Miyazune Rie changed her shoes at the entrance, because the design of this house is more Western-style, and you can see the general appearance of Lin Zian's house at the door.

"Does Shigeki-san really live alone? In such a big house, where are your parents?"

"My parents are both abroad. They are very busy and have no time to pay attention to me."

"It seems that your family is quite wealthy, so why does Hosokawa-san say that your family is in difficulty?"

"I don't know. Maybe I look like a poor person. Teacher, please sit down for a while and I'll get some drinks. There's no tea. Do you want Coke or juice?"

"Juice bar, Shigeki-san, don't drink so many carbonated drinks."

Lin Zian turned around and went to the kitchen to get a drink, while Gongzong Rie sat on the sofa, exactly where Lin Zian had been.

Um! What's this? In front of her was the file bag containing the information of five people.

Miyazune Rie secretly glanced in the direction of the kitchen, and then picked up the document bag out of curiosity.

"This is……"

The document bag slipped from Miyazune Rie's hand and fell to the ground with a "pop" sound.

Lin Zian, who had just come out of the kitchen, heard the sound and came out to check.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Damn it! I forgot that she was also an insider. How should I explain this to her? Should I directly erase her memory?

Eh! What's wrong with her?

Miyazune Rie didn't know what she was thinking of. She moved her hands in the air as if she wanted to catch something, and shouted "Chihiro."

Come again! Lin Zian is quite familiar with Gongzong Rie's current state, so he won't faint again.

"Okay! Wake up, there is no Qianxun you are looking for here." Lin Zian couldn't let her faint here, so he patted her shoulder gently.

Who knew that Gongzong Rie's hand that had been waving around just now grabbed Lin Zian and pulled hard.

Lin Zian frowned and slapped Gongzong Rie on the face with his backhand. Lin Zian just wanted her to calm down, but he didn't use any force, otherwise Gongzong Rie's head would fly out.

"Calm down."

Lin Zian's slap was still effective. She stopped pulling and slowly let go of Lin Zian's hand.

Miyazune Rie glanced at her hands, then covered her face with her hands and started crying.

He was still saying "I'm sorry" intermittently.

At first, Lin Zian thought she was talking to him and replied, "It's okay." But Miyazou Rie said, "I'm sorry Chihiro, it was me who hurt you." Lin Zian was embarrassed for a while.

Her name is not on the list of five people, and Blackfoot has no memory of her. What role did Rie Miyazou play in that incident?

Gongzong Rie's performance aroused Lin Zian's curiosity.

When she was almost crying, Lin Zian dared to approach her, picked up the documents scattered on the ground, and handed her a bottle of iced Coke.

"Now, you need a cup of hot coffee now, but this is all I have here."

Gongzong Rie slapped Lin Zian's hand away, stared at him fiercely with her eyes red and swollen from crying, and asked loudly.

"What do you want to do? Why are you investigating this matter? If you don't tell me, I will call the police."

Lin Zian ignored her threat, put the Coke on the table, sat on the sofa, and said nonchalantly.

"Stupid! If I have a problem, what you just said is enough to make you fall into the abyss. You may be killed, or you may be trained into XXX. This is still the simplest. Your relatives, friends and even your students, They will all be killed by your stupidity.”

"What on earth are you going to do?" Miyazune Rie shouted a little hysterically.

Looking at Gongzong Rie who was about to collapse, Lin Zian shook his head and spoke slowly.

"I am just a bystander. I know everything about this matter, but what price can you pay? You have to know that there is no free service in this world."

"I..." Gongzong Rie stared at Lin Zian's eyes, as if trying to figure out what he wanted to do, but found nothing.

Lin Zian just looked at her with a smile, without any hint of urging her.

Gongzong Rie thought about Lin Zian's request. What does he want from me?

money? No, Miyazune Rie touched the sofa she was sitting on and looked at the furniture around her. He couldn't be short of money. I'm just a teacher. What can I do for him?

