My Runes Can Be Upgraded

Chapter 149 Dragon Blood Warlock

When Hu Kaiyun said that he wanted to show him the big baby, Wu Wei couldn't help but thumped in his heart.

From her excited tone, Wu Wei could vaguely feel that his teacher might show him some kind of treasure.

It is very likely that he will have to give him something to save his life.

So Wu Wei's mood at that time was very complicated.

On the one hand, he feels that although Hu Kaiyun is his teacher, he has not been a teacher for a month.

In less than a month, he had eaten so much soft food from other people. As a dignified man, Wu Wei felt that this was somewhat bad.

But on the other hand, his body is kind of honest.

I have to admit that the teacher's soft rice is indeed a bit fragrant, oh no, it should be very fragrant.

So, after dawdling, Wu Wei finally came to No. 1 Rune Tower.

"Why are you so slow? Come here, come here!"

As soon as Wu Wei arrived at the Rune Tower, he was dragged by Hu Kaiyun to the basement of the Rune Tower.

While going, Hu Kaiyun was showing off to Wu Wei.

"Let me tell you, you will never imagine what kind of big baby I am going to show you, this thing is super powerful!

Even if I meet your teacher, it will take a lot of effort to stand up to it! "

As soon as Hu Kaiyun said this, Wu Wei vaguely guessed what it might be.

No, when Wu Wei came to the basement of No. 1 Rune Tower, he saw a pink metal lump all over his body.

And the attributes of this thing also jumped out in front of Wu Wei.


Name: S-Class Security Robot

Quality: Rare (bad)

master: not set

Level: Level 51

Energy remaining: 99.99%


Strength: 350, Constitution: 350, Dexterity: 120

Defense: 500

Skills: Forced expulsion mode (advanced) (maximum level), advanced security boxing (maximum level), advanced security stick (maximum level)

Equipment: stun gun (level 51) (rare), stun baton (level 51) (rare), bulletproof armor (level 51) (rare)

Explanation: Although it may be due to the decline of the manufacturing process, the quality has declined slightly, and the attributes have also decreased slightly.

But it's still undeniably powerful.


Sure enough, it was an S-class security robot.

Hu Kaiyun really got this thing out, and installed that S-rank energy crystal on it.

Looking at the magnificent attributes of this big guy, Wu Wei can roughly feel the strength of this big guy.

Although he couldn't fully see the attributes of the guy named Li Ying, Wu Wei can be sure that the attributes of this big guy will definitely not be lower than that of Li Ying, no, it will be far surpassed.

Of course, it may be because it is a robot, and without the assistance of a security system, its combat effectiveness will inevitably drop a lot compared to the genuine one.

Its strength is weaker than that of the fifth-order powerhouses of the same level.

But Wu Wei felt that there should be no problem in suppressing a Li Ying.

It is definitely a big killer, the only fly in the ointment is that the extreme hunk fans make people look a little uncomfortable.

But Wu Wei also heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the pink body.

Since it is pink, then Hu Kaiyun should use it for himself, and calling him over is probably to show him off.

No, Wu Wei was fascinated by the robot, and Hu Kaiyun slapped him directly on the back.

"How is it? The big baby that the teacher showed you is amazing, right?"

"Yeah, it's amazing, I didn't expect the teacher to get it out so quickly!

I thought it would be a while! "

"Who do you look down on? Your teacher, I am also the number one rune master in Yuehua City, and I still have a family background!"

Hu Kaiyun raised her head proudly, but when she thought of the resources spent on doing this, her stalwart mind collapsed. Well, now basically all of her family's wealth has been invested in it.

But she didn't feel depressed for too long, and slapped Wu Wei on the back again.

The beating made Wu Wei bang and bang, which made Wu Wei surprised for a while, feeling that his teacher especially liked to pat him on the back today.

At this time, Hu Kaiyun said: "Go, its owner hasn't set it yet, you go and set it up!"


Wu Wei was stunned?

"I said, go set it up and take this thing away!

But let me remind you, although this thing is powerful, it consumes a lot of energy. Your S-level energy crystal probably won't last long.

