My Return to Life

Chapter 509 Engaged... Engaged? !

The noise gradually faded away, and the sound of admiration lingered around the beams of the house.

Firecrackers and confetti covered the dirt floor, and it would take several days before they would be burned intensively.

According to some customary folk customs, the existence of firecrackers and confetti represents prosperity.

This is not unrelated to the red color on the outer packaging of firecrackers.

Sending off the last guest, the Land Rover drove away first, followed by Santana, and then a motorcycle.

Someone will clean up the mess after the banquet—except for the ingredients that need to be prepared, the rest of the work is completely outsourced.

In the living room of Lin Pingyang's house, the two families sat down separately.

Huang Xiuyun made tea with Lin Li.

Everyone chatted relaxedly.

Occasionally, there will be a little excitement in his expression.

Most of the talk still revolves around old people and new homes for old people.

Fang Nian smiled and didn't say much.

Most of the time, Fang Nian's eyes stopped on the old man.

Festive red clothes, red face, the smile on the face has never disappeared.

It is inevitable to mention Fang Nian.

"Nianbao is still too wasteful, everyone is talking about making too much ostentation..."

"The gunfire is all over the sky..."


He said it was a waste, but there was no sense of blame in his tone, it was mostly blame.

After all, it was the first time to have such a scene.

However, the "waste" of Fang Nian is within the framework of customs.

Even Lin Pingyang followed suit.


After chatting some gossip, the old man asked Fang Xin concerned.

"Why didn't Fang Xin come back?"

"Let her adapt more in Shanghai,

I plan to let Shencheng go to school next year. "Fang Nian replied with a smile.

Huang Xiuyun interjected, "You've gone home, whose home is Fang Xin now?"

Fang Nian said: "At home, Fang Xin knows how to eat, bathe and sleep by himself, so let Lu Weiyu take care of it."

"It's's also very good." The old man said with a smile.

Then there was the question of education.

"But Xiangyang has already built a new elementary school, which looks quite foreign?"

"No matter how well it is built, it is definitely not as good as Shencheng!"

"Study is a big problem, and Fang Nian can arrange it no problem."

"After all, Fang Nian is the best university student in ten miles and eight villages!"

"Being able to go to school in a big city is definitely more promising than going to school in a rural area."

"In any case, a place like ours is no match for a big city like Shanghai."

"How many resources in the country are concentrated there!"


Then, the topic turned a little bit back.

The marriage of Lin Li and Lin Nan was brought up.

In comparison, Fang Nian is far below the age where he would be worried about major marriage matters.

However, Fang Nian's classmate had just decided on this top priority in life when he first entered college.

"I'm looking for it. I think I want to find someone to get along with. If it doesn't work, I'll go home and go on a blind date." Lin Li replied.


When it was Lin Nan's turn, he made a lot of excuses.

"I'm too busy with work now, so I don't have time to look for it."

"Wait for a year or two, don't be in a hurry."

"It's easy to find a man over thirty."

"There's no need to worry now."

"I think I have to get to know people, too."

"Do you think it makes sense?"


Fang Nian, who had not interrupted all this time, sighed softly in his heart.

He doesn't really have much say in the matter of feelings.

But just glanced at Lin Nan's tone and demeanor when he spoke, and he understood that at least Lin Nan still had some contact with his ex.

Originally, Lin Nan was an indecisive person.

Especially emotionally.

This Kaner seems too sad for him.

Maybe it's because the pressure of survival has been improved in time, so that I can't bear it?

Finally, it is inevitable to mention Lin Li and their development.

Fang Nian is the one who needs to worry the least.

In the past six months, Lin Li's small foreign trade company has developed well, but hard work is the daily theme.

In the new era, it is not complicated for ordinary people to work and get paid.

But it has never been easy for ordinary people to make money and get rich.

For example, when Fang Nian started Rebirth, he didn't rely on his own old business to accumulate initial capital and add a little luck to get what he is now.

As far as the current actual situation is concerned, there is still a slight gap with the situation in the previous life!

As for Lin Nan, it has been very hard in recent months.

Hair is going to fall out a lot.

It doesn't matter if you haven't developed in the direction of baldness.

It's just that the more important thing is that I don't know for the time being whether these hairs that have been lost by kryptonite have been replaced with effective accumulation.

Later, Fang Nian found an opportunity to talk to Lin Nan alone.

"Brother Nan, haven't you cut off contact with your ex-girlfriend?"

"It's...not counting." Lin Nan's expression was obviously a little evasive, and his eyes were erratic.

Fang Nian sighed: "From the perspective of time, it is impossible for a person to fall into the same river twice."

