My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 137 Learn about the local customs and practices (for Canmeng Ean)

"Mobile phone! No..." Lin Zian then remembered that there was another mobile phone and quickly asked Hideki Uetsuki to bring it over.

Lin Zian took his phone and took a look. Sure enough, there was no screen lock or anything, and he could directly open the chat history between two people.

ah! Lin Zian suddenly felt very tired. No wonder his sister knew about this. I'm afraid everything was under her control.

"Qingtian, what's wrong with you?"

"Uh..." Lin Zian turned to look at him stiffly, "It's okay, I'll get you a screen lock."

"What's the use of this?" Hideki Uetsuki curiously came over to watch Lin Zian's operation.

"This can temporarily prevent your sister from seeing our chat history. Also, don't tell your sister the password."

"I got it." Zhiyue Hideki always felt that Lin Zian wanted to hit him, so he had to agree honestly.

Oda Rena was listening to the two of them, and she suddenly felt that Uetsuki Hideki's intelligence was not worthy of living in the world.

Without looking at it, Oda Rena got up and went back upstairs. Anyway, if Hideki Uetsuki was here, she wouldn't have much chance, so she might as well study.

Uezuki Hideki didn't understand why Oda Rena looked at him strangely.

After seeing Reina Oda leave, Hideki Uetsuki sat down in the forest and asked furtively, "Does Aoda-san have such a thing?"

"What kind of thing?"

"It's that kind of thing! Neon is very famous." Hideki Uetsuki raised his eyebrows and glared, constantly hinting at Lin Zian.

"Oh!" Lin Zian thought for a moment, as if suddenly enlightened, "You don't play games anymore? Why do you want to watch that kind of thing?"

"I don't want to play anymore, it's too difficult."

"It's your own choice, don't blame the game for being difficult." Lin Zian looked disgusted.

"Quick, quick, stop talking about the game, let me take a look first."

"Are you so horny? But let's talk first! Don't say that I saw it for you, but you saw it yourself, otherwise your sister will definitely blame me."

"Got it! Come on."

Hideki Uetsuki urged Lin Zian. He had only heard of it before, and at least he had seen others play the game, but he had never seen this one before.

"But I don't have it here!"

"Hey! Then you said so much, I thought you had it."

"Hey! From what you said, just because I don't have one doesn't mean I don't have a computer."

Lin Zian didn't understand what he was thinking. Now is the information age. Computers are so easy to use, why should we buy CDs?

Lin Zian took Zhiyue Xiu to the study room on the second floor, uh... the computer room. There were no books here.

"You know how to use a computer, right?" It's not that Lin Zian looks down on him, but that he is too stupid.

"Of course I can use computers. We have been taking computer classes since elementary school."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Lin Zian helped him call out what he wanted, smiled and patted his shoulder, "Don't worry, I have no time limit here, and the sound insulation effect is good, so don't worry."

"Wow! Qingtian-san, have you watched these too? There are so many, and they all seem to be new movies that have been released recently."

"Well... I will read it when I am bored, mainly to understand the customs and customs of Neon."

Lin Zian walked out of the computer room, leaving a piece of sky to Hideki Zhiyue.

And he himself was liberated and returned to his room to take a nap.

Originally, Lin Zian thought he could have a peaceful nap to soothe his tired heart, but he was woken up by Oda Rena not long after.

"What's the matter?" Lin Zian looked at Oda Rena standing beside the bed.

He wasn't used to locking the door when he took a nap, so she was able to sneak in.

"Someone is looking for Onii-chan."

"I understand, you should go out first." Lin Zi'an glanced at Shigeki Qianxun without any trace. Seeing that she didn't have any big reaction, he knew that the person who came was probably not a big problem.

When Lin Zian went down to the first floor, he saw Mitsue Uezuki sitting on the sofa in the living room, and Michiko Oda was talking to her next to her.


Lin Zian's first reaction was to go back to the second floor and ask Hideki Zhiyue to come out.

But he had already been seen by Mitsue Uegetsu, so it seemed unusual to retreat now.

When the two people made eye contact, Lin Zian knew that the person coming was evil.

Fortunately, Lin Zian's psychological quality was terrifyingly strong, and there was no flaw at all.

All he could do now was delay time for Uetsuki Hideki.

"Why are Miss Ue Yue Mitsuhui here?" Lin Zian asked with a smile as soon as he came down the stairs.

"This is..." Walking to the living room, Lin Zian was about to introduce her to Oda and his daughter, but was interrupted by Mitsue Uetsuki.

"We have already introduced you just now, so I won't bother you to introduce them again."

"Oh." Lin Zian didn't care, "I wonder why Miss Uesuki Mitsue came to my house? If you want to ask Hideki to go home, I'll ask him to come down now."

"No need to trouble you, I came here to see how Hideki is doing at your place."

"It's good for him to be here! At least it's better than staying at home." Lin Zian opened his hands and looked indifferent.

"Where is Hideki now? Please take me to see it."

"Uh...he's watching a movie on the second floor."

"Please!" Mitsue Uezuki stood up. The bloated kimono fit her perfectly and looked stable.

Lin Zian looked back at the stairs and stretched out his hand, "Please."

Hideki Uetsuki, please be more reliable. It's been so long, you should be done.

Lin Zian didn't know what Hideki Uetsuki was doing now, so he had to pray that he was done, otherwise he would explode when he opened the door and saw something strange.

The Oda mother and daughter watched the two people go upstairs. At the same time, Oda Michiko stopped her daughter who wanted to follow them. She instinctively felt that it would be better for them not to go up.

"Come with me to the kitchen."

"No, I want to see what they are doing." Oda Reina felt that Uetsuki Koe was hostile to Lin Zian, and she wanted to know what happened between the two.

"No, you will make Qingtian Jun angry." Oda Michiko was still good at judging people. She always felt that Lin Zian seemed a little uncomfortable.

Based on her understanding of Lin Zian, she had better not follow him and drag him down, and she absolutely believed that Lin Zian could handle it all.

Qingtian Jun could solve any trouble.

This has nothing to do with anything else, it's just a simple feeling.

"Do you want to learn how to make snacks? Do you want Qingtian Jun to eat your snacks in the future?"

As a mother, Oda Michiko knew her daughter's weaknesses very well.

"Oh, I see." Oda Reina looked dejected, but still followed her mother into the kitchen honestly.

Lin Zian walked with Zhiyue Guanghui on the corridor on the second floor. He suddenly felt that the corridor on the second floor was very short, so short that it only took a few steps to reach the corridor.

"Why do you step so heavily, Zhongmujun?" Zhiyue Guanghui looked at Lin Zian sideways.

"I like it. This is my home. I can walk however I want." For the first time, Lin Zian felt that good sound insulation was also a very annoying thing.

The two stood at the door of the computer room. Zhiyue Guanghui looked at Lin Zian, obviously wanting him to open the door.

Lin Zian had no choice but to reach out. If Zhiyue Hideki locked the door, there would be a chance to save himself. But until he twisted it to the end, the door handle still didn't get stuck.

Lin Zian had to push the door open with force.

Sorry, brother!

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