My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1457 Answer (1/2)

"Vector space."

At this time, Fu Qing slowly turned around and straightened his back. The roasted chicken legs were no longer in his eyes.

He stared at Brother Liu quietly, feeling an undercurrent of shock in his heart.

He and Brother Liu were trapped here for just a few hours.

That little guy has actually studied [Topological Space], and in a way that he can't understand.


He has already asked about the second level of the eighth dimension.

This made Fu Qing feel like he was dreaming.

When did this happen.

The threshold for eight-dimensional abilities has become so low, so low that even such a small guy can jump in?

Is this little guy really a special being?

Fu Qing slowly sat on the boulder and took out an inkstone and an ink pillar from his arms.

Brother Liu's eyes moved and he didn't understand what Fu Qing was doing.

That is...

Ink and inkstone in pen, ink, paper and inkstone?

The inkstone is actually a carefully carved stone slab, and the ink pillar is actually a solid formed by the fusion of carbon and glue and drying.

Put some water on the inkstone and gently grind it with an ink pillar to form the ink used by ancient Chinese people to write.

Brother Liu said in confusion, "Is this what it is?"

Fu Qing sat upright, opened the origami fan with the word "文" with one hand, stretched out a finger with the other hand, pointed at the ink column, and drew a circle in the air, and then the ink column began to spin on its own and began to grind the ink.


"I am the majestic king of the eight-dimensional Zerg clan. I only have this ability in space, and I can barely make this ink pillar rotate."

Fu Qing slowly closed his eyes.

Brother Liu blinked in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"This is something Wang Chong carries with him. Like his body, it has been frozen in that spaceship for hundreds of years."

"I know these are the items you use to write on."

"I didn't expect that this guy Wang Chong is still a literary idiot."

"But I searched his memory and found that he had great ambitions and resentment in his life, but now that he is 32 years old, he has not written a single word."

Brother Liu's eyes flashed and he looked at Fu Qing who was sitting on the stone.

This guy occupied Wang Chong's body. He was originally dressed in ancient costume, with robes and buns. Now with a paper fan and an inkstone for grinding ink in the air, the whole look looks like a supreme and unpredictable immortal, which makes people feel suspicious. A hint of admiration.

Liu Di opened his eyes slightly, "Are you going to write [Vector Space] to me?"

"I don't know how to use your Earthlings' brushes?"

"I don't even know how to write the words of your earth."

Fu Qing shook the paper fan, "I just think this look looks awesome."

Brother Liu was shocked and slowly raised his forehead, "You... why bother?"

"This is very necessary!"

Fu Qing glared, "Bawei, how mysterious?! My appearance is to increase my aura. The masters in Fu Qing's memory are all like this! And, let me tell you from the side, Bawei is not It’s so easy for you to figure it out! Otherwise, where would I put my vast eight-dimensional life face?”

Brother Liu exhaled slowly, "It turns out you are adding drama to yourself."

"What extra drama?"

"Show me some respect."

"Little guy, sit down and sit still for me now."

"Listen to me and tell me slowly."

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Fu Qing said, raising his fingers slightly, and Mo Zhu banged twice on the inkstone.

Brother Liu nodded involuntarily.


People who go up the mountain have no right to laugh at the God who comes down the mountain.

Eight dimensions, respectable.

Fu Qing is respectable.

Brother Liu sat in front of Fu Qing.

"[3·Vector Space]."

"The concept of vector is exactly what the name suggests."

"It means something with ultimate clarity."

Fu Qing said slowly.

Brother Liu nodded slightly.

The word vector also exists on the earth, and it can be seen everywhere even in the lives of ordinary people.

Such as flat or 3D design drawings made by computer.

Non-vector images are small in size and have low pixel density. They are generally used for viewing with the naked eye. The images seen by mobile phone users and computer users are basically non-vector images.

And if you want to inkjet print this picture into a huge building advertisement, you must need a vector file.

Because only vector formats can ensure that the design file is infinitely enlarged without blurring, and the pixels in it are not exposed.

At this time, Fu Qing glanced at Brother Liu and said, "Let me explain to you what a vector is first."

Liu Di shook his head, "You can skip this step. Vector can be infinitely enlarged without distortion."

Fu Qing choked.

Then he immediately regained his calm expression, "Vector space! It is an operation on the three-dimensional level! It means that the volume information such as the length, width, and height of all objects in a certain space can be infinitely amplified while ensuring infinite clarity."

"This is a small premise for manipulating space!"

"I might as well tell you that my body is actually not as big as 8 light years, otherwise I wouldn't be able to take care of myself."

"That is the masterpiece of the eight-dimensional ability [3. Vector Space]!"

"The Devouring Star Territory is vast and boundless."


Fu Qing looked at Di Liu with a proud look on his face, "When you reach this state, you will understand more clearly the basic composition of all things, such as fermions and bosons, and see through the essence of more things!"

Liu Di fell into a daze.


Fu Qing waved a paper fan and smiled vaguely, "Are you confused? Don't understand? Don't know where to start? Hehe, I, I, I, I have said that the eight-dimensional is not an existence that you can understand."

But Liu Di seemed to wake up, "This [Three·Vector Space], why do I feel so familiar?"

The next moment.

Liu Di's body shrank instantly and disappeared, leaving only a white pearl floating quietly in the original place.



Fu Qing looked at everything in a daze, and then his body staggered and almost fell off the stone.

The next moment.

Fu Qing stood up tremblingly, threw the inkstone aside, bent his waist, stared at the small pearl floating in the void.

And then Fu Qing grinned.

"I haven't said it just now, the opposite of [Three·Vector Space] infinitely magnifying an object is infinitely shrinking it!"

"Little Liu Di..."

"Can you answer it quickly?!"

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