My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 72 Beginning

"Listen to me first." Haraguchi Shigeru hated Lin Zian's constant interruption of her words. "What's even more strange is the cause and manner of his death."

Lin Zian knew that Shigeru Haraguchi was deliberately trying to hide her words, and he also knew that he had interrupted her many times, which was not in line with his habits. It was not that he was unwilling to listen slowly, but now this story was no longer a story that had already happened, but was now unfolding. As he went on, he felt that things were not that simple. This was not a simple supernatural event, but there were also some unknown circumstances. He urgently needed a lot of clues to recreate the event.

Seeing that Lin Zian was not cooperating, Haraguchi Shigeru continued to ask, although he was a little unwilling to do so.

"He's ready." Shigeru Haraguchi said something strange again.

Seeing that Lin Zian didn't understand, she explained the funeral customs in Neon.

Neon people have many customary practices for disposing of the remains of the deceased. Generally, men have to shave and have their hair straightened, while women have to put on makeup. According to Buddhist-style funerals, the body should be placed with its head facing north, which is called "North Pillow". Put your hands together, cover your face with a white cloth, and put a razor on your chest to ward off evil spirits. Sometimes a small table is placed next to the pillow, with bowls of water, the rice bowl used by the deceased is filled with rice, a pair of chopsticks are inserted, and placed on the table. When encasing the deceased, the body of the deceased should be wiped, the closest family members should dress the deceased in a shroud or clothes that the deceased particularly liked during his lifetime, and the coffin should also be filled with the deceased's favorite items.

"You mean he took care of all this?" After hearing Shigeru Haraguchi's words, Lin Zian knew what she meant.

"No, but it's almost there. He was lying in the hall with a white cloth covering his body. The time of his death is estimated based on the degree of decay of the bowl of rice. It was at least 7 days or more."

"Maybe he knows the date of his death?"

"I haven't said the cause of his death yet, why are you anxious?"

"Okay, you tell me, I won't talk any more."

"Instead of a razor, he had a knife stuck in his chest, and that knife was a favorite of the owner of the house."

"How did those villagers know?"

"The village is just that big. We are all acquaintances after decades of interaction. Did you know that?"

"Now the question is, did the owner commit suicide or commit suicide?"

"I think it was homicide. I heard from the villagers that the relationship between the owner of the house and his children was not good, and they often had quarrels. Maybe it was his children fighting over the family property."

"Let's put this aside for now. Tell us how your two colleagues died."

"That night, we were invited to stay there, and the owner's son was responsible for entertaining us." Thinking of what happened that night, Haraguchi Shigeru was still frightened. "We slept separately. I don't know what happened there. I know the bed very well." "Yes, so I didn't sleep all night, but in the middle of the night, I heard footsteps wandering outside the door, and there was also a deep whisper."

"I couldn't hear clearly what they were saying, but I was glad that I didn't fall asleep. The next day, one of my colleagues disappeared. We called his phone, followed the sound, and finally found him on the mountain behind the house. His body was found hanging from a tree."

"We called the police immediately. When the police arrived, they initially determined that the cause of death was suffocation. There were no other wounds on the deceased's body. Only the deceased's footprints were found near the scene. I don't know what happened next."

"What is the police's conclusion on this matter? It couldn't be suicide, right?" Lin Zian picked up Shigeru Haraguchi's words and found that the clues she gave all pointed to suicide.

"Yes, the news I learned from the police at the time was indeed suicide."

"Ignore him for now, what about the other person? How did he die?" Lin Zian put aside this question and looked for the answer in another direction.

"I took a photo, didn't you take a look at it first?" Haraguchi Shigeru took out his phone, found it and handed it to Lin Zian.

In that situation, he still dared to take pictures, and he still thought of taking pictures. Lin Zian suddenly felt that this woman was terrible.

However, Lin Zian didn't show anything and just silently took the phone she handed over.

There are more than 30 photos in total, but only 5 are useful. It can be seen that the photographer was in a panic or was taking photos secretly. Many of them were not in focus and the angles were very messy.

Two of the five useful photos showed bodies hanging from trees, while the other three were all taken on the ground, and the rest were mostly blurry or shot in other places.

"I already know." Lin Zian returned the phone to her and asked about the other person, "How did the other person die?"

