7 days later.

Body metabolism level: 99%! Brother Liu at this time.

Deeply understand what it means to transform into a battle! 50 drones, even with full firepower, can no longer hurt him at all! In terms of combat skills.

Liu Di's brain surprisingly reached a blank state.

Because all emergency responses can be completed in an instant, without thinking at all! And in terms of consciousness.

It seems to have reached a terrifying height.

Brother Liu has a vivid metaphor! Even if there is a mosquito ready to move.

Whenever the thought arises, he wants to bite Brother Liu.

It will immediately arouse his alertness! The demon boy was speechless again.

Well, this is beyond my expectation! "Brother Liu.

""Um? "There's bad news."

""What? "Your little crush seems to be in some trouble!" "A piece of news that was not very popular appeared in Brother Liu's perspective.

"An hour ago, a vicious fight broke out at the Mass Hall, the top nightclub in Hai City.

“According to eyewitnesses, there were hundreds of people involved in the fight.

"Then, there were pictures one after another.

The door of the mass hall was broken and the house was in a mess! Brother Liu's eyes gradually narrowed.

With the help of the devil boy, he naturally knew the whole story.

The Mass Nightclub is the headquarters of the Black Fox Gang.

A brawl of this scale is definitely not a small matter.

The Black Fox Gang was defeated miserably, and the boss ‘Black Fox’ was injured! Brother Liu stood up gently and clenched his fists! I just lost my way to the new human race, and my hands are itchy! Demon Boy: "Don't have too much hope. The other party is just a gangster and won't be of much help to your evolution.

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat!" Brother Liu said with a gloomy face: "You dare to cause trouble in my territory. It seems that the reputation of my second emperor is not loud enough!" "...at this moment.

Far away in Europe on the other side of the ocean, here is a small town on the Luo River in Texas.

There are fields of corn and sunflowers, and the scenery is beautiful and full of pastoral atmosphere.


In a three-story wooden building on a farm.

An old European man with white hair fumbled to find the reading glasses on the table.

After putting it on, he looked at the antique telegraph machine in front of him and pouted frequently.

Can't seem to think of anything to transmit.

For a moment, he clapped his hands, bit his lip, and entered a few words in code: Dear Kofi Dahle, how are you? At this moment, his wooden door was opened with a bang.

A black-haired European wearing a windbreaker hurriedly walked into the room! "Mr. Barney, it's not good!" The old man turned his head, adjusted his reading glasses, and said kindly: "There's no rush, please speak slowly.

The black-haired European calmed down and said, "The whereabouts of the K of Spades have been found!" "He was attacked and seriously injured in China, and is now being held in Haishi, China!" "Oh..." the old man slowly drew out his voice, "What else do you know?" "Sorry, the Huaxia Police Department is very strict. I only investigated this."

"But I guess that Spade K was probably injured by the target Emperor San!" "Di San should be a reformer!" "The old man nodded slowly again.

He waved his hand, "Come here.

"The black-haired European was stunned for a moment, then approached with a smile on his face.

Bang! With a sudden gunshot, the black-haired European was shot in the middle of his eyebrow, and fell down on his back while still smiling! Phew... The old man withdrew his arm from under the table and blew on the smoking silver revolver.

Get up slowly.

His tone was like telling a story to a baby, and he said slowly: "Stupid Mr. Jianke, how many times have I told you, don't come here to see me, don't meet me!" the old man said.

When he came to the corpse, he smacked his fingers fiercely, and his expression turned ferocious in an instant! "And!" "Don't call me Barney!" "Call me Mr. Box from now on!" The next moment, the old man returned to his kind look, "Oh, I forgot, you won't have a next time!" Then the old man said again Sit back in your seat.

Licking his lips, he pressed a rhythmic frequency on the telegraph machine.

‘Dear Kofi, the target was not killed this time, which has a great impact on the credibility of our organization. This is no longer a question of remuneration.


The telegraph beeped.

It is also a special rhythm.

‘Dear Mr. Box, China’s entry screening has been relaxed and we can move again.

’ ‘Dear Kofi, look at how beautiful the sun is in the sky, but if someone dares to cast ashes on it, I am willing to give up all principles.

’ After a moment of pause, the other party slowly replied: ‘Mr. Box, do you mean to activate the death order? ’ ‘My heart is as pure as a flower. I don’t mean anything. I just want him to die.

’ ‘Yes, I will arrange it immediately! ’ This silver-haired old man is none other than Barney, the man behind the poker club, codenamed Mr. Box! And the way he communicates with the other party is the code word revelation of the poker club! It’s unimaginable to outsiders.

The poker meeting of the dignified international killer organization actually uses this old telegraph to communicate! Today, this method of communication is extremely rare! What they want is not to leave any traces on the Internet! As for the death warrant in their mouths.

It is the code word of the killer industry.

Meaning, kill the target at any cost! The technique is not offline! Poison, attack in groups, expose your identity, or die together! No matter what method is used, the target must be killed! The silver-haired old man put down his headphones.

He raised his hand and knocked on the old computer beside him.

A ranking appears on the screen.

This is the underground list of the entire assassination industry! The top 100 international assassins! The list recommended by all the middlemen in the industry! The assassin industry uses this as the standard for judging strength.

As the world's largest assassin organization, the Poker Club's strength cannot be underestimated. 54 assassins are on the list! But.

This list changes in real time.

Whenever an assassin dies or is executed, he will disappear from the list.

The old man squinted and watched.

Spade 9 and Spade 7 were removed from the list a month ago! Suddenly, the old man's eyelids jumped! His face instantly became a little ugly.

The screen flashed, and the name of Spade K, which was originally ranked 20th, gradually disappeared! Bang bang bang! The old man was furious, and the revolver fired wildly, and in a blink of an eye, the computer screen was smashed to pieces! "They are all my children!" "This hateful Emperor San!" The old man panted slightly, "In that case, then I will let more children visit you, even if I bury you with their bodies!"

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