My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 805 The calm before the storm!

Over the course of a week, things seemed calm on the surface, but secretly there was an undercurrent. ♢

The news of Lin Jianlong's recovery was strictly blocked. Except for Luo Yanning and Lin Suqing, no one else knew about it.

Even some senior executives of Zhuoye Group did not know much about Lin Jianlong's situation.

No one can guarantee that there is no undercover agent like Gong Dongsheng among the top management of Zhuoye Group.

It is normal for senior executives of large companies to fight each other and send undercover agents to each other.

Several well-known and active news media in Shishi City also made several attempts to interview and report on Lin Jianlong, but Gu Hongfei sternly rejected them and gave him a stern warning.

If you privately report news about Zhuoye Group's senior executives without permission and cause damage to the company's operations, you will be legally responsible.

After several news media outlets that Liu Shiqi secretly mentioned were warned by Gu Hongfei, no one dared to take the risk.

Everyone understands the principle of pushing against a wall when it falls, but the wall has not yet fallen and no one dares to be the one to push against it.

The more strictly Gu Hongfei and Lin Suqing kept secret, the happier Liu Shiqi and the others were. This situation in front of them showed that Lin Jianlong's situation was not optimistic.

During this period, Liu Shiqi and his son were cashing out frantically while using various connections to make money from various channels.

Bank loans, or even loans from some lending companies, they are sure to win this plan to attack Excellence Group, and they are full of confidence.

Early in the morning on Thursday, April 18, news broke on the Internet that Liu Shiqi and his son had a break with the top management of Zhuoye Group and decided to withdraw from Zhuoye Group.

Immediately afterwards, news broke that Lin Jianlong was seriously injured in a car accident and had not appeared in the company for a week.

Subsequently, several news media disclosed that Excellence Group has suffered successive setbacks in the stock market in recent months, and its stock price has continued to decline, which is not optimistic news.

As if it was an agreement, the "allies" of Liu Shiqi's camp have targeted Zhuoye Group and Lin Jianlong.

In addition, Liu Shiqi and Liu Jingyao's father and son found some trolls to "speak ill of" Zhuoye Group and began to publish or forward some unfavorable news about Zhuoye Group on major platforms across the Internet.

These messages are half true and half false, very confusing and highly misleading, as if Excellence Group is the next "Hengda" and the building will collapse.

"It seems that Zhuoye Group is really in trouble this time. Fortunately, I sold the stocks in my hand early and stopped the loss in time. If I had waited until now, I would have lost all my pants!"

"Mad! In the past two months, I have lost 14! The money I earned this year has been spit out again! It has slipped away. I am afraid that even the Great Luo Jinxian will not be able to save Zhuo Ye this time!"

"Sad! When Zhuoye Group was at its most glorious, it was the strongest group company in Shishi City. If you say it can't do it, you can't do it..."

"After all, private companies, even listed companies, are not as reliable as central and state-owned enterprises!"

"Wori... I can't bear it anymore. This week, it has fallen again. I'm afraid I will become a shareholder!"

"The deadline for Zhuoye Group has arrived!"

With the momentum built by Liu Shiqi and his gang, and the rhythm of the navy army, almost everyone on the Internet was badmouthing Zhuoye Group, and they all felt that Zhuoye Group was going to be doomed this time.


Hao Xiaoxiao looked at Mr. Lin who was chatting and laughing with his cousin, and could not feel any sense of crisis from her.

Logically speaking, when the life and death of Zhuoye Group is at stake, Mr. Lin should be the most anxious in the absence of Director Lin!

However, she didn't look anxious at all, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

"Calm down, calm down, there must be something I don't know about here, otherwise Mr. Lin wouldn't be so relaxed."

Hao Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and felt that he must have been worrying too much. Isn't he a typical emperor who is not anxious but an eunuch is?

Mr. Lin is not in a hurry, why should he be so anxious!

Suddenly, Hao Xiaoxiao glanced away and saw Lin Suqing waving to her.

"I'm coming."

Hao Xiaoxiao quickly agreed and walked quickly to Luo Yanning and Lin Suqing.

"Mr. Lin, you are looking for me."

Lin Suqing pulled Luo Yanning's arm, smiled and said, "Let Brother Ning tell you."

"Brother Ning..."

When Hao Xiaoxiao heard what Mr. Lin called his cousin, he was almost disgusted by the sweetness.

The relationship between these two people seems to be much deeper!

Although the two were boyfriend and girlfriend before, Lin Suqing still called Luo Yanning Mr. Luo.

Now, after not seeing the two of them for a while, they actually changed from "Mr. Luo" to "Brother Ning".

Luo Yanning looked at Hao Xiaoxiao and said, "That's it, cousin, would you be interested in an opportunity to make money?"

"Ah? An opportunity to make money? Interested! Of course you are interested!" Hao Xiaoxiao nodded hurriedly.

Although now she and Gao Jiangbo's salary plus one, they make less than 100,000 yuan a month.

However, even if you earn 100,000 a month or a million a year, you still cannot escape the category of "lack of money."

Even in a second-tier small city like Shishi, it is still difficult to achieve absolute freedom of wealth without one or two million. ̶x̶.̶c̶o̶m̶

Hao Xiaoxiao would naturally not miss the opportunity to make money. Moreover, she had 100% trust in Luo Yanning and knew that he would never cheat her.

Luo Yanning said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, you should have seen the news about Zhuoye Group on the Internet these days. We are going to wait until the stock price drops below 15 yuan to start taking action. If my sister-in-law wants to earn some pocket money, Why not buy with us?"

The previous stock price of Zhuoye Group has been maintained at around 38 yuan. When it is high, it may break through 40 yuan and reach 41 or even 42 yuan.

