My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1390 Reversing Cause and Effect (1/2)

The one-millionth Iron Emperor Seven.

The last panel was snapped shut by the mechanical arm.

The mechanical arm and the space-time wormhole disappeared instantly.

Iron Emperor Seven woke up.

It smiled and looked into the void.

The little ghost said, "Are you going to leave? Don't listen to me anymore?"

Iron Emperor Seven shook his head, "I will still stay here and fulfill my promise."

The little ghost breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked curiously, "Then why did you come back?"

Iron Emperor Seven said, "Send an answer to Brother Liu."

Then Iron Emperor Seven's eyes went out and turned into a sculpture again.

He finally said, "Little Ear, keep talking."


The vast sound waves rolled up again between heaven and earth, but at this time, Iron Emperor Seven was extremely calm and could accept everything.



The demon boy exclaimed, "Brother Liu, the Iron Emperor VII sent the last set of data. It actually made the 'voice of all things', which is the sixth part of the universe equation we developed ourselves?"


"Although the program of the Iron Emperor VII is also 30% autonomous, it can actually do automatic deduction?!"

Brother Liu was also quite surprised.

"And this equation, because it is the product of our own creation, does not have the limitations of other equations!"

"In fusion!"

At this moment.

In Brother Liu's perspective, overwhelming blue codes flashed.

The world seemed to be baptized again.

Then everything was brand new.

He looked around.

In addition to seeing other creatures, countless sounds appeared in his ears.

It was like a little ghost broadcasting everything it had heard about the other party in the endless years at the moment when Brother Liu's sight reached it.

The mind is the window to all things, and the voice in the heart is like the sunlight shining through.

As far as his eyes can see, Brother Liu can understand everything about them.

Finally, they constructed their consciousness and their thoughts.

The fear and envy in the hearts of foreign lickers.

The despair of the local prophet civilization for the present.

The deep longing in the heart of the alien beast Aviva, and the sadness that had been silent for 3,000 years.

All this just made up for the boundless roughness of the Milky Way and injected soul into the illusory momentary river.

Liu Di clearly felt that the long river of time in his consciousness became very clear, as if a frosted filter had been removed.

Liu Di could see the clear and delicate golden light on the long river of time.

Each piece of "floor tile" has clear gaps around it, and the surface of these floor tiles is like a tiny screen, playing the past and present lives of countless planets and countless civilizations in the Milky Way.

Of course.

This also includes the planet of the prophet civilization.

The alien beast Aviva did not hide anything, and everything he said was the truth.

There are only some details that are not mentioned, such as the 200 tribesmen killed by the prisoner, 3 of whom were the last knife made by the alien beast Aviva in the dark night.

It thinks that it is the protection of the child.

Regarding cause and effect, Liu Di's control is not limited to himself.

He said: "Everyone, wait for me here."


Liu Di threw a time halberd.

The position is the edge of the Milky Way in 0.1 seconds.

Liu Di stood in front of the gravel belt that was cut like a knife.

He pondered slightly.

Then he took a step forward, and the nanoworms behind him followed quietly like a black fog, covering everything as he moved forward.

Looking at Qiu Yin squatting on the black planet from a distance.

The nanoworms covered it instantly, and Liu Di also heard its inner voice, with comprehensive information and no loopholes.

At this moment, Qiu Yin was in Liu Di's seven-dimensional world.

Liu Di heard the endless shouting in Qiu Yin's heart.

Including anger, injustice, grief, and a lot of resentment!

Combined with the story on the planet of the prophet civilization, Liu Di finally understood the nature of this violent emotion.

Liu Di also saw.

In the eyes of countless civilizations, the body of the motionless Qiu Yin was infinitely split in the seven-dimensional plane. Within milliseconds, countless phantoms went their separate ways, manipulating countless causes and effects at the same time.

At this time.

Seeing Liu Di coming, Qiu Yin's body stopped for a moment.

It roared in its heart.

Immediately, Qiu Yin had countless thoughts in its heart, all of which were to go back to the past time and cause fatal harm to Liu Di.

But Qiu Yin was stunned.

The moment its thoughts arose, the cause and effect loophole disappeared, and it had no way to start.

It was as if there was a traitor living in its heart.

Liu Di took precedence in everything!

Liu Di walked in the void.

Passing through the fleets.

The advanced civilizations in the millions of starships were shocked.

That weak Milky Way civilization, it came back!

Its way of space jumping...

A group of advanced civilizations widened their eyes and looked at the continuously flashing signals in the detector. That was not shielding technology, it was more like a momentary breakpoint.

Its biological signal was 5,000 kilometers away one second ago, without any energy fluctuations in between, and then it appeared 10,000 kilometers away one second later!

It didn't seem to be a single wormhole, it seemed to be traveling through time!


It's a high-dimensional creature!

A group of advanced civilizations were shocked, how stupid they were before.

Their civilization seemed prosperous, but in the eyes of the high-dimensional, it was fragile.


Was it specifically here to punish the monster? !

Pug Commander realized it late. I missed an opportunity to make friends with Gao Wei, but... it was disgusting!

"In such a short time, you have improved."

Prisoner Yin spoke, and there was a hint of fear in his voice.

Liu Di still approached slowly, with a huge sense of oppression.

"You left your followers on my home planet. Are you going to threaten me with my mother?"

Prisoner Yin growled.

At this moment, it tried to kill Liu Xiaodi, Kun Sang and others.

But the "traitor" in his heart always appears first.

Liu Di replied: "Aren't you using 8 billion humans to threaten me."

"That's because you all want to kill me!"

"Just like these self-righteous fleets, I'm just squatting here, why do they want to kill me?!"

Prisoner Yin roared again.

But the next moment, Prisoner Yin moved!

This time it was its flesh, and millions of besieging starships could all be clearly seen!

The thousands of kilometers in size of Qiuyin was ejected, with his bent legs and explosive force. The black planet under his feet was instantly ejected tens of thousands of kilometers by it, and then it could not withstand the huge reaction force and collapsed and disintegrated in the void!

Qiuyin's huge fist was like a comet hitting!

Liu Di bent over and also punched out!


The two figures with extremely different figures, when the fists collided, the invisible waves spread, like substance, sweeping everything.

It made millions of starships turbulent, and the smaller ones were directly thrown to the ground!

Liu Di maintained his punching posture, and his body condensed in mid-air.

But the liquid metal on his arm cracked inch by inch, and then exploded into a ball of fragments. Before scattering in the deep space, the liquid metal fragments turned into water droplets and shrank in front of Liu Di.

Liu Di stared at his right arm.

The skin cracked, the blood vessels were broken, and the bones were also covered with cracks.

Liu Di frowned, and his injuries recovered.

But the huge prisoner standing proudly in the void laughed wildly!

"Although there is no conclusion in the battle of cause and effect."

"But you are standing in front of me in the form of flesh at this moment!"

"Do you know that in the past three thousand years, I have plundered countless advanced civilizations and collected countless ways to strengthen the body. Now I am indestructible!"

"You want to compete with me with only the technology on Earth, it's just a dream!"

The prisoner roared, "Everything I did in the past was to welcome your arrival!"

Liu Di clenched his fist, which was aching.

Only then did he understand why the size of the prisoner was so different from that of its people.

It used its seven-dimensional ability to not only change cause and effect, but also strengthen itself at all times.

Its body condensed the technological crystallization of countless advanced civilizations.

At this moment.

It is stronger than itself.

For a long time, it was the only enemy whose body was stronger than itself!

But the prisoner's huge size, like a star, violated various physical laws, and his body turned into a residual image.

The fist that covered the sky and the sun fell like a planet!

Boom boom boom!

The bursting energy spread!

In the eyes of millions of starships, they could not see Liu Di's tiny body at all, but only a furious monster like a demon!

At this moment.

Qiu Yin's body suddenly retreated.

And Liu Di also hovered in the air, the liquid metal on his body shattered, revealing a blood-stained white shirt.

Liu Di wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

It is not just a little bit stronger than me!

I can't defend against every attack of Qiu Yin!

Qiu Yin laughed wildly, "You can't kill me at all. It turns out that your targeting is just like these fleets, weak and useless, and can't change anything! I am a prophet! You offended me, and you will pay the price for it!"

Qiu Yin raised his huge head and looked into the interior of the galaxy.

Its sight penetrated the vast interstellar space and looked at the blue planet viciously, "I just realized at this moment that the cause and effect I planted thousands of years ago, the greatest purpose is not to hinder you, but to punish you!"

At this moment.

The Tianjue slowly rose from the edge of the Milky Way.

Qiu Yin's pupils suddenly shrank.

But in the bridge of Tianjue, the alien beast Aviva stood in the center, with two sharp claws overlapping uneasily, trying to see the scene in front clearly.

Qiu Yin's anger surged, and he instantly cast countless causes and effects, still wanting to kill Liu Xiaodi and his group.

But to no avail!

"You guys!"

"You really want to threaten me through my people!"

"Do you want me to compromise?"

"But you are too ignorant. I have realized the uselessness of emotions!"

"So what if it is destined by nature."

"If someone is plotting against me, I will kill their entire tribe!"

"I will definitely reverse everything!"

The next moment, Qiu Yin opened his arms, revealing a diamond-shaped crystal on his chest that had evolved to a size of nearly a thousand kilometers.

The light suddenly shone in all directions.

It enveloped the space of tens of millions of kilometers around.

But the alien beast Aviva, who was looking for the child everywhere, suddenly paused.

It looked at its chest in astonishment.

It saw that the crystal that belonged to it was covered with cracks in an instant, and then it shattered with a bang.

The alien beast Aviva's vitality disappeared instantly. In a short moment, it fell to the ground with a bang, its head pressed against the ground, and its eyes turned gray and white, looking at Qiu Yin from a distance.

But there were no signs of life.

Little brother Liu's pupils trembled, "It just wanted to see its child."


At this time, on the entire planet of the Prophet Civilization, the crystals on the chests of thousands of aliens also shattered at the same time. It seemed that they were the core of their life. Once damaged, they would die.



Thousands of Prophet Civilization residents fell to the ground in groups.

It was just a moment.

The whole clan was destroyed.

Qiuyin roared to the sky, and his body was shaking violently for some unknown reason, "No matter what means you use, no one... can hurt me!"

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