Could it be...

Gongzong Rie looked at the smiling Lin Zian in front of her in horror.

Gongzong Rie asked without confidence: "What do you want from me?" Then with a little luck, she nervously waited for Lin Zian's answer.

Lin Zian finally took the bait when he saw Gongzong Rie. After taking care of her, it will be much easier to skip class with the head teacher as an internal agent.

Lin Zian got up from the sofa, supported the table with one hand, and stretched out the other hand, wanting to shake hands after the transaction was completed like the people on TV to celebrate his plan to skip class.

Lin Zian whispered: "I want you..."

What Miyazong Rie saw was the corners of Lin Zian's mouth gradually turning up and the "devil's claws" stretching towards her.

"Ah!" Miyazune Rie screamed, "Pervert, I won't agree to it."

Lin Zi'an was stunned for a moment, right? I can't even ask you to write a leave request for me? If it doesn’t work, it won’t work! You also curse people, what kind of qualities do you have!

Since you don't even want to agree to this, you still want to do nothing? There was no need for Lin Zian to talk nonsense to her. He simply stood up, looked down at her and said, "Then please leave my house. We have nothing to talk about anymore."

"I..." Miyazune Rie completely forgot the purpose of her coming today.

"There is no free lunch in this world. If you don't even want to pay for it, it means you don't pay attention to it at all."

"You...you don't even know what this is going on." Gongzong Rie looked at Lin Zian angrily, but found that Lin Zian was looking behind her.

Miyazune Rie turned around and looked over, but saw nothing.


The meowing startled her, and she saw a pure black cat coming down the stairs. The most terrifying thing was that the cat was also staring at her.

Miyazune Rie remembered the words of some old people that black cats can see ghosts, because black cats usually haunt places where supernatural events occur, so black cats represent bad luck.

This must be Shigeki Aota who wants to silence me, ah! I don’t want to die, I don’t want to become XXX, I haven’t…

She knew she lost, and she lost to a student.

Miyazune Rie shouted in humiliation: "I agreed, come on!"

Lin Zian looked at Gong Zonglihui with her eyes closed and slumped on the sofa, looking like she had been spoiled.

"What are you doing?"

Does this person have a (sensitive word) problem in his head? Lin Zian looked at her as if she was mentally retarded.

Miyazune Rie's trembling eyes suddenly opened, "Do you still want me to take the initiative? Are you still a man?"

"Why should I write a leave request?"

"Of course writing a leave request is... um... a leave request?"

"That's right! Didn't you promise me? If I skip classes in the future, you can help me make up my leave request."

"Um...yes, that's right, I'll cover your future leave requests."

Miyazune Rie hurriedly covered up her embarrassed expression and sat down dignifiedly again.

"Then what's that behind me?"

"Behind you?" Lin Zian glanced at Waimu Qianxun lightly, "There's nothing."

"Then what are you looking at behind me?" Miyazune Rie

"Okay, don't waste my time, tell me your story now."

"My story?" Miyazune Rie was a little confused. Didn't you tell me?

"Yes, I want to know your story, and then I will tell you what I know. So, let me tell you a name first, Qianxun Watanagi."

Miyazune Rie was stunned for a moment when she heard the name, and then spoke slowly.

"Chihiro Sogi was once my best friend."

Gongzong Rie saw Lin Zian's eyes suddenly looking behind her. She was so frightened that she turned around sharply, but there was still nothing behind her.

"What the hell are you looking at?"

"Look at my cat, Xiaobai, come here." Lin Zian waved to Xiaobai, and Xiaobai responded and jumped on his lap, staring at Gongzong Rie.

Miyazune Rie now feels that Lin Zian is similar to those old witches with black cats.

"Okay, let's continue talking." Lin Zian leaned back on the sofa and raised his head slightly.

Miyazune Rie looked around a few times a little worriedly, but she couldn't see anything.

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