of the world.

He is no stranger to him, he has already had two strange stones in the world, and the one in front of him is the third one.

It's just that, out of the corner of his eye, he seems to have spotted more than one strange stone in the world.

Fang You: "???"

He opened his eyes wide and counted from left to right, then stopped unsurely, blinked, and counted again several times.

No matter how many times he counted, he always got the same result—out of the ten newly released treasures in this batch, there were four strange stones from the world!

Four scarlet-level treasures!

Fang fell into silence again.

First, he didn't make a mistake in counting, second, he didn't experience hallucinations, and third, he didn't overconsume fate points, so... shouldn't he eat and drink well?

After a while, Fang You looked at the five scarlet treasures lined up in front of him, and finally recovered from his bewilderment, showing a happy smile.

He is European.

Ou Yi was also normal, and he didn't waste his white robes every day, nor did he live up to the hard work of organizing a group of beating workers.

Someone from Fang began to count the harvest.

As we all know, whether an item is precious or not depends on the color halo at first glance, and the specific effect at the second glance. High-level treasures are necessarily precious, but low-level treasures do not mean they are not precious.

It took him half an hour to patiently and meticulously browse the hundreds of treasures that had just been baked... It really made him discover something good.

"Kandla's Vehicle Crafting Manual Twelve (Gold)"

"Description: This manual records part of the vehicle technology of the lost empire Candela, and also contains the complete blueprint of the 'Winged Serpent Train' trick."

"Winged Serpent train (extended entry): One of the most representative vehicles among the many commonly used vehicles in the Candela Empire. It has a very high passenger capacity and driving speed. Trains can transport passengers or goods to another place in a very short period of time. During the heyday of the Candela Empire, the transportation network built by this train spread all over the empire.”

Fang You once pulled out a similar production manual, which was the manual numbered 'Thirteen'. The blueprint of the 'White Gull Aircraft' is included in that manual.

These two manuals both contain the top technology of the ancient glorious empire... Even if there is only a very small part, it is enough to greatly improve the technical level of Xinhuo in the field of vehicles. Master Wang Hammer can also comprehend by analogy, increase knowledge, enrich means, and improve technology.

In an intuitive overview, some textbooks in the training camp can be updated.

It is a pity that the drawings attached to this vehicle production manual are not airships or airships. In the current paradoxical environment, ships that can fly and have a large passenger capacity are more popular and practical. Naturally, this kind of technology is also mentioned in the production manual, but it is not comprehensive. With these foundations, it is not very strong for Xinhuo to develop an epic airship of its own brand, but it will take a long time.

What's even more embarrassing is that there is only one person in the organization who can truly be called a high-end research and development personnel, Master Wang Hammer. And Master Wang has a lot of orders, and has accumulated dozens of research and development tasks. When he frees up his hands to study manned airships, he doesn't know how long it will be.

In human terms, it is far away.

And if there are ready-made blueprints, Master Wang Hammer only needs to spend three or two days pondering before he can start production, and maybe even design a production line for making flying boat parts on an assembly line. It is also an epic vehicle, and the peak masterpiece of the Candela Empire is naturally far beyond the self-developed firewood.

However, if there is nothing, there is nothing, no matter how much Fang You thinks, it can't change this fact.

He read the description of the 'Winged Serpent Train'. This train is more suitable for use in the 'safe zone', and does not have the ability to travel through dangerous and strange worlds-this is due to the different goals of the original design. It can also be seen that the territory of the Candela Empire is very large, and it is by no means comparable to the current super oasis.

"The matching 'space shuttle door' technology is not mentioned in the manual at all... Maybe it is a technology in a different field."

This makes the Winged Serpent train a bit tasteless.

No, not at all.

It is not applicable in the Paradise, but it can be used inside the Blue Star... The Winged Serpent train is not completely defenseless, but its ability to resist erosion and pollution is a bit weaker. And Blue Star's interior is far less dangerous than the evil world, and there is no law of 'the more people gather, the more evil will grow around, and there is no upper limit', which is quite suitable for train operation.

