My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 5 Haunted House

The young man didn't understand that Lin Zian had been playing tricks on him.

The structure of the magic array in the small bottle was very simple and interesting. It had the characteristics of China, but it was also very different. It should be a magic array derived from Japan. However, the magic arrays in Japan were all passed down from China. There was nothing strange about it. The magic arrays in Japan were considered local characteristics.

Lin Zian could operate it after a little trial and error.

"How can you control the resentful ghost? Who are you? Are you also a Yin-Yang master?" The young man had already lost his sense of proportion.

Facing his question, Lin Zian replied with a smirk: "Didn't I say that my profession is a magician? This resentful ghost is man-made, right? Where did you learn this method? How many people did you kill to have so much resentment? No wonder I always feel that you are a little disgusting. It turns out that you are haunted by resentment."

"If you dare to touch me, my teacher will definitely not let you go." The young man said viciously.

"It seems that you still don't understand the situation! Stop talking nonsense, tell me about the ring, you can feel comfortable, otherwise, I think the resentful ghost you created with your own hands really wants to be intimate with you, the master." After saying that, Lin Zian controlled the resentful ghost to float around the young man.

The young man was very spineless and explained the origin of the ring.

He bought the ring, what a pit! Such a big fuss, so much time was wasted.

Lin Zian ignored the young man's plea for mercy and handed the young man over to the resentful ghost. The resentful ghost that lost control pounced on the young man.

While the young man was wailing, he dealt with the traces, wiped off the fingerprints on the gun, reprinted the fingerprints of the security guard and put it back, went to the kitchen to get a knife, stabbed the security guard and the young man several times, and then put the knife in the hands of the unconscious Motoe Shisheng, you will definitely take the blame.

Before leaving, he also took their money away, which was about 300,000 yen, which was another income, and the air ticket money would be in hand tomorrow.

It took about ten minutes for Lin Zian to leave before Motoe Shisheng woke up.

He sat up, looked at the messy scene and the knife in his hand, threw the knife on the ground, and huddled aside with his head in his hands, trembling.

After a long while, he stood up, picked up the knife on the ground, cut the young man's face, exchanged his clothes with the young man, left the house wearing the young man's clothes, set a fire before leaving, and disappeared into the street.

As for Lin Zian, he squatted at the door of the bank all night, which scared the security uncle who came to open the door in the morning.

"Wake up, go away quickly, this is a bank, don't bother others." The uncle pushed Lin Zian to wake him up.

"Ah! My head hurts so much, I really can't use it carelessly, my body is too bad." Lin Zian shook his head and held his forehead with both hands.

Now Lin Zian's body is equivalent to a pot with a hole in it, and his soul is the soup in the pot. Originally, most of the soup in the pot has leaked out in more than ten years, and a bowl of it was poured out yesterday. The pot must be repaired as soon as possible, otherwise no matter how much water is added, it will leak out, and it will become mentally retarded.

As the saying goes, pretending to be cool is fun for a while, but you will end up in the crematorium afterwards. I had fun yesterday, but I suffered today. It's all retribution!

The security guard couldn't understand what Lin Zian said (people subconsciously speak their native language). Seeing him talking to himself and looking unconscious, he asked: "Are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Lin Zian waved his hands quickly, thinking that he was indeed disturbing others, and apologized to the security guard: "I'm sorry, I'm disturbing your work, I'll leave immediately."

After saying that, he stood up with the help of the wall and sat on the steps below.

The security guard didn't say anything when he saw Lin Zian cooperating so well. He walked over to open the bank door and then sat on the steps.

"Why are you sleeping here? Did you have a quarrel with your family?"

Lin Zian is now what he originally looked like, a plain-looking boy with messy hair like a chicken coop. In addition, he squatted here all night, and he really looked like a boy who ran away from home.

"No." Lin Zian was silent for a while, "I guess so, we had a falling out, so we went out for a walk."

Then the two chatted casually, and the uncle was talking most of the time.

The uncle talked about his family, a relatively happy family, with a son and a daughter, both very sensible, and his wife was also very virtuous, and he was very satisfied now.

Talking about his youth, it was hard to tell that he was a bad boy at that time.

"By the way, why are you sleeping here?" the uncle asked in confusion.

"I came here to deposit money." Lin Zian patted the backpack on the ground.

"Can't you just go to the ATM, or do you not know how to operate it? Hahaha!" the uncle teased.

"I don't have a card." Lin Zian laughed, "Also, I'm afraid the ATM can't put it in."

"How much can it be, and it can't be put in?" The uncle obviously didn't believe him.

