My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 191 Lifebuoy

She fell in love with someone, and then she tried to please him in every way. Then she thought the other person accepted it, and when she confessed her love, the other person said, "I treat you as a brother."

Lin Zian really laughed after hearing this. She is a typical dog-licker who cannot be a good person.

"Why are you laughing? Is it easy for me?" Sakai Otonoye glared at her. Fortunately, she didn't laugh just now. She thought she was a fellow poor person.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood. I was not laughing at you, but at the person you fell in love with." Lin Zian really felt that that person was miserable. Not everyone wants to be a tank driver.

"What do you mean?" Otono Sakai slapped the railing hard, making it tremble.

Lin Zian felt the vibration coming from the railings, and couldn't help but sigh (groove) secretly: This man's arms are not less than a thousand catties in strength. He is really the reincarnation of Dian Wei, who was a great general in ancient times.

"It's nothing." Lin Zian shook his head and couldn't afford to offend him, "But you also have to consider what the other person thinks~ Maybe he really treats you as a brother."

"Hmph! I can finally see him clearly. He said he would be laughed at by others when he was with me, and he always regarded me as a brother." Sakai Otonoha snorted coldly and ravaged a pink envelope in his hand.

"You yourself know very well that this is fruitless." From Lin Zian's point of view, Sakai Otonoba obviously knew the outcome, but he had to fly into the flames.

"He said he likes anime. I watched a lot of anime and bought a lot of peripherals to cater to him. Every time he said which figure he liked, I would buy it for him. So why didn't he refuse when I gave him a figure?

He said he didn't like the food in the dining hall. I got up at five o'clock every day to buy vegetables and make a lunch box for him. Then why didn't he refuse when I gave him a lunch box?

He said that the house was too messy and I would take time out every week to help him clean it up. So why didn’t he refuse at this time?

But he refused in front of the whole class..."

As Sakai Otoha spoke, she leaned against the railing and cried.

Lin Zian was speechless. He didn't know what to say to this kind of man. If he didn't like it, he could just refuse. He had to hang others up and give them a little hope, but when faced with a choice, he would just beat them to death. .

"Promise me not to be a licker anymore." Lin Zian patted Sakai Otoye's back and suddenly felt that she was pitiful.

"Do you know what's the most ridiculous thing?" Sakai Otoye looked at Lin Zian, his half-crying, half-laughing expression was even more heartbreaking.

"What?" Lin Zian asked cooperatively.

"This." Sakai Otoha took out the crumpled envelope in his hand, "This is just an invitation to invite him to my birthday party. He rejected me without even knowing what was in it."

"Does that mean that person knows you like him?" This is the only explanation for his behavior. It really happens to everyone.

"Ah!" Sakai Otoye shouted towards the river, then raised his hand to throw the ball of paper into the river, but was caught by Lin Zian.

"You can't litter if you're not happy. If you have some quality, we can't be like him." Lin Zian opened her hand and took the paper ball, "Give it to me first, and I will help you throw it away."

Sakai Otoye did not resist and allowed Lin Zian to take the paper ball away.

"Then what are you doing here? Watching the scenery?" Until now, Lin Zi'an still felt that she might want to jump into the river, so he had to find a way to get her away.

"None of your business!" Sakai Otoye lay on the railing and looked at the river below.

"Don't say that. After all, we are brothers and sisters, and we are all losers." Lin Zian secretly opened the wad of paper and found that her birthday was today.

Then the matter is even more serious. Neon people still take birthdays very seriously, and she made the problem clear here.

Seeing that Otono Sakai ignored him, Lin Zian continued to test: "You haven't been home for a long time?"

"How do you know?"

"Guess." Lin Zian secretly collected the paper in his hand and put it away.


"Well, since we meet by chance today, I'll treat you to a barbecue. I know there's a good barbecue nearby."

"What do you want to do?" Sakai Otoye looked at him suspiciously. Why is this man so strange?

"Since we meet by fate, just treat it as eating with me." Lin Zian smiled playfully, not feeling embarrassed at all.

Lin Zian's abnormal behavior made her very suspicious. She was still aware of her situation. No one would talk to her, let alone buy her something to eat.

After thinking for a while, he finally laughed at himself and said: "Oh~ So you are afraid that I will jump."

"Why should I be afraid of you jumping?" Lin Zian pretended to be surprised and said, "Didn't you bring a life preserver?"

"What?" Sakai Otoye was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant. It wasn't until Lin Zian looked at her waist that she realized what she meant.

"Go to hell!"

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding, don't be angry." Lin Zian didn't feel that he was seeking death at all, and continued: "Drowning is the most painful way to die."


"Try holding your breath first and see if you can stop breathing before I finish speaking." Lin Zian continued to speak after seeing Otono Sakai holding his breath.

"To drown, you must first slowly feel the feeling of suffocation. The helplessness and huge fear of struggling in the water will magnify your pain several times, and it will be very painful until you die.

What's more, after death, your body will first sink, then float, and then it will rise. At the end, it will explode with a 'boom', and countless fish will come to enjoy this feast. Finally, it will be at the bottom of the river. shrimps, crabs and other scavengers, and then you will turn into feces. "

Sakai Otoye could no longer hold her breath and continued to breathe. After listening to Lin Zian's words, she suddenly felt a little nauseous.

"How long did you hold on? I haven't finished speaking yet." Lin Zian continued: "When you are struggling in the water, your oxygen consumption is not as easy as it is now."

"I'm not planning to jump into the river, you don't have to tell me this." Sakai Otoye said calmly.

"I'm sorry, what I just said about normal people does not apply to you." Lin Zian suppressed a smile and said, "It will be fine if you jump. You will float. You won't die even if you float for a few days."

"You..." Sakai Otoye was almost angry. She didn't know that Lin Zian was calling her fat. Is there such a comforting thing?

"How about it, let's go have a meal and then talk about it." Lin Zian smiled at her annoyed look.

"You will regret it!" Sakai Otoye said through gritted teeth, wanting to tear Lin Zian into pieces and swallow him.

She, Otoha Sakai, didn't get her figure from drinking water. How much money can he have as a student?

Sakai Otoye seemed to see Lin Zian's despair when he paid the bill.

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