Depending on the situation, the seal probably won't last long. Either he leaves and continues his plan to lure the Japanese people here to reseal or kill it. Anyway, this happened here, and they must deal with it. Or he can deal with it himself first, but there is no benefit.

And if the strength of the tall old man that day is regarded as the average level, it is estimated that no matter how many come, it will be in vain. When it escapes, it will inevitably cause trouble to one side. If it escapes to other places, it will be fine. Naturally, there will be so-called masters to deal with it, but this place is so close to his home. I am afraid that I will have to do it myself at that time, and my strength will be forced to be exposed outside, which will be more troublesome.

In fact, if I choose to deal with it myself, there is still a benefit, that is, I can understand the truth of the matter.

Satisfying curiosity is as difficult as filling a tiankeng, but throughout the ages, are there not many people who are willing to pay a price, even their lives, for it?

And Lin Zian still has the ability to satisfy his curiosity, and it doesn't cost anything.

Thinking about it, not only did I not lose, but I seemed to make a profit.

Thinking of this, Lin Zian reached out and took away the black bead, and pushed the stone again, but found that it didn't move. He immediately put away his contempt and began to study the situation above.

Interesting, this stone is not simple! No wonder it is used to suppress.

Lin Zian found that there is a wish power in this stone. Although it is not much, it is also rare. It is estimated that it was worshipped as a mountain god or land god at that time. Not only did it receive the wish power of the people, but it was also contaminated with a little earth energy.

Later, it was invited here. People at that time used it as a connection point to connect the surroundings into a whole. If you want to shake it, it is as difficult as carrying a mountain.

It really invited a mountain over.

"But it still can't beat time!" Lin Zian sighed. Although it looks very stable now, the wish power will eventually be exhausted one day.

Since he decided to solve this matter, Lin Zian naturally couldn't let it stand in his way. The way to crack it is very simple, that is, to remove the firewood from the bottom of the pot. As long as there is no wish power, the restrictions in the mountain stone will naturally be useless.

Lin Zian's soul flew out from the top of his head and sank into the rock.

As time passed, the immovable charm on the rock slowly disappeared, and it became the same as ordinary stone. Moreover, because of the huge pressure it had been under for many years, the rock began to slowly crack. When Lin Zian's soul re-entered his body, the rock directly broke into several pieces.

Lin Zian opened his eyes and picked out a thumb-sized stone from the rubble.

Lin Zian could absorb the wish power directly. Although it took time to digest it and turn it into his own power, it was still a considerable income.

In fact, wish power is one of the easiest powers for ordinary people to obtain, and the characteristic of wish power is that it can coexist with other powers without conflict, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it is messy, after all, it is gathered by many people.

The earth energy is a high-level energy. In his previous life, Lin Zian could absorb it directly, but now he can't absorb it directly into his soul. His soul can't digest it. If he forces it, there will be problems. The most likely thing is that the soul will be assimilated, and then the body will be infected, and finally turned into a pile of yellow soil. Therefore, the earth energy must be carried by soil, stone, etc.

So Lin Zian directly refined it into this. Lin Zian looked at the refined stone in the palm of his hand. The first feeling it gave Lin Zian was heavy.

I don't know where it got the earth energy from? The same source, Lin Zian can even use it to extract the earth energy.

It's possible but not necessary.

Putting the things away, Lin Zian felt that he got his money back.

It's definitely a return. I don't know how many years it took to let it condense this little bit of earth energy.

Lin Zian was in a good mood, and even the look he looked at the sealed object was much more relaxed.

"Let me see what you are." Having suffered a loss just now, Lin Zian carefully observed for a while before starting to break the seal.

It was very simple and smooth, without any mistakes, and no monsters came out to attack him. Everything was abnormally calm.

Lin Zi'an stroked the big bluestone and whispered: "You asked me to come over but didn't see me. You are too disrespectful to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a red light flew out from the bluestone and rushed towards the nearest wall.

However, it bounced back as soon as it hit the wall, and the golden light on the surrounding walls illuminated the room.

Lin Zi'an, who had been in the dark, also reappeared in the light.

