My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 159 Excellent Acting

"Ah~" came Shuichiro Takaishi's weak voice. He slowly opened his eyes and saw everyone gathered in front of him, asking, "What's wrong with you? Why am I here." Shuichiro Takaishi struggled to get up.

I have to say that this old man's acting skills are really not bad. If Lin Zian didn't know that he was faking, he would have thought it was true.

"Father has just been rescued. Don't move around yet." Everyone didn't know what to say. Could it be that "Father, you have hit a ghost"? Definitely not, what if I scare him again.

Then there was a series of greetings, while Lin Zian and Yukino Takekai stood aside and watched this scene of a loving father and a filial son.

"Let's go." Seeing that there was no point in staying in this situation, Xueye Takehai simply wanted to take Lin Zian away. After all, he still owed him a meal, so he would be relieved to send this plague god away as soon as possible.

"Leave?" Lin Zian looked at Xueye Wuhai and said meaningfully: "Now is not the time."

"Huh?" Xueye Takekai's heart skipped a beat, you're not going to cause trouble again, are you?

Lin Zian didn't explain, just smiled.

"Listen to me first." Lin Zian walked to Shuichiro Gaoshi's bed and stopped everyone.

"Master, what do you want to do?" Now they are still very respectful to Lin Zian. After all, they have just seen the unknown side, and the unknown is the most terrifying.

"I just discovered a very interesting problem." Lin Zian looked at Shuichiro Gaoshi, but found that he seemed to have a problem with him.

But Lin Zian didn't care. This was his home court now. If the old man dared to talk nonsense, Lin Zian would go up and label him as possessed by an evil spirit, and then help him "treat" it.

When the time comes, we will see whether Shuichiro Takaishi’s children believe him or his words.

"Excuse me, what's the problem?" Perhaps because he didn't want to be exposed to this kind of incident, the eldest son was pushed out by everyone to face Lin Zian.

"The interesting question is..." Lin Zian paused deliberately, glanced at the people present, observed their expressions, and then said: "It doesn't look like this thing went in by himself, but someone put it on Shuichiro Takashi ”

Lin Zian's words immediately caused an uproar among several people, but before they could react, Lin Zian dropped another even more shocking news.

"Because it is impossible for someone who is not close to him to put something like that on Shuichiro Takaishi, so that person is probably among you."

Now everyone was in a rage, but the strange thing was that they all just said it was none of their business, and then they made no other moves, not even an argument, let alone an accusation.

This situation made Lin Zian very curious.

Do they trust each other? Or do you just not trust it in the first place?

Lin Zian looked at their expressions and movements. These micro-expressions could tell a lot of things, giving him a sense of God's perspective. It was just that he was usually too lazy to observe. After all, if he knew everything, life would be boring.

"Master, what are you thinking..." Seeing that nothing was wrong, the eldest son asked Lin Zian.

"I can help you find him, but it will cost you something." Lin Zian also knew about their Xiao Jiujiu, and then said: "Of course, you can also check it out yourself, then I will leave."

Lin Zian was about to leave, and his eldest son quickly came over and said respectfully: "Whatever the master wants, as long as we have it."

Lin Zian felt a little better when he saw that this person was quite upright.

"It's a request, but I haven't thought about it yet. I'll wait until I do."

"This..." Everyone hesitated after hearing what he said. This request was difficult to confirm, and Lin Zian did not specify the specific conditions. What if he was asked to give him all the Gao Shi family's property later?

Lin Zian also saw their problem and added: "Don't worry, my request will not exceed your ability, and I am not interested in money."

On the bed, Shuichiro Takaishi saw the tangled look of his sons. He wanted to tell them not to be fooled. I know who the traitor is, but now this scene is out of his control, and he can only accept it.

It’s really easy to invite God but hard to send away.

"Okay, I promise you personally."

"That's okay." Lin Zian knew that he was being clever, but he didn't care. It was just a shot with or without dates, and it would be enough to reap the benefits. Only when one is content can he be happy.

Lin Zian casually took out a bug from his pocket. It was about the size of a thumb and was completely black. The two tentacles were moving around in his hand. He took out the jade seal and put it in front of the bug. The bug seemed to sense something. He crawled towards the jade seal and touched it with two tentacles. It didn't take long for Lin Zian to separate it.

"It will lead us to find that person." Lin Zian shook his head slightly, and the insect flapped its wings and flew up. After wandering next to Lin Zian, it flew towards Shuichiro Takaishi.

When everyone was puzzled, Lin Zian explained: "It is judged based on the residual concentration, so it will be with me and Shuichiro Takashi first, and then we will know who the next person is."

After listening to Lin Zian's words, the insect turned around after hovering above Shuichiro Takaishi.

Everyone was frightened and followed the insect closely, fearing that the insect would fly to them.

Lin Zian controlled the insect to stay on the traitor's head for a while.

"That's him." Lin Zian pointed at the greasy middle-aged man.

"What are you... talking about! How could I harm my father? You liar." The middle-aged man saw that everyone was looking at him, and he couldn't help but defend himself.

"It's very simple to prove it." Lin Zian walked in front of him, "As long as you have been in contact, there will be residue. Do you dare to let me try it?"

"Come on." The middle-aged man seemed fearless. He really had never done such a thing, so he was naturally not afraid of Lin Zian.

"Are you ready?" Lin Zian smiled slightly. His methods were not what these people could think of. You said you were.

After Lin Zian finished speaking, he put his hand on his face in the air without paying attention to him. As time went by, the middle-aged man's face gradually distorted, and a trace of black air appeared in his mouth and nose, but not that much.

"This... This is impossible. I didn't do it." The middle-aged man felt that his facial muscles were out of control, and it seemed that something was pulled out of his body.

"This is the fact." Lin Zian turned his hand over, and a small ball of black air was in his palm, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Lin Zian wanted him to take the blame, and he had to take it even if he didn't want to.

As soon as Lin Zian's hand was released, he couldn't stop falling to the ground. Finally, Lin Zian helped him to stabilize.

"You want to kill your father?" Lin Zian looked very puzzled, "For what? Money?"

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