My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 124 Disgusting You

"Then I want you to wash all the clothes in the closet. Do you have any objections?" Although Lin Zi'an seemed to be talking to Oda Reina, he was looking at Gong Zong Rie, "I want you to wash by hand."

"Shigeki Aota, what do you mean! What does this have to do with Reina?" Gong Zong Rie felt that Lin Zi'an was smiling like a devil.

"Are you willing?" Lin Zi'an ignored Gong Zong Rie and asked Oda Reina repeatedly.

"Reina, don't be afraid, I'm here." Gong Zong Rie walked between Lin Zi'an and Oda Reina, trying to protect Oda Reina behind her, but she didn't expect Oda Reina to avoid her.

"I am willing." Oda Reina was so anxious that she was about to cry. What she was most afraid of was not this, but that Lin Zi'an's impression of her might have changed.

"Reina, what are you doing? Don't be afraid of him, let's go find your mother." Gong Zong Rie turned her head and looked at Oda Reina.

And the look in Oda Reina's eyes made her stunned.

What kind of eyes are these!

Lin Zian ignored Gong Zong Lihui, but took Oda Reina's hand and walked out of the room.

"That's it, let's go out first, if we stay any longer, they will be suspicious." Lin Zian was calm as if nothing had happened.

The atmosphere of the following dinner was very strange. For Gong Zong Miho, her sister said she was full after eating only a little, which was completely inconsistent with her habit, and her face was very ugly.

But when he asked her if she was uncomfortable, she said she was fine.

Her sister was in such a situation, she had no appetite, just ate casually and said goodbye to Lin Zian.

And Lin Zian also fulfilled his original promise and gave the remaining can of unopened tea to Gong Zong Miho.

After sending them away, Lin Zian slowly ate, these dishes should not be wasted.

And Oda Reina stood by at a loss.

"Reina, what are you doing? Come to eat, I didn't see you eat much just now, this is not okay, I said I would make you eat white and fat."

Lin Zian can pretend that nothing happened, but Oda Reina can't!


"What's wrong?" Lin Zi'an looked at her with interest.

"I didn't go in on purpose." Oda Rena lowered her head.

"My room is not a forbidden place or a celebrity's former residence, so what if I go in." Lin Zi'an said while eating, not caring at all.


"I was just teasing you, don't take it seriously."

Lin Zi'an knew what she wanted to say as soon as Oda Rena opened her mouth, and interrupted her directly.

"Tell me why you went in with Miyazo Rie?" Lin Zi'an was still a little curious, which was different from what Xiaobai said.

"I saw Miyazo teacher enter Onii-chan's room, and then I saw Xiaobai walk out by herself. I wanted to see what Miyazo teacher was doing, so I went in too, and then she caught me in the closet." Oda Rena finished speaking in one breath, and threw the blame on Miyazo Rie.

As for whether this is the case, it's hard to say.

"No wonder." Lin Zi'an thought about it, this is indeed possible.

Forget it, anyway, Gong Zong Lihui must be very uncomfortable now, and Lin Zian doesn't want to care about that matter now.

This is originally a small matter, but he just set up a trap to teach Gong Zong Lihui a lesson.

Who told her to do this again and again, if she is not taught a lesson, she will not know who is the master here.

"Okay, go and take the porridge in the kitchen to your mother." Lin Zian simply cleaned up, and there will be another day to eat these leftovers tomorrow.

"Onii-chan, I'll do it." Oda Rena wanted to take over the work in Lin Zian's hands, but was driven away by Lin Zian.

"It's just washing dishes, it's not a troublesome thing, you should go take care of Michiko first."

In Oda Rena's opinion, Lin Zian didn't even want to let her wash the dishes, which was treating her as an outsider, which made her feel even more distressed.

But this was also her own death, and she could only bear it.

Oda Rena-defeat!

Lin Zian looked at the listless Oda Rena, and he didn't understand, why did she seem a little bit wrong today?

Lin Zian didn't let Oda Reina wash the dishes mainly because of her height. When she stood there, her head would be above the height, and it was too dangerous to put a stool under her.

How could he let her go without worrying about it! It would be better to send her to her mother and have some peace and quiet.

After taking a shower, Lin Zian went up with a thermos bottle. If you are sick, you should drink more water.

When Lin Zian went in, he saw that Oda Reina was much more normal. He didn't know what her mother said to her. The effect was so fast. It seemed that he was not suitable for psychological counseling.

After all, his psychological counseling was hardcore, with the main means of destroying beliefs and tearing faces.

"If you are fine, go to bed early."

Lin Zian didn't have much to say to them, so he put down the water and left.

When Lin Zian returned to the room, a lot of notifications popped up on the chat software as soon as he turned on his phone.

They were all scolded by Gong Zong Lihui, saying that he was a tyrant.

Lin Zian was not uncomfortable with Gong Zong Lihui's brother's behavior, and even wanted to laugh.

Lin Zian replied to her "Good night" and then blocked her.

After sleeping until dawn, Lin Zian opened his eyes and saw Shigeki Chihiro at the head of the bed.

"Good morning, Chihiro."

"Good morning, Master." Shigeki Chihiro performed a very standard maid etiquette.

"Forget it." Lin Zian waved his hand and smiled: "You know I don't like these."

"But it looks good!"

"I didn't expect you to be naughty too." Lin Zian smiled, "Have you dealt with that matter?"

"It's been dealt with." Shigeki Chihiro took out a document from the side, and Lin Zian took a quick look and put it away.

"When you are bored in the future, you can watch more criminal investigation dramas, such as "The Elementary School Student of Death", to enrich your skills, and don't do the same things over and over again."

"Chihiro got it." Shigeki Chihiro nodded slightly to Lin Zian.

"Relax a little, don't be so serious." Lin Zian didn't understand why Shigeki Chihiro was always so serious.

Lin Zian chatted with Shigeki Chihiro for a while, and he found that Oda Rena didn't come to call him today.

Isn't there something wrong again?

Anyway, he woke up, so he just got up to see if Oda Michiko could get up.

Lin Zian just went downstairs and saw Oda Michiko was already making breakfast.

"Good morning." Lin Zian greeted.

"Why did Qingtian-kun get up so early?" Oda Michiko just turned her head and looked at him, then turned back.

"Where's Reina? Why can't I see her?" Lin Zian took a quick look and found no trace of Oda Reina.

Did she scare her yesterday?

Lin Zian felt a little guilty.

"Oh! She's in the room."

Lin Zian ignored her when he heard that she was fine, because he had another problem.

Shigeki Chihiro seemed to have a problem.

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