When it's low, it's rarely lower than 35 yuan. The company's stock price has been quite stable for more than ten years since it went public.

It has never happened since it was launched, and it is very rare for it to drop to more than ten yuan like this recently.

15 yuan is the bottom line given by Lin Jianlong, and it must not fall below this price.

The information Lin Jianlong received from Gong Dongsheng showed that the expected price of Liu Shiqi and his son was 10 yuan, and they would not redeem it until the stock price fell below 10 yuan.

"15 yuan? Okay, okay! I'll buy it! I'll definitely buy it!" Hao Xiaoxiao had 100% trust in Luo Yanning and Lin Suqing. She would do whatever they asked her to do without any hesitation.

Luo Yanning suddenly lowered her voice and reminded: "Sister-in-law, this news must be kept secret. It is a business secret. Do not mention it to anyone else in the company. The law will not spread to the outside world."

Hao Xiaoxiao nodded hurriedly and said: "Okay, okay! I know, I know, I won't talk nonsense!"

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Luo Yanning smiled and nodded: "Well, I believe my cousin will not talk nonsense. There is nothing else. Cousin, please go and do your work."

"Okay, you guys chat, I'm going out first." Hao Xiaoxiao said goodbye to the two of them, turned around and walked towards the door of the office, not to disturb them anymore.

After going out, Hao Xiaoxiao returned to her office and sent Gao Jiangbo a message, telling Gao Jiangbo what Luo Yanning had talked to her.

Gao Jiangbo naturally trusted his cousin even more and had absolutely no doubts. He even expressed his support for Hao Xiaoxiao's decision and was prepared to spend all the savings they had accumulated.

In Gao Jiangbo's words, this kind of opportunity may only come once in a lifetime. Give it a try and your bicycle will become a motorcycle!

During the Chinese New Year, Luo Yanning gave millions of red envelopes to each of her relatives and friends, including Gao Jiangbo and Hao Xiaoxiao.

The savings in the hands of the two of them now total more than 3 million.

Gao Jiangbo told his parents about the situation again. Gao Jun and Li Xiangyun also expressed their support and handed over their 2 million to their son.

In just over an hour, Hao Xiaoxiao raised 5 million in capital, and then transferred the money to her stock account through the bank's account manager.

Hao Xiaoxiao and Gao Jiangbo usually trade in stocks, but they only do it in a small way. The most they have in their accounts is about 100,000 yuan. They can't make much money, and they can't lose much. What they focus on is a financial management experience.

This time, the whole family's net worth was directly invested in the stock market. To be honest, although she had absolute confidence in Luo Yanning, she was still a little nervous before the matter settled and the money was settled.

5 million, for Gao Jiangbo and Hao Xiaoxiao's family, is definitely a huge sum of money, a huge amount of money that is difficult to save in this life.

If it weren't for Luo Yanning's generous gift during the Spring Festival, this family would have had to work hard for at least ten or twenty years to earn such a large sum of money.

When the stock market closed in the afternoon, under the impact of various negative information, Zhuoye Group's stock price fell again, without any surprise, to 18 yuan, which was still 3 yuan short of Luo Yanning's bottom line.

Stone City, in a villa area in a wealthy area.



Liu Shiqi and his son are entertaining several allies who are "shorting" Zhuoye Group's stock price with them.

In one day today, the share price of Zhuoye Group fell by more than 8 points again, almost triggering the limit. It has a remarkable record.

Liu Shiqi said with a smile: "Tomorrow afternoon will be our final battle. When it falls below 10 yuan, we can take action steadily. The technique must be gentle and secretive. While receiving the goods, we Don’t raise the stock price any more.”

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu. Without you, Zhuoye Group is like without a pillar. It is inevitable that the building will collapse. After this time, even if you don't die, you will have to shed your skin."

"Hey, most of this skin will fall into our pockets. It can be said that the wealth will not flow to outsiders. After all, we have all contributed to Zhuoye."

"That guy Lin Jianlong is so unkind. He attacked us veterans and heroes as soon as he took office. Who is he? When we were working hard for Zhuoye, he was still wearing crotchless pants and playing in the mud!"

"He is unkind, so don't blame us for being unjust! Let's teach him a small lesson!"

"Haha, the lesson this time is not small. If his surname is Lin, he falls down this time, I'm afraid he won't be able to get up in this life."

"Why is he still up? Isn't it said that he is about to die? Let's just wait for the white-haired man to send the black-haired man off. When the time comes to attend the funeral, we will go with him. "

"Hahaha, it's your mouth that's so bad, Old Sun! Are you expecting someone to die?"

"It's not that I'm expecting him to die, I'm telling the truth."

"Ha ha……"

The group of people Liu Shiqi assembled were basically people who were close to him and had conflicts with Lin Jianlong.

Among them are some veterans of Zhuoye Group.

When Lin Jianlong took over as the chairman of Zhuoye Group from his father, the new official took office with three major goals, and used thunderous means to remove and dissuade many senior figures who were "eating with their corpses".

Those "veterans" relied on their seniority to earn the highest salary in the company, but they were unwilling to make progress and had stubborn ideas, which seriously affected the healthy development of the company.

If it weren't for Lin Jianlong's drastic reforms after taking office, Zhuoye Group would not be able to achieve its current glory.

In the process of reform, it is inevitable that the interests of some people will be harmed.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents. Naturally, they hold a grudge against Lin Jianlong, and they hate him so much.

Now, there is an opportunity to retaliate against Lin Jianlong and make money at the same time. Naturally, these elders who have a grudge against Lin Jianlong are not willing to miss this good thing.

Among the more than 5 billion yuan raised by Liu Shiqi, there are more than 1 billion yuan supported by these veterans.

This time, everyone is considered to have "the same hatred and hatred".

The banquet was a joyful one, