My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1415 The Rich Man’s Return Gift (1/2)

Liu Di was moved.

He looked up at the disc-shaped aircraft.

For now, the function, speed, size, and other aspects of the silver shuttle are already very backward.

In such a deep universe, it has no place to use.


"What is life if only as first seen?"

Liu Di smiled: "It can not only be used to describe people, but also to describe things. The silver shuttle back then made me so amazed. It took me across the earth, completing one thing after another, defeating one enemy after another. It and I have experienced countless stories."

Liu Di stepped forward and reached out to touch the smooth and pure surface of the silver shuttle, "right, my old friend?"

At this moment, the silver shuttle suddenly brightened, soared into the sky, turned into a silver streamer, and rolled in the air.

At this time.

The old-fashioned fireworks prepared by the Mayan civilization were also released together, forming a dazzling picture in the air.

All this was reflected in Liu Di's eyes, and the past scenes flashed through his mind.

The Mayans began to cheer.

Giving back to the benefactor brings joy from the heart.

But Brother Liu, with the gorgeous scene behind him, glanced at everyone and said, "Your escort fleet was swallowed by Boyle, and now its combat effectiveness is also very weak. We are all of the same race, and you gave me such a pleasing gift, so I should also give back."

At this moment.

In the deep universe, eight million stars lit up.

It was the warship corps that Brother Liu used to suppress Boyle before.

Brother Liu smiled freely and said, "Eight million starships, for you."


Grandpa Luo Bao's body froze, "Eight million... Such a huge capital, how dare we take it, we are unworthy of it!"

Other Mayan civilizations were also shocked.

"This gift is too generous!"

"Such a huge fleet, if it were our civilization to build it, it would take at least hundreds of years!"

"How can we take away someone's love?"

"Brother Liu, you should keep it as your armed force!"

"We can't take it!"

Brother Liu shook his head and said calmly: "To be honest, eight million starships are just a drop in the bucket for me at this moment. With my current engineering layout, eight million is just the construction output in 24 hours."

The silver light transformed by the silver shuttle shuttled back and forth between the eight million starships.

The whole audience fell into silence.

Even Span didn't quite understand.

Grandpa Luo Bao's eyes flashed, and finally he sighed and smiled: "Don't forget, everyone, what is the identity of Brother Liu's clan? He is a true seven-dimensional, and we don't even have the qualifications to understand his actions."


Grandpa Luo Bao nodded slightly, "Thank you for your gift."


Grandpa Luo Bao said again: "If you allow, we want to increase the connection with the earth in the future."

Liu Di pondered, "In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, this needs to be done step by step. I think... we can start by building your impression."

At this moment.

The map of the Earth's Gemini Metaverse was updated again.

It expanded 120 million times in an instant!

Covering the entire Milky Way!

Teng Hualong's three views were shattered for the Nth time.

This time.

Not only 130 million stars in the Milky Way were added, but also trillions of various planets and small celestial bodies were added.

The mysterious Milky Way appeared in the virtual world of countless players in a form of "within reach".

Astronomers flocked in, and they could not tell whether the scene was fictionalized by the Gemini server or simulated by the real situation.

But the incredible astronomical phenomena in it opened everyone's eyes and made them unable to extricate themselves.

At the same time.

This update of the Gemini Metaverse also added interactive functions for players.

‘N01. Mechanical zombie copy - find the cause of death of three residents of Tianlao. ’

‘N02. Technology rescue copy - assist the residents of Proxima b to redevelop technology. ’

‘The above copies have huge plots and complex branches. If a player with a contribution value of more than 100,000 appears, he can be rewarded with N03. Hidden copy - 64 million light years away, a visit from the descendants of the Mayan civilization on Earth. ’

The players went crazy on the spot.

This is the real metaverse!

This brain hole, this story line, this damn immersive feeling as always, it's amazing!

At this moment.

Proxima b, King Titanium Heng sat on a stone in the field with black cloth tied around his eyes.

The intelligent brain reported: ‘Your Majesty, Brother Liu made a two-way projection, first simulating the entire Milky Way into a virtual reality system, including Proxima b where we are. ’

“Then, he projected the images of the players onto the real Proxima b.”

“So that all creatures can see it.”

King Titanium Heng frowned, “This kind of thing is called a game on Earth, and it can make money, but that Gemini, inside and out, has hardly developed any models and codes, and all applied the real situation. Thief Liu brother, shameless, bah.”

Intelligent brain said: “Now, many images of ecological experts, plant experts, mechanical experts... and other talents from the Earth have appeared on Proxima b, and the local big-eyed benefactors, as expected, regard them as gods...”

“But it is undeniable.”

“Those humans are very motivated and have already mobilized all kinds of wisdom and knowledge to help the Proxima b benefactors.”

"Lin B's recovery process is accelerating rapidly."

"It's much better than plowing the fields by yourself."


King Titanium Heng pondered slightly, "Can you stop talking?"

This is also the moment.

On an earth, the avatar of a senior player in the Twin Universe is standing in front of King Titanium Heng.

He narrowed his eyes to a narrow slit and looked at King Titanium Heng for 15 minutes.

This guy has no scientific knowledge and can only study some background furnishings.

"Look at your sister."

King Ti Heng tilted his head slightly.


The player whose online name was 'Kindergarten Leader' suddenly clapped his hands and shouted: "I'm telling you there's something fishy about this NPC! Look, he's strong, all red, and his eyes are covered with a piece of black cloth! "

"That's outrageous!"

"Judging from my years of experience!"

"It's either the final BOSS or a hidden mission NPC!"

"Everyone, look at it, it curses people every time it opens its mouth, and its temper is like a stone in a latrine!"

"A proper hidden mission NCP!"

"Everyone, come here quickly!"

King Ti Heng was instantly surrounded, and thousands of horses were galloping in his heart!

"Hello, red-skinned brother!"

"Do you have any tasks for me?"

"Did your daughter run away with someone?"

"Was your wife kidnapped by bandits and humiliated for three days?"

"Are you suffering from a terminal illness and will die soon? Do you have any last words?"

"Brother, are you blind? Have you realized that I am your long-lost ancestor?"

The red-skinned man looked up to the sky and cried.

I am the King of Titanium Heng.

What sin have I done?

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