My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 76: Phased End

The cause of this incident was that a person paid the price of his life to attract Bing Xian's attention.

The death of the owner of the house was indeed unrelated to his children. He committed suicide.

Lin Zi'an walked to the upper floor, came to the body, and pulled out the soul of the owner from the knife.

This knife is a magic weapon of the third generation. It is useless, but it looks good.

Lin Zi'an checked his memory and compared it with Bing Xian.

Bing Xian tempted him to kill, but the owner couldn't find it, so he had to commit suicide to complete the deal with Bing Xian, but Bing Xian lied to him. With the help of the owner's soul, Bing Xian successfully controlled his two sons and attracted Yuankou Shigeru and others.

The purpose was to create killing and impact the seal.

No wonder the mark Lin Zi'an found on Yuankou Shigeru was obviously weak, but it didn't look like a novice's operation.

After learning the truth, Lin Zi'an looked at the dull soul in front of him and wanted to ask a question.

"Is it worth it?"

Thinking that there would be no answer, Lin Zi'an put him away. He was still useful and couldn't be wasted.

Back in the sealing room, Lin Zian wiped out Bing Xian's intelligence, sealed it into the bluestone again, and found a similar stone from outside to replace the mountain stone. Finally, he erased his own traces and restored the place.

The stage has been set, and now it's just waiting for the actors to take their places.

As the golden light gradually dimmed, Lin Zian exited the basement.

When he came outside, because the car couldn't drive up the country road, and it would be too obvious to drive up, so Lin Zian picked a place outside the village to park.

Lin Zian looked at Haraguchi Shigeru who was sleeping soundly in the car, and then looked at Shigeki Chihiro next to her.

"Nothing happened?" Lin Zian called Shigeki Chihiro outside and asked Haraguchi Shigeru

"She wanted to go back to see what the master was doing." Shigeki Chihiro answered Lin Zian's question respectfully.

Hum! I knew she was this kind of person, but looking at her current situation, it is estimated that she did not succeed.

"Hey! Wake up." Lin Zi'an knocked on the car window to wake up Yuankou Fan inside.

Hmm! What happened to me? Didn't I go home? How did I fall asleep in the car?

Yuankou Fan tried her best to recall and wanted to regain the lost memory, but the sound of Lin Zi'an constantly knocking on the car window disturbed her thoughts, so she had to open the door for Lin Zi'an first.

"Did you sleep so comfortably? You can't even open the door?"

"No... I..." Yuankou Fan wanted to explain, but her mind was a mess.

Looking at her situation, it was obviously the sequelae of being possessed by Qianxun. Lin Zi'an could only complain that Qianxun was not serious and stupid. Who would help him to deal with this matter.

Fortunately, she woke up after a while.

The first thing she did after she woke up was to ask Lin Zi'an if he solved the problem.

Lin Zi'an would definitely not tell her honestly, but just fool her.

"I already understand the situation. It's not difficult to solve this matter. As long as you do what I say."

"Do what you say?" Yuankou Fan was a little skeptical. To be honest, she never really believed in Lin Zi'an.

She was defeated in several confrontations. She was more afraid of the unknown about Lin Zi'an.

Lin Zi'an didn't need her to believe him, as long as she was obedient.

Lin Zi'an smiled and replied easily: "You can not believe me, I didn't force you."

Yuankou Fan's face turned black after hearing this. If she didn't have to rely on him to save her life, she would have started to spray him.

If I wasn't forced to this point, would I come to suffer your anger?

Seeing her face change drastically, Lin Zi'an smiled instead. He just liked the feeling that you were unhappy with me, but you couldn't do anything about it.

"I agreed." Yuankou Fan finally agreed.

In fact, Lin Zi'an was not panicked at all. If you don't agree, then don't agree. You will know the consequences after you go back. Let the owner go to play with you again. I don't believe you won't agree.

"Don't feel so wronged. If you do what I say, at least you can save your life, and maybe you will gain both fame and fortune."

"Really?" Yuankou Fan always felt that Lin Zi'an was cheating her.

"Really! When have I ever lied to you?" Lin Zi'an sat in the driver's seat and started the car. "You will know whether I lied to you after I finish listening to it. Let's talk about it as we go back."