"Although you bought a house, it is impossible to have a lot of money and achieve financial freedom by working alone.

At least one has to go to the level of a corporate partner to have a chance, or a professional manager.

Moreover, programmers who mainly work part-time are prone to a mid-life crisis..."

"The current entrepreneurial environment is not bad. Although Sister Li is working hard, it is an example to start making profits so quickly. You know what I mean."

The fact that Fang Nian simply stated in a calm tone made Lin Nan a little flustered.

Even though Fang Nian is pointing to the end, the meaning is already very clear.

According to the increasingly perfect system of Dangkang Games, Lin Nan is only willing to take the technical route, and it is difficult to enjoy the company's profit sharing.

Then working in Dangkang Games, what Lin Nan will definitely gain is technology accumulation and a certain amount of funds.

If the funds are used rationally and a small amount of money is generated, there will be many choices in the future.

If I use my hair loss through kryptonite and the salary I got from Fang Nian's care on a woman who worships money and hates the poor and loves the rich.

How much involvement is involved now, how much regret will be in the future.


Seeing Lin Nan's hesitation to speak, Fang Nian interrupted directly.

He chuckled lightly and said, "I heard Mr. Guan said that the real rich second generation seldom spend money to pick up girls seriously."

Lin Nan froze suddenly: "!!!"


Fang Nian didn't give Lin Nan a chance to organize his speech, he greeted the people who were joking and chatting in the living room, and drove away.


Fang Nian called Zhu Jianbin and made a simple appointment.

Forty or fifty minutes later, Fang Nian went around and found the Tongfeng Education Bureau.

Although he is only the deputy chief of the development and planning department under the Education Bureau, Zhu Jianbin still has an independent office.

"Hello, Mr. Zhu Ke."

"Water or tea?"


Zhu Jianbin kindly poured a glass of water and handed it to Fang Nian: "Come, drink water."

"Come back because of the school's location?"

Hearing this, Fang Nian shook his head and smiled, "No, it was only yesterday that I learned that the education group has gone through the process of site selection for the beams of grandma's new house."

Zhu Jianbin: "..."

"I just said you wouldn't come back because of such a trivial matter."

After a short pause, Zhu Jianbin glanced at Fang Nian and said with a smile, "After all, the situation of Dangkang Game has not been ideal this month."

"Oh?" Fang Nian raised his eyebrows.

Then he said softly: "Tell me specifically."

Looking at Fang Nian, Zhu Jianbin said happily, "You really deserve to be a billionaire boss."

He silently added in his heart: "This is the student I brought out, really awesome!"

Then he said it in detail.

"Some people from the municipal party committee and the city government have a little discussion, and there are some doubts in the words."

"Although according to the current planning process, construction is expected to start in autumn, and the planned construction period is 24 months, even if the capital is injected according to the initial scale, it will still take 5 quarters to meet the total budget funds."


Fang Nian smiled: "Sure enough."

As soon as Zhu Jianbin opened his mouth, he could tell that the meaning in the words was not too cryptic.

Coupled with this explanation, the meaning that the Tongfeng authorities are expressing to the outside world could not be clearer.

Even if construction starts in October this year, it will be completed in October 2012 at the latest.

In fact, there is a high probability that it will be completely completed before September 1, 2012.

If Dangkang Public Welfare Fund can guarantee to inject 80 million yuan into Tongfeng Dangkang Public Welfare Education Group every quarter, it will take 5 quarters to reach the budget of about 500 million yuan.

According to this process, it is calculated that the capital injection will be completed in early October 2011.

The batch investment of all construction costs can be completed nearly one year in advance.


These are all based on if.

Many people, including the Tongfeng authorities, know that all the funds of Dangkang Charity Foundation come from the revenue of Dangkang games.

Since the day before yesterday, the voices about the decline of Dangkang games have been rampant, and until today it is still a hot spot in the public cyberspace.


Netizens speculate that the revenue of Dangkang Games in July is still higher than 300 million.


Almost all netizens participating in the hot discussion have never seen so much money so far.

But it doesn't prevent them from holding the keys at all.

Dangkang Games kept silent in the face of public opinion, including media interviews, which aggravated the wanton speculation and gloating of netizens.

According to online calculations, in October this year, the maximum amount of funds received by Tongfeng Dangkang Public Welfare Education Group was only 45 million.

According to the negative comments on the Internet, Dangkang games will continue to decline, and the future prospects are very uncertain.

Under such circumstances, Fang Nian was not surprised that the Tongfeng authorities would express some concerns.

