It’s hard to explain how everyone feels! In the past, Gemini only had two major sections: social networking with strangers and social groups with interests! Simple indeed! There is really no circle of friends.

Although the circle of friends is an essential function of social software.

However, Zhuangzhuang is currently in a war with Penguin. At this critical moment, will we launch such a function? is that useful? The Three Great Gods, aren't you exhausted? “Yes, it does look like a circle of friends.

Liu Di shrugged, "And its function is indeed the same as the circle of friends."

""but! "The screen flipped again.

What appears is a string of programming code! It covers the entire screen and keeps extending! A kind of programmer stared blankly.

This... so neat, so awesome... the logic is so complicated... There is text and image recognition here... There is big data analysis and matching here... The individual data can support 2 billion, and it can accurately pair One match... The peak number of lines matched at the same time is 2 billion * 2 billion... Well, I don't know what the result is... A group of programmers stared at it.

The mouth opens wider and wider.

His chin almost touched the floor... "Master Di San, what are you doing?" "This algorithm of yours can accurately match everyone to another person!" "As long as he inputs data... even if it's a photo "Red pants match red pants, green pants match green pants, big and small eyes match!" "Even if there are the same ants in the photos, they can be matched!" "This is much more precise than the previous matching!" Liu Di smiled mysteriously, "Yes, I just want to match! An extremely accurate match!" Liu Di walked slowly, came to the front of the stage, and said loudly: "The core of our twin stage function is the circle of friends, right? !” “But it is an open personal display platform between friend circles and meager ones!” “Think about it, why do users post in friend circles?” Everyone was lost in thought again.

Although many answers flashed through my mind, I didn't say them out hastily! Di San's huge brain circuit is not comparable to ordinary people! The answer is wrong, no is not embarrassing enough! Liu Di mused: "It's too one-sided to say they show off and are vain!" "What they want is recognition!" "Others recognize their work, their appearance, their feelings, their feelings. Attitude!" "Let me ask, who of us posts to Moments not to hear praise, to get likes, to gain resonance?" "Is it to hear insults, doubts, or to be unknown?" Everyone suddenly fell into it. meditation! Di Sanda is right.

Whenever I post a friend circle, it will always be refreshed frequently! Expect to see more comments and more likes.

Not everyone wants to show off luxury cars and mansions.

Instead, it's more about expressing what you feel at the moment.

Or you just want to share this moment with others! Behind this, it represents the recognition that everyone needs! There is no need to send money or silver, just a like or a reply. It is best if you are interested in my content, can understand my emotions, and can share my happiness! that's enough! When there are enough comments, I feel ridiculously happy and satisfied! Looking at everyone's expressions, Brother Liu knew that everyone had already experienced it! "Whatever you have in mind, our Twin Stage can do it!" Liu Di solemnly said: "We can find people with the same interests, the same situation, and even the same mood for you as soon as you send the pictures and texts!" "He Or she can give you the most accurate understanding of your feelings, the clearest understanding of your excellence, the most empathetic comments, and the ability to give you real recognition and real comfort. "Although you are just holding the phone, But it’s like being in a sea of ​​concern!” “In other words.

"Liu Di said with his hands behind his back: "Gemini's Stranger Match can help you find your soulmate, and Gemini's stage can help you find resonance at every minute!" "As the saying goes, if you cry, someone will cry with you. If you laugh, someone will laugh with you. If you are moved, we will be moved together!" "Everyone was stunned.


This cannot be called a function at all, this is simply the advent of humanity! This is the microscopic version of the Gemini Stranger match! Accurate to every minute! There is no need to query at all for such a function.

There is absolutely no precedent! It's an emotional release.

It’s an inner bath! Users will love this feature! Can't put it down! Moreover, the viscosity is extremely high! Because everyone will be looking forward to who will see it next and who will make the next comment that makes them moved! Moreover, the twin stages can cover so much! Visible to friends - the function of friend circle! Stranger Matching – meager functionality! Support video upload-the function of short video! Users can send various forms! Get likes, get comments, get recognition! Then, with all my heart in mind, I searched for materials again! In the future, this will be an extremely large and extremely rich content platform! The trend of Internet development is obvious, content is king! The conference room was quiet.

This is a masterpiece.

Penguin’s rigid form is not on the same level as it! “However, I encountered some difficulties.

"Just listen to Brother Liu say slowly.

Everyone was stunned again! problem? Are there any problems that Di San can't solve? In other words, most of the three major problems cannot be solved, so what can we do? Liu Di smiled apologetically, "I was short of time and I only wrote the core code for the twin stage functions.

“If you want to apply it to Gemini, there are still many steps missing.

"Such as code compatibility, page design, finished product testing, customer service promotion... and many other tasks.

"Teng! Many programmers who had seats suddenly stood up! "Boss Di San, I can do it! "Yes, I can design!" "I can..." Everyone raised their hands! Scrambling! Brother Liu smiled again: "The opponent's soul mate is already online. We are pressed for time and must race against time... In 12 hours, can we successfully go online?" ""able! "I won't eat or sleep!" "I, I, I...I live in the company!" "Being able to witness and participate in the writing of such a masterpiece, I can take off directly and use both my hands and feet!" "I'm so looking forward to it going online. What kind of soul mate? In front of our twin stage, it's just a scumbag!" "Everyone's enthusiasm has been so high that it is almost out of control! Brother Liu is very pleased! In fact, the launch of the Twin Stages would only be possible if the magic boy, a god-level computer, could operate it.

I'm afraid it only takes 10 minutes! But Brother Liu deliberately left part of his work for the company! Because he wants to create the fighting spirit of his employees! Let them go through the process of uniting as one and overcoming difficulties! Only in this way can we build a truly powerful company! After all, shopping malls are like battlefields! Its creator will dominate the world in the future! Brother Liu bowed slightly and said solemnly: "Thanks for the hard work, everyone!"

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