Ding ding ding... Heidina's phone received several messages in a row.

Brother Liu did not speak, but motioned to Heidina to check.

Heidina took out her phone in confusion.

The twins who saw Brother Liu sent him a document.

Click to open.

It turned out to be an analysis report.

Among the materials are the 10 star startups selected from a financing roadshow held by the Haishi Financing Association a few days ago.

These companies have been carefully screened.

All of them are companies with outstanding models, teams, and market potential.

And in Brother Liu’s report.

Conducted detailed analysis of these companies! Half of the modes have flaws, just pass! Of the remaining 5, 2 are mediocre and 3 are worthy of investment.

One of them will become a unicorn, and its future market value will reach tens of billions! Seeing this, Heidina frowned! The results of this analysis are completely inconsistent with industry predictions! Moreover, one of the companies that has received negative reviews from Brother Liu is also a project that their company will focus on investing in this year! However, as she continued to read, Heidina became more and more surprised! ‘Unmanned fresh food vending machine: This model is only suitable for first-tier cities. Acceptance in second- and third-tier cities requires at least 3 years of cultivation and cannot be expanded quickly! ''Gene cancer risk monitoring: The company's so-called core technology was researched by American countries as early as three years ago. Due to extremely low accuracy, market verification failed and it was impossible to make a profit! ''Capsule fitness warehouse: The company seriously lied about its operating costs, and the actual profit rate was negative! It's like burning money to make data and defrauding investment! ''Black box virtual KTV: This project has a novel concept and deep technical barriers. It meets the hidden needs of young consumers and is about to receive support from a large platform. It is the most potential project.

’...Conclusion: There are three companies to invest in, with a total capital injection of 230 million, an average shareholding of 20%-30%, and a first-year return rate of 700%-1300%! Hetina stared blankly for ten minutes.

All analyzes here are provided with detailed proofs! Each argument is almost understandable.

Every inference and prediction about the future is based on very professional industry knowledge and judgment of major trends.

None of this information can be easily overturned! And they all subverted Heidina’s cognition! It also made her sweat! The company I wanted to invest in had falsified data? Why didn't you find out? And the future prospects of that unicorn company are so obvious.

Why didn't I realize it? Finally, Heidina raised her head in astonishment, looked at Liu Di and said, "How do you know this?" "Isn't this the observation and insight you mentioned?" Liu Di said, tilting his head slightly to look. Looking out the glass, “Look at the woman in the black skirt.

"Heidina looked subconsciously.

In the corner of the bar, a beautiful woman in a black short skirt was drinking a cocktail alone.

"From now on, she will leave with the third man she talks to and spend the night together.

Brother Liu said calmly.

Heidina frowned slightly, confused.

"And the little girl, when she comes to sell roses, the security guard won't chase her away. The fat man will buy all the roses in 5 minutes.

"Heidina looked again, and there was indeed a little girl about 10 years old with bulging clothes, looking back and forth in the venue.

Liu Di added: "And the wine waiter, his sales success rate will be the highest among everyone today.

""Um? "Heidina looked at the waiter wearing white gloves more suspiciously.

Brother Liu smiled slightly, "Just wait quietly.

"Heidina was stunned.

Staring at the field with doubt! really.

Within 5 minutes, the white-glove waiter successfully promoted expensive wines! A rough estimate is that his sales in these five minutes can exceed 10,000! A fat man suddenly waved to the little girl, took out a large wad of banknotes, and bought all the roses she had hidden in her clothes at once! And the woman in the short skirt was also having a lively chat with the third person who came to strike up a conversation! Not long after, the two of them linked arms and left directly! After seeing it all.

Heidina turned her head blankly and looked at Brother Liu with a look of shock on her face.

"How do you know this..." "I know everything!" Liu Di slowly leaned back in his chair and said with a smile: "The girl in the short skirt had a disappointed expression when she entered the door. She must have had an emotional problem. After she entered the scene, He keeps paying attention to single men, as if he wants to have a one-night stand to release himself.

"But she was struggling internally, holding the corner of her skirt with her left hand and refusing to let go.

"What's interesting is that whenever someone comes to talk to her, her left hand will relax a little."

"This also represents her inner defense!" "Just now I judged based on the strength of her fingers that after three more chats, her left hand will be completely released, and that's when she will completely let go of her worries."

"Liu Di said, shaking his head and sighing, "Poor girl..." Heidina was extremely surprised! "You can find such small details? Liu Di curled his lips, "The little girl selling roses should be a regular visitor here. The security guard is very kind and has been keeping a lookout for her."

"Judging from the tacky gold watch, the fat man buying flowers is a rich man, and he is trying his best to seduce the girl in front of him."

""When a wealthy man discovers that the little girl is selling flowers, he will naturally buy them all to show his courtesy.

"do not know why.

Heidina looked at Brother Liu, who was aloof, analyzing everything calmly and wisely.

Suddenly I felt a little dazed! This man always gives her the feeling of being in control of everything! "Where is the wine salesman?" Heidina's eyes were a little blurry, looking at Brother Liu like an idol, and murmured.


Liu Di smiled slightly, "He is very smart. Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, and all the customers he is selling today are real couples."

"You know, men are always generous in front of the woman they love."

"Looking at Brother Liu's handsome face.

Hetina is inexplicably a bit of a nymphomaniac! She held her chin with both hands and said, "Mr. Liu, do you have a woman you love?" Well... Brother Liu choked on a puff of his own cigarette! Suddenly looking back, he looked at Hetina with a blushing face in surprise! Huh? ! What am I talking about? Hetina suddenly came to her senses and quickly sat up straight.

She said in a panic: "Mr. Liu, your powers of observation are simply amazing!" "Your business analysis skills are also top-notch!" "You are so suitable to be an investor!"

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