If [forced expulsion mode] is turned on, it is estimated that the energy will be consumed in up to two hours.

Moreover, although it can recover by itself if it is damaged, it still needs to spend resources.

Therefore, although this thing is good, you can't use it indiscriminately, and you can't rely on it. You can only use it as a means of saving your life, and don't use it lightly until the critical moment! "

Although he was a little distressed about the resources he invested, Hu Kaiyun still gave this thing out very generously.

Such generosity of hers made Wu Wei silent for a long time, his head lowered and he didn't speak.

"What's wrong?" Seeing this, Hu Kaiyun slapped Wu Wei on the back again: "What are you doing in a daze? Go ahead and set up the recognition!"

Hu Kaiyun's slap brought Wu Wei back to his senses, raised his head and his eyes were slightly red.

To be honest, Wu Wei was really moved by Hu Kaiyun.

Really, no one has ever been so kind to Wu Wei like Hu Kaiyun and Jiang Li.

When Goldfinger was not strong enough, Wu Wei actually had a hard and bitter life.

In Team 8911, he tried his best, but in the end they fired him without saying a word.

So much so that Wu Wei lost control of his emotions at that time, otherwise he wouldn't talk nonsense like them with his personality.

And as Goldfinger began to exert strength, Wu Wei's strength gradually became stronger.

The world seemed to be gentle to him.

But the gentleness of the world is not as good as Hu Kaiyun and Jiang Li who are so unreasonable.

Before the ruins of Quancheng, Hu Kaiyun threw away several life-saving talismans. At that time, Wu Wei didn't know the price of these life-saving talismans. The price of Shield Talisman has been lowered.

They are all ridiculously expensive.

Not to mention the [Death Talisman], it's not expensive anymore.

Wu Wei believed that Hu Kaiyun might not have more than three of that kind of thing in his own hands, and he might not even have any of them on hand now.

She gave such things as she said.

Now make an S-class security robot for him.

Is this thing so easy to handle? Wu Wei has seen the manufacturing materials, he can be sure that in order to make this thing, Hu Kaiyun did not say that he went bankrupt, at least it was a waste of money.

This really moved Wu Wei.

But this is good for him, even if Hu Kaiyun is his teacher, Wu Wei has no way to accept it with peace of mind.

Looking at Hu Kaiyun with red eyes, Wu Wei opened his mouth several times to ask questions, why he is so nice to him.

But you can't speak when you open your mouth for a long time?

On the other hand, Hu Kaiyun looked at Wu Wei with red eyes and laughed heartlessly, and slapped Wu Wei on the back again: "What's wrong? You are beautiful, generous, considerate, and human. Touched by the beloved teacher?

It's good to be moved, the teacher wants you to be moved!

You must always remember the goodness of the teacher, and you must honor your master well when you become successful in the future! "

As he said that, Hu Kaiyun also pointed to the S-level energy crystal on the chest of the S-level robot: "Have you seen that S-level crystal? This thing is a good thing, but with just one, your teacher's advancement to level 6 is still a bit embarrassing, you If you have a conscience, find a few more for the teacher later!

In this way, the teacher will not hurt you in vain! "

Hu Kaiyun just casually said that he wanted Wu Wei to take the S-class security robot away with peace of mind.

As a result, as soon as she finished speaking, Wu Wei said seriously: "How many pills do you want? Is ten enough?"

"What the hell?"

Hu Kaiyun was taken aback, but he didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that Wu Wei wanted to go to the Quancheng ruins next year to get it for her, so he scratched his head: "It doesn't take ten, five is almost enough!

But you don’t have to go out of your way to get it. You can’t ask for things of this level. Your teacher only has one or two in his hands for decades. It’s pretty good to have one if you can reach level 2. Let’s do it in the future. Teacher... what the hell, what is this? "

Before Hu Kaiyun finished speaking, Wu Wei silently took out the spirit stone from his book of runes.

He took out all ten of them.

Wu Wei's character is like this, if you tease me, then I will tease you twice as well.

If you treat me well, then I will treat you well!

