My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 276 Returning Home (End)

The two were walking side by side. Hideki Uetsuki saw that he seemed to be thinking about something and his attention was not on the road at all.

"Reina wants me to take her to play, and I don't know if there is any place nearby that is suitable for a day trip."

"Amusement park?" Hideki Uetsuki suggested.

"No, those places are too boring, not to mention that at Reina's height and age, there are no activities to play." Lin Zian rejected the proposal and asked: "Have you never gone out to play with your sisters?"

"How should I put it? It's true..." Uetsuki Hideki recalled for a moment, but quickly expelled those scenes, with a helpless expression on his face, "I won't talk about this anymore."

Lin Zian was a little curious when he saw him like this, but he didn't say anything and didn't ask.

"I'll just ask Linnai where she wants to go when we get back." Lin Zian also gave up and continued to struggle with this issue. It didn't matter to him anyway, it didn't matter where he went.

"You are so insincere~"

"Her mother and I won't care anyway, so wouldn't it be better to let her make her own choice?" Lin Zian had no reaction to this.

The place he wanted to go was not suitable for taking Rena and the two of them, and he didn't want to go to those boring places.

"Eating is more important now."


When the get out of class bell rang, the class lost its lifelessness and became particularly active.

For them, the wonderful campus life has just begun, but for Lin Zian, it is the end of the day.

"Another day~"

Lin Zian didn't get up until the others were almost gone. There was no rush anyway, so there was no need to squeeze in with those people.

Wandering out to the school gate, before he could walk out of the intersection, a car parked in front opened the door and a young man got out of the driver's seat.

When Lin Zian saw the visitor, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

This person shouldn't be here.


The young man came over and opened his arms as if he wanted to hug him, but Lin Zian did not accept this. Instead, he stretched out his hand to stop him and asked, "Why are you not in the country? Why would you come out?"

"Haha~" The young man smiled awkwardly, turned around and said, "This is nothing. Let's go to your house first and then talk about it."

"What are you talking about first? Why do I feel that you are so wretched?" Lin Zian felt that something was wrong. This person was from his father's side and a former colleague.

But according to regulations, he cannot go abroad at will. Either he has a mission or he quits.

But Lin Zian knew that this guy was his father's diehard loyalist, and he used to keep an eye on him.

"He asked you to come over to perform a mission? Am I the target?" Lin Zian said as he walked to the car.

The two people just stood here for a while and attracted the attention of others. Moreover, both of them spoke Chinese, which attracted even more attention.

The two people got on the bus, and then the young man slowly said: "The boss wants you to go back."

"What happened?" Lin Zian did not refuse directly, but asked instead.

People who work in that place work as a company, so they all call Lin Zian his father, boss, even when he used to work, he called him that way.

When he heard that his father wanted him to go back, Lin Zian knew something was wrong, because it was impossible for his father to ask him to go back for some trivial matter.

The young man pondered for a moment and said slowly: "The Heavenly Master has come down from the mountain."

"What!" Lin Zian's originally careless attitude suddenly turned serious. He now knew why his father called him back.

When the Celestial Master comes down from the mountain, big trouble may happen if one of them fails. Only those rotten fish and shrimps in the company can get ahead of the Celestial Master. One person is needed to watch the scene and stabilize the situation.

"Tell me quickly, what is going on?" Lin Zian thought for a long time but could not guess why the old master came down the mountain.

It had been decades since the last time he went down the mountain. If it was not a big deal, he would not go down the mountain at all. After all, Lin Zian knew more or less why he stayed on the mountain.

"Dramatic changes occurred in Longhu Mountain some time ago..."

"No wonder~" After hearing this, Lin Zian lost the serious feeling and relaxed instead, "As long as this matter does not involve ordinary people, you don't care what they do, that's the consensus, Heavenly Master Even if he is really crazy, he will not touch ordinary people. You must know that he is still the spokesperson of Longhu Mountain. "

"Is the son going to come back or not?"

Lin Zian also heard the meaning and felt a little unhappy immediately, but he obviously came here with his father's token, and it was useless to get angry with him.

"You go first, I will go back by myself then."

It's so simple, but he definitely can't go back with his old identity. After all, he's still relatively shady, which is a bit interesting.

But how did his father know that he had the ability to fight against the Heavenly Master? Logically speaking, he was almost cold when he left. If he hadn't won the battle...

While thinking about it, Lin Zian laughed without warning, and he finally knew why.

He got out of the car without saying anything to the young man and walked slowly home.

Let's go back and see my mother~

In the end, I still couldn't fulfill my promise. I'm sorry, I broke my promise. Let's end it like this. No one is watching anyway. I'm sorry for delaying you for so long.

Thank you very much Tang Yuji for your support along the way.

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