My Runes Can Be Upgraded

Chapter 151 No. 7 Spiritual Power Storage Talisman

Human nature is greedy!

It is my nature to get long and look forward to Shu!

So is Wu Wei!

If he could, he would certainly want to choose to have everything.

But Wu Wei also knows that sometimes it is more rational to give up than to take everything.

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that with my current conditions, it's impossible for me to think of a way to gather all my strengths together.

Moreover, some powers may not be necessary for me at this time! "

When Wu Wei said this, he already knew what path he was going to take.

What he wants to take is the path that almost all [Spell Summoners] will take.

Temporarily give up the spiritual power that condenses all the original runes, and concentrate on accepting one of the powers.

Use one of the powers to break through the third level first, and after breaking through the third level, try to find a way to integrate other original powers.

After making a decision, Wu Wei also needs to make a choice for the source he wants to condense.

Of course, this choice is not difficult for Wu Wei to make.

His three origins, elf, belong to the legal system. Although his mental power is as high as 53 now, he doesn't have any magic skills, and the legal system is obviously not suitable for him.

The little spider is in the process of assimilating with the power of the gods, and he doesn't know whether he will live or die. The only choice Wu Wei can make is Ah Huang.

Of course, this is also Wu Wei's best choice.

After all, Wu Wei's two main fighting methods now, saber technique and archery, are both from the lineage of the talisman warriors. Choosing to condense Ah Huang's power will not affect Wu Wei's combat effectiveness, and may even make Wu Wei's The combat effectiveness has been further improved.

The only fly in the ointment is that Wu Wei's current under-the-box trick [cursed death knife] may be scrapped.

Although this is a pity, there is nothing Wu Wei can do about it for the sake of a smooth road ahead.

"Wait, it seems that there is no way at all!"

When Wu Wei was about to give up [Curse Power], he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be an operation among the advanced notes he saw.

In order to avoid wasting their spiritual power, many rune summoners will store some of the power they don't want to condense out of their bodies.

Wu Wei felt that he could learn from this method.

"Can I seal the power of the curse in [Death Saber]?

In this case, in this case, I can condense Ah Huang's power to advance smoothly, and at the same time, I don't need to lose the trump card of [cursed death knife]! "

The more Wu Wei thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, so he took out the [Death Saber] on the spot, and tried to send the [Curse Power] into the [Death Saber] bit by bit.

The good news is that [Curse Power] can be sent into the Death Saber, but the bad news is.

After the [Power of the Curse] is sent in, if Wu Wei does not consume the [Power of the Curse] within a short period of time, they will slowly flow back to Wu Wei's right hand.

Of course, Wu Wei can also curse them back.

It's just that if Wu Wei stops it, this force will slowly dissipate.

To put it simply, [Death Saber] cannot store this power.

"Why can't it be stored?"

Wu Wei thought about it while looking at his [Death Saber], but the problem is that he is not a magic weapon blacksmith, and he can't figure out a result when he thinks about this kind of problem.

"It would be great if I knew the blacksmith of the magic weapon. In this way, I can ask people for advice. Hey, wait, I really think I know a blacksmith of the magic weapon!"

As he said that, Wu Wei began to search through his book of runes, and soon Wu Wei found a note.

This is the IOU from the blacksmith who forged [Miracle in Failure], and there is his contact information on it.

To be honest, Wu Wei was quite satisfied with [Miracle in Failure] at this time, so he didn't plan to ask the other party to collect the bill.

But now that he encountered some problems in the forging of divine weapons, Wu Wei remembered him.

Without further ado, he called the other party.

"Hello. Who is this?"

The phone was connected, and there was a drowsy voice from the opposite side. It sounded very tired, as if I had been tired for a long time and was about to fall asleep at any time.

"Hi, I'm Wu Wei, the one who entrusted you to forge arrows last time!"

Wu Wei simply sat down and introduced himself, and then the other person seemed to be woken up suddenly, jumping around for a while, and then the man carefully apologized: "Well, brother, I'm sorry about what happened last time..."

"Let's not talk about that matter first, I have a question I want to ask you.

