My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 170 Transaction

"Lacquerware is poisonous. Who taught you to use it as a lunch box?" Lin Zian took Uetsuki Hideki's lunch box and put it in her hand, "Eat this."

Uetsuki Hideki was stunned by his action. You did this in front of me. If I can't beat you, I will definitely beat you.

"Hmm~~" Gao Shi Taozhi took the lunch box and walked away quickly. She didn't even notice that she blushed.

"How can I explain to my sister if you do this~"

"My family has plenty of money. I won't covet a lunch box from you." Lin Zian pushed the lacquer box in front of Uetsuki Hideki, "Hey, this is for you. Look at the exquisite pattern. You've made a profit."

"That's not what I meant. Forget it. Let's eat." Uetsuki Hideki shook his head helplessly.

After eating two meals for a few days, Lin Zian couldn't stand it anymore. It happened that Gao Shi Taozhi was here. Isn't it good to make reasonable use of it? At least there is no waste of food.

Hosokawa Rio has been sorting out the conversation between the two people just now.

First, Taozhi Takaishi has a younger sister, and Qingtian knows her sister.

Second, Qingtian met her sister yesterday, which means that Qingtian may have been to Taozhi Takaishi's home yesterday.

Third, the relationship between the two does not seem to be particularly bad, and they should have had contact before.

Some information is known, but more is unknown. What is "natural"?

Hosokawa Rio silently wrote down this information. She will tell Oda Rena after she goes back.

Yes, although it sounds a bit strange, she had already reached an agreement with Oda Rena last night. The two supervised Lin Zian's behavior at school and at home, exchanged information, and prevented Taozhi Takaishi's invasion. After all, she was a fiancée, and the two had to join forces to exclude her first.

For this reason, Oda Rena also agreed to many unequal treaties with Hosokawa Rio, such as Lin Zian was hers at school, and Oda Rena could not come to sabotage.

Didn't you see that Oda Rena didn't have dinner with Lin Zian now?

Fortunately, Lin Zian was hers when he was at home, otherwise it would be a big loss!

In fact, both of them knew that when they were in school, Reina Oda didn't spend much time with Lin Zi'an, and when they were at home, Rio Hosokawa was not with him. The two seemed to be giving in, but they didn't change the status quo.

This is also the reason why the two agreed, after all, there is a common enemy.

They like to chat for a while after dinner before going back to the classroom, talking about the recent major events, some weird events in the school, etc., but what can happen in the school? Most of them are gossips such as confessions and who is a scumbag.

"I heard that the student union is going to elect a president."

"Didn't the student union president abdicate a long time ago? Why is the new president being elected now?"

"You don't know this..." Uetsuki Hideki explained the selection of the student union to Lin Zi'an.

The president usually retires when he is promoted to the third grade, and the new president will choose someone from within the student union. Moreover, the old president said that he retired, but he will still assist the new president.

As for the election, it is even more troublesome. Not only do you need the recommendation of your seniors and teachers, but you are only qualified to enter after getting the recommendation. You also need to give speeches, canvass for votes, etc.

"This has nothing to do with us, do you want to be one?" Lin Zian interrupted him. It was useless to do so much, and he was not going.

"I want to go, but my strength does not allow it." Uetsuki Hideki said self-deprecatingly.

Hosokawa Rio and Oda Reina are the same. They just listen to the two of them bragging and usually don't talk much.

"Hey, this is back to you." Takaishi Momoe came over and returned Uetsuki Hideki's lunch box.

Uetsuki Hideki was relieved to see the lunch box back. If he dared to take the lacquer box back to hand it in, he would not see the sun the next day.

Thank God.

"How is it, it's okay." Lin Zian was teasing her.

"Hmph! It's just so-so."

"Haha, you really don't know what's good. This is made by Hideki's sister who poured out her love for her brother."

"Eh~~Why are you like this?" Gao Shi Momoji looked at Uetsuki Hideki with a look of disdain.

"I didn't, I'm not." Uetsuki Hideki retorted in a low voice, aggrieved like a bullied young wife.

"Okay, no more playing, it's time to go back to the classroom." Lin Zian didn't tease him anymore. Since the lunch box was returned, it's time to go back.

The three of them got up and walked back, but Gao Shi Momoji followed them.

"By the way, I still don't know what grade and class you are in?" Lin Zian suddenly remembered that Gao Shi Momoji was in this school, but he didn't know the detailed class.

"She is in Class A. Didn't I tell you before? She's in your class with that Tsuji Tomie..." Uetsuki Hideki spoke more and more quietly because Gao Shi Momoji was looking at him.

"Oh, if you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that she was one of the two biggest names in our school's first grade." Lin Zi'an looked very surprised, but his acting was very exaggerated. "The two of them have made a lot of jokes with their dog-licking group."

Lin Zi'an usually doesn't leave the class except for eating and going to the toilet, and is the last one to leave after school. He has never seen her.

"What do you mean?" Gao Shi Taozhi's mood, which had just improved a little, was gone.

"Nothing, I just think you are amazing, and you have the style of your grandfather at such a young age."

"If you have something to say, just say it directly, don't beat around the bush like this." Gao Shi Taozhi is now almost full of anger.

"Nothing, I just think that the way you guys use other people's favor is a bit low-level, wasting such a good resource." Lin Zian doesn't understand this kind of group. In his opinion, it's better to go home and sleep than to waste his time and energy on this kind of thing.

And Lin Zian doesn't think that Gao Shi Taozhi is that good-looking. Although Jin Zhi Tomie is flat, she is at least prettier than her.

I really don't understand what these people are thinking now.

If you don't agree, you can't say anything. It's obviously the same road, but Gao Shi Taozhi and Lin Zian and others have walked another road.

After Gao Shi Taozhi left, Uetsuki Hideki came over.

"Qingtian, what you said is wrong. Others have their own activities. I heard that they enjoy being scolded by her."

"Oh, it turns out that they are a group of perverts. No wonder they are so matched."

"Did you listen to me?"

"Don't say anything, this is for you." Gao Shi Taozhi didn't take the lacquer box back. It would be a pity to lose it, and it would be impossible to return it to her in Class A, so Uetsuki Hideki had to be wronged.

"I don't want it. Your fiancée gave it to you." Uetsuki Hideki avoided Lin Zian and ran to Hosokawa Rio before he dared to speak.

Lin Zian now regretted telling him about yesterday's incident.

Hosokawa Rio returned home and ticked the day on the calendar.

The guard was successful today.

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