My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 68: Encountering a Ghost

After returning home, Lin Zian called out Shigeki Chihiro and gave her a task. She was to go out for a walk at night when she had nothing to do, to see if she could find a few criminals and bring back some soul crystals. After all, it was Chihiro who used up Xiaobai's share.

It was not easy to have some free time, so she had to take advantage of this time to get it done. She had promised Xiaobai for so long, and she couldn't delay it any longer.

In fact, Xiaobai didn't know about this unilateral agreement at all. After all, Xiaobai was just a cat.

Lin Zian always treated Xiaobai the same way he treated people. Maybe in his eyes, Xiaobai was not a cat at all, or Xiaobai was more like a human than some people.

When he was free, Lin Zian liked to find something to eat. When he opened the refrigerator, Lin Zian found that most of his snacks were gone, and he remembered the existence of Miyazo Rie.

When she left that day, she even took away the two pounds of braised beef he had left. She ate and took it. Lin Zian didn't want her to come again.

Are there teachers who visit homes like this? Are there still laws? Are there still laws?

In this comparison, Hosokawa Rio, who was also a guest, was much better.

Lin Zian, who was lying on the sofa, was awakened by a violent knock on the door. He put aside the deduction in his mind, picked up Xiaobai who was sleeping on his chest with one hand, and walked quickly to the door.

Before opening the door, Xiaobai screamed, then broke away from Lin Zian's hand and ran away.

"Who is it?" Lin Zian opened the door and found that it was Haraguchi Shigeru.

However, her current state was a little bit wrong. She was not wearing her professional clothes, but a black and white sportswear. However, it seemed that she had not washed for a few days. A sour smell emanated from her. Her face was haggard, her eyes seemed to be sunken in her eye sockets, surrounded by a circle of dark circles, her face was pale, without a bit of blood, and she was also in a panic.

The most important point is that she has a gloomy aura. Yin Qi is different from resentment, and Lin Zian can still distinguish this.

Simply put, Yin Qi is the breath of the dead, and resentment, as the name suggests, is condensed from resentment and is only possessed by the living.

"Help me, he's coming." When Haraguchi Shigeru saw Lin Zi'an coming out, he rushed up and grabbed his hand, then begged.

"How did you get involved with this kind of thing?" Lin Zi'an asked puzzledly.

Logically speaking, it should be difficult for ordinary people to come into contact with such things, because Yin Qi is not only present in dead people, but also has certain conditions for its formation. Otherwise, it will come once a person dies, and ordinary people will not be able to survive.

Moreover, the country will definitely deal with these things. For example, Lin Zi'an has participated in several domestic missions, but why doesn't Japan seem to have such people? Are the Yin and Yang masters here just eating dry food? How come he has only been here for a few days and has encountered two cases... No, it should be three cases, and one of them came to the door by himself.

But it's also true. If it weren't for Lin Zi'an's action, the old man that day would have been almost killed. With this level, it's useless to come.

Also, according to what the old man said, Japan still has inheritance. Why didn't Yukino Takemi find anyone when he encountered Chihiro?

Lin Zian integrated the information in a short time and found many problems. He turned his attention to Yuankou Fan.

Perhaps he could use her to understand the situation in Neon.

While Lin Zian was looking at Yuankou Fan, Yuankou Fan was also looking at him. After being a salesperson for so long, she thought she was very good at reading people's faces, and Lin Zian's performance just now obviously knew a thing or two about these things.

It turned out that she was just desperate. Thinking that Lin Zian was the only person she had ever met who was related to ghosts and gods, she came to try her luck. Now, listening to his tone, he clearly knew something but was not afraid at all.

Yuankou Fan remembered that Lin Zian had once disdained the rumors about the haunted house. It was obvious that he was not afraid of these things. Her desire to survive was immediately aroused.

"Save me, please save me." She grabbed Lin Zian's hand even harder.

Lin Zian looked at her, opened the door, and said, "Come in first."

With Lin Zian's permission, Yuankou Fan rushed in like a rabbit.

