My Rescue Game Came True

Chapter 549 Skylight on the Oasis City Wall

The sky is dark, the shining lights, the sun inside the world, the scorching flames... everything seems to be covered by a dark curtain, the entire paradoxical world has lost its light, and there is no longer a single star in the entire starry sky.

But the next moment, another light appeared.

But it represents a strange and ominous blood-red light.

A round of crimson moon slowly rises from the Middle Paradise Realm, hangs high above the gray mist, and sprinkles endless blood-colored light.

Mountains, rivers, and building debris all came to life in an instant. The earth trembled and howled. Countless creatures instinctively kowtowed and bowed their heads, chanting the sound of praise.


The gray mist set off huge waves, as if welcoming the return of the red moon.

The law became disordered, and the whole world, the whole world, was whining.

"Scarlet Moon!"

Countless people proclaimed His name.

Countless ancients have fear in their eyes.

His form is difficult to describe, people can only see a red moon occupying the entire sky, as if a red world is attached to the sky close at hand.

As soon as He woke up, the great domain, the heaven and the earth, and the universe seemed to bow their heads.

There are boundless mighty forces gathering in a certain area.

The ancients can see that countless attendants and favored ones have come out of the Red Moon camp, and the revitalized mountains and land have also manifested their own terrifying real bodies.

The number is so large that it is frightening!

Without exception, these servants of the evil god and those favored by the evil god all headed towards a certain direction to kill.

There, stalwart giants also appeared in the churning thick fog. They roared, they fought, and they fell.

These are also terrifying attendants and followers of evil gods, but the number is much worse than the former.

"This is... the polar night camp!"

Some ancients recognized some of the waiters, whispering, complex expressions.

Fighting broke out between the evil god camps, which is something worth celebrating, but seeing these servants of the evil god who are not much stronger than himself fall like cannon fodder, the old man is also very depressed.

Even if the servants of the evil god are like this, do these creatures really have a place to live?

The sky and the earth trembled, and the great domain was truly shattered, and the huge collapsed cavity involved countless waiters.

The scarlet full moon still hung high.

In the distant sky, the ultimate night appeared above the gray mist, and it spread out quickly, bringing about eternal sleep.

All living beings can rest in peace in the eternal polar night kingdom.


A servant and a servant who had just fallen was revived and walked out of the polar night.

But at the next moment, there was also a crimson moon rising slowly in the kingdom of polar night, casting a strange light that melted the ice and snow.

There seemed to be roars and wailings, coming from the kingdom of God in the polar night.

"It hurts, it hurts too much."

An ancient man grabbed his throat, his eyes turned black, he felt the pain from the world, and he kept repeating his wailing.

After a while, he came back to his senses.

Surprised, scared.

"No, don't look away!"

Ordinary people will not and cannot see the scene at the far end. They even shrank into places of refuge early on, without any curiosity.

The ancients are different.

They are afraid of evil gods, but they need to observe before deciding whether to go or stay. What's more, they just took a few glances, would they die after just a few glances?

They are the ancients!

The result is death.

An old man who was already seriously injured took a few more glances, and the filth rose from his heart. He degenerated on the spot, and was shot dead by other ancient men.

The scarlet moon and the Lord of the Underworld of the Extreme Night have already started fighting.

The ancients didn't dare to pry in-depth, they could only vaguely see that Scarlet Moon had the upper hand, and the advantage was huge.

"Is there a huge gap between the evil gods?" an ancient questioned.

Fang You looked at it and caught a glimpse of the terrifying scene of disaster.

"Scarlet Moon is indeed one of the most powerful evil gods, but there is another important reason why he can overwhelm another evil god - the Lord of the Polar Night, who has not yet fully awakened."

He looked elsewhere.


The sound of surging water echoed in every corner of the world.

The gray river, which is expected to have no end, rushes out from the other side and traverses the gray fog. The great river rushed out of the strange world, piercing through the entire starry sky, casting boundless oppressive force.

No matter where the ancients are, they are all located below this gray river.

He is in the absolute upper layer of space!

The scarlet moon and the Lord of the Polar Night are similar.

The creatures are below, the gray mist is in, and the evil god is above.

They sit high on the throne, overlooking hundreds of millions of creatures coldly.

"The Twisted Black River has awakened!"

"He's eyeing the shadow of darkness!"

Sure enough, the evil gods all have their own mortal enemies, and they will find them non-stop for a moment as soon as they wake up, and they don't care about them, these tiny creatures in the strange world.