There is a popular saying:

Do less and make less mistakes, and it is good not to do.

If the large non-profit school invested and constructed by Tongfeng Dangkang Public Welfare Education Group becomes unfinished, the person who made the decision may be held accountable.

The way here is not complicated, it is nothing more than their own interests.

However, everyone in the system is a genius. Although they are good at protecting themselves wisely, they will never really make decisions without thinking.

At least he won't jump out to have a showdown with Dangkang Public Welfare Fund before the money starts to be spent...

There was a moment of silence in the small office.

Fang Nian put down the disposable water cup, glanced at Zhu Jianbin, lowered his eyes and said, "No matter what the situation is, Lao Zhu, you have to stick to your attitude and fight hard."

"Online speculation is generally untrue, and domestic revenue is more than the total revenue guessed on the Internet."

After a brief pause, Fang Nian added in a low voice: "The situation will probably become clear in November or February this year."

Zhu Jianbin nodded silently.

Although he didn't understand business operations at all, he understood Fang Nian's words.

After a while, Zhu Jianbin showed a smiling face: "Is there any school address you want?"

"Really, this is the reason why I came to visit you specially."

Fang Nian said with a smile.

"You can pretend to go to investigate and investigate, and finally choose a piece of wasteland not far from Daping towards Tongfeng."

Zhu Jianbin asked curiously, "Do you have any explanation?"

"Yes, but I can't tell you." Fang Nian said seriously.

Zhu Jianbin didn't ask any more questions.

Fang Nian was also happy that he didn't have to find all kinds of messy excuses.

In 2010, China's high-speed rail was in the early stage of vigorous development. No one thought that in early 2016, a high-speed rail station would be set up near Daping.

It can directly reach Shencheng, Yangcheng and Pengcheng.

7 minutes to Tongfeng, 1 hour to the provincial capital of Hunan and Chu.

At that time, the newly established school must have passed the initial development and adaptation period, and it was suitable for the introduction of teachers from the provincial capital of Hunan and Chu.

Among other things, Normal University is 211.

Even if there is a deviation, Tongfeng, as a prefecture-level city, must have a high-speed rail station. At most, it will take 20 minutes by car and less than an hour by high-speed rail to reach the provincial capital.

No matter how you calculate it, it will be more economical, faster and more convenient than driving.

After drinking a glass of water, we chatted about some business matters, chatted for half an hour, and at four o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Nian went back to Maoba.



After parking the car in the yard, Fang Nian opened his mouth and asked, "Where is my mother?"

Fang Zhengguo squatted under the shade of a tree and kneaded pumpkin seeds - this was his only harvest when he went to Weinan to drink today.

"I didn't notice, it should be in the house." Fang Zhengguo looked back at Fang Nian, "Is Tongfeng's matter settled?"

Fang Nian squatted next to Fang Zhengguo and grabbed a few pumpkin seeds from his hand: "I just went to see the teacher of the section chief of the Education Bureau."

"I contracted a primary school in Weinan."

"It's good. After a few days of work, I can go to bid for that big school."

"Then we can bid?"

"Tongfeng won't outsource it to a large construction unit. You can rest assured to apply for the bid. It is planned to be done for two years."

"Is it a loan?"

"No need to."

"That's fine."

"Don't worry too much if there are difficult things to do, and find Zhu Jianbin, the direct person in charge, in private."

"I see."


After all, time is fair to everyone. Over the past month, many things have progressed...

Not long after, Fang Nian got up and walked into the house.

As soon as he entered the living room, he heard Lin Feng jokingly say, "What are you talking to your dad outside?"

"That can't tell you." Fang Nian said with a serious face.

Lin Feng pursed her lips, not satisfied at all.


After a few gossips, Fang Nian asked seriously, "What else did you say?"

Facing Fang Nian's curious eyes, Ms. Lin Feng smiled: "What's the rush?"

"Some time ago, your dad and I went to Shaozhou to visit Lu Weiyu's parents."

"I just want to find a suitable day for the two families to sit together."

Fang Nian's eyes widened suddenly: "!!!"

Lin Feng calmly said: "Don't look at me like that, just go through the process."

Fang Nian froze, a lot of words stuck in his throat and couldn't say: "I..."

Almost at about the same time, Lu Weiyu, who was far away in Shencheng, received a call from Ms. Sun Rong.

Lu Weiyu was confused at first.

Because Ms. Sun Rong strongly demanded that she must rush home tomorrow, and then directly explained the reason without making any excuses.

Then Lu Weiyu was stunned, and couldn't help shouting in a low voice: "Engaged... Engaged?!"



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