Not only did he take out the spirit stone, but he also took out the [Rejuvenation Pill], [Xiaoyuan Pill] and [Solid Pill].

When he took these things, he didn't consider Hu Kaiyun's feelings at all.

She looked at the apprentice in front of her whose eyes were reddened by her touch, and silently took out ten spiritual stones that were more precious than S-level energy crystals from the book of runes.

He also took out more than a dozen pills that shone with purple light.

"You, you, you... You bought a lottery ticket? Oh no, how can a lottery ticket sell this? Where did you get these things?"

Hu Kaiyun was so stupid at the time that he spoke incoherently.

Wu Wei gradually calmed down and said, "Didn't I tell you a few days ago that I wanted to go into the dungeon? I walked around and brought some things out by the way!"

"Going around? Did you bring something?"

Hu Kaiyun opened his mouth wide and stared at Wu Wei.

Since this period of time, she has used her apprentice to clear the 81st floor every day, and she has been pretending to give her A-level crystals everywhere.

Many people were pretended to be skeptical of life by her.

But today she found out that her pretentious methods are simply outrageously vulgar.

Look at her precious apprentice, what a simple and understatement sentence, what a great thing he said.

In an understatement, he pretended to be the ultimate.

Hu Kaiyun's eyes lit up at that moment.

'Coach, I want to learn this? '

Wu Wei looked at Hu Kaiyun, who was bewildered and full of thoughts in his heart, and couldn't help but patted her on the head: "Teacher, teacher, are you listening?"

"I'm listening, I'm listening, I'm listening!"

Only then did Hu Kaiyun suddenly come back to his senses, and put his hands behind his back, pretending to be calm: "Well, this little gain is not bad!"

In an understatement, Hu Kaiyun felt that he had been sublimated.

That's right, that's what pretense should look like?

Hu Kaiyun also excitedly called Jiang Li, the moment Jiang Li picked up, the expression on Hu Kaiyun's face became calm and calm: "Second brother, come here, your junior brother brought you a copy from the dungeon. A small gift, although it is not a very good thing, but it is also a thought, come here and accept it!"

After finishing the phone call, Hu Kaiyun clenched his fists and stamped his feet excitedly.

Obviously I like this pretentious feeling.

It took a while to think of Wu Wei's spirit stone, and quickly picked it up to look at it carefully. While watching, his face showed a flat expression of shock and trying to suppress it.

And her appearance perfectly destroyed Wu Wei's moving atmosphere.

Wu Wei, whose eyes were red just now, is now left embarrassed and dazed.

"Why was I moved just now?"

Soon, Jiang Li came over.

Seeing Jiang Li approaching, Hu Kaiyun hurriedly put down his things, and said to Jiang Li calmly, "Are you here? Here, everything is here. Look at this choice, right?"

On Jiang Li's side, after seeing the things Wu Wei took out, her already cold face became even colder.

A cold look was cast on Hu Kaiyun on the spot, and Hu Kaiyun, who was still equipped with the 'Feng Qing Yun Dan' just now, trembled all over, why did he explain in a low voice: "Then...then I was just joking, I..."

That submissive look made Wu Wei look stupid.

I couldn't help complaining about my teacher in my heart. She didn't have the dignity of a teacher at all. She acted in front of her apprentices as if she was the apprentice. It was really embarrassing for them.

Then, Jiang Li's eyes came over.

Then, Wu Wei's body shook, and he became more submissive than Hu Kaiyun.

Jiang Li ignored her teacher and came to Wu Wei: "Tell me about your situation in the [Battle of Yingtao] dungeon these days!"


Wu Wei, who had been smoked for a while, was particularly well-behaved.

I honestly told all about my experience of entering the [Battle of Yingtao] dungeon.

Originally, Wu Wei was quite satisfied with his performance in the dungeon, but for some reason, the more he talked, the colder Jiang Li's expression became, the more confident Wu Wei became.

But although Jiang Li had a cold face, she still let Wu Wei finish speaking.

