My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 61 Heavy Rain

Lin Zian hummed a little tune and brought out the dishes as usual, then looked at the time and sat on the sofa playing with his mobile phone.

But soon he felt something was wrong, because Oda and his daughter hadn't come yet. They used to be very punctual, but today they were half an hour late.

Lin Zian got up and went to Oda's house.

As soon as he went out, a strong wind blew in his face. Lin Zian glanced at the sky and felt like it was going to rain.

"Is Linnai at home?" Lin Zian knocked on the door and shouted.

After a while, Oda Rena opened the door and came out.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Oda Reina's dumb look, Lin Zian couldn't help but hold his forehead.

"Isn't your mother back yet?"

"Oh! By the way, I forgot to tell Onisan that my mother said that the store where she works is having an event today and she will be back later."

Oda Rena's look was so irritating that Lin Zian could only smile bitterly in return.

"Okay, then do you want to go to my side first?"

"Onisan, can you pick mom up? It's going to rain. Mom didn't bring an umbrella today."

When Lin Zian heard this, he didn't believe that Linnai would also make a request!

"Okay, you stay at home and I'll help you pick up your mother."

After asking Linnai for the address, Lin Zian took an umbrella and went out. As for why he only brought one umbrella, one was because he only had one umbrella at home, but he also brought two disposable raincoats. It is more effective against heavy rain than an umbrella.

Carrying an umbrella is just a matter of habit.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and the sun could no longer be seen.

When Lin Zian first went out, the wind was not so strong, but by the time he was halfway there, the wind was already blowing his clothes loudly, and raindrops began to fall above his head.

Seeing this situation, Lin Zian could only speed up his pace, trying to get the person back before the heavy rain came.

Fortunately, Michiko Oda's place of work is not far from home, so she arrived quickly.

Due to heavy rain, the event was suspended, and Michiko Oda was organizing things outside the store.

Upon seeing this, Lin Zian rushed up to help.

"Why are you alone? Aren't you doing some activities?"

When Oda Michiko saw him coming, she didn't answer his question, but immediately asked about Oda Rena's situation.

"Lingnai is at home. She asked me to come and pick you up." Lin Zian replied while taking action.

Two people are definitely faster than one, and they both race against time, so they moved things quickly.

Although the two of them were fast, the rain came faster. There was no way to do it. Things like catching up with the sky depended on whether God would give you face. Obviously, Lin Zian didn't have the ability to let God give you face.

Lin Zian handed the raincoat he brought to Michiko Oda.

"Let's go quickly, Reina is still waiting for you to come home."

"Okay." Michiko Oda put on her raincoat and walked into the heavy rain with Lin Zian.

The howling wind mixed with the rain beat on people, making a "pop, pop, pop" sound. The wind at this time can already make people feel the tyrannical power of nature.

If the wind wasn't enough, even Lin Zian didn't dare to touch the sharpness of the thunder snake swimming above his head.

The two of them walked very fast, and the rain continued to get heavier. In the face of this level of rain, umbrellas were meaningless. Fortunately, Lin Zian had the foresight to bring a raincoat.

The two of them walked forward in the rain, but suddenly, Lin Zian, who was walking in front, stopped.

"What's wrong?" Michiko Oda shouted.

Although she shouted, the sound that reached Lin Zian's ears was not much.

"You go back first, I forgot something, I have to go back and get it." Then he handed her the key, "I'll go back later, you have dinner with Rena first, you don't have to wait for me."

Before Michiko Oda could speak, Lin Zian rushed into the rain.

Michiko Oda took the key. She couldn't understand. It was clear that home was right in front of her, so why should she go back and get it at this time?

Without Michiko Oda, Lin Zian could walk freely in the rain, and his originally hunched waist straightened out.

The reason why Lin Zian became like this is simple. He had untied his body and was now in his normal state.

Lin Zian was walking nearby. He just felt something strange, and there was also the smell of blood. Logically speaking, with such a heavy rain, any smell of blood should be washed away by the heavy rain, but Lin Zian just felt a smell of blood. The smell, or rather the smell of iron.

