My retirement life in Neon

Chapter 97 Transaction

Morning, bedroom.

Today the sun is bright, sweeping away the haze of the past few days, and shining through the window onto the bed.

Normally at this time, Lin Zian would have gotten up long ago, but today he stayed in bed.

As for the reason, of course it was the energetic Xiaobai, who had slept for two days and looked sick, but immediately revived after eating and drinking, and made a fuss on Lin Zian's bed all night.

Poor Lin Zian, he didn't sleep all night.

A hand stretched out from the quilt, grabbed Xiaobai who was licking his face, and dragged it into the quilt.

"You are a cat, not a dog, why are you licking me? It hurts."

"Meow meow meow!"

"How dare you say that! I haven't slept, so how can I not wake up?"

"Meow meow meow."

"You are done, I won't let you get on the bed next time."


"It's useless to act cute, who told you to be so naughty, I have seen through you."

Lin Zi'an got up after a fight with Xiao Bai. If it was normal, he wouldn't even have time to make breakfast, but fortunately, Chihiro Shigeki was there, and she had already prepared it for him.

"Chihiro is still the best, she is obedient and capable." Lin Zi'an ate breakfast and said to Chihiro Shigeki next to him.

"It is Chihiro's honor to serve the master." Chihiro Shigeki put on a very formal British etiquette.

"That's not the way to do it here." Lin Zi'an waved his hand, and then he was a little curious, "Where did you learn it?"

"There are books in the school library, I sometimes go to read."

Lin Zi'an has never restricted Chihiro Shigeki's activities, but she usually likes to stay with Lin Zi'an, or go back to practice, and only leave when she is out of the wind.

Chihiro Shigeki's words hit Lin Zi'an hard. He has been in Qingshan Academy for so long, and he has never been to the library. Chihiro, as a soul, has already escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, but she still thinks of recharging herself.

Shame! Shame!

I feel a little slack.

"Don't be naughty at home, you know?" Lin Zi'an stroked Xiaobai and put it on the ground.

Xiaobai showed a disdainful look in a very human way, and walked upstairs with a cat step.

Lin Zi'an looked helpless and left the house with a wry smile.

He must go to school today, because Gong Zong Lihui made an appointment today. If he dared not to go, Gong Zong Lihui might make trouble again.

If I convince Miyazono Miho today, the matter of Reina will be resolved.

After a day of messing around, Lin Zian did not leave directly after school, but waited for Miyazono Rie's message. Miyazono Rie had only set a time, which was today, but the specific location was not set.

When Lin Zian asked her on the chat software just now, she just asked him to wait in the classroom first.

Since he needed help from others, there was no way. Lin Zian waited for almost half an hour before Miyazono Rie sent the location.

It took another ten minutes for Lin Zian to get there.

This is a coffee shop with a good environment and looks quite high-end.

Lin Zian went in and took a look, and found that Miyazono Rie was sitting with her sister Miyazono Miho, and he didn't know what they were talking about.

Lin Zian was discovered when he approached them, because there were not many people here, and Lin Zian walked in a straight line, and his eyes were always on them.

"Hello, Teacher Miyazono, can I sit here?" Although he was delayed, Lin Zian was not a petty person and acted properly.

"Hurry, hurry, you're the only one missing." Miyazo Rie waved to Lin Zi'an, excited like a child. (I think she looks like an orangutan)

"No wonder you invited me to have coffee! My sister~" Miyazo Miho looked at Miyazo Rie opposite her with a bad face.

Miyazo Miho was also a little curious. Her sister would pull her out as soon as school was over, saying that there was a very good coffee shop nearby and she wanted to invite her to try it.

Miyazo Miho thought at first that her sister had changed her gender. After so many years of suffering, she finally grew up, and she was going to get out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Thinking of this, she quickly handled her work and was brought here by Miyazo Rie.

Unexpectedly! Her sister sold her out.

Miyazo Miho looked at Miyazo Rie's silly look, shook her head helplessly, stood up and pointed to the seat next to her, and said to Lin Zi'an: "Please sit down, Shigeki-san."

