My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1453: The Way Out (1/2)

"King king king king..."

Three hours later, Brother Liu and the ancient scholar sat on the gravel, admiring the sunset on the planet.

And the scholar's mouth was like a stuck tape player, "I am Wang Wang Wang Wang..."

Liu Di sighed slightly, "Sorry, I made a joke before. I really didn't know you were struggling to speak so much. You are Fu Qing, the king of the Titan Zerg, okay?"

"No, no, no, no, no!"

"I, I, I, I am going to annoy you to death."

Brother Liu rubbed his temples.

At this moment, Brother Liu saw a big calligraphy character written on the scholar's paper fan - '文'.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty in China, there was indeed a man named Wang Chong.

But that Wang Chong is no small matter, he is a great writer who is like a god.

The person in front of me should have the same name, after all, he has been kidnapped into the universe!


If this Wang Chong took up his pen and wrote a book, it would definitely be like the ocean.

Let’s talk.

Have people on Earth ever been abducted by aliens?

"Fu Qing."

"Do it, do it, do it!"

Brother Liu took a deep breath, "Where are we now?"

“A sample space for theatergoers!”

Brother Liu held his forehead.

If I had waited for Fu Qing to explain the reason, I would have turned gray.


But Fu Qing closed the paper fan and suddenly spoke fluently, "The theatergoer has made a space for you, a sample space, a sample space defined by the theatergoer! It can make all the rules!"

"Currently, this is an isolated space!"

"It's like holding a transparent glass in a garden. You share the environment with others, but the two spaces can never be integrated!"

"And the content of this spatial division is very simple."

"It separates all your kind, which means that you can no longer talk to your family, or even any human being, and they will never see you again."

"Not even touching objects related to them."

"You are said to be a ghost, but you are not dead yet, but you are almost there!"

"You Earthlings value family ties very much. This is undoubtedly a lonely prison for you."

"Either you will die alone, or after you have endured a long period of loneliness, the theatergoers will unlock the cage and kill you directly!"

Liu Di sighed slightly, "In other words, my body is free, but I can no longer expect to have contact with others."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Liu Di suddenly turned around, "Then why can I see you? I mean, isn't Wang Chong a human being?"

"What a shame!"

Fu Qing, who looked like a scholar, looked up to the sky and sighed, "After I parasitized Wang Chong, I hid on this planet. Unexpectedly, this is the starting point of the sample space of theatergoers! So, I accidentally fell into this sample space. ! We are now grasshoppers on the same rope, one link inside the other, and I haven’t escaped any of the misfortunes you have brought to me!”

Brother Liu was slightly startled.

After a long silence, "Sorry."

"'s too late, too late."

The two sat in silence for a long time.

Until the distant star dropped below the horizon, and the sky and earth fell into darkness.

Liu Di's right eye flashed with purple light and said: "Fu Qing, you teach me the eight-dimensional theory, I will work hard to study and crack it, and then I will be promoted to the eighth dimension. If I break through this cage, you and I can be rescued."

"Open, open, open..."

"Open, open, open..."


Fu Qing stood up slowly, "This is a high latitude. Do you think it's music, chess, calligraphy and painting, playing drums and harps? Can you learn it immediately? There is no theory, no method for these things, they are not knowledge, and they are not learned. , let me say one last thing, don’t use your low-dimensional perspective to judge high-dimensional things.”

At this moment, Fu Qing turned slightly.

A kingly aura suddenly appeared between his eyebrows, and he said: "Fortunately, my cell body, with a trace of the eight-dimensional ability of my perfect body, I tried to open a gap in this space, and then escaped, otherwise I will wait for you to die? It’s a dead end.”

This moment.

Fu Qing pointed his finger.

A cone-shaped transparent pipe appeared at the fingertips, and then pointed toward the void.

A gorgeous scene appeared, and a transparent light mask seemed to appear in the entire sky, trembling slightly and shining slightly.

Fu Qing's ability seemed to be penetrating this light barrier.

Brother Liu's eyes widened.

But saw the next moment.

Fu Qing had blood spurting from his mouth and nose.

"No, no, it's not good."

"I can only open a very small gap in space, and living things cannot get in or get out."

"Little brother Liu, aren't you Qiwei? Hurry up and search for the most important item that will help us escape! Then pass it in through the gap!"

Liu Di was stunned, "What is the most important thing?"

"You, you, you are a seventh-dimensional person, you ask me? Use your karma to find it!"

Brother Liu was a little stunned, and then his eyes lit up, and he saw a silver light flashing in the sky, and then descending on this desolate planet!


At the same time, Fu Qing's human body was overwhelmed, and he fainted.

Crack, crackle.

After an unknown amount of time, Fu Qing woke up from a faint crackling sound.

But he saw that he was still on this desolate planet, still in the middle of those few gravels.

Not far away, a small bonfire was burning.

And that crackling sound was the burning plant roots inside.

Fu Qing squeezed his eyes and slowly raised his head.

But he saw Brother Liu sitting by the campfire.

Behind Brother Liu was a disc-shaped aircraft, with a silver alloy surface reflecting the leaping flames.


"What did you get?"

"Such a tiny aircraft?!"

Fu Qing was a little bit unbelievable.

Brother Liu nodded, "It's called the Silver Shuttle."

Fu Qing was shocked, "You dare to tell me, we are imprisoned in the sample space of eight-dimensional creatures, what do you want this Silver Shuttle for?"

"Three uses."

Brother Liu slowly raised his head and smiled charmingly, "First, I disappeared suddenly, and I was afraid that my crew would worry, so I left a message saying that I was going out for training, so it was natural to mobilize the Silver Shuttle. After all, since I left, I would need a means of transportation, and the disappearance of the Silver Shuttle made them feel more at ease."

Fu Qing covered his chest.

"Second, you said that although I was imprisoned, I also shared the environment with others, so I really need a flying vehicle to travel the universe."

Fu Qing held his hand on his chest and increased his strength again.

"Third, the silver shuttle is my old friend and the vehicle I rode at the beginning of my conquest. To some extent, I am ready to reset everything and start again."

"To sum up."

Liu Di looked at Fu Qing. Although he had a smile on his face, his eyes were shining with a strong light. "The retreat has been cut off, and there is only one hope. You have to teach me the knowledge about the eight dimensions."

Fu Qing was stunned for a long time, and finally fell down: "It's really wonderful!"

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