He would not allow danger anywhere near his home.

Lin Zian suddenly stopped, closed his eyes, and slowly expanded his senses, trying to get some information from the heavy rain.

After a moment, Lin Zian opened his eyes and ran in one direction, breaking out of a road made of rainwater in the heavy rain.

As he got closer, the sound in his ears became clearer and clearer. It was the sound of gold and iron.

When he came to the place he sensed, it was a very ordinary small park. Lin Zian saw three people surrounding one person. The ones being besieged were two young men with knives and a tall old man with white hair and no beard. The one being besieged was a A young man in a suit holding a knife.

The young man fought one on two, but did not lose at all. He suppressed the two men and fought. Seeing that something was wrong, the tall old man waved his hand to summon a ghost warrior wearing armor. He handed the sword to the warrior, and then the old man commanded the ghost warrior to charge. past.

The samurai charged with his sword and struck hard with great force, sending the young man flying. The young man rolled to relieve his strength, stood up again, and charged towards the crowd again with his sword. However, as the ghost samurai joined the battle, the young man was defeated and was soon killed. Suppressed.

Lin Zian saw that the old man had controlled the situation, so he hid in the dark. This was their business, and Lin Zian didn't want to get involved in these things.

The young man half-knelt on the ground, using his knife to support the ground, and watched the old man walk up to him.

"Hyakkimaru, get away from this ordinary person and go back with us."

"Haha, go back? I've been there for a hundred years." Although the young man was a little embarrassed, he had a crazy grin on his face, and he shouted tremblingly: "I crave the taste of blood."

Seeing this situation, the old man was about to ask the two disciples behind the young man to leave, but he was a step too late. A bloody knife light split the rain curtain, and the two people were cut in two from the waist, and died with their own screams.

The old man was blocked by his own Shikigami and was not damaged, but the Shikigami slowly dissipated. The previous attack actually defeated it. The old man looked at the saber that fell on the ground with heartache, and he didn't know how long it would take to raise it before he could summon the ghost warrior again.

The young man was not in a good condition after delivering a shocking blow. He collapsed on the ground with his waist twisted into a weird angle. In Lin Zian's opinion, his spine was broken and it would be useless even if he was rescued.

However, the young man was not the protagonist. Soon, another ghost warrior separated from him. He stood with a knife and looked at the old man.

"Without the power of the shikigami, you are nothing."

At this time, the old man did not panic, but pulled out the scabbard on his body, held the knife in the middle, and faced the ghost warrior.

"I will seal you today at the risk of my life."

"You will be my sacrifice."

The two fought a few times, and the old man's scabbard was chopped off, but he had expected this to happen. He had just come to the place where the saber fell, smashed the scabbard in his hand at the samurai, and rolled over to pick up the knife on the ground, but he didn't expect the knife to fly out by itself.

Seeing this, the old man did not dare to stop. He rolled several times in a row and got up from the ground after getting out of the samurai's attack range.

But the samurai did not attack him, but watched him get up.

The old man didn't understand that the warrior was playing a trick on him.

"You broke through again!"

"I've been waiting for a hundred years, what do you think?"

The old man was helpless and watched the warrior slowly approaching with his knife.

Lin Zian knew that he had to go out.

It was really troublesome.

"You two, stop for a moment."

Both of them were a little surprised that there were people beside them, and they all looked at Lin Zian.

"Another sacrifice." The warrior couldn't see the person clearly, but when he heard the voice was a teenager, he laughed loudly.

"You leave here quickly and find someone to come back." The old man was also a little disappointed. He thought it was a strong helper, but it turned out to be a teenager.

It's not that the two people looked down on Lin Zian, but how can you make people look up to you?

Regardless of the attitude of the two people, Lin Zian slowly walked to the warrior and reached out to take the knife in his hand.

The warrior did not resist, but handed the knife over.

Thanks to Kun Pengming for the recommendation vote.

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