My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1379 Beyond the Border (1/2)

The Iron Emperor VII.

Left in a corner of the universe, on an unknown planet, its body motionless like a stone statue.

As the planet rotates, it also revolves with the planet.

In order to save energy, all the light on the steel body was extinguished, blending into the darkness.

The little ghost spoke faster and faster.

But it didn't seem to be satisfied enough.


Hundreds of millions of ghosts on this planet began to speak, and their abilities were special. Once they opened their mouths, they spoke tens of millions of languages ​​and millions of secrets.

Finally, a result was formed.

On this small planet, tens of billions of pieces of information flashed every second.

The human brain is simply unable to process this amount of information.

But the Iron Emperor VII can.

Because there is a demon child behind it.

Liu Di certainly did not break off contact with the Iron Emperor VII.

The man in the white shirt often stopped, staring into the void, and randomly read the information in it.

It was like a feast, with a variety of forms, which was endless to savor.

But as I said, there are too many secrets in the universe, and too many of them are useless.


A mysterious feeling slowly emerged in Liu Di's mind.

The cosmic equation is said to be able to see through all the causes and effects in the universe.

Although Liu Di still doesn't know what the last part of the equation can calculate.

Liu Di always feels that the entire cosmic equation should add one more content.

——It is the voice of all things.

In this way, those causes and effects are like flesh and blood, more real.

Do it when you think of it.

The demon boy began to organize the information, and according to the template of the cosmic equation, he began to create an "extra" cosmic equation!

The result of this equation is called the mind.

It is what all things think in their hearts, and what they think in their hearts reveals the next action goal.

And what constitutes the conclusion is the shouting, mumbling, and every word and sentence spoken in the hearts of all things.


"It is the eternal theme of intelligent creatures."

"If the original universe equation has five parts, then my 'mind' is the sixth part."

Liu Di enjoyed it and smiled secretly. He felt like a curious young researcher. "I hope this creation can be used."

But the Mayan female warrior Span looked a little heavy at this time. "Liu Di, I heard you say before that our destination is the Hercules globular nebula. You said there is a strange and huge emotion there, but it is far away. Why don't we enter the wormhole?"

At this moment.

The Tianjue is slowly sailing in the dark universe.

After leaving the little ghost planet, Liu Di did not directly choose a shortcut, but slowed down.

Everyone was puzzled.

Liu Di slowly turned his head to look at the exotic long-haired beauty.

Liu Di felt a little strange.

The little ghosts before used the sound to disturb everyone's mind, but Span was the only one who did not behave abnormally.

She was resting in her bunk at the time and never showed up.

"Are you anxious to return home?"

Liu Di smiled, "Of course I am also anxious to reach the other side and see the person I miss so much."


"The road ahead is dangerous, I have to be prepared, otherwise if I fail halfway, everything will be meaningless."

Liu Di put his hands behind his back.

At this moment.

Endless nanoworms are expanding in the Milky Way, and tens of millions of signal towers are being built every second.

It was just just now that Wujiang's coverage exceeded Liu Di's footprints. For the entire Milky Way, this is less than 50% of the area.

The Milky Way is too huge.

No one dares to imagine such a grand project.

But fortunately, the coverage of nanoworms is increasing exponentially at all times.

At the same time.

On thousands of planets with moderate conditions and resources, thousands of giant factories are running day and night.

The mechanical civilization where Liu Di is the king is also growing rapidly.

He must be prepared for any eventuality.

Span looked uneasy, but did not refute anything.

But Brother Liu suddenly turned around, "I'm curious, why didn't those ghosts affect you?"

Span pursed his red lips, was silent for a moment and said: "I heard those voices clearly, but I'm sure that they were illusions, absolute illusions."

Brother Liu paused slightly, but he didn't expect that Span's state of mind was so firm?

He actually sighed a little.

The Tianjue floated quietly.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Brother Liu has been staring at the deep universe quietly.

I can't help but sigh that the scale of the universe is unimaginable.

The Milky Way is indeed a lonely space. For so long, no planet with life has been encountered.


At this moment, Brother Liu finally gave the order.

The Tianjue also just arrived at the starting point of a wormhole, and the ship slowly sank!


The edge of the Milky Way, the Hercules globular nebula, the location of that group of violent emotions, is also the location of the last part of the cosmic equation in the dark!

30 minutes later.

The Tianjue appeared in a magical space.

——The edge of the Milky Way

If the Earth is a city, then the solar system is equivalent to a province, and the Milky Way is equivalent to a country.

In front of our sight is the border of this 100,000 light-year "super country"!

Because Voyager 1 has reached its farthest point around the sun, humans have long had observational data on the edge of the solar system.

Therefore, people seem to have no illusions about the edge of the Milky Way.


It should also be a belt of gravel, like silver grains, scattered on the edge of the Milky Way.

After the gravel belt, there is a large empty and dark universe.

Liu Di stared at the gravel belt that was a million kilometers wide.

The situation in front of me is indeed the same.


Liu Di's brows gradually became serious, "The Hercules Globular Nebula, also called M13, is one of the more than 200 globular star clusters in the Milky Way, but it is not in its original position at this time?"

Brother Liu looked into the distance. The beautiful nebula, like a handful of white diamonds scattered on the black velvet cloth, was actually outside the Milky Way!

Are human observational data wrong?

Hope so!

Liu Di, who has experienced bizarre cosmic events, is quite sensitive at this time.

Brother Liu turned around.

But he saw his own nano bugs like black smoke surging forward, covering the entire galaxy in an instant.

Liu Di has mastered a massive amount of data, and the river of time extends to the entire galaxy.

But what made Brother Liu very unhappy was.

This time, the destination was inexplicably outside his own 'territory'!

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