Many ancients breathed a sigh of relief, but they still felt palpitations, because no matter where they were located, they always had a sense of terror of a sharp knife hanging above their heads.

They feel ominous, they feel very insecure.

This ominous situation became real with the complete awakening of the evil gods.

"The vision is gradually blurring."

"Grey fog, it's gray fog!"

A strong man roared.

I don't know when, the vast and endless starry sky was filled with thick gray fog,

They were gradually enveloped in thick fog.

And the shadows in the mist manifested some monster-like, treacherous figures.

In the starry sky, those outside worlds that had escaped catastrophe before were suddenly devastated. Countless evils pounced on them, covering the barriers of the entire world like locusts.

There are also high-ranking evil spirits who are not much smaller than an ordinary world, and they bite on it fiercely.

What is more terrifying than the evil is the ubiquitous filth that accompanies the appearance of the gray mist.

The spread of filth can hardly be stopped by world barriers.

A little bit of filth came in, and the whole world suddenly became strange. The red moon, the black river, the old days inside the world... all kinds of disasters and scenes, the whole world sank in an instant, and countless creatures died.

These filthy erosions are too strong, far beyond the past, and seem to contain the power of evil gods in all directions.

The ancients are all palpitating.

They are gradually moving towards the cosmic barrier.

In the distance, there is a dark blue side, a secret realm no smaller than the world, which is rapidly flying out of the universe.

But the evil god woke up.

Gray mist spread.

The filth hangs over.

The secret realm of Siren Empire has undergone countless transformations and upgrades, and has strong stability and super fast movement speed. This is the basis for them to go outside the universe and still guarantee the survival of ordinary people.

However, this is still just a mystery.

Many higher worlds are difficult to resist, from the filthy invasion of evil gods, let alone a secret realm.

Countless people roared in the secret territory of the Siren Empire.

Frightened and unwilling.

"Just a little bit, just a little bit... ah!!!"

They actually set sail hastily.

They are still some distance away from the edge of the universe.

There were wailing sounds, followed by endless shouts of killing, crying, and stabbing of swords into flesh.

The entire secret realm has been completely messed up.

Crazy people, degenerate people, kill together. In the blink of an eye, except for a few strong ones, there were no living beings in the sense of life in the secret territory.

The ancients who witnessed this scene only felt sad.

Many of them coveted the secret realm of the Sea-Monster Empire before, but the Sea-Monster Empire had the backing of great powers, and the secret realm escaped quickly, and many ancient people did not catch up.

Who would have thought that in just a blink of an eye, the entire secret realm of the Siren Empire and the countless sea tribes in the secret realm would be over like this.

They felt chills down their spines and despaired in their hearts.

A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood appeared before his eyes.

A strange divine voice echoed in his ears.

His vision gradually turned red and black.

irritable! Crazy! anxiety! kill!

"No, no!"

An ancient man suddenly woke up, and was shocked to realize that Taoist granulation had grown on his divine body. These granulations grew wildly uncontrollably, and some turned into an eyeball, the pupils rolled, staring at him strangely and coldly; some turned into blood-red arms without fur, and some turned into big mouths full of sharp teeth... These are living creatures, or staring at, or scratching, or biting their bodies.

Never have the ancients encountered such a strange and terrifying sight.

People in the Mythical Realm are not afraid of filth and gossip, let alone high-ranking giants. But at this moment, they were really scared. Before the evil god made a move, they were about to fall.

There are ancients who scrape off the dirty and alienated parts of their bodies like scraping bones to heal their wounds, and use powerful mental power to suppress the spread of pollution.

But there were already some ancients, with a strange light shining in their pupils. He slowly turned his head, stared at an old friend not far away who was suppressing the filth, and stretched out his hand eagerly.


Claws pierced the chest.

Looking at the unbelievable eyes of his old friend, the old man laughed loudly.

"Praise be to the great Scarlet Moon!"

"For the sake of the Lord, please...give up your life!"


In the depths of the starry sky, there is already chaos.

The gray mist billowed and evils bred, and the ancients even killed each other.

"Wake up, wake up!"

"Why is this so? The evil god does have the power to pollute us, but we have not had direct contact with the evil god!"

"This is... the real evil god who has awakened?"


This universe can't wait any longer!

There are ancient beings who have been staying at the end of the deep space, rushing out of the universe.


His body exploded.

Flesh, spirit, soul, will, and abilities were separated out and swallowed by the indescribable evil god located at the highest place in the space layer.

