My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 11 Enrollment

Seeing this, Lin Zian hurriedly called out: "Xiaobai, come here."

After hearing this, Xiaobai immediately rushed into Lin Zian's arms and rubbed Lin Zian's hand with his cheek.

Because Lin Zian was speaking his native language, Oda Reina couldn't understand it, but her attention finally shifted from the TV to Xiaobai.

Lin Zian picked up Xiaobai and said to Oda Reina while petting the cat: "It's called Xiaobai, it's cute!"

Oda Reina looked at him a little puzzled, not understanding why the black cat was called Xiaobai.

Lin Zian knew what she was thinking, but didn't explain, which was considered revenge.

Yes, he was so stingy.

"What are you playing?" Oda Michiko wiped the water on her hands on both sides of her clothes.

Oda Michiko, who had been busy for a long time, finally came out to save the situation.

Lin Zian looked over, because he didn't have the habit of using an apron, so there was no apron at home.

Michiko Oda didn't know what she did, but her front was wet. Her clothes, which were originally close-fitting, became tight, which perfectly outlined her figure.

Lin Zian quickly shifted his gaze, otherwise he would have to stand up later.

Seeing Lin Zian's gaze, Michiko Oda also realized something, looked down at herself, and her face flushed.

She pulled her clothes with her hands and said to Lin Zian: "We'll go first." Then she took Rena Oda back.

Lin Zian walked to the kitchen and saw that the items were all tidy. He also found that she had washed the newly bought rice jar and hung it aside. Originally, Lin Zian was going to buy rice and wash it, so he had been putting it in the corner.

It was probably wet when washing the rice jar. When Lin Zian thought of the scene just now, he was a little dazed.

Lin Zian was very satisfied. Although he didn't ask for anything in return, he didn't want to just give. Michiko Oda was so good at it, and Lin Zian felt that it was not a loss.

In the days waiting for the start of school, he has been deducing the skills and trying them constantly. Because of the dispersion of the skills, he lost all his magic power. He also planned to re-cultivate the Golden Light Curse and the Yang Lei Method. He was very busy these days and stayed at home all day.

Fortunately, after a few days of practice, Lin Zian finally practiced a little magic power again. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and then it is a long process of accumulation.

Although the feeling of increasing strength is like taking drugs, Lin Zian does not have a high desire for practice now.

He just needs to ensure his self-protection ability now. He has long looked down on immortality. He is afraid of discovering that this world is fake again.

He lay on the bed for a while, remembering that he has to report to school today.

He jumped up from the bed like a salted fish, and woke up Xiaobai.

He has given up on driving Xiaobai off the bed. As long as it is clean, they can sleep together.

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble." Lin Zian took Xiaobai off his clothes and fed it before going out.

Walking in Qingshan International Academy, last time he came and left in a hurry, now Lin Zian has time to observe slowly.

It is not ordinary big, at least three times larger than ordinary high schools in China. Looking down from the air, the buildings are distributed in a circle. The outer circle is like football field, running track, baseball field, gymnasium, etc., and the inner circle is teaching building, canteen, library, etc., with complete facilities.

Private schools are indeed different, the world of rich people.

Although it is a holiday now, there are still many people in the school, most of them are on the stadium, and Lin Zian estimates that there are some club activities.

This is a Japanese feature! They attach great importance to clubs.

Finding a place similar to the Academic Affairs Office, Lin Zian went in and walked around, but did not find anyone there, so he simply sat down and played with his mobile phone and waited.

Not long after, a woman came over with a file bag in her hand.

The woman was about 20 or 30 years old, wearing a black suit, light makeup, short hair, capable temperament, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses, and relatively short eyebrows, with a taste of a strong woman.

Lin Zian saw someone coming and stood up to ask.

"Hello, is this the teaching management office?"

The woman stopped, looked at him, adjusted her glasses and said: "Yes, this is it, what can I do for you?"

"I'm here to handle the admission procedures." Lin Zian took out his admission certificate and handed it to her.

Taking the document, she looked at the certificate and whispered: "Zhongmu Qingtian."

"Come with me."

Then she walked over quickly, and Lin Zian followed her honestly.

She walked to her desk, which was neatly arranged on the table, without anything unrelated to work.

It can be seen that she is a resolute person. As soon as she sat down, she used the computer to find Lin Zian's information in the school resource library and carefully compared it with the admission certificate.