Entering the haunted Springfield Mansion again, Haraguchi Shigeru did not feel uneasy, but felt very stable, which relaxed her tense nerves.

Haraguchi Shigeru sat on the sofa stiffly, not as familiar as she was when she first came.

"Tell me, how did you get involved with this thing?" Lin Zian sat opposite her and asked straight to the point.

"Can you give me some water and food first? I haven't eaten for almost two days to avoid those things." Haraguchi Shigeru licked his cracked lips, put his hands together in front of him, and said to Lin Zian in a pleading tone.

"Okay, wait a while." Lin Zian also felt that she couldn't tell any good stories in this state, so he turned back to the kitchen to see if there was anything else to eat.

Seeing that she followed him in, Lin Zian said to her, "The refrigerator is over there, take whatever you want to drink."

There was no leftover food, but there were still two bowls of overnight rice. Lin Zian directly took out the pot and fried some egg fried rice. Although porridge is better for people who haven't eaten for two days and doesn't hurt the stomach, Lin Zian didn't have time to make it, and he still remembered that she had made trouble here before.

"Hey, try my egg fried rice." Lin Zian put the plate full of fried rice in front of her.

Although it was very casual, Lin Zian's egg fried rice was also made with care, with distinct grains, and each grain of rice was covered with golden egg liquid, which can be called golden fried rice.

"Hmm, it smells really good." Yuankou Shigeru put down the cup, leaned over, and took a deep breath of the aroma. However, just as she was about to start, she was stopped by Lin Zi'an.

"Go wash your hands first, no one will snatch it from you."

Yuankou Shigeru immediately got up to wash his hands, and when he came back, he started eating with big mouthfuls, while Lin Zi'an was playing with his mobile phone next to him. He was checking if there was anything big happening nearby, because generally such things would involve many people, and they might be provoked just by passing by, and then like Yuankou Shigeru, they would be marked and come to the door at any time.

Ghosts are really an unsolvable existence for ordinary people. Ordinary people cannot observe the existence of ghosts under normal circumstances, and physical attacks such as guns and cannons can cause little damage to them. They cannot be seen or touched, and they are almost invincible. Otherwise, Lin Zi'an would not have said to Shigeki Chihiro, "Ordinary people's laws can no longer restrain you."

But similarly, without any cultivation and methods, it is difficult for them to hurt people, and it is still easy for people who have practiced to deal with such new ghosts.

Judging from the marks on Yuankou Fan's body, the one who took a fancy to her should be a newborn, that is, a being that is not even a wandering soul. They can only gradually wear down a person's will and spirit, and can only "swallow" a person when they reach a certain level.

Beings like Qianxun can easily control ordinary people, and can also affect people's senses and create illusions, so Lin Zian forbids Qianxun to attack ordinary people without reason.

Of course, if someone kills himself, Lin Zian can't help him.

During the time when Lin Zian was distracted, Yuankou Fan had finished eating. After eating and drinking, she finally got a little angry. She didn't want to look dead and short-lived when she first came.

"Can you tell me, how did you meet these things?"

Lin Zian didn't let her in to eat and drink for free, business is more important.

"Dead, they are all dead." Hearing Lin Zian's words, Yuankou Fan seemed to have some bad memories. She slowly closed her eyes, and then quickly broke free, holding her head with both hands, and said some meaningless words with trembling.

"Calm down. If you don't explain clearly, I can't help you." Lin Zi'an wanted her to calm down, but it seemed useless. Yuankou Fan had no intention of calming down, and even stepped on his sofa with his foot.

"If you don't want to talk, just leave. Don't waste my time." Lin Zi'an frowned and put her foot down again.

Maybe Lin Zi'an's words irritated her, or maybe she touched her foot. Yuankou Fan kicked Lin Zi'an with force.

At this point, Lin Zi'an couldn't stand her anymore, so he directly grabbed her feet and threw her to the ground.

Maybe he woke her up, Yuankou Fan got up from the ground in a daze.

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