"You are not a hospitable host! You want to leave when the guests come." Lin Zi'an looked at the creature exposed to the golden light.

It was the size of a fist, with a head shaped like a wild boar, a protruding face, two fangs, but a wolf's tail, and tiger claws instead of hooves. It was red all over, with black flame patterns on its body.

"Is this... Bingxun?" Lin Zian was a little unsure. He had read about Bingxun in ancient books. It had a pig's head, a tiger's body, and a wolf's tail. Everything else fit the description, but the ancient books recorded silver-white flame patterns. Why is this one black?

Is it a variant? There's no reason! Bingxun is also called Binghuo. It usually appears in places where wars occur, so there is also a saying that Bingxunzhichao refers to wars.

"What on earth are you?" Lin Zian just opened his mouth, and a ball of black flame responded to him. The temperature in the room rose instantly, and a heat wave hit Lin Zian's face.

Lin Zian did not retreat but advanced. Golden light surged on his body. He broke the flame with a punch, and then rushed to it without stopping, reaching out to catch it.

It was not simple either. After the first mouthful of black flame, it blew another mouthful at Lin Zian's face, and then flew out again without stopping.

It was a real head-on attack, but when the black flame dissipated, Lin Zian was intact, and even his hair was not burned off.

Originally, Lin Zian wanted to fight in close combat, but it was a bit troublesome for it to fly around. The main reason was that Lin Zian didn't want to destroy this place, so it was still useful, but it was so uncooperative, so don't blame him.

"You can't run away, this place has been sealed by me." Lin Zian stood in place, and liquid-like golden light flowed from his feet. The golden light surged around, and the walls that were already emitting golden light shone even brighter. Not only that, the walls also stretched out golden hands to catch it.

Feeling the power of these big hands, it dodged left and right, avoiding the encirclement of the big hands again and again, but the room was so small that it was still entangled by the big hands.

Seeing more big hands coming, it didn't want to sit and wait for death. Black flames came out of its body, and small flames spewed out of its nostrils when it breathed.

"Kill!" It screamed, black flames erupted, broke free from the restraints of the big hand, and rushed towards Lin Zian.

Seeing it rushing over, Lin Zian was not in a hurry, but just recalled the golden light to protect himself.

It noticed Lin Zian's changes, and quickly turned around and sprayed several black flames at the other wall, trying to take advantage of the golden light to return to defense and break Lin Zian's golden light from the weak point.

Seeing that it didn't take the bait, Lin Zian could only sigh at its caution, put down his raised hand, and manipulated the golden light to surge towards it again.

Seeing the golden light surge, it immediately flew towards Lin Zian again, this time the speed was more than twice faster than before. I didn't expect that it still had hidden strength in this situation before.

With its speed, it was too late to mobilize the golden light. In a flash, Lin Zian clenched his fist to his waist, and then pushed it out violently. When it came in front of him, the fist changed into a palm, and a silver-white lightning spurted out from the palm.

After being struck by lightning, it also staggered and fell to the ground, and then was surrounded by surging golden light, leaving only its head outside.

"My palm thunder is okay." Lin Zi'an retracted his outstretched hand.

"Spare my life."

Damn! Lin Zi'an was frightened by his sudden opening of his mouth. The ancient books did not say that it could speak.

"I gave you a chance but you didn't use it. Now you are begging for mercy after being caught by me. How can such a good thing come from it." Lin Zi'an squatted down and looked at it.

In fact, this thing has no entity, more like a soul, but not a soul. They are between souls and entities. They have no life limit, and their size is only an appearance. They can become very big, or they can be like now.

No one has observed their birth, so the strength classification of ghosts does not apply to these beings.

"Today I will approach science." Lin Zi'an sat cross-legged on the ground, and the liquid golden light immediately wrapped up the soldier. As the golden light slowly faded, a bubble appeared in front of Lin Zi'an.

In fact, Lin Zian felt something calling him as soon as he approached here, but he blocked the sound for the sake of game experience.

Just like blocking a foul-mouthed teammate, happiness is over.

After Lin Zian trapped it, he slowly extended his soul to it and began to explore its memory.

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