My Rescue Game Came True

Chapter 496 The strongest force in mankind, the firewood!

Outside the City of Burning Fire, in the thick gray mist, five huge and indescribably high-ranking and evil spirits slowly raised their claws or tentacles, and walked towards the magnificent city step by step.

The earth was trembling.

The treacherous group was roaring.

The sharp roar caused ripples in the space.

In the case of five high-ranking and evil spirits appearing at the same time, the whole world seems to be filthy.

In the city, the vegetation withered, the river water became a little turbid, and some plants began to appear alienated.

In terms of combat power, the high-ranking ghost may be weaker than the servant of the evil god, but it is more polluting... Any high-ranking ghost is a collection of filth.

They are approaching.

The location where they appeared was still relatively far from the oasis, and it was still in the thick gray fog at this time.

Representatives of most forces cannot see these high-ranking figures, but their intuition is giving a strong warning, the oppressive sense of death surges up, and their souls seem to be frozen.

"Listen, listen, it's a high-ranking cunning."

"How high and treacherous are you!"

Inside the city, the sage Cangtu has already taken out the weapon that he has sacrificed for many years.

A quasi-devil-level trick weapon.

Among the human forces, there is no master who has the ability to create god-level crafty weapons, unless he can find a treasure that is born naturally and can be used as a weapon with a little modification.

This kind of heavy treasure is rare in the world.

Crimson grade materials are rare, let alone functional treasures?

The weapon of the Cangtu sage was originally a top-level legendary treacherous weapon. When it crossed the road to high positions, it was baptized, and after being smelted by its own laws and divine power, its rank rose slowly, and it has already touched the threshold of the crimson rank.

It is not as good as the real scarlet-level heavy treasure.

However, this weapon is very suitable for the Cangtu Sage himself, and when it is really used, it can be rounded up as he is holding a weapon of gods and demons.

The Cangtu sage is not a high-ranking person who is good at fighting, but holding quasi-divine and demon soldiers, he is also confident in defeating a high-ranking ghost.

Just one.

Power surged in his body and flew towards the city wall.

However, before the perilous high places outside the oasis approached, another accident happened inside the city.

A gigantic, ten times larger than usual gate of the paradox suddenly opened above the burning city.

The gray mist filled the air, forming a sticky cloud.

This cloud seems to be a huge mouth, pouring out piles and piles of evil.

It's like a black waterfall pouring down from mid-air.

It crashed to the ground with a bang, smashing the solid buildings to pieces.

The whole process is very short, less than three seconds.

The evil is like ink, and it begins to spread in the city. They roared, destroying everything they touched.

Among them are several eight-star ghosts.

As soon as they stepped on the ground, they let the ground sink and the vegetation in all directions withered. The evil plague quickly spread around them.

This crisis is even worse than high-ranking treachery.

Even if a high-ranking treacherous person runs to the front of the city wall, the City of Burning Fire can at least last for a while with its legendary rituals and many defensive arrangements.


If there is no one to stop the high-level evil that appeared in the city, it only takes a short moment to reduce the entire Burning City to ruins.

Even if there is a strong person blocking it, the aftermath that spreads a little can easily destroy several blocks, or even a small half of the city.

This is the disaster that must be dealt with promptly!

But why is the calamity of promotion encountered in Burning Fire City so exaggerated?

Cangtu sages, Xiguang demigods and other existences can't figure it out.

Fang You understood a little bit.

It may have something to do with the disaster just ended, but not entirely.

He had already anticipated this kind of "unexpected situation" that several eight-star ghosts would appear in the city, and he had already prepared more secure methods than two years ago.

In the empty city, one figure after another flew out.

Without exception, they all linger with mysterious charm.

The golden brilliance made them sacred and extraordinary.

This is impressively a noble myth.

They were wearing flame cloud robes that symbolized the identity of the torch holders, and they flew out of the standby point the moment the gate of the paradox appeared.

They turned into streamers of light, hovering in all directions outside the Kuroshio.

Dozens of thunderbolts soared into the sky.

A series of blue-purple light beams connected and combined to form a brilliant sky, covering the spreading black wave.

This is a kind of enchantment ritual!

It doesn't need to be arranged for a long time, but it needs a top-level ritual controlled by at least thirty-six mythological combinations.

——Thirty-six Tiangang God Thunder Formation.

Lightning surged into the sky.

A huge evil collided with the enchanted sky, and was immediately struck by thunder and wiped out in ashes.

The seven-star ghosts were half shattered by the thunder.

The high-level evil spirits that came out of the gate of the strange world were all trapped in this huge blue-purple cube.