If I want to store a piece of spiritual power in the Divine Weapon Talisman, is it possible to achieve it? "


Wu Wei's question stunned Tian Zhan on the opposite side, as if he didn't want to ask for money, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Rubbing his temples: "Brother, this problem is easy to solve, or you can buy a special magic weapon talisman for storing energy. There are special magic weapon talismans on the market. You just need to store your spiritual power in it and use it when you need it." OK."

Wu Wei knew that there was a magic weapon talisman, but that was not what Wu Wei wanted.

Because after that kind of magical weapon talisman is drawn out, the spiritual power still has to be transferred through the divine talisman teacher. Now Wu Wei does not have a second-level problem, but when Wu Wei reaches the third-level, Wu Wei is worried that he will come in at that time. Force] will be beaten.

"Well, you may not understand what I mean, I mean, can you store spiritual power in a magic weapon talisman that is not a magic weapon talisman?

Just use it if you need it! "

Wu Wei put forward his own idea, and when his idea came out, Tian Zhan, who was opposite him, was directly shocked by Wu Wei's bold idea.

‘Is your idea a bit too genius? You yourself said that it is no longer a magical weapon that stores spiritual power, and you still have to store spiritual power in it, isn't there something wrong with you! '

Tian Zhan was upset, but he didn't dare to vomit.

After all, he is his creditor, and he also has the black information that the success rate of forging the magic weapon talisman is 1 in 70. He can't afford to offend him, so he can only scratch his head and help Wu Wei think of a way.

"There seems to be a method, the most important thing is to re-forge the magic weapon talisman, so that the magic weapon talisman can increase the effect of storing spiritual power.

However, this is very difficult, and if you are not careful, the magic weapon talisman may be abolished.

Another way is to [engrav] the Divine Weapon Talisman! "


"Yes, engraved!

The so-called inscription is a blacksmith's technique. Simply speaking, it is to engrave certain runes on the surface of the Divine Weapon Talisman to increase the effect of the Divine Weapon Talisman.

Compared to reforging the Divine Armament Talisman, if the inscription fails, at most the inscription materials will be lost.

As long as the degree of engraving is not very high, it will not damage the Divine Weapon Talisman itself! "

As soon as Wu Wei heard this, his eyes lit up immediately: "Is that so, can I ask you to help me engrave my Divine Weapon Talisman?"

"That? This..."

On the other side of the phone, Tian Zhan said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I may not be able to take your job.

Because although inscription is a skill of blacksmiths, in fact, blacksmiths alone can't do it, and a rune master is needed.

I need a talisman master to draw the runes that need to be inscribed on the divine soldier talisman, and then I can inscribe on the basis of the talisman! "

There is another point that he is not ashamed to say, that is, his engraved skills are not good enough.

Every time someone paints well, there will be small mistakes on his side.

Just because of this, he has already lost his originally wealthy family. He really couldn't afford it, so he wanted Wu Wei to quit, but unexpectedly, Wu Wei slapped his chest when he heard this: "It's okay!

I am a talisman master myself, you can just send me the talisman stored in your spiritual power, and I will draw it myself, by the way, where do you live?

I'll find you when I'm done! "

Tian Zhan was dumbfounded when he heard this.

Is it such a coincidence?

This is a real plan, don't let him go bankrupt, don't you give up?

He really wanted to refuse, but if he wanted his own IOU, he could only obediently agree.

Afterwards, Tian Zhan gave Wu Wei a talisman to store spiritual power.

Here, Tian Zhan played a trick, and specially gave Wu Wei a very difficult talisman to store spiritual power, and asked Wu Wei to at least reach [Boutique Quality] before he could do it.

Tian Zhan has read Wu Wei's general information. How much level can a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old be even if he is a talisman master?

A high-quality product is enough to make Wu Wei retreat in spite of the difficulties, right?

But he thought again,

What if Wu Weizhen made out the talisman? What would he do then?

It is difficult to draw the soul, and it is also difficult to inscribe it.

If others can figure it out, he may not be able to inscribe it! What should he do then?

"Forget it, don't worry about it, let's talk about it when the time comes, let's talk about it, I really don't believe he has the ability to do it!"

After speaking, Tian Zhan sent Wu Wei the talisman that stored spiritual power.

After he sent it, Wu Wei was stunned when he saw it.

What should I say about this talisman that stores spiritual power? It's unexpectedly simple.

As Wu Wei, who was able to draw the second-level excellent quality [Enchanted Arrow], this kind of spiritual power storage talisman is basically not difficult at all.

