My Return to Life

Chapter 26 Grow Taller

Sunday the 24th.

The summer remedial classes of Tangli No. 8 Middle School for the third year of high school are coming to an end.

In just over a month, Fang Nian finished ten math books in high school.

Putting away electives 4-5, Mr. Fang heaved a sigh of relief.

"After all, it's still a little obsessive-compulsive disorder, so I have to finish it today."

After seeing that the thickness of textbooks was decreasing, Fang Nian chose to end his math with a blast.

In his future high school career, he will hardly touch math books again.

Fang Nian knew his own affairs. After rebirth, his memory was better than in his previous life. As long as he didn't miss the important entrance exams, mathematics would definitely not be a problem in the college entrance examination.

Speaking of which, Fang Nian also planned to go to Shanghai.

As for what kind of university has not considered.

But with the current level, the second line is very reluctant, and I don't have the right to think too much...

After the lunch break, Li Donghong walked into the classroom to arrange the holiday.

After the old-fashioned precautions are emphasized, start emphasizing them.

"Listen carefully, the tuition fee for the next semester is 829 yuan, the class fee is 50 yuan per person, and the boarding fee is 270 yuan."

"As before, the weekend of the last week of each month is closed."

"Class starts at 8 o'clock on the 1st. In principle, latecomers are not allowed. Those who are far away from the school can come one day earlier. The dormitory is open, but the cafeteria is not open, and evening and early self-study are not arranged."


Such arrangements are common.

Except that there was almost one day of reporting time when the freshmen entered high school, most of the subsequent semesters were arranged in this way.

After Li Donghong said that after school, everyone rushed out of the classroom.

As usual, Fang Nian returned to the dormitory empty-handed.

Except for the sheets and quilts, Fang Nian put all the clothes into his backpack and left school with Li Annan.

Not far from the school gate, he ran into Lin Yucong.

After she came to class 174 to look for Fang Nian last time, she never bothered her again.

At most, they will inevitably meet on the playground, and then they will definitely say hello.

Fang Nian took the initiative to say hello: "Student Lin."

Hearing this address, Lin Yucong bit his lip and said, "Fang Nian, are you going to play Demon Realm together?"

Fang Nian glanced at Li Annan: "You can play with Annan, I quit."

Lin Yucong: "...Then what are you playing now?"

"Learn a foreign language." Fang Nian replied seriously.

Lin Yucong was stunned: "I..."


"You play."

She could hear the seriousness in Fang Nian's words, so she was even more depressed.

How can such a different person like to study!



"Old Fang, where can I learn foreign languages?"

After entering the Internet cafe and sitting down, Li Annan turned his head and asked.

He wasn't very curious about Lin Yucong's appearance and departure, nor was he curious about Fang Nian's attitude.

He knew that sometimes Fang Nian was such a person who would deal with problems simply and directly.

Li Annan didn't expect that Fang Nian would feel a little lonely when he asked this question.

Because when he said this sentence to fool Li Annan, he deliberately said it in a foreign language.

After thinking for a while, he said, "You can try watching an English movie to feel the atmosphere first."

"There are some good-looking movies, such as the sci-fi film Iron Man."

The first Iron Man was released in mainland China on April 30 this year.

At this time, there are still many free resources on the Internet, although they are not so easy to find.

I didn't hear about this movie until 12 years ago, and I was shocked when I first saw it. Then I found out that it has been out for 4 years, and the second one has been out for two years.

Li Annan's expression was slightly hesitant: "1 yuan and 5 an hour, if you watch a movie, it's a bit of a loss..."


Tapping the keyboard, he searched for the name of the movie and opened the link casually.




Then there was no sound, and the eyes were engrossed on the computer screen.

Fang Nian smiled slightly, not surprised.

During this period, the diversity of foreign special effects film production is temporarily leading domestically.

And for people who have been living in the small place of Tangli, it is even more unimaginable.

As for watching movies, is it useful to learn English?

This is a matter of opinion.

In the first and second grades of high school, Tangli No. 8 Middle School required all English teachers to show pure English movies once or twice a month.

Fang Qingnian Che Shulu's log-in writer's section looked at the current data.

In the past few days, Dong Gua, the editor in charge, also told Fang Nian that his grades were steadily increasing.

When he helped to update the chapters, he was very ruthless. Sometimes only one chapter was updated, and sometimes two chapters and three chapters were played in succession. Fang Nian saw it from the post bar, and the thief was excellent.

The current corresponding data is pretty good:

Favorites: 142239

Highest subscription: 19695

Average Subscriptions: 17302

Total subscriptions: 727210

Number of monthly tickets: 1609

I haven't asked for a monthly pass, but the data is okay, and the VIP new work is the first.

It is far away from the 3233 votes in the overall list.

At this time, few readers have a monthly pass, and they need to subscribe to the 25 yuan system to give a monthly pass, and each work has an upper limit.

Moreover, the tipping function has not yet been launched at this time.

Fang Nian is not interested in competing for the rankings, so he is quite satisfied with this.

The statistics of the average number of subscriptions and the highest number of subscriptions are cached for a certain period of time, and the total number of subscriptions is updated in real time, which is very impressive.

The overall score doubled within a week.

It is also reasonable, after all, there are quite a lot of resources tilted.

Fang Nian did a rough calculation, and the manuscript fee for this month might be more than 50,000.

"A total of 80 chapters will be updated. If it continues, it will reach nearly 1.5 million total subscriptions. I am afraid that there will be 70,000 to 80,000 manuscript fees."

Thinking about it carefully, Fang Nian was not surprised.

Fang Nian clearly remembered that in 2008, it was not uncommon for online writers to earn more than one million dollars a year.

The head writer even exceeded two million annual manuscript fees.

Fang Nian even remembers that in 2012, there was a list of online writers for the first time, and the statistics indicated that the accumulated royalties of top writers in the past five years exceeded 30 million.

After a simple calculation, the book "I Want to Be Rich" has paid out the manuscript fee for December 2008 by January 10, 2009, and the total income will hardly reach 400,000.

It is equivalent to saying that although the book "I Want to Be Rich" broke the historical first-order record maintained by the starting point, the income is not that impressive.

But Fang Nian was very satisfied.

"With an initial capital of tens of thousands of yuan in hand, you can step in when you encounter opportunities to make money from small troubles. It's not a big problem if you don't have opportunities."


Fang Nian never wanted to become a particularly rich person in this life.

His assets in his previous life could be called cash flow, but he was always unhappy.

This life is only one month short, but most of the time it is very easy.

And ease brings joy.

Youth is so good...

It was nearly five o'clock in the afternoon before the two left the Internet cafe.

"Old Fang, this movie is so good, will there really be such a technology?"

"What's the name of that Jarvis, artificial intelligence, so awesome!"

"Steel armor can go to the sky, my mother!"

Li Annan chattered all the way.

Fang Nian spread his hands together: "I don't know, but the movie has special effects."


Li Annan beeped all the way, and finally Fang Nian said seriously: "Have you learned English?"

Li Annan: "!!!"

"Ah? What!"

Then he closed his mouth without saying a word, and his steps seemed heavy and vicissitudes.

Back home again, Lin Feng's first words when he saw Fang Nian were.

"Fang Nian, you cut your hair, why do you look taller?"


Broken bowl, please recommend tickets, collection, 55555.

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