After listening to Wu Wei tell the whole story, Jiang Li opened her mouth, and Wu Wei was shocked when she opened her mouth: "Don't go in that copy again!"


Wu Wei's tone was involuntarily high: "Why?"

"Why? Have you ever thought about how dangerous your copy's actions are?"

Jiang Li said with a cold face: "That is a dungeon with a maximum level of 71. That kind of dungeon does not mean that the combat power ceiling is level 71, but once you enter the most difficult mode, only the existence of level 71 is eligible challenge.

In other words, it is not surprising that there may be an eighth or even ninth rank in the combat power ceiling!

You who only have the strength of the second level, can you understand how terrifying the existence of that level is? "

Wu Wei was taken aback, and was about to speak when he suddenly saw Jiang Li glaring at him.

With just a glare, Wu Wei suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an abyss, as if he was being stared at by a terrifying giant beast.

At this moment, Wu Wei was horrified to find that the sense of crisis that Jiang Li brought to him at this time was actually more terrifying than Li Ying in the dungeon.

Li Ying stared at him. Although he felt terrified, he was not completely desperate.

But now, Wu Wei feels that once his senior sister wants to attack him, he will almost die.

Naturally, Jiang Li would not really attack Wu Wei, she just let Wu Wei know the gap between the two sides.

The terrifying aura was put away as soon as it was released.

Jiang Li put away her aura, and Wu Wei was like a fish back in the water, regaining his vitality.

But looking at her senior sister again, her eyes and face were full of horror.

So his senior sister is so scary?

Jiang Li was very satisfied with the horror on Wu Wei's face, this is what she wanted.

Then, just as he was about to continue talking, Wu Wei was puzzled and said distressedly: "Senior sister, you are so strong, why did you still use runes when you took down Li Changqing before? Doesn't it cost money to be so big?"

As soon as Wu Wei said this, Jiang Li's face turned dark.

What else is on his mind? How can you think of going there?

At this time, Hu Kaiyun, who hadn't dared to speak just now, whispered to Wu Wei's popular science: "Well, your senior sister claims to be a third-order rune mage, but in fact, only a very few people know that your senior sister is actually a fourth-order [Dragon Dragon] Blood Warlock].

However, when she changed professions, she encountered some problems and hadn't solved them, so she generally didn't use the abilities of this profession to fight. "

Wu Wei heard that this was something Wu Wei didn't know before.

Hu Kaiyun told him now that Jiang Li didn't object, obviously she had already trusted him to a certain extent.

"What's the problem, senior sister? How can I solve it? Can I help?"

"Yes! But not now!"

Since Hu Kaiyun said this, Jiang Li didn't intend to hide it from Wu Wei.

"Dragon Blood Warlock's job transfer core mainly has two points, one is blood power, and the other is blood runes.

Bloodline power is fundamental, and bloodline runes are the key to controlling power.

I had an accident at the last moment of the job change. The damn female dragon that drew the rune for me ran away and did not finish the drawing.

I need you to help me draw the part of it that is not finished! "

As Jiang Li said, she took out a scroll from the Book of Runes and handed it to Wu Wei.

"This is it!"

Wu Wei took it over and took a look, and found that it was a painting of a human body, with a lifelike person on it.

There were all kinds of mysterious runes all over the man's body.

There are places where it can be broadcast and where it cannot be broadcast.

Wu Wei was shocked when he saw this painting, he was familiar with the plot.

He was also clear about the next development, and suddenly turned pale with shock: "Senior Sister? You want me to draw this for you? All of them?"

Wu Wei took a few steps back subconsciously, crossing his arms over his chest, but he was immediately stared at with a biting coldness.

"No, that woman has drawn all the parts of her body, except for her hands and feet.

You can help me draw the hands and feet when the time comes.

However, you don’t need to worry about this for the time being. When you can draw the [rare quality] talisman, you can start learning this, and when you can draw the perfect quality, we will start working again! "

"Oh, that's okay!"

Wu Wei let out a sigh of relief.

Then, Jiang Li looked at him even colder.


The fifth update has a total of 20,000 words and has been updated, please ask for a monthly ticket

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