My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 147 Go to my room

"Haha." Lin Zian chuckled, "Go home and ask your mother what kind of washing powder she uses, and then tell her, then she will feel at ease."

Lin Zian didn't expect Rena Oda to believe this. She had already experienced what happened to Ryoko Sagaya, but she was still so naive. He hung out with her every day and never smelled anything. Could that person be more powerful than him?

Lin Zian admitted that there are capable people in this world, but not here.

He knows his little piece of land better than anyone else.

"But she is very good to me." Oda Reina did not dare to refute him openly, but just tested from the side.

"Anyway, just be careful and remember to be smart if something happens." After all, he promised not to interfere with her making friends, so Lin Zian didn't continue, he just reminded her.

"Onii-chan treats me better!" Oda Reina seemed to notice that Lin Zian was a little impatient, so she leaned over to try to ease his mood.

Lin Zian couldn't help but smile when he saw her clumsily holding his hand: "I'm not bad enough to let Linna comfort me."

In fact, Oda Rena was right. Lin Zian was really a little impatient. After all, there was Oda Michiko to deal with at home.

If she could adjust herself well, she would eliminate the discomfort without bothering him, but Lin Zian felt that this was impossible. After all, he knew who Michiko was...


Also, he has indulged himself too much recently, which has caused his state of mind to become a bit unstable. After all, if something like state of mind cannot be regained, something will go wrong, and he has to put the matter of rebuilding his state of mind on the agenda.

All in all, it’s just a bunch of trouble. Is this life? Having money can't solve all problems.

When he got home, Lin Zian saw Lingnai running upstairs, saying she wanted to do homework.

After Reina left, Lin Zian went to find Michiko Oda, and finally started talking in her room.

"How about it? Have you thought about it clearly? Is there something wrong with Linna or yourself?" Lin Zian said straight to the point.

Michiko Oda did not answer his words, but just stood in front of him, looking a little embarrassed. After all, Lin Zian had just barged in suddenly.

Seeing her like that, Lin Zian knew that he still had to rely on himself, so he simply asked: "What do you think has changed in Linnai?"

"Reina was very good before..."

"Heh." Lin Zian interrupted her with a chuckle, "You clearly know why she is like that. She is good because she is sensible. It is good for her to do that under those conditions, but the current conditions are no longer It’s different, do you want to suppress her nature?”

"No, Rena shouldn't be like this..." Michiko Oda wanted to refute him but couldn't find any strong arguments, so she could only hesitate and didn't know what she was talking about.

"Then what should she be like? Does she have to live the way you want? Sometimes you think this is good for her, but she may not understand. Have you ever thought about what she really needs?

It's normal for children to be a bit naughty. As adults, what we have to do is to guide and lead by example, rather than just preaching and violence. "

Lin Zian is very serious about preaching, but he is actually very bad at it, and he really doesn't like to be someone else's life mentor, because everyone has different values, and sometimes they may not be able to talk together.

But his words may not be useful. Although Michiko Oda seemed to be listening to him, her state was similar to when he was in class, and he could see through it at a glance.

That stubborn thought cannot be reversed in a short time.

"Let's not talk about Reina, let's talk about you." When one path doesn't work, try to take another path, don't stick to it.

"Me?" Michiko Oda pointed at herself with a puzzled look on her face, why are you talking about me?

"Yes, let's talk about how much you have changed."

"I haven't changed!" Michiko Oda thought about these days and didn't find that she had changed.

"Is it true that it hasn't changed?" Lin Zian asked her with a smile, "For example, the number of times I laugh has increased."

"Is it true?" Michiko Oda thought for a moment, and it seemed that this was really the case, "Even if it is true, does this count as a change?"

"If you think it doesn't count, then let's change it." Looking at her stubborn mouth, Lin Zian continued: "For example, you have gained weight recently."

"Huh!" Michiko Oda subconsciously touched her waist, her face instantly turned red, and she asked, "Are Aota-kun saying I'm lazy?"

There is no heavy work, the quality of life has improved, and the weight will naturally go up.

The comfortable life these days has made her a little slack.

"No, just kidding." Lin Zian smiled and waved his hand, "Look, we are changing every day after changing to a new environment. You and I are the same, but you have never been in contact with the old me before, so you can't see You come out, but the changes in Reina who have been with you day and night have become obvious in your eyes, so you feel that Reina has changed too much to be like this."

Lin Zian did not stop and continued: "I know you are doing it for Lingna's good, but do you know how much effort I have put in to let her live like this? But you just want to suppress her and turn her into the next you, Do you remember what you asked me before? Now I will tell you my answer..."

Lin Zian looked at her and said word by word: "I think you are doing a very bad job as a mother."

"Really?" Michiko Oda said to herself with a look of disbelief, "Am I really that bad?"

"Alas~" Lin Zian sighed, "The main reason for your cognitive errors is the uneasiness caused by the sudden change in your living environment, and Linnai's drastic changes have aggravated your uneasiness. You are afraid of your relationship with Linnai. Being separated by this change, that’s why, to put it more simply, everything you do is to attract Reina’s attention.”

In fact, there is one most important point that Lin Zian did not mention, that is, as Lin Zian gradually enters their lives, what Michiko is actually afraid of is that Lin Zian has replaced her position in Reina's heart. This is the fundamental reason, but this He definitely couldn't say it out loud, so he simply changed the concept and induced Michiko.

"Really?" Oda Michiko was doubtful. In this case, wouldn't she be like a baby crying to her parents to get attention? The sudden change in identity made her a little unacceptable.

"Although this does sound a bit...well, unbelievable, you will know this if you think about it yourself. There is no need for me to lie to you."

Oda Michiko thought about it according to Lin Zian's thinking, and it seemed that this was really the case.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about the relationship between Linnai and you having problems. This is a relationship where blood is thicker than water. How can it be so easy to break up." Lin Zian could only comfort her temporarily before bigger problems arise.

"I..." The more Lin Zian said this, the more panicked she became.

Seeing that she was still like that, Lin Zian had no choice but to use his trump card. Although it was a bit risky, speaking with facts was the most intuitive way.

"If you want to prove Reina's relationship with you, I have a way."

"What can I do?"

"You go to my room first."

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