As soon as he got to the building, Lin Zian saw Oda Reina standing at the stairs.

When he looked into her resentful eyes, Lin Zian felt guilty.

"Sorry, I just had an important call." Lin Zian smiled awkwardly, "What does Reina want to talk to me about?"

"Can't you just talk to Onii-chan?" Oda Reina was obviously in a bad mood, and she turned and left after saying that.

She had been thinking about sharing her joy of making friends with Lin Zian these days, after all, she could tell him.

Who knew that he was out of sight all day, and the two of them didn't even have time to talk, especially just now, which instantly diluted the joy, and she didn't have the heart to do it.

Inexplicably, Lin Zian watched her walk away, and didn't know what she meant.


After school, he was the only one in the empty classroom.

Oda Reina had already made arrangements, and he asked Hosokawa Rio to take her back.

At first she was unwilling and insisted on leaving by herself, but she finally compromised.

He was waiting for Xue Ye Wu Hai's call, but why hasn't he come for so long this time?

It's impossible to stand him up. Xue Ye Wu Hai is a smart guy who won't do such a stupid thing. Even if he can't come due to something, he will notify him. It's impossible for him to stand him up for no reason.

That means he is entangled in something.

Lin Zian suddenly remembered that he was cheated by Xue Ye Wu Hai last time. Although it was indeed his fault, with his personality, he will definitely take responsibility if you make it clear.

But the problem is that he first deceived Lin Zian and then explained it. Unfortunately, he couldn't say anything at that time because he was indeed at fault.

But can the feeling of taking the initiative and taking the initiative be the same?

This caused Lin Zian to feel a little resentful.

This time he must make a lot of money from him.

But thinking about it, forget it. They are all acquaintances. There is no need to do this. After all, he has helped me and has a good attitude.

The most important thing is that with his strength in Neon, it is still possible to find him in the future, so as to avoid embarrassment.

While he was thinking about it, Xue Ye Wu Hai finally came.

But he didn't call, but came to the classroom in person.

"Zi'an, I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting for so long."

Xue Ye Wu Hai lowered his posture as soon as he came up, so Lin Zi'an couldn't say anything.

"It's okay, where are we going to eat today? I know that uncle is a professional foodie, he shouldn't fool me."

"Haha, don't worry about this, I dare not take you to ordinary places, I will take you to the best places."

"Then let's go."

"Let's go."

When he went downstairs, Lin Zi'an didn't expect that he drove the car directly downstairs, and this car was different from the previous one. It was a silver-white sports car, and there was no driver, which meant that Xue Ye Wu Hai drove here by himself.

He didn't even bring a driver, it seems that this "meal" is not so easy to eat.

"Is Uncle Xue Ye going to be a driver?" Lin Zi'an said half-jokingly.

"What? Zi'an, do you want to try this car?"

"No, I don't want to be caught driving without a license, so let me be your driver."

Yukino Takemi didn't continue to chat with him, but just smiled and sat in the driver's seat.

Lin Zi'an also sat in the passenger seat.

You can joke, but if you really sit in the back seat, you are not treating people as human beings, and what is his identity?

Listening to the powerful roar of the engine, a thrust wrapped people in the seat, and the car rushed out like an arrow from a string.

Lin Zi'an was powerless to complain: You are the only one who dares to drive so fast in school.

Although there are not many people in school now, it is still not good to drive so fast.

"Uncle, slow down, we are still in school."

"Haha, it's okay." Yukino Takemi responded casually.

Lin Zi'an's words were somewhat useful, and the speed of the car slowed down.

When they got outside and the speed stabilized, the car seemed very quiet.

This atmosphere made Lin Zi'an feel a little wrong, so he took the initiative to find a topic.

"Is Jiamei okay?"

"Yes, she's fine." Xue Ye Wu Hai paused for a moment before continuing: "Jiamei is studying at Qingshan Academy now."

"Yes." Lin Zian was not surprised by this, because Qingshan Academy was originally invested by Xue Ye Wu Hai in order to give his daughter a better environment. It is normal for Xue Ye Jiamei to study there.

"Why did you come to me this time? Why didn't you tell me on the phone?"

"It was not convenient at the time, and you..." Xue Ye Wu Hai glanced at him, and then said meaningfully: "Some things are better known by fewer people."

"Tell me now?"

"I will be responsible for the introduction. It doesn't matter if we can reach an agreement or not. Just treat it as having a meal together and introducing some powerful people in Japan to you."

"Let me make it clear first, birth, aging, illness and death are fate, I can't control it." There are not many people in Japan who can be said to be powerful by Xue Ye Wu Hai, and the most likely problem for those people is life expectancy.

Even if he has the ability, he won't help with this kind of thing, let alone he doesn't have it. (Actually, there was, but the method was a bit unprofitable, and he never does unprofitable business.)

"No, I don't know the details, but it's not for this." Xue Ye Wu Hai is not a person who doesn't know what to do. He can't ask Lin Zi An for those things. If he wants to ask him, he will wait until he has problems.

When they arrived at the place, Xue Ye Wu Hai drove straight in, and Lin Zi An followed the car to see the general situation.

This is a place that looks like a private manor, divided into two layers, inner and outer.

The outer layer is very open, with two rows of trees planted on the roadside. Looking inside, Lin Zian also saw a small bamboo forest and a large stone with three ancient Chinese characters "Visiting Bamboo House" written on the stone. Not far away, there is also a wooden pavilion with a chessboard and two chess cups inside.

Xue Ye Wu Hai drove on the outer layer and finally stopped at a place.

"Let's walk over."

The two got out of the car, and Lin Zian and Xue Ye Wu Hai walked side by side.

Xue Ye Wu Hai introduced this place to Lin Zian.

This was originally a failed manor, and later the current owner bought it and transformed it into what it is now, as a place similar to a private restaurant. Only the rich and noble can come here to eat.

However, the inner courtyard was only repaired and not changed much, so you can see the architectural style of the ancient times.

"This place is very famous in our circle, and some dishes are also very distinctive."

Hearing this, Lin Zian observed the inner courtyard from the outside. Its style is that of a mansion in the Edo period.

Walking in, the inner courtyard was just like that. It had everything it should have, but no special features.

Seeing that Lin Zian was not interested, Xue Ye Wu Hai did not continue to talk. He just took him to a private room and left, leaving Lin Zian alone there.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, Lin Zian walked out of the room and walked around, without any intention of being a guest.

Nonsense, when have you ever seen a guest thrown anywhere? He still had something to ask of him.

There was no one to greet him, so don't blame him for taking over.

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