My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 65: Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

When Lin Zian finished running with him, 7 minutes had passed, which meant there was only 3 minutes of rest time before they had to do push-ups.

"How was it, was it okay?"

"I can do it, don't worry, Qingtian classmate!" Uetsuki Hideki seemed very aggressive and made a fist to Lin Zian.

Lin Zian looked at Uetsuki Hideki who was lying on the ground, "Then relax your hands and feet first." Lin Zian didn't even know how he ran 5 laps last time.

Three kilometers was not even a warm-up for Lin Zian. He looked at the others, and that was it. Only a few people were in better condition, among whom Hirakoshi looked the most relaxed. After all, he was trained for this, although there was a big difference between long-distance running and short-distance running.

Thinking that he was one of the last five, Lin Zian felt like laughing but couldn't.

It was really troublesome to accompany Uetsuki Hideki to practice more later. Although Lin Zian thought so, he didn't regret it.

"It's time, everyone gather."

"Ah!" Everyone wailed and wanted to lie on the ground, but they still came over obediently under the teacher's coercion.

"Who can do one more set of push-ups the slowest?"

Hearing this, the lazy people rushed over like chicken blood.

And Lin Zian was more clever. He brought Uetsuki Hideki to the gathering point at the beginning, and just stood up.

"Let's do a set of relaxation exercises first, otherwise your hands and feet will be sore tomorrow."

In fact, what the teacher said was to massage your muscles, but Lin Zian didn't think it was useful.

"You two, come out." Sakaname Yu pointed at Lin Zian and Uetsuki Hideki.

Me? Lin Zian didn't know what he meant. Didn't he say that he would do more exercises during the break? But seeing that Uetsuki Hideki had already walked out, he had to follow him out.

"What did they do?"

"I don't know, but it's probably not a good thing."

"How pitiful, they were caught by him."

"Who told them to run slowly, they deserved it."

Lin Zi'an walked up and listened to those people saying some strange things.

"Teacher Sakaname, is there anything I can do?" Lin Zi'an came to Sakaname Yu and asked.

He thought that Sakaname Yu asked them out not for extra training, didn't he see that the other three people didn't come out?

Uetsuki Hideki followed behind Lin Zi'an, not even daring to speak.

"Oh, nothing, you two don't need to do push-ups, and you don't need to do extra training, go and move."

When he said this, not only those silly classmates were shocked, but even Lin Zi'an himself couldn't figure it out, but Lin Zi'an understood a truth, if you don't take what God gives, you will suffer the consequences.

"Okay, thank you teacher, we'll leave first." After saying that, he took Uetsuki Hideki to sit next to him.

Uetsuki Hideki was still a little confused and could only be dragged away by Lin Zian. It was not until he sat down that he reacted and looked at Lin Zian in confusion.

"Why are you looking at me? I don't know." Lin Zian knew what he was thinking and added: "Don't worry, the teacher will explain."

The silly classmates who were gloating just now also started to talk about it, and it was getting more and more intense, but Sakaname Yu did not stop it, but was waiting for something.

"Teacher, they are obviously the slowest runners, so it's okay if they don't have to practice extra, but why don't they have to do push-ups?" Kiyohisa Katsuhiko came out and confronted the teacher.

Kiyohisa Katsuhiko originally looked down on Lin Zian. When he saw Lin Zian being called out at first, he was still secretly happy, but when he heard that he didn't have to do push-ups, he immediately became unhappy, and then walked out to question the teacher under the instigation of everyone.

Thinking of Akimori Hiroichi's performance before, jealousy spread in his heart. Catering to the silly classmates' booing, Kiyohisa Katsuhiko raised his head and chest, as if he had seen the result of the justice verdict.

When Lin Zian saw Kiyohisa Katsuhiko coming out, he knew he was hopeless.

Don't you look at Akimori Boyi? He was so powerful but he didn't jump. Didn't he see that the teacher wanted to make trouble? He jumped out to be a chicken.

