"Underwear and socks cannot be washed in the washing machine. There are no other rules, but there is a place where they cannot go in." After they sat down, Lin Zian continued: "The basement, you can't go in without my permission."

It's okay if Lin Zian didn't say it. Oda and his daughter didn't notice the basement at all before.

Michiko Oda looked at the stairs. She had been here for so long and had done some cleaning and housework. She didn't even know there was a basement.

"Understood?" Lin Zian emphasized.

"I got it." Oda Michiko hugged Oda Reina tightly. She remembered the room that Lin Zian told her not to enter when she first came here.

"Rena knows." Oda Rena was not a curious person to begin with, and she knew that Lin Zian would not harm her.

"There's nothing else besides this. You also know that I'm annoyed by those complicated polite words, so just feel free to treat yourself as your own home."

Home? Is this my home?

When Michiko Oda was in a trance, Rena Oda broke away from her arms, rushed to Lin Zian, and sat directly on his lap.

"Rena!" This frightened Michiko Oda and exclaimed.

"It's okay." Lin Zian put Lingna aside, "Are you so naughty?"

Oda Reina, who was placed next to him, hugged his hand and leaned on it, "Onii-chan, it's the best."

"Stop making trouble." Lin Zian looked at Michiko Oda's expression and slowly took out his hand.

"By the way! Michiko, your salary hasn't been decided yet." Lin Zian tried to change the subject, "How much do you want?"

"Uh!" Michiko Oda then remembered, "Let Mr. Qingtian decide this."

Michiko Oda was really embarrassed to raise her salary. Not to mention how much Lin Zian helped their family during this period, just the housekeeping job that included food and accommodation made her very satisfied, and it was also very relaxing. To be honest, No salary is paid.

"Then how much did your previous job cost per month?"

"Qingtian-kun, just give me some as you like."

"Lingnai, tell me." Lin Zian naturally knew how to deal with her.

"The bakery in the morning is 120,000 yen a month, and the convenience store in the afternoon is 150,000 yen a month." Oda Rena ignored the warning in her mother's eyes and counted on her fingers for him.

"How much does Reina think is appropriate?" Lin Zian turned around and asked Oda Reina.

"Um... Rena doesn't think we need to give it. Onii-chan can just support us." Oda Rena tilted her head, thinking, and then smiled.

Oda Rena's words shocked the two of them.

"Oda Rena!" Oda Michiko stood up and glared at Oda Rena. She felt that Oda Rena was too outrageous.

When Oda Rena saw her mother angry, she didn't dare to hide herself. She shrank behind Lin Zian and used him as a shield.

"Okay, Linnai is just joking." Lin Zian smiled and waved his hand, "She was not so lively before."

After hearing Lin Zian's words, Oda Michiko sat back as if frustrated. She always felt a sense of powerlessness in front of Lin Zian, as if she was at his mercy.

When Lin Zian saw Oda Michiko sitting down, he pulled Oda Rena out, pondered for a while, and said, "I think what Rena said makes sense."

Before they could react, Lin Zian continued: "In this way, I will give you 400,000 yen every month to buy groceries, and the extra money will be yours."

Seeing that the two people didn't respond, Lin Zian said again, "How is it?"

"This... four hundred thousand yen is too much." Michiko Oda didn't know how to refute him.

"The extra money will be used as your salary." Lin Zian's figure is not nonsense.

In the supermarket, a piece of ordinary beef about the size of two palms costs more than 1,000 yen, and the better ones are even more expensive, and the vegetables are even more outrageous compared to domestic prices.

Lin Zian heard Oda Rena say that the meat she had eaten the most was fish. Why, because she had no money.

If you buy food according to his standards, 400,000 yen may not be enough for a month.

He made this proposal because he wanted to try Michiko Oda.

"That's it. Let's try it for a month. If it doesn't work, we'll talk about it later." Lin Zian made the decision directly. He knew that if it would be more troublesome to give the decision-making power to Michiko Oda, she would definitely shirk all kinds of excuses.

