Looking at Gong Zong Li Hui holding the roster and standing next to the podium, Lin Zian didn't understand that they were twin sisters.

The first person to go up to the podium was a boy. He looked confident and said a lot of nonsense. There were discussions on the ground, and no one listened to him.

The next few people who went up were similar. Lin Zian didn't listen either. He was chatting with Oda Reina on his mobile phone.

Finally, it was time to vote. Several candidates stood in a row in front of the blackboard, and their names were written on the blackboard behind them.

"Now please raise your hands to vote. The first candidate is Yamai Hidekazu." Gong Zong Li Hui looked at the people who raised their hands in the audience, counted the number, and wrote the number under the corresponding name.

Some positions that no one competed for were directly passed. The most competitive one was the class monitor, and there were five candidates.

"Now it's the class monitor's vote. Please ask the class monitor candidates to come on stage." Gong Zong Li Hui wiped the blackboard clean and wrote the names again.

It can be seen that she was observing from the side just now to record the situation of the students, because she didn't hesitate when writing the names, and she started writing directly.

Two men and three women came on stage. Among the first three, only the first one had more people. It might be because he was more handsome. Most of his supporters were girls. The last two were just a few people. They were probably friends who supported the show.

The third person was miserable. She was a girl who gave people a very rustic impression at first glance. She had messy short hair and heavy glasses that covered half of her face. Her face was not clear, but she seemed a little fat. The school uniform was a little big and looked a little bloated on her.

Lin Zian didn't listen to her speech just now, but judging from her actions, she should be a more introverted person.

"Okay, does anyone support Rio Hosokawa to be the class monitor?"

No one raised their hands in the audience. They were all talking.

"Just now, you said you wanted to be friends with us. It's really funny."

"Yes! Don't you look at yourself?"

Most of what Lin Zian heard were girls talking. The boys in the audience might not have noticed her. They all looked at the person next to Rio Hosokawa.

"Wow! Don't you have any friends?" Although Lin Zian knew that discrimination in Japan was serious, this was a bit too much!

"Does anyone support Rio Hosokawa as class monitor?" Miyazaki Rie reiterated.

Looking at Rio Hosokawa who was forcing a smile on the stage, Lin Zian, who was originally planning to abstain, slowly raised his hand.

Not only were the people in the audience shocked, but even Rio Hosokawa herself would not have thought that someone would support her, and the person next to her also looked over.

At this time, the eyes of the whole class shifted to Lin Zian, but Lin Zian was calm, smiled at Rio Hosokawa who was looking at her, and then slowly put down his raised hand.

"Haha, what is that person doing?"

"What a 'warrior'."

"Is he a fool (sensitive word)?"

"Aren't two fools a good match?"

Although Lin Zian had anticipated these stupid reactions, he was still a little annoyed.

At this time, the role of the teacher was revealed.

"Quiet! Rio Hosokawa got one vote." Then write one under Rio Hosokawa's name.

"The next candidate for class monitor is Tomie Tsuji. Please raise your hands if you support her."

Most of the boys in the class raised their hands, except for a few who raised their hands just now, and there were many girls as well.

In fact, someone came to lobby him just now and asked him to vote for Tomie Tsuji. This shows that she is still quite popular and can form a dog-licking group in a short time.

Lin Zian took a look and found that Tomie Tsuji was indeed very beautiful. She was wearing the same school uniform, and the difference between her and Rio Hosokawa was not very big, but a natural gap.

It can be seen that she is a mixed-race, with blonde hair and blue eyes, an oval face, and three-dimensional facial features, but not very prominent. She is tall, more than a head taller than Rio Hosokawa next to her. Her straight long hair is draped behind her, which makes her look a little playful. Uh...how to say it? With an oriental face and a western figure, she combines the beauty of the East and the West, but unfortunately she has a flat chest.

Rio Hosokawa is dwarfed by her, which is really miserable! But does this have anything to do with him, Lin Zian?

He continued to lower his head to play with his phone and continue the previous chat.

"Okay, the class leaders have all been selected. Now get ready and go to the auditorium." Gong Zong Lihui sorted out the documents in her hand, "Everyone should maintain order and pay attention to safety. The class monitor will take them down now."

"Okay, Mr. Gong Zong, classmates, please follow me."

Lin Zian was the last one to walk out of the classroom and followed the main group.