Wu Wei got started, and drew the name [No. 7 Spiritual Energy Storage Talisman] that Tian Zhan sent to him in one go.


Rune: No. 7 Spiritual Power Storage Talisman

Quality: Normal

Level: Level 1

Function: storage of spiritual power, about 0.1 power of curse


Obviously, although Wu Wei's painting was drawn, it was not enough for Wu Wei to use.

Fortunately, when Wu Wei drew this talisman, he also added the skill [No. 7 Spiritual Power Storage talisman] to his attribute board.

At the same time, there is a [1/5] progress bar behind the skill.

Wu Wei quickly completed [5/5].

Talisman-making, experience can be accumulated. Wu Wei’s experience in drawing [torch talisman] [enchanted arrow talisman] provided Wu Wei with great help at this time. Wu Wei completed it in one go. The optimization of No. 7 Storage Talisman].


Rune: No. 7 Spiritual Power Storage Talisman

Quality: high quality

Level: Level 5

Description: Can store 1 point of curse power


The quality, level, and upper limit of stored curse power have all been greatly improved, but they are still far from enough.

Afterwards, Wu Wei completely focused on the drawing of this talisman.

A lot of drawing and research [No. 7 spiritual power storage talisman], it took less than half a day to draw the [boutique quality] No. 7 storage talisman.

But it still couldn't achieve the effect Wu Wei wanted.

The No. 7 spiritual power storage talisman of boutique quality and level 11 can only store 10 points of curse power, which is far from enough!

After all, Wu Wei now has 45 points of storage power in his hands, and Wu Wei also realized a problem when drawing the storage of spiritual power.

That is, the spiritual power that enters this kind of storage talisman is a non-renewable resource.

Use a little less, and once it's used up, it's basically useless.

And this deviates from Wu Wei's original intention.

What Wu Wei wanted was to perfectly transfer the cursed power of his right hand to [Death Saber], not to create a trick that would cost him once.

However, Wu Wei did not give up on [Spiritual Power Storage Talisman No. 7] directly because of this.

Because this thing is not useless to Wu Wei, at least Wu Wei can store his excess [Curse Power] in it now.

[Power of Curse] can automatically recover a little bit in an hour, and it is 24 o'clock in a day. Before it was full, there was no need to install it, but now Wu Wei can knock them into [No. 7 Spiritual Power Storage Talisman].

Save 24 points a day, 240 points for ten days, and 720 points for one month.

If you save it for a month and throw it all out in one go, it will cause 7200 damage.

This terrifying knife, even a fifth-order existence would definitely be unable to withstand it, right?

Imagining the beautiful picture of 7200 or even 72000 for a single knife, Wu Wei became more motivated to draw the No. 7 spiritual power storage talisman.

At the same time, it also allowed him to refresh his own record again. It only took more than 2 o'clock a day to push the quality of [No. 7 Spiritual Power Storage Talisman] to the excellent level, and the level was also pushed to level 21.

So far, the storage limit of [No. 7 Spiritual Power Storage Talisman] has reached 50 points.

This should be enough for Wu Wei, who has temporarily given up on completely transferring [Curse Power] to [Death Knife], and just regards [No. 7 Spiritual Power Storage Talisman] as an alternative to increase the upper limit of curse power Now, he can stop.

However, when he raised the [No. 7 Spiritual Power Storage Talisman] to an excellent quality, an inspiration came to Wu Wei's mind.

Wu Wei suddenly felt that the lines on [No. 7 Spiritual Power Storage Talisman] were quite familiar.

"This spiritual power node, these lines, I really think, no, I must have seen it somewhere!"

"Spiritual talisman, by the way, it is a talisman!"

Wu Wei, who was racking his brains, suddenly remembered, didn't the lines of [Spiritual Power Storage Talisman No. 7] come from the [Spirit Talisman]?

And then let Wu Wei think, isn't the talisman itself naturally used to store aura?

Moreover, the talisman can not only be used to store aura, but also seems to have the effect of absorbing aura and maintaining the energy of the talisman.

A magic talisman, as long as you don't use it up all at once, if you have enough time, it will automatically refill after three or five years.

And this feature of the talisman gave Wu Wei a very bold idea: "Can I draw the talisman myself?"

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