They can no longer pose any threat to the outside world.


The representatives couldn't understand the ritual of the Divine Thunder Formation, but they could understand the people who were manipulating the ritual.


Dozens of mythical figures stand in the sky and join forces to build an invincible barrier. What a sight it is!

Exaggerated, shocking!

"The Fuhuo organization actually left thirty or forty myths in the city? How many myths do they have?"

"No, it's not in the city, it's just the DC area. The dozens of myths just flew out of this area. I very much doubt that the myth that the Xinhuo organization is on standby in the city is far more than that!"

A few of them, such as Xiguang Demigod and Cangtu Sage, were not particularly surprised, they were moderately surprised at most.

A few years ago, dozens of mythical scenes appeared outside the Xinhuo Academy.

Xinhuo is indeed very good at cultivating newcomers.

The crisis inside the city has been contained temporarily, but outside the city...

As soon as their thoughts turned to this place, a stalwart figure stepped out of the oasis.


The mighty sword river wiped out many evil spirits, but it also attracted the attention of high-ranking evil spirits.

One after another, terrifying and evil, they grabbed the figure on the sky.

At this time,

A figure takes Liufeng as the anchor point, and appears at the upper end of the high and treacherous space through the space.

As soon as she appeared, she stretched out her hand to open the crack in the dark space.

"Go! Two big men!"

Xiao Huan airdropped two figures.

Then he teleported back to the city, only feeling a little thrilling.

She just tried back and forth in front of more than one high-ranking person.

At this time,

Two figures, one big and one small, fell like meteorites.

Falling towards the left and right sides.

The smaller figure roared, and the brown energy wave built a giant shadow that looked like a dragon or a tortoise.

The 10,000-meter-high giant shadow fell down heavily, and instantly crushed a high-ranking ghost to the ground.

The other falling figure didn't transform, but endless light and heat diffused from its body, and it turned into a round of blue blazing sun in an instant, and fell heavily to the ground.

boom--! !

The sky and the earth seemed to have lost all sound.

People can only see the blue blazing sun bombarding down, the earth is annihilated inch by inch, and the treacherous waves are also turned into ashes in the blue flames.

The only remaining high-ranking evil spirit was also pushed into the depths of the ground.

Howling and howling.

In the distance, the other three ghosts are rushing.

It seems that the flesh and blood that exists in a high position is more attractive than the city where countless human beings gather in the distance.

But the offensive of Xinhuo has only just begun.

At this moment, high-ranking treachery is also the prey.

The sky fortress that the sage Cangtu had seen not long ago slowly emerged from above the gray fog, shaking and crushing the gray fog in all directions.

Its muzzle is ferocious, shooting out tens of thousands of magnificent and dangerous meteors.

The world is cleared!

The turbulent and vast energy tide rumbled in all directions.

The entire Star Falling Domain seemed to tremble.

The Awakened who were far away in the City of Falling Stars and the City of Steel did not understand what had happened, they just looked into the distance, startled and terrified.

The burning city on the battlefield is like a lone boat in a storm, shaking constantly.

However, the city defense of Burning Fire City can be called the top of human beings, so it can naturally block the tide of energy. The light curtain in front of him was just ripples, but not yet cracked. It's just that the energy tide is hundreds of meters high and constantly impacting. Such a scene is instinctively frightening.

The firmament of the firmament world wiped out half of the treacherous tides in an instant.

Even with the impact of boundless energy, it injured and blocked the high-level treacherous evil that was about to approach.

at the same time,

Far away in the city of sparks, there are also strong men who hold the authority of the oasis and make a move.

The person who made the move was not Teacher Fang, but Heidao.

Fang You transferred this authority to Heidao.

He himself doesn't really need the power of the oasis, he can manipulate the power of the world.

The figure in black stood above the Starfire Oasis, holding out his hand.

The power of the vast world is like a soldier, lined up closely under his orders.

He is general.

The power of the world is soldiers.

The black knife pointed together, and the humming immortal will merged into it.

He cut out a knife that contained the ultimate sword intent.

The knife of the world.

This path spanned a thousand layers of space, and fell on one of the high-ranking ghosts.

Immediately afterwards, it was the second knife, the third knife, the fourth knife...

Heidao manipulated the power of the world without any effort.

This is not much more difficult than him calling the Legion's power.

Jianhe, Rock Dragon, Blazing Sun, Fortress, Oasis...

At this moment, they all shot together, blasting all the high-ranking ghosts into the ground of Jiuyou.

With the hand of the world lord, Teacher Fang hurled down the divine thunder that would destroy the world, and easily harvested the suppressed high-ranking and evil one after another.