It's not that Lin Zian has never participated in the opening ceremony. The one in Japan is similar to that in China. The principal goes up to give a speech, and then several student representatives and teacher representatives go up, and finally the principal goes up to end.

Lin Zian didn't listen to the whole thing. It was nonsense anyway. Because there were some idiots (discipline committee members) wearing discipline committee armbands nearby, Lin Zian couldn't play with his phone directly, so he could only meditate. To outsiders, he was just in a daze.

After waiting for almost two hours, the opening ceremony ended with cheers.

Lin Zian thought as he walked that he should skip class today.

He was the only one who wanted to skip class on the first day of school.

When he was leaving, Jin Zhifu Jiang and his men stopped him.

"Student, please help us move the books." Jin Zhifu Jiang said to Lin Zian with a smile.

Lin Zian looked at the large group of people following her and said, "There are so many people, I can help."

"You, come here." The follower next to Jinzhi Tomie pointed at him and scolded.

Ouch... You are making things difficult for me. Lin Zian is actually very easy to talk to. I just spoke to him in a nice voice and he was still willing to go, but now he doesn't want to go.

Lin Zian said lazily: "I'm afraid it won't work today. I feel a little dizzy and I was just thinking of asking for leave to go home."

"Can't you even help your classmates move books?" A tall follower also came out and threatened.

Lin Zian had no impression of him, he should not be in their class.

"You can lick if you want, don't drag me."

The man rushed up and grabbed Lin Zian's clothes.

"What did you say? Don't talk nonsense, otherwise the consequences will be serious." The strong man warned Lin Zian.

Lin Zian still looked indifferent, and said to him with a smile: "Why are you so stupid! Is your brain full of muscles? They asked you to step forward, so you stepped forward? Also, let me go, otherwise the consequences will be more serious for you."

"Why, don't you believe it? Do you want to try it?" Lin Zian smiled at Tsuji Tomie, then looked at the boy in front of him, and suddenly shouted under his puzzled eyes: "Ah! Murder!"

The eyes of the whole audience were instantly focused here, and the boy was so scared that he hurriedly said: "I'm not, I didn't, he said nonsense." Then he realized that he was still holding Lin Zian's clothes, and quickly let go, and Lin Zian fell down.

Seeing this, Tsuji Tomie had already taken people away.

It was hard to explain, and after finding that Tsuji Tomie and the others had disappeared, he still wanted to escape, but turned around and was detained by the discipline committee member next to him.

"I didn't, it's unfair! It's unfair!"

Soon he was dragged away with screams.

In the health room, Lin Zian was sitting on the bed eating, eating the lunch box that Oda Michiko gave him in the morning.

Sitting next to her was classmate Rio Hosokawa. Seeing her nervous face, she seemed to want to feed him herself.

"Rio Hosokawa, I told you I'm fine. It's just hypoglycemia. I'll be fine soon. You don't have to wait for me here. Go back and eat."

"Does Qingtian hate me?"

"Uh... why do you say that? Rio Hosokawa."

"I told you, just call me Rio. If it wasn't me, you wouldn't have been beaten by them."

"I wasn't beaten. Look, I'm fine."

"You lied to me. When teacher Rie Miyamoto and I arrived, you were already on the ground." Rio Hosokawa burst into tears.

For the class monitor election just now, Rio Hosokawa was taken away by Rie Miyamoto as soon as the class ended. But before she left the auditorium, she heard that Lin Zi'an was beaten. When she and Rie Miyamoto arrived at the scene, Lin Zi'an had already fallen to the ground. No wonder she thought so.

Lin Zi'an was speechless! Why did he cry? But he couldn't tell her that he just wanted to play because he was bored.

"Okay, classmate Rio Hosokawa, I'm really fine, please don't cry anymore."

"Call me Rio." Rio Hosokawa raised her head and looked at him stubbornly.

Only then did Lin Zian realize that he had made a mistake. The little face under the glasses was very cute, the kind of neon-style kawaii, making people want to pinch it. She was no worse than Tsuji Tomie, but her hair and glasses blocked it, and she often lowered her head to talk, so no one noticed it.

"Okay, classmate Rio, if you don't go to eat, I will feel bad if you get hungry."

"You... what did you say?" Rio Hosokawa's face turned red and she stuttered a little.

Lin Zian touched her head, like coaxing a child.

"Go! Come back after dinner, I won't run away."


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