My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 90 Local Powers

"Guess who I found?" Haraguchi Shigeru took the camera off her chest and pointed it at her face.

Netizens were frightened by her face suddenly appearing in the camera, and the comments were rolling wildly.

"Why did the handsome man just now disappear?"

"These actors are very dedicated!"

"I was scared by the lady, and I need a hug to get up."

"Who did you catch?"

"Is the lady so amazing? She caught someone."

"This is overacting."

Lin Zian saw that few people responded to Haraguchi Shigeru in the comments, and they all said that the acting was good and they were scared, and the plot was rubbish and a bit fake.

However, Haraguchi Shigeru couldn't see the comments, and she asked this question just to stir up the atmosphere and generate topics.

"He is one of the sons of the owner of the old house, the missing person." Haraguchi Shigeru found the flashlight that fell on the ground and pointed the camera at the person lying on the ground.

The man was unkempt, and the beard on his face looked like he hadn't shaved for half a month. He hadn't changed his clothes for a long time. Not only were they dirty, but there were also signs of damage. No one knew where he had been hiding before.

"He must have been hungry for a long time and has no strength, otherwise I would definitely not have been able to beat him just now." Seeing his appearance, Yuankou Shigeru picked up the knife on the ground and made up a reason to explain what happened just now.

However, Lin Zi'an didn't buy the barrage.

"To prevent him from waking up later, I'll go find a rope." After saying that, he walked away, leaving the camera facing the person on the ground.

"The prop team came out."

"I'm at the scene, I'm the camera, all this is real."

"A monster appeared at the scene."

"Where's the little sister? I just got here."

After a while, Yuankou Shigeru came back with a strip of cloth and tied him up.

"Now let's go down and take a look." Yuankou Shigeru reinstalled the camera on his body and opened the door of the basement.

The cold light shone down from the entrance, there was only a stone brick staircase, and the rest was in the dark.

"The atmosphere is well created."

"Mom, I'm a little scared."

"This is all fake, what's there to be afraid of."

"You'll know when you get there, you can only say it online."

Yuankou Shigeru hasn't even entered yet, and Lin Zi'an is watching the barrage and quarreling again.

Looking at the dark basement, Yuankou Shigeru was a little scared, even though Lin Zian had assured her that nothing would happen as long as she followed the script.

Her instinctive reaction made her hands and feet uncontrollably tremble slightly.

Soon, she could only take a few deep breaths to relieve her fear.

Once inside, the sounds outside were isolated, and only the light footsteps of Yuankou Shigeru were echoing.

"Everyone, look!" Yuankou Shigeru aimed the light and camera at the middle, and a mummy appeared in the picture, "This is..."

Yuankou Shigeru looked at the mummy in front of her. She knew from the script that this was the owner of the house, but where was the knife on his chest?

The people in front of the screen were confused by the mummy. Is this prop so real?

"This should be the owner of the house." Yuankou Shigeru explained, "Everyone should have heard my story. The owner's death was very strange..."

Yuankou Shigeru repeated the owner's death again, but the barrage did not say that she was annoying. It seems that they were all attracted by this story.

"But now the question is, where is the knife on the owner's chest?" Haraguchi Shigeru left a question, and then went to walk around by herself.

The basement was not big, and she soon found another body.

When the body appeared again in the camera, the audience was completely confused. What was going on?

"Is the knife on his chest the owner's?" Haraguchi Shigeru saw the knife stuck in the body, "Who is he?"

Haraguchi Shigeru moved closer and found that the dead person was actually the owner's other son.

When she said it, the audience quarreled again.

"Is this acting? I'm a little panicked now."

"Who will check it out."

"It should be fake! Otherwise it would definitely not be released."

"If it's fake, it's too real."

Because this matter was a bit hot, many people discussed it, and some people investigated it. Soon, Lin Zian saw that someone put some clues on the Internet intermittently.

The barrage was all discussing the plot, but those clues were originally posted by Lin Zian and Haraguchi Shigeru, and they were all unconnected, so most of their discussions were ineffective.

"We'll find out if we go back and ask the other person." Although Yuankou Fan couldn't see the barrage, he guessed what they would think.

After checking again, he didn't find anything strange, so Yuankou Fan went back up.

The man on the ground hadn't woken up yet, so Yuankou Fan dragged him to the side and tied him to the pillar again.

"Wake up, wake up." Yuankou Fan patted the man's face, and when he saw that he didn't respond, he went to get a basin of water and poured it directly on him.

The man shuddered, raised his head, and breathed heavily. He moved and found that he was tied up. He twisted his body wildly and roared at Yuankou Fan loudly.

Yuankou Fan saw his red eyes and felt that he was no longer a normal person. He was too different from the first time he saw this person. It can be said that there was no similarity except for a little similarity in appearance. He was more like a beast now.

She remembered Lin Zian's words, "A normal person can't take the blame." Suddenly felt that Lin Zian was a devil, turning a person into this.

If Lin Zian knew that she had such thoughts, he would laugh at her for being mentally retarded. You can't even save your own life, and you come to my house to ask me to save you. Now you are a whore and want to build a memorial arch? There is no such good thing in the world.

Yuankou Shigeru saw that he could only roar and seemed to have no thinking ability, so he took the initiative to speak according to the script.

"You killed your brother, and the owner of the house was killed by you two brothers."

After hearing Yuankou Shigeru's words, the man stopped making noise and became quiet, staring at her.

Seeing that it worked, Yuankou Shigeru continued: "My two colleagues were also killed by you, right?"

After hearing this, the man actually smiled in front of the camera, although it was very hideous and scary.

Now the barrage is full of question marks, but after the question marks, it is quiet, and only a few sparse barrages tell everyone that the barrage is not turned off.

So everyone is waiting for Yuankou Shigeru's answer, except Lin Zian, who is leisurely eating snacks.

"I'll tell you my guess now, this..." Haraguchi Shigeru just started to say it, and the screen turned black.

"Fuck! What's going on?"

"I don't know, it's blocked, you guys refresh it."

"I'm at the scene, the police are coming."

"Is it interesting? You're still posting jokes at this time!"

"Really, I'm a staff member, they're here"

"Fuck! Brother, why are you missing?"

Seeing this situation, Lin Zian estimated that the Japanese official finally took action.

Netizens really guessed it, Haraguchi Shigeru was detained by the people who came, no, it was the entire crew.

When Haraguchi Shigeru was inside, he was about to say something when he was called out by the police who suddenly came in. Looking at those policemen, he didn't dare to resist and followed them out obediently.

Originally, the director knew there was a problem when the man rushed out with a knife. He didn't arrange anyone to go in, but when he saw the number of people watching the live broadcast soaring, he acquiesced to Haraguchi Shigeru, just like before.

But he was still found at the door. The director glanced at the staff, who betrayed him.

All the crew members were gathered in one place. The director negotiated with the police. At first, he said that it was a pre-arranged program to clear himself and the crew.

The leading policeman asked several people to go in and search, but not long after, several policemen ran out of the old house in a panic, shouting "There is a ghost".

The leader did not believe it at first. The alarm he received was a murder case. How could there be a ghost? Thinking of what the director said just now, he thought that the props arranged by the director scared the police. He scolded them in front of everyone and went in himself.

But he escaped not long after, but he behaved better than those people. He reported the case as soon as he came out. He has been a policeman for so many years, and he knows that there are some things that he can't solve.

As soon as Saruta received the order to come here, he had a brief understanding of what happened here when he came. With the support of the country, he got the records of the owner's family. He had been handling cases for many years and saw through the contradictions of this family at a glance.

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