My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1470 Invisible Battle (1/2)


Fu Qing opened the paper fan in his hand and said lightly, "I'll do it."

But he saw this ancient scholar walking forward, leaving only a lonely figure behind Brother Liu.

This moment.

Liu Di was shocked when he saw Fu Qing's momentum suddenly changed, and a twisted space appeared around his body like steam.

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes.

This guy.

His eight-dimensional ability has been quietly recovering, and now he doesn't know what level he has recovered to, but he pretends to be weak around him.

If Du Jue hadn't shown up, he might have kept pretending?

What's going on in his heart.

I saw Fu Qing in front of me, who was extremely free and easy. He shook his paper fan lightly and said, "Du Jue, you and I, Fu Qing, are our old enemies. Don't think I don't know. Before, my body collapsed and my abilities were lost, but you used this time to destroy me." You've made me angry!"

When Fu Qing said the last sentence, there seemed to be a trembling space that helped him convey his voice. It resounded throughout the sky in an instant, carrying irresistible majesty.

Brother Liu's eyes lit up.

Fu Qing, the king of the Zerg, seems to be back.

"Although my injury has not healed."

I saw Fu Qing slightly raising his head, frowning, squinting at the black phoenix in the sky, "But! I have a little friend who has just reached the eighth dimension. Do you dare to play with him? And I, watching the battle, can you Turn a blind eye to me!"


Fu Qing's body moved sideways.

Liu Di was revealed behind with a look of astonishment on his face.

Fu Qing shook his head and said, "Brother Liu, come on."


"Niang Xipi."

Brother Liu looked at the ancient scholar, "Fu Qing, aren't you angry? Ninety percent of your clan members were killed by it!"

"Anger and reason are two different things."

"You don't have to worry about my people, they have strong reproductive abilities!"

Fu Qing proudly said, "As for me, I couldn't beat it when I was at my peak, let alone now? If I go, what's the difference between going to die? If you go to die, no, you just take the opportunity to hone the eighth dimension!"

"The mother-in-law Xipi is right."

Liu Di glanced at Fu Qing, stepped forward, passed Fu Qing, and then looked at the sky, "Du Jue, you are also my destined opponent!"


The sky-covering black phoenix's body trembled, ignoring Brother Liu in reality, and looked at the scholar, "Fu Qing, your momentum and face have collapsed along with your body! At this time, you are as humble as an ant, and you are also hiding behind another ant. !”

Immediately, Heifeng Dujue looked at Brother Liu, "A seven-dimensional creature? You are qualified to talk to me, and you even have to thank Fu Qing!"

"That's fine."

"I'll crush you ant first."

"After all, everything I decided was right!"

This moment.

Liu Di's body flashed, and in the flash, his body seemed to have broken away from reality.

In the river in Heifeng Dujue's eyes, there were countless diamond-shaped spaces flashing with dazzling red.

There was no contact between the two bodies at all.

But the battle has begun.

Fu Qing sighed heavily again, "The little guy still can't do it. It's the same old way again. Just activating the seven-dimensional cause and effect, this... is useless!"

Fu Qing had already begun to look at the surrounding environment.

I thought to myself, "I might as well run away first."

The next moment.

There was a huge roar in the entire sky, like a violent collision of space and time.

It's like there are countless transparent chains that are breaking continuously.

But it has no roots, no destiny, and no vision.

It felt like the earth was falling apart.

But Peng Ge Civilization couldn't see the battle situation, it only felt the space surging and invisible thunder!

They felt this incredible scene.

Many scientists hesitated, "We know the composition of the air well, and there is nothing that can cause an explosion. Besides, how can space produce force out of thin air? They seem to be colliding and squeezing!"

"This is not scientific!"

"Do we still know nothing about science?"

"Or, science simply cannot explain the ultimate truth."

“Are we limited to theology?”

Fu Qing looked at these Pengge residents who were stunned.

He slowly shook his head and said, "Low-dimensional life is really pitiful. After spending a lifetime, you can only explain it to yourself. This is really difficult for you. It is just a battle between high-dimensional creatures. If you want to understand it as a god, it is similar. !

But it is in the long river of time.

Liu Di found Du Jue who was unscrupulous and did not hide his existence at all.

Brother Liu entered countless time points.

First of all, when Dujue was born, this fragile creature could be killed by Liu Di with one punch.

But it was actually born with eight-dimensional abilities. Turning over while sleeping, it escaped into an unknown space and was never traced again.

Liu Di wanted to find its parents, but found that this creature was born in an unknown space and appeared out of thin air with no roots.

Over the past 100 million years, Liu Di tried countless times to kill it while it was weak.

But whether the method is indirect or direct, it always takes a leisurely pace and unintentionally avoids all murderous intentions.

There were even many times when it didn't notice Brother Liu's existence at all.

Brother Liu was stunned.

This is like some kind of 100% luck. As an old Chinese saying goes, it is immortal luck.

Brother Liu knows.

Du Jue didn't even activate [Mutual Exclusion Space] to break his causal weapon. He just relied on [Probability Space] to choose the most correct move again and again, even... unintentionally.

There was a moment.

Brother Liu came to Dujue before he came of age.

But I saw this big bird creature, which was still in the flesh, walking in the void of the universe.

It accidentally found a piece of black metal with a diameter of at least 800 kilometers.

At that time, Liu Di was shocked.

This is a huge piece of liquid metal!

At that time, Du Jue, because of the powerful passive protection of [Probability Space], simply ignored Liu Di's existence.

But I saw the big bird staring at the black stone curiously.

Countless results flowed in its eyes.

Then, it suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed the stone into its mouth.

Liu Di was quite shocked.

How could ordinary people think of swallowing such an unknown stone in the universe? !

But Du Jue saw the direction of development of all things and was prepared for any eventuality.


Nothing can be reasonably explained.

The 100% success probability of Du Jue is roughly equivalent to the word "miracle" among humans.

But I saw that the big bird began to assimilate with the liquid metal.

It seemed that it swallowed the liquid metal, and it seemed that it was swallowed by the liquid metal.

A carbon-based life form, just like that, turned into a metal life form, with flesh and bones fused with liquid metal, and its body surface grew inch by inch of crystal-like liquid metal, like matte feathers, arming it into a majestic black phoenix!

At this moment.

Liu Di punched with 99% of his strength, but the liquid metal was so hard that it only made a clanging sound and did not break the defense at all!

Du Jue's body was measured in light years, and this punch was like a flea itching, and even the collision sound was like a mosquito flying.

It didn't notice it at all, and spread its wings and flew towards Shen Yu!

In the timeline after that, Liu Di had no chance to attack!

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