"He died in his own home." Haraguchi Shigeru gave Lin Zian a meaningful look. "That's the person who wrote me the letter."

"Did you want to sneak into his house after he died?" Lin Zian always felt that Haraguchi Shigeru was hiding something from him.

"Yes, I think they must be hiding something from me." Haraguchi Shigeru didn't shy away from it, and directly told Lin Zian the purpose.

"Then what did you find?"

"Nothing was found. The scene has been sorted out and I can't even get in."

"Okay, his death is not important anymore. You can go and rest first. Take me to that room tomorrow." Lin Zian no longer wants to guess. When he arrives at the scene tomorrow, the truth will be revealed.

Lin Zi was lying in the bathtub, sorting out the information she got from Haraguchi Shigeru, but she must be hiding something, and she couldn't even put the clues together.

"Then what should I do?" Shigeru Haraguchi asked outside the bathroom door.

Lin Zian took off the towel covering his face and said lazily to her, "I'll tell you when I get back tomorrow."

If you don't cooperate, don't expect me to cooperate. I'll leave you alone for now.

Lin Zian covered himself with the towel again.

Outside the door, seeing that Lin Zian did not follow up, and knowing that he did not want to talk, Yuankou Fan saw that Lin Zian did not want to talk, so she could only go back to the room upstairs and lie on the newly made bed. She remembered that Lin Zian did not ask her about her...

Yuankou Fan, who was tossing and turning, did not notice that there was a Shigeki Chihiro staring at her in the room.

After she fell asleep, Shigeki Chihiro came to Lin Zian's room.

"Master, she has fallen asleep."

The time that Lin Zian had been waiting for finally came. What's the point of listening to her lies? It's better to "see" directly.

"Let's go, let's see what she has experienced." Lin Zian got up and went to Yuankou Fan's room with Chihiro.

Perhaps because she was afraid of something happening, Yuankou Fan chose a room next to Lin Zian's room.

"Hey, you don't even lock the door, how can you trust me." Lin Zian opened the door, looked at Yuankou Fan curled up in the quilt, sat down next to her, and put his hand on her forehead.

"Let me explore your heart."

Yuankou Shigeru suddenly opened her eyes, and the dazzling sunlight shone on her face.

Yuankou Shigeru instinctively raised her hand to block the sunlight.

What's wrong with me?

She dreamed of returning to that room, and she had escaped all night but couldn't escape, and just woke up.

After thinking about it, she could only blame it all on that room.

Before she could enjoy the morning slowly, Lin Zian knocked on the door and called her.

"You're not getting up yet, we have to get this done today."

Hearing that Lin Zian was finally going to do the real work, Yuankou Shigeru cooperated very well, although she didn't want to go back to that room.

After a simple tidying up, the two of them were ready to go, and Lin Zian borrowed Yuankou Shigeru's driver's license to rent a car.

"You're just a high school student, can you drive?" Yuankou Shigeru looked at Lin Zian in the driver's seat, and there was an emotion called fear that was expressed from his body.

Don't die in a car accident instead of being killed by a ghost, that would be very unfair.

"If you are afraid, you can drive." Lin Zian generously gave up the driving seat and said that it didn't matter.

I paid for the rental of this car.

Yuankou Shigeru shook her head and waved her hands. Although she had a driver's license, she didn't know how long she hadn't touched the steering wheel. Moreover, she took the test three times before she passed it. Even she didn't believe herself.

"If you don't come, then sit down. Do you know how to give directions?" Lin Zian handed her the phone, turned on the navigation, and asked her to report the road conditions.

Lin Zian fastened her seat belt and stepped on the accelerator to start.

The address given by Yuankou Shigeru was in the suburbs of Machida City.

Neon is mainly mountainous and hilly, with a small area of ​​plains, so as long as you are away from the central area, it is basically mountains.

Yuankou Shigeru actually didn't know the way, she just read it out with the navigation, but this did not affect Lin Zian.

He memorized the map of Neon. As long as he knew the approximate place, he could find it. Let Yuankou Shigeru be the navigation is mainly to give her something to do, otherwise Lin Zian would be unhappy if she was too free.

I noticed that my collection has been increasing by two every day these days. Is it because a robot saw my complaints and added them to my collection?

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