Fortunately, his father was reliable and there was no problem with the information.

After waiting for less than two minutes, she completed the operation on the computer, and then went to the cabinet next to her to take out the original student ID card. She filled in Lin Zian's information on it and finally stamped it with the school seal.

"Please take your student ID card. Welcome to Qingshan International Academy. Your certificate is fine. I have completed the admission procedures for you. My name is Miyazono Miho, and I am the director of the Academic Affairs Office. If you have any questions about the school, you can come here to talk to me."

"Yes, teacher Miyazono Miho. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

There is no such thing as an ID card in Japan. The student ID card of Qingshan High School can be said to be his "ID card" for three years.

Lin Zian took the student ID card and was about to slip away, but Miyazono Miho stopped him and asked him to pick up the school uniform, saying that someone had deposited it at the school.

Five sets of school uniforms, two sets of winter clothes, and three sets of summer clothes. The styles are mainly black and suit-style. There is a logo of Qingshan International Academy on the chest. It also comes with a school bag and a pair of indoor shoes, which are actually sports shoes.

Lin Zian was very happy with the school uniform. Dad is very reliable! Even the school uniform is prepared for me, which is trouble-free and saves money.

The school uniforms in Neon are good-looking, but very expensive. The price is generally 30,000 to 100,000 yen per set. Private schools are more expensive, and school uniforms must be customized at the place designated by the school. Shoes, school bags, etc. must also be unified.

Lin Zian was holding the school uniform and going home. When he passed the basketball court, he suddenly stopped. A basketball rolled in front of him, and then he continued walking.

"Hey, pick up the ball."

Hearing someone calling him, Lin Zian stopped and held the school uniform to indicate that it was inconvenient.

The people in the court did not make things difficult for him.

The imagined scene of beating up the school bully did not happen. This was just a small episode and did not affect his mood.

After returning home, he threw the school uniform into the washing machine and ran to the next door to flirt with Oda Rena.

"What do you want to eat today, Rena? Can I make eel rice for you today?"

"Would you like to come over to play with me today? There is a TV and a refrigerator full of snacks. Xiaobai really misses you as a friend!"

When talking about Xiaobai, Oda Rena's breathing changed significantly.

Although most of what Lin Zian said was to himself, Oda Rena did not respond, but Lin Zian could feel that she was behind the door.

He made two servings of eel rice, leaving one for himself, and gave the one with pudding to Oda Rena, and made an appointment with her to come and get it in the evening.

Lin Zian did not wake up until almost nine o'clock in the evening. He was woken up by the thirsty Xiaobai. After a day of practice, he fed Xiaobai and dealt with his stomach casually.

He ran to the next door, and it was Michiko Oda who opened the door. When he walked to the living room, Lin Zian found that Rena Oda did not hide in the bedroom, but was writing something in the living room.

Lin Zian remembered his nightmare elementary school.

Michiko Oda took out Lin Zian's plate from the kitchen and handed it to him, saying to Rena Oda: "Why don't you thank Shigeki-kun."

"Arigato." It was very quiet, but Lin Zian heard it clearly.

However, Michiko Oda was a little dissatisfied, frowned, and wanted to scold her.

But before he opened his mouth, he was stopped by Lin Zian. As a child, although he was a little quiet, he was at least much more polite than the little brats he saw in China.

Lin Zian sat down and chatted with Michiko Oda for a while. She told Lin Zian that Rena Oda was 14 years old. She dropped out of school a year ago and went home to study at home. When Lin Zian asked the reason, she said that she dropped out of school because of health problems. However, Lin Zian did not feel that Rena Oda had any serious illness. At most, she was just a little malnutrition and anemia.

But this was her family matter, and Lin Zian did not ask further.

To be honest, Lin Zian thought Rena Oda was at most ten years old at first, because she looked so petite.

When asked about Michiko Oda's work, she said that she was in a bakery in the morning, and went to a nearby convenience store to cash after noon, and did some handicrafts in the evening.

Rena Oda listened to the two people talking next to her without any reaction. She was reading books all the time. Sometimes when she didn't understand, she would ask Michiko Oda, but Michiko Oda's knowledge level should not be high. Junior high school knowledge is a bit difficult for her.

Every time Lin Zian came to this time, he quietly watched the two of them answering questions without intervening.

Seeing that it was getting late, Lin Zian left her house.

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