Originally, Lin Zian thought he was just a little stupid, but now it seems that he is really stupid.

"You only saw that they didn't have to do push-ups, but you didn't see that they worked hard to complete the task I gave them."

"We also worked hard to complete the task." Kiyohisa Katsuhiko said it quickly. He was a little scared when he finished speaking, but when other students echoed him, his back straightened up immediately.

"Yes! We also completed the task, why are only the two of them able to rest."

"We also want to rest, we won't do it anymore."

"We won't do it anymore."

Lin Zian looked at the people who were making a fuss and Kiyohisa Katsuhiko who was relying on others' power, and shook his head. Could it be that he still couldn't understand what the teacher wanted to do?

As the saying goes, a new official takes three fires when he takes office. The teacher just wants to stir up trouble and establish his authority. Otherwise, they will bargain every day and not go to class. How can they pass the exam? How can the teacher complete the school's tasks?

The two of them are just excuses that the teacher casually came up with.

Lin Zian paid attention to the few smart people in the crowd who did not participate. There were only two or three, and the others were just mindlessly making trouble.

Anyway, it was none of his business, so he just watched the fun.

Kiyohisa Katsuhiko looked at Akimori Hiroichi with pride, but found that he didn't notice him at all, but frowned as if thinking about something.

"It's attitude, attitude, you know?" Sakaname Yu's voice immediately overwhelmed their voices, "Look at you, with such an attitude, do you think I don't know your tricks?"

Sakaname Yu called a few people out on the spot, "You know how many laps you have missed." He looked around and continued: "There are more people I didn't notice. With your attitude, you still want to rest?"

Everyone was silent on the spot and looked around.

"Why do you think they are slower than you? Because they finished the whole course and didn't slack off." Sakaname Yu took a step forward and came in front of Kiyohisa Katsuhiko, scaring him to take a step back.

However, Kiyohisa Katsuhiko reacted immediately, "I also finished the whole course, why can't I rest?" He looked behind him after he said that, but the support he imagined did not come, and he soon panicked.

Lin Zian was really convinced, why did he say such a thing? This was originally a task assigned by the teacher, and you used this as a bargaining chip? And most people were lazy, you said you didn't slack off, are you trying to show off yourself? This sentence immediately severed his connection with the masses, and he went from a person who fought for the welfare of everyone to a person who fought for his own profit.

He hadn't realized that the reason why Lin Zi'an and Uetsuki could rest was not because of their attitude, but because the teacher needed a typical example. In other words, it depends on the teacher's thoughts. If he wants you to rest, you can rest. If you don't want to, no one will care about you even if you run your legs off.

"Now, go back." Sakaname Yu asked the soulless Kiyohisa Katsuhiko to go back, and then asked them to line up, "Everyone, lie down, and prepare for push-ups."

Looking at the people doing push-ups, Uetsuki Hideki couldn't help but feel lucky. He looked at Lin Zi'an next to him: If it wasn't for Shigeki, I would be lazy like them and then be caught by the teacher.

"Shigeki, thank you."

Lin Zi'an looked at him in surprise, you didn't understand either? "Don't be so happy, we two will be in big trouble."

"Huh?" Uetsuki Hideki didn't understand why Lin Zi'an said that. We are obviously much better than them, what trouble can there be?

"There is a saying that what is worrying is not the lack of wealth but the inequality. We are very comfortable here now. When we return to class, you will know why I said that." Lin Zian gave him a look that he should take care of himself.

Lin Zian said that Uetsuki Hideki also understood, and he retorted: "It is obviously their problem, why blame us?"

"How should I know, this may be human nature, anyway, you should be careful." Lin Zian rolled his eyes and reminded him.

"Shigeki classmate should also be careful."

Hearing his words, Lin Zian asked curiously: "Aren't you afraid of them? Exclusion, verbal violence, and even dragging you to the toilet, after all, you..."

"What are you talking about!" Uetsuki Hideki punched him.

Lin Zian did not hide, and quickly smiled and said: "Just kidding, don't hit me."

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