The next day.

The sun was shining brightly and there was a gentle breeze.

There is a lot of haze in the sea, but today the sky is rare and clear, and the sky is blue.

The headquarters of the founder company is constantly welcoming business management graduates from Class 3 of 2002 of Haishi University.

Haishi University is a famous university in China.

In addition, the Department of Business Management has always been rich in elites.

Therefore, most of these students who have graduated three years ago have achieved outstanding results.

Many of them are corporate executives, entrepreneurial bosses, managers of various departments, etc.

But they didn't dare to make mistakes at this time! The founder company in front of you.

It's simply too dazzling! Remember http:// for a second. Everyone knows that this must be a future giant.

Like Qiandu, Ahri, and Penguin, they have become a super Internet empire that attracts worldwide attention! With an invitation from the founder CEO.

This will be the most grand gathering for business administration students! The location of the party this year is also different from previous years.

On the rooftop of Rongteng, the tallest building in Hai City! The scenery here is unique, not only can you overlook half of the sea city.

It also comes with a helipad, miniature golf course, swimming pool, and small garden! It is simply luxurious! Because the party is held outdoors with a cold meal.

The layout of the venue also resembles a European outdoor party.

Coincidentally, today's guests are all dressed in costumes.

Women wear elegant long skirts, while men wear elegant suits.


There are still two people who are different! Looks out of place! One person wears the same white shirt and jeans that will last forever! He is Brother Liu, he doesn’t want to conform to the public, he just wants to be comfortable! The other person was wearing a polo shirt, casual pants, and a pair of off-brand leather shoes! His name is Sun Dongming, Haishi Branch of the China Internet Security Bureau, leader of the Security Team 1! He has been very busy recently and is not in the mood to dress up, so it would be great to be able to participate! These two people were college classmates for four years! At this time, the two of them were sitting on the edge of a rooftop away from the crowd.

A somewhat bored Sun Dongming took out a box of Hongtashan, threw one to Brother Liu, and lit one himself.

The two of them squinted at the crowd in the distance.

They were all dressed in gorgeous clothes, holding champagne and chatting with each other.

From time to time, men's hearty laughter and women's elegant chuckles can be heard.

A peaceful upper class society! "Tsk tsk... It's like those vampire family dinners in the movies.

"Sun Dongming stared at the crowd in the distance and took a long puff of cigarette.

In Sun Dongming's eyes, this game should be a bit ridiculous.

He doesn't understand, doesn't want to understand, and doesn't want to fit in.

He happened to hit it off with Brother Liu, and the two of them came to smoke in the distance! Brother Liu smiled softly.

I looked at myself and saw that I hadn’t seen the sports committee member in 3 years.

I haven't washed my hair for several days.

My fingers were burnt brown by the smoke! No one would have thought that a good athlete in college would start a job catching hackers after graduation! "Dongming, looking at your state, have you been having a bad time recently?" Liu Di pursed his lips and asked.

"Alas... I haven't been home for three days. I almost forgot what my wife looks like!" Sun Dongming smiled bitterly, "Dude, I had sex with a hacker recently. I tried all my tricks, but even the shadow of that kid was gone. I haven’t touched it!” “In all my years of working in network security, I have never seen such a powerful hacker!” “I checked all the IP addresses and retrieved all the network cameras, and the informants in the circle also asked pass.

"Then no one knows who that kid is!" "What a ghost!" Sun Dongming sighed and put his hand on Liu Di's shoulder, "Tell me, where is that kid hiding?" "Liu Di took a puff of cigarette and said with a twinkling look: "Who knew, hackers are so elusive that they are possible abroad, far away and right in front of us! "How is it possible when it's so close?" I scared him to death! Sun Dongming fumbled with the stubble on his chin and grinned: "I'm telling you Brother Liu, no matter where he is, I must catch him!" Otherwise, I, the leader of the security team, would be such a jerk! "Haha, come on!" "Liu Di laughed twice, feeling a little helpless.

Sun Dongming’s character really hasn’t changed at all! Among the party crowd.

People often look at Brother Liu and Sun Dongming.

Situ Yan looked complicated and only dared to peek at Brother Liu occasionally.

Guo Qian, on the other hand, looked angry! Many female students in the class saw Brother Liu for the first time.

It’s a look of surprise and envy! Because he has become so handsome and has such a special temperament! Many single female classmates are in love! The most dazzling among the ladies is Zhou Shuitong, the former campus beauty of Hainan University! She is nearly 170cm tall, wearing a tight sequined dress, with graceful curves, no trace of fat, and a perfect figure! After graduation, she slowly entered the film and television industry with her good looks and figure. Now she is a well-known actor and a goddess among countless movie fans! Zhou Shuitong looked back at Brother Liu frequently.

Makes most of the men in the class jealous! Why doesn't the goddess look at me, but instead looks at that loser sitting in the corner smoking? "Everyone, one of our classmates encountered misfortune after graduation!" A rich male voice sounded, and everyone's attention was immediately focused.

Feng Haohan.

Everyone’s monitor in college! His father is a factory owner. He took over his father's job after graduation and is now considered a wealthy man! "Speaking of this classmate, everyone must know who he is.

” Feng Haohan said this, pretending to look down, “He was a genius that all of us admired during college. His teachers predicted that he would achieve far more than our star students after graduation!” “It’s a pity that he suffered a sudden disaster three years ago as soon as he graduated and became a disabled person!” “His brain was also destroyed, and he became an ordinary person who was unknown and accomplished nothing!” Feng Haohan showed a weird smile on his face, “He is our dear classmate - Brother Liu!” “You see, he doesn’t even dare to meet us now!” “I suggest that we go together to comfort our poor brain-disabled classmate! "As soon as these words came out.

Everyone had different expressions! Many people showed regretful expressions! The female classmates who were previously infatuated with him also woke up instantly! Even if he was handsome, who would fantasize about falling in love with a fool? But.

More people showed evil smiles! Human nature is like this! When you are high and mighty, everyone looks up to you and flatters you! But when you fall from the altar! More people gloat over your misfortune! Because when people know that they can't defeat you, they will hope that you will encounter bad luck! It would be best if you were as miserable as a dog! Only in this way can they satisfy their twisted desires. In his heart! In the crowd.

Only one person had a strange and complicated expression! That was Guo Qian, who was completely crushed by Brother Liu in the fight for the "experimental cemetery"! Only he knew.

Brother Liu was not as mediocre as he seemed on the surface! Instead, his strength was terrifying! But Guo Qian said nothing! He just smiled and watched the people slowly approaching Brother Liu.

He did not move.

He knew that everyone present, even if all their assets were added together, could not compare with Brother Liu! Brother Liu was a man who spent 5 billion without blinking an eye! Going there would be humiliating himself!

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