The whole process is as simple as eating and drinking.

In the blink of an eye, the catastrophe is over.

The sky world fortress with a small half of its body protruding from the gray fog also disappeared into the boundless gray fog again.


Under the turbulent gray fog all around, the sparse tide of treachery has been filled again.

The treacherous frenzy, which was not much worse than before, continued to attack the burning city with a terrifying momentum.

It's just that at this time, not many people set their sights on the 'terrible' frenzy.

The catastrophe of promotion?

Evil frenzy?

That's it?

I always feel that these evil spirits who are constantly charging towards the city are a little pitiful!

"What the hell, I actually feel so pitiful! I must be stupid."

A Shinhwa spoke, with a stunned expression on his face.

What did he just see?

Wasn't what he saw a hallucination?

"The five high-ranking deceits are so simple to deal with?"

"Isn't this a deadly attack on Burning City by the servant of the evil god secretly?"

Is it fatal?

It is indeed fatal to high-ranking evil spirits.

Not even a short while after they appeared on the stage, they were directly crushed by the thunder.

But if it were the Seven Star Alliance and the Ancient Moon Dynasty who ran into this battle when they were promoted, even if they could hold the city, they would suffer heavy losses.

The premise that they can hold on is that the Broken Sea already has multiple ninth-level oases.

What about the Fallen Star Domain? On a!

"Is this the true power of the Xinhuo organization?"

"There are more than three high positions!"

"How powerful this is!"

For the next whole day, there was no sign of the servant of the evil god, let alone any serious danger.

Oh, a lone high-ranking ghost appeared outside the city.

Wait, when can a high-ranking and treacherous person be able to add the prefix of 'ordered'?

However, the high-ranking and treacherous people who appeared outside the city of burning fire were indeed alone. They were 'bullyed' by many strong human beings in an instant, and died in an unsafe manner.

In the city, more than a dozen gates of the ghost world appeared, and the most troublesome one, several eight-star monsters gushed out together.

Then, there is no more.

In the absence of high-ranking evil spirits appearing outside the city, the mythical battle formation and high-ranking existences took action at the same time, erasing the evil within the city in an instant.

During the entire process, except for some building damage, there were no casualties.


The battle of defending the city lasted for three days and three nights, and there were no soldiers killed in the entire Xinhuo organization?

Is it so outrageous?

Myths recall.

The battlefield in the city is basically swept away by mythology, and mythology has strong vitality, as long as it is not attacked by surprise, it will not be so easy to die.

Outside the city, the treacherous tide was harvested one after another, and it could not threaten the defenders on the city wall at all.

It doesn't seem outrageous that there were no casualties in the whole process?

...What a ghost (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Oh, there were casualties.

A certain representative of the six senses, who seemed to be mentally unstable, was impacted by pollution, causing the pollution in his body to accumulate, and he died of alienation.

Amidst the peace, the dark clouds hanging over the sky gradually receded.

Wisp after ray of golden sunlight came out and fell on the ground.

This means that the catastrophe of promotion is over.

The earth buzzed and trembled, and the border of the oasis expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, purifying the decaying land covered in gray mist inch by inch.

Even though at this time, the treacherous wave still exists and is still hitting the city.

The roar of artillery fire outside the city still rang out from time to time.


There are not many representatives of forces, and they are still paying attention to the outside world.

They focus on the salary.

What happened a day ago has gradually spread among the power representatives.

Dozens of myths turned out!

Several high-ranking figures looked at the earth from afar!

Kill the five high-ranking and evil spirits with a destructive force!

Such power...

Such power...

Overlords such as Red Sand Country and Shuiman Country were amazed and shocked, and only felt that they were qualified to call themselves overlords.

Overlords such as the Seven Star Alliance and the Ancient Moon Dynasty also sighed to themselves that they were far inferior.

The North Wind Sage who existed as an incarnation was equally astonished.

"The ancient and mysterious Torch Organization is stronger than our Neverwinter Empire!"

"They are the strongest overlords of mankind!"

Humans, the strongest?

no, there's...

"Even the central holy court is just the Holy Master and the three elders sitting in charge."

"The Xinhuo organization possesses mythical realms and demigod realms, no less than the Central Holy Court, maybe even more."

"Xinhuo organization also has, not just four high positions!"

"What's more, Xinhuo is an admirable organization with a heart of righteousness and concern for mankind. It is no exaggeration to call them the strongest force in mankind! At least it is more in line with the Central Holy Court!"

Humanity's strongest force, Xinhuo!

Since today, it has really resounded through the human world.

Push book: "Fengshen: I am not the real fairy of fortune"

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