And with the Winged Serpent train, in the future, the Blue Star 16th National Base City will be able to realize a large-scale communication of people, and the transportation of materials will be upgraded several grades, which in turn will bring about a significant increase in production efficiency!

At the beginning, he didn't get closer to this aspect, he felt that it was useless, but at this time, the more Fang You thought about it, the more feasible it became.

Produced by the Candela Empire, there is no waste product.


Thinking of the technology of 'Space Shuttle Doorway', Fang You rubbed his chin, and vaguely came up with a bold idea—they didn't have this technology, but they had secret realm shuttle passages.

If the passage is used to set up train tracks, the Xinghuo Oasis will transfer ordinary people in the future, it will be faster and more secretive.


In addition to this handbook, among a bunch of golden ordinary gifts, there are also two rare items - two complete legendary buildings.

——"Dragon Blood Pool"

—— "Guanxin Waterfall"

The former is a forged body building. When it is settled down, it is probably a lake with a large area and boiling blood bubbles in it. The inside is separated by red spar walls, forming dozens of small blood-colored ponds.

Surrounding the small lake stands a mighty and ferocious dragon head, which spits out dark red liquid from its huge open mouth—this dragon head is actually the water injection port of the swimming pool. The dark red liquid injected into it is not all blood, but a body quenching medicinal liquid extracted from many high-level materials and fused with the ability of the dragon vein blood pool itself.

This is an expensive building and cannot be used very often. But for the tempering effect and upper limit of the body, the dragon vein blood pool far surpasses the gravity field and the body quenching oven, and can bring some subsidiary effects. For example, increase fire resistance, ice resistance, etc.

But there are also side effects-it doesn't cost money.

If the awakened person who uses the dragon vein blood pool is not physically strong enough, he may not be able to withstand the influx of violent force during the body quenching process, and his body will crack and explode like a porcelain doll.

This is still a training building with a high risk factor. But danger is never an issue, just use with caution.

The latter is a building for spiritual practice.

From the outside of the model, this is an ordinary but rather spectacular waterfall, and there is no mystery inside.

Its effect follows the lineage of spiritual cultivation and architecture, and has the effects of meditation, concentration, and slowly improving spiritual power. At the same time, Guanxin Waterfall comes with a core ability - Guanxin.

——Observe, look directly into your heart, and challenge yourself in the space of your heart.

If the self is defeated, the challenger's mind can be purified and sublimated, the spiritual power will be greatly improved, the will will be improved, the dross will be purified, and the mind will become more pure.

But on the contrary, if you fail in the process of observing the mind, it will also lead to trauma to the mind, and the challenger will become depressed and depressed for a period of time in the future.

Teacher Fang's evaluation is...


It is very suitable for the middle and senior personnel of the organization. He announced that these two buildings are the new foundation of the organization.


Resisting anticipation and restlessness, Fang You sorted out the newly released treasures one by one, and put them on the list at a suitable contribution exchange price for his own fighters to exchange.

Then, he dealt with some affairs—including but not limited to the loss and harvest statistics of Spark Oasis under the siege wave; resource point planning; new round of personnel arrangements; information related to the Scarlet Emperor...etc.

After finishing all this work, Fang You looked at the 5 crimson treasures floating in front of him, full of infinite allure. Mainly the last one.

Although the world's strange stones are rare, he is very familiar with the results. And what magical function does this crimson treasure that looks like a severed hand have? Is it tasteless or supreme treasure, is it an attacking product or an auxiliary thing?

He is completely unknown.

When his eyes fell, an ancient name gradually emerged in his heart, with endless simplicity and vicissitudes.

"God Killing Weapon·Hand of the World Master (Red)"



Fang You quickly returned to Blue Star, and couldn't wait to feed the four strange stones of the world one by one.

Unlike the first time, he now has a very close connection with Blue Star World, has top-level administrator privileges, and is very easy to feed.