"You'll know when the time comes." Lin Zian ignored the uncle's questioning.

When he came out of the bank, it was almost nine o'clock, and he took a taxi directly outside the bank to the airport.

I have to say that things at the airport are really expensive. Just a simple meal costs about 3,000 yen, and of course Lin Zian eats a lot.

It takes about one and a half to two hours to fly from Nagasaki to Tokyo. A small place has its advantages, at least for Lin Zian.

The Internet said that the school is in Tokyo, but when Lin Zian found it, he found out that it is in Tokyo, and it is in Kanagawa, and it is not known how far it is from downtown Tokyo.

Fortunately, the transportation is quite convenient, with subways and buses.

Lin Zian finally found the school, but was told that it was during the holidays and the teacher responsible for the admission procedures was not available. Please complete the admission procedures two days before the start of school.

After leaving school, the top priority now is to find a place to settle down.

For many people, a house is basically a lifelong goal.

But for some people, a house is a small goal, and Lin Zian is one of them.

Lin Zian found a relatively large agency. As soon as he entered, several ladies came up and asked him what he wanted. It was like visiting a brothel. He quickly went out and looked at the door. Is that right? It's a housing agency.

When he entered again, everyone had left, but Lin Zian still heard some.

"It turned out to be a child."

"His clothes don't look like a rich man, sisters, let's go.

Lin Zian didn't care, and randomly named someone on the field, "You, it's you."

The person named came out and was taken to a small round table with some snacks placed on it.

"Hello, please sit down. My name is Haraguchi Shigeru. Are you buying a house or renting a house?" Haraguchi Shigeru asked very professionally.

"Hello, my name is Chongmu Qingtian and I want to buy a house." Lin Zian sat down.

Then I mentioned a few conditions. First, it should be near the school. Second, the transportation should be convenient. Third, the neighborhood should be quiet. There are no requirements on the size. It just needs to be passable.

After hearing these requirements, the agent checked it on the tablet, and then said awkwardly: "Sir, there are 24 properties that meet the requirements, but the price may be a problem."

Lin Zian was a little hesitant after hearing this, and said to the agent: "Introduce it to me first."

"Okay sir, here is the information about the houses that meet the requirements." The agent handed a tablet to Lin Zian.

After Lin Zian took it, he started to look at it. He didn't know if he looked at it, but he was shocked when he saw it.

The first place on the list was a villa with a retro garden design worth more than 230 million yuan. Lin Zian quickly marked it down without even daring to look at the details.

Just now I wanted to say that money is not an issue, but luckily I didn't show off, otherwise it would have been embarrassing.

After skipping several houses starting with hundreds of millions, a house that Lin Zian could afford appeared.

Lin Zian picked out 7 of the remaining rooms and returned the tablet to the agency.

"Take me to see these seven places."

The agent looked at the place Lin Zian picked, and his attitude was obviously much more enthusiastic, because the prices he picked were all between 40 million and 20 million. If the business was completed, her commission would not be low, at least more than one month. The salary is high.

I wandered from noon to around six o'clock before arriving at the last place. I stood on the balcony and listened to the agent's introduction.

It gets dark earlier now, so many houses start to turn on the lights. The hazy light gives the residential area a different kind of beauty.

But a scar ruined this beauty. There were scattered lights everywhere, but it was dark there.

Lin Zian pointed there and asked the agent, "Where is that place? Why is there no one living there?"

The agent followed Lin Zian's hand and saw where it was. He quickly removed Lin Zian's hand and said in horror: "Don't point there. It's very evil there. There seems to be a ghost."

Lin Zian looked at her and smiled: "How do you know there is a ghost there? Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

The agent immediately turned into a gossip, "You don't know, my company is also responsible for that place. There are a lot of rumors there. At first, people just felt dizzy when they moved in, but then it became more and more serious. What rumors, items will move by themselves, and at night There were dark shadows, and some people almost died inside. Our company did not believe in evil at first and took over the place. In two years, there were several owners there, and none of them could stay for more than a week. The rumors became more and more strange. In the end, even the people nearby moved away. The company wanted to sell it as soon as possible and repeatedly lowered the price. Now it is only more than 18 million, but the rumors have spread long ago and no one comes to buy it. "

"That means no one died inside." Lin Zian thought for a moment.

The agent hesitated for a while, nodded and said: "It seems that no one has died inside. The seriously injured person said he saw a black shadow following him, and he fell down the stairs when he was running."

"So, I'm just scaring myself. What's the matter?" Lin Zian comforted her with a smile.

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