"Yes." Faced with Lin Zian's decision, Oda Michiko could only accept it.

"Don't be too happy. Starting tomorrow, everything here will be left to you, including housework and so on. And I can't cook anymore." Lin Zian said first, "Can you accept it?"

"Yes! Please leave it to me." Michiko Oda stood up and bowed to him formally.

"Okay, didn't I say that? There's no need for false etiquette here." Lin Zian was still not used to their tendency to bow at every turn.

"Reina has been tired for a long day. Take her to take a bath and get some rest early."

Lin Zian touched Reina's hair, while Oda Reina closed her eyes and rubbed his palm, looking very at ease.

"Tomorrow I will take you to downtown Tokyo."


"Lingna's school uniforms are not available yet. The school requires that the store that customizes the uniforms be in the city, so we have to go to downtown Tokyo." Lin Zian explained to them.

Lin Zian waited for the two of them to take a shower, while he went to the study.

Actually, I went to play on the computer.

He will still go back and take a look when he has time, and pay attention to the major events happening in the country.

Another thing is to chat with the source of happiness.

"Brother cute! I'm back!"

"Do you still have the nerve to come out?"

"Front row."

"Didn't you get caught?"

"Where's the new book?"

"Author, I have a secret recipe that cures impotence."

"What is it? I'll ask for my friend."

"Making friends out of nothing."

Seeing that they were chatting enthusiastically, Lin Zian also told them the reason, so as not to be accused of impotence every day.

"I'm studying abroad for academic reasons, so there are many inconveniences. I'll talk about the new book after I settle down."

"Oh! No wonder I cut it before, that's why."

"I'm studying in the United States, where did the group leader study?"

"I wrongly accused you, I plead guilty."

"Does the group leader have an address? I want to send you some specialties."

This brother who is obsessed with sending specialties to him has appeared many times, and Lin Zian has remembered his ID.

After thinking for a while, he still didn't tell the silly netizens that he was in Neon, after all, Neon is small and very coincidental.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Qingtian-kun can go take a shower." Oda Michiko opened the door and came in.

"Got it." Lin Zi'an looked at Oda Michiko, who was graceful and elegant, and there was a little shyness on her face. She was really like a lotus in clear water, naturally without any decoration. Ordinary people couldn't stand it at all, no wonder she got into trouble.

Being looked at like this by Lin Zi'an, Oda Michiko was a little embarrassed, and left after saying goodbye.

Lin Zi'an naturally couldn't be influenced by her. He was thinking about how much trouble she, an ordinary person, had because of this face?

Lin Zi'an had never seen her put on makeup. She was bare-faced every day, but she didn't look the slightest bit frosted. This talent was really terrible.

And just now, it was just a very ordinary home clothes, but she forced herself to wear a sense of elegance. It was really beautiful that beautiful people looked good in anything.

Lin Zi'an couldn't help but sigh.

The term "beauty is the root of trouble" should refer to people like her!

Oh! Forgot the business.

Lin Zian then realized that he had wanted to give the key to Michiko Oda.

When he got to the bathroom, he found that the water in the bathtub had not been drained this time. No wonder he was asked to take a bath.

He seldom took a bath himself. It was too troublesome, but now it was ready, and he didn't have to take a bath, so he naturally had to enjoy life.

He closed his eyes and lay in the bathtub. The bathtub had a heat preservation function, so the temperature was at the temperature set by Michiko Oda, but he felt a little hot.

Lin Zian didn't have the habit of using bath salts, so his family didn't prepare it, but he could smell a little residual fragrance now. (Don't get me wrong, it's the fragrance of shower gel.)

Lin Zian didn't soak for long, and came out after washing. He wanted to help Xiaobai take a bath, but it escaped and didn't know where it went.

When passing by Michiko Oda's room, Lin Zian knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?"

"Yes!" The person who spoke was not Michiko Oda, but Reina Oda.

"I'm coming in." Lin Zian pushed the door open and saw Oda Michiko helping Oda Rena blow dry her hair.

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