Lin Zi'an could also see that Miyazo Miho didn't know, she was deceived.

Lin Zian sat down and looked at Gong Zong Lihui. It was easy for her to trick her sister out, but it made it more difficult for him. After all, no one likes to be deceived, and Gong Zong Lihui obviously didn't want to take the blame, and Gong Zong Miho would not blame her sister. She could only blame herself, which would deepen her negative impression of him.

Lin Zian took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled.

"Mr. Gong Zong Lihui, I asked Mr. Gong Zong Lihui to ask you out. I didn't inform you in advance. Please forgive me."

While Lin Zian was talking, Gong Zong Lihui also moved to Gong Zong Lihui's side and wanted to hold her hand, but was slapped away.

"Does Shigeki have anything to say?" Although Gong Zong Lihui hated Gong Zong Lihui for causing trouble for her, she still had to listen. Who told her to have such a sister?

"I want to ask Mr. Gong Zong Lihui for a favor." Lin Zian told them about Oda Rena.

"You want me to help you send her in? That's impossible!" Miho Miyamoto said and took Miho Miyamoto Rie's hand to leave.

But she was stopped by Miho Miyamoto Rie.

"Sister, please help Reina, she is so pitiful." Rie Miyazune only heard a little bit from Michiko Oda at first. She did not expect Reina Oda to be so miserable.

"Oh~ I want to help too, but I can't do anything. I'm just a small director and have no power." Miyazune Miho looked at her sister and sighed, although she also felt that Oda Rena was very pitiful. But she knew she couldn't help.

"I think you misunderstood something, Teacher Gongzong Mibu." Lin Zian's words came slowly. At this point, he was no longer in a hurry. "I have already settled the transfer quota."

Gong Zongmeibu stopped where he was, looking at Lin Zian with an unclear look in his eyes.

It seemed that she was overthinking it. What Lin Zian said reminded her of something. Back then...

"You have obviously obtained the admission quota, so what do you want me to do?" Gongzong Miho sat down again and asked seriously.

"Help me act in a play." Lin Zian slowly explained all this.

"Can't you just let her enter the second grade of junior high school? I can promise to help you keep an eye on Reina, why are you doing this?" Miyazune Miho questioned him.

"You don't have to be like this. Even your sister knows it, so don't let me say it." There was a faint sneer on Lin Zian's face.

"That's right! Otherwise, Reina-chan would still be bullied when she gets to school." Miyazune Rie nodded, she had a deep understanding of this matter.

"Shut up!" Miyazune Miho pulled Miyazune Rie. Of course she knew this, she just thought of some bad things.

"Then why are you helping their family?" Gong Zongmeibu still refused to let Lin Zian go.

"The answer is simple. Michiko helped me when I was down and out." Lin Zi Anxing was upright, standing up straight and open-minded. Naturally, he was not afraid of her malicious questions.

"In a word, help or not, don't waste everyone's time." Lin Zian no longer wants to talk to her. If she is not in charge of the middle school and is the sister of Miyazune Rie, Lin Zian will directly ask the principal to talk to her Tell me, why would you talk nonsense to her?

"Sister, please help him~ Reina-chan is so pitiful." Miyazune Rie tried to persuade her sister.

Gongzong Miho closed her eyes and thought of the little girl hiding behind her mother that day. Her heart was agitated. She knew that her sister could not stand seeing this the most, and she was the same.

"Okay, I can help you." Gong Zongmeibu opened her eyes suddenly, "Remember, this is not a compromise for you, this is just..." She closed her eyes again and sighed.

"For that little girl."

Lin Zian looked at the changes in Gong Zongmeibu, and he seemed to have discovered something interesting.

"Of course, I'll give you another can of tea when it's done." Lin Zian stood up, smiled and extended a hand of friendship to Gong Zongmeibu.

However, she ignored Lin Zian and left Gongzong Rie alone.

"Hey! Sister, wait for me." Gongzong Rie quickly stood up, took Lin Zian's outstretched hand, shook it hard a few times, "I'll leave the payment to you." Then she chased out.

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