The end of the starry sky, the exit of the universe, seems to contain a big murderous intent!

The ancients were a little confused.

On one side is the blocked gate, on the other side is the filth that is constantly eroding itself.

They seem to have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

"We shouldn't have waited and watched, we should have left long ago!"

"How stupid of me, really, to take chances!"

Regret, unwillingness, despair, all kinds of negative emotions breed in the depths of the soul, gradually dusting the soul.

Some ancients also knew that they were influenced by evil gods, but they still couldn't restrain the negative emotions deep in their hearts.

Their willpower can't be suppressed, if they can't do it, they can't do it!

On the contrary, some strong men who have gradually awakened from ordinary creatures and ascended to high positions can easily restrain their inner restlessness, because these strong men have experienced enough hardships and have stronger willpower. At least, it is stronger than many ancients whose strength has not improved since the day of birth.

But being able to restrain negative emotions is still useless.

They were in a very dangerous environment, surrounded by fog, evil, shadows, and terror in all directions, and they seemed to be unable to find a place to stay.

"Oasis Wall! And Oasis Wall!"

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, some ancients risked their lives to break open the gate of the universe, but more ancients flew back to the paradoxical world, returning to the land covered by the oasis walls.

Immediately, the gray fog thinned out a lot.

Even though the gray fog is still dense, churning, and there is a great terror floating, the ancient still feels extremely relaxed, as if he has broken free from the shackles.

"The mighty power of the oasis city wall is amazing."

Some ancients were surprised.

However, his brows are still furrowed, the crisis has only receded temporarily, and it will come back at any time.

They didn't pin their hopes on the city wall of the oasis in the first place, not to mention that the awakened evil god was even more terrifying than they expected.

How long can the protection of the oasis city wall last?

These ancients are depressed, depressed, and have no light in their eyes.

There are also some ancients who have not gone to the end of the starry sky before. They are still within the scope of the oasis city wall. Some are preparing to hide in hidden places until they grow old. There are also a few ancients who are ready to risk their lives and fight for a future.

The Moon Master, the Great Sun God Venerable, and others are the latter.

They know some of their cards.

"But the filth and erosion from the evil god is too fierce, and this oasis wall can only block part of it."

Under the gray mist, the sky curtain formed by the city wall of the oasis still exists, but its diffused splendor is like a flickering candle in the dark, which may be extinguished at any time.

And above the gray mist, several shadows of evil gods are still fighting.

They are tall and stalwart, compared with the oasis city wall, it is like a fence for chickens and ducks, extremely small.

Even with the triple protection of the oasis city wall, the city rituals, the oasis' own vitality, and the power of the world, the filthy power still seeps into the oasis. The filth is pervasive, and many areas in the oasis have begun to become catastrophic.

In the central area of ​​the oasis city wall, the Starfire City, Burning Fire City, and Holy Court Continent are the corners of each other, guarding the core of the Firewood Secret Realm.

In the secret territory, countless operators stared at the screen closely, as if they were not afraid of the evil god's filth spreading through the light curtain.

After all, light curtains, city walls... various defenses have blocked most of the filth, and these staff members themselves are also in the mythical realm, enough to ignore the remaining bits.

"The pollution index is 386, and plan A3 is activated."

"Repeat, activate Plan A3."

The city wall of the oasis was built several years ago. In this era of continuous disaster tides, it brought the only remaining safe place for human beings and countless creatures.

But, is this the limit of the oasis city wall?

Far! Far! No! yes!

The original intention of Fang You to build the Oasis City Wall was to resist evil gods.

"Oasis City Wall, up!"

In the city of sparks, an ordinary peak demigod took over the authority of the oasis and held it high.

In the city of burning fire, there is also a demigod who holds high authority.

In the capital of the Ancient Moon Emperor, Banshen Gongli held high his authority.

In the Seven Star Alliance, one star island master holds high the authority.

Scarlet Sand King City, Yuntu King City, Neverwinter one level nine oasis after another, one and another peak demigod held up the authority of the oasis at the same time.

Nine big and nine-level oases, mighty power soars to the sky!

Thirty-six nine-level oases, mighty power soars to the sky!

One hundred and eight level nine oases, shining brightly into the sky! ! !

More than one hundred nine-level oasis power glows outline the image of the mysterious pattern, which is closely connected with the oasis city wall.

At this moment, within the oasis city wall, the gloomy sky brightened again.

That is the unyielding light of living beings.

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