"Let's do this first..." Lin Zi'an told her part of the plan.

"Will I be caught for slice research?" Yuankou Fan was a little panicked after hearing the first half of the plan.

If I do what he says, how can I benefit? Isn't it just pushing me to others!

"You think too much. This is just a performance. The latter is the key. It's right to do what I say." Lin Zi'an interrupted her wonderful thoughts and emphasized again that she should do what he said.

"Got it."

Hearing her perfunctory answer, Lin Zi'an sneered. People like her are the legendary experts in committing suicide and pig teammates. It's useless to tell her that she is fake. Only life and interests can subdue her.

"Let me tell you a little story first." Lin Zi'an said to himself, "Once upon a time, there was a family. The old man had two sons and a daughter..."

Lin Zi'an told the story of the owner's family and the origin of this incident half-truthfully, which made Yuankou Fan terrified.

It turned out that he did not escape, but was a bait released.

"Are there really ghosts in this world?"

"Haha, you know whether there are ghosts or not." Lin Zi'an did not answer her question directly, but was thrown to her by the question.

"I know, I will do it." Yuankou Fan understood the reason why Lin Zi'an told this story, and naturally did not dare to perfunctorily answer Lin Zi'an.

Seeing how serious she was, Lin Zian comforted her and said: "Relax, just do as I say first, and I will give you a script in a few days. As long as you are not stupid, it will be easy to gain fame and fortune."

"And there's a script?" Haraguchi Shigeru looked quite surprised.

"Otherwise? This is just a farce." Lin Zian said unceremoniously.

By the time the two got home, it was already afternoon. Lin Zian returned her clothes and let her leave.

Before leaving, Lin Zian repeatedly assured her that she would not be in any danger, but seeing her cautious look, Lin Zian almost laughed.

"Okay, I, the village chief, have already guided the brave to leave the Novice Village. Let's see if she can defeat the big devil and marry the princess." After closing the door, Lin Zian muttered some nonsense to himself.

"That's right! Prepare the best sword in the village." Lin Zian walked to the second floor and opened the study that he hadn't been to for a while.

As soon as I turned on the computer, my mailbox and group chat were already at 99+. I picked out some emails and looked at them. They were all urging updates, but everyone in the group chat was in trouble.

"When I opened the group, 99 Plus didn't have any pornographic pictures. Are you all gay? I'm so disappointed."

Lin Zian's words immediately brought out the divers in the group.

"Capture the group leader alive, I recommend shooting him."

"Live! Quick, take out my sniper rifle."

"Are you going to cheat upstairs?"

"Chicken, you are so beautiful!"

"Warning from lawyer!"

"Mobile 4G, effortless."

"Still full of energy!" Lin Zian sighed and closed the group chat.

After coming over to tease them and adjust his mood, Lin Zian opened the document, sorted out his thoughts, and prepared to start writing the "script". After all, he couldn't forget about business.

The truth cannot be written down, so some artistic processing is necessary.

As soon as he thought about it, Lin Zian's hands jumped on the keyboard. He was typing so fast that one could not see his fingers clearly, and could only hear the crackling sound.

He writes 30,000 words a day. This is not his limit. What limits him are other authors.

If it weren't for the fear of being exposed by other authors, Lin Zian could do more.

When Lin Zian came out, it was already evening. After taking the USB flash drive that came with the computer accessories, Lin Zian was going to print out the script.

When I went out, I also met Hosokawa Rio. This time it was really a coincidence, and Hosokawa Rio was also a little surprised.

When Rio Hosokawa asked him why he didn't go to school today, Lin Zian remembered that he had to go to class today.

"Oh! I have something to do today. I asked for leave from the teacher." Lin Zian said slightly embarrassed.

"Is everything okay? If you need help, please let me know." Hosokawa Rio looked at him worriedly. It seemed that Aoda-san didn't go to school last time because of illness.

"It's okay, thank you Lio for your concern." Lin Zian was particularly afraid of Hosokawa Lio's serious look.

"Would you like to come over for dinner today!" Lin Zian had no choice but to give up printing and followed Rio Hosokawa to the supermarket.

It's easy to attract Rio Hosokawa's attention, just eat it and that's it.

There's no point complaining, let's go back to daily life.

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