In a blink of an eye, these four strange stones of the world were integrated one by one. Blue Star started a new round of earth-shaking changes.

However, under Fang You's macro control, the changes in Blue Star are not noticeable, and most people in the world are not aware of it. In the invisible place, the crystal wall of the world became brighter and brighter, faintly bursting out colorful streamers.

The energy level of the blue star is constantly increasing, and at the same time, the area of ​​the blue star world is also growing at an extremely fast speed.

After a while, the Blue Stars will be able to discover one or several vast new continents on the other side of the ocean - this is also the result of Fang's macro-control, otherwise, if the land continues to expand, it may cause some uncontrollable disasters... …changes today have minimal impact and are easy to develop later.

Now that the Blue Star has a very high energy level and interacts with the Paradox, these new continents are likely to be like the 'Shallow Layer of the Paradise'. Once they are born, they will have many resources, and they may even have legendary resources.

Fang You plans to establish several base cities and a large number of development areas on the new continent. With the current strength of Blue Star, he can even directly disperse the gray fog in a certain area, which is convenient for the construction and development of some resource areas.

Well, these are things for later, wait for the new continent to be completely formed, and then make plans by yourself.


The Blue Star World is constantly being sublimated, and it has also led to a new round of expansion of the closely related 'Fire Fire Secret Realm'.

Previously, the level of the Torch Secret Realm was LV5. To upgrade to LV6, you need to accumulate 100 units of 'experience points'. However, in this, 1 point of experience points represents the consumption of 1 secret realm stone, and the firewood secret realm has been in the LV5 card for a long time!

At this moment, the Fire Fire Secret Realm is also rapidly expanding amidst the buzzing sound, breaking through the barriers of levels and advancing to LV6, and it is still improving rapidly, until it has absorbed the energy of hundreds of secret realm stones. The gains have only started to slow.

With the breakthrough of secret realms and other levels, various facilities can continue to be upgraded. At the same time, the number of oases that can be included in the base module has also increased from 3 to 6.


He heard a soft 'boo', as if something had broken through.

Fang You looked around, his eyes blank.

The current "experience value" of Firewood Secret Realm is 100 units, which is still a long way from the 300 units required for upgrading. Obviously, the upgrade of the secret realm is out of reach.

Fang You's eyes widened, his pupils shrunk slightly, reflecting the shadow of the vast blue star world.

"What has changed is..."

When Blue Star absorbed the world's strange stone for the first time, it changed the most, from an ordinary world to a high-energy world. At that time, Fang You took advantage of Blue Star's vast world power and home court advantage, and even repelled a certain high-level existence that crossed space and exerted terrifying power.

But at this moment, after absorbing and merging 6 strange world stones back and forth, Blue Star finally made another breakthrough and was greatly upgraded!

The power of the world turned into a surging river, flowing above the sky, inside which seemed to be floating one world after another. The crystal wall of the world has become round and integrated, and the cracks formed by the impact of the strange world are also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye until they disappear completely!

Fang You found that the power of the world that he could manipulate had increased dozens of times.

He can even control the Blue Star World, gradually break away from the paradoxical world, and completely isolate the erosion from the paradoxical world. Of course, it's not necessary.

The Blue Star World is guarded by the Dawn Lighthouse defense circle, and it is constantly upgrading. Now it is not the Paradise Realm that is eroding Blue Star, but Fang You is using the channel of the Blue Star to keep picking up the wool of the Paradise World.

He also discovered that the world power of the blue star can spread to the shallow layer, and even the nearest falling star domain!

Even with the reduction, it still has infinite power!

He, someone Fang, has been enhanced at the legendary level!

Suddenly, he heard another soft bang, this time coming from within himself.

This time the world was upgraded, and the other mentor also received the most direct feedback. The divinity in his body buzzed and trembled, and traces of divinity factors were condensed out at a rather unbelievable speed under the effect of the vast power of the feedback.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred traces of divinity were condensed.

Can't fit anymore.


Fang You: "..."

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