The two entered the clinic.

Until Yan Qingwen entered a clinic alone and was about to start consultation.

Li Muyan has been looking at Brother Liu unabashedly! It's like a wild beast seeing fresh meat! Brother Liu was heartbroken when he saw it! Finally, Liu Di was placed in a separate lounge.

The consultation time for Yanqingwen takes 1 hour.

Li Muyan specially received them.

While waiting.

Brother Liu looked at this psychological clinic through the glass.

This is a 2-story European-style building facing the street.

The m house is full of high-end solid wood furniture, as well as novel and interesting accessories.

Underfoot, there is soft and thick carpet all the way.

Walking makes people feel relaxed and comfortable.

Brother Liu nodded slightly.

Such an environment is indeed easy for people to relax.

Relatively speaking, it is easier to hypnotize people! Brother Liu was also very curious.

What is Yan Qingwen doing in a place like this? Is there a disease in your heart? Devil Boy: "Brother Liu, I found something on Doctor Wild's computer.

"Wild doctor?" "Yes, that's the woman just now."

"Well, you found something."

"A piece of information about you."

"Subsequently, a piece of information unfolded from Brother Liu's perspective.

Among them are two photos of Brother Liu! They all seemed to have been secretly photographed recently.

There are also many behavioral records of Brother Liu! Extremely good at eating... Wearing a 200-yuan street stall... Spending a million dollars to buy lighters... Donating to charity hospitals... Treating disabled children with love... Threatening Li Dahai to close 20 orders... His superb driving skills and shooting skills... made the daughter of the Nan family in the capital a vassal... He has a close relationship with the military boss... and after each of these incidents, there is a professional behavioral analysis.

Analyze Liu Di’s motivations, motivations, and everything else! end of the file.

It is a carefully designed hypnosis program.

Target brother Liu.

Tsk tsk... Brother Liu felt a chill running down his back.

Is that psychiatrist analyzing me? Judging from the tone of this information, the provider should be Yan Qingwen! "Demon boy, check if there is any record of Yan Qingwen!" "We have already checked. Yan Qingwen has been here at least three times a month for the past three years, but there are only check-in records and no case information. It seems that he is deliberately keeping it secret. !" "However, from the information on her computer, it seems that this doctor is a serious doctor!" "A serious doctor..." Dang Dang Dang! At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Then, Li Muchan walked in with a cup of coffee.

Brother Liu frowned slightly, "Why did you come out? It's only been less than 20 minutes?" Li Muyan put down his coffee and pointed to the clinic room opposite along the door.

Through the frosted glass, one could faintly see a figure lying comfortably on the sofa, having fallen into a deep sleep.

"Wenwen has been under too much mental pressure recently, so I helped her relax and let her rest for a while.

"Li Muyan said, staring directly at Brother Liu, and slowly approached.

Afterwards, Li Muchan sat directly on the coffee table opposite Brother Liu.

Her slender legs in black socks rested on the armrest beside Liu Di.

The garter belt and lace trim at the base of the thigh have exposed less than half of it.

Sexy and sultry.

Brother Liu smiled slightly in his heart, the first step of the hypnosis plan: disrupt my mind.

"Mr. Liu Di, you are so handsome.

"Li Muyan pursed her lips and smiled charmingly! Not to mention, most men really can't resist! "Mr. Liu Di, you are usually very tired as a tattoo driver. Do you need to relax and have a good rest? Woolen cloth? “Our clinic has a special service that can help patients fall into deep sleep through psychological guidance, thereby achieving complete physical and mental relaxation.

"Liu Di laughed again in his heart! The second step of the plan: Disguise hypnosis as a deep sleep service! "Mr. Liu Di, you don't know, this service usually charges 6,000 yuan, but today for Wenwen's sake, it's free for you. How about an experience? Li Muyan said, pressing a remote control on the table.

At the same time, a layer of curtains slowly lowered on the glass on all sides of the lounge.

2 minutes later, this lounge was completely transformed into a private space! Dim lights, seductive red lips, sexy stockings.

Li Muyan bit her lip lightly, "Mr. Liu Di, are you okay?" Haha, goblin.

When a normal man reaches this point, he would have surrendered long ago and allowed himself to be manipulated, right? Brother Liu smiled slightly without changing his expression, "Okay..." Li Muyan kept snickering in his heart! All men in the world are the same! "Okay, Mr. Liu, please lie down in the position you think is most comfortable.

"Li Muyan actually gave Liu Di a wink! Then, she took out a metal pocket watch from her arms! Liu Di just leaned on the sofa casually.

Li Muyan came to Liu Di's side and sat down slowly, feeling a mind-melting aroma.

"Mr. Liu Di, please pay attention to my pocket watch.

"Crack! Open the pocket watch.

There are no hands on the dial, but a black and white patterned dial.


"With Li Muyan's seductive smile, the dial began to rotate slowly, and the pattern instantly became weird and confusing, making people drowsy! Brother Liu knew it very well.

She has already started hypnotizing! ‘Ding... Ancient Greek hypnosis subconscious fusion completed...’ ‘Ding... Anti-hypnosis tough consciousness fusion completed...’ The fusion of the demon boy's consciousness was in place in time! "Brother Liu, listen to me, you are now completely relaxed..." "You are very comfortable..." Li Muyan stared at Brother Liu's face, his voice was like a dream.

"You are now barefoot, walking on the warm beach..." "The sun in the distance is getting brighter and brighter..." "The light is approaching you..." "Suddenly enveloped you..." "You put down all your guard now..." "After I count down 3 numbers, you will completely trust me..." "Tell me all your secrets..." However, when Li Muyan was performing hypnosis passionately, her speech suddenly stagnated.

She was surprised to find that in Brother Liu's right eye, purple light was flickering.

The frequency was very strange and very fascinating.

Li Muyan shook her dizzy head violently and continued: "3..." The right eye continued to flicker... "2..." Li Muyan's eyes were inexplicably attracted! But she still insisted on reading it out, "1..." Ding! Liu Di calmly took out a lighter and lit a cigarette for himself! However, after hearing this crisp metallic sound.

Li Muyan was completely stunned! The whole body was motionless! Unconsciously, she fell into Liu Di's reverse hypnosis! Liu Di gently blew a puff of smoke on her face.

"Li Muyan, tell me, are you a virgin?" Li Muyan's eyes were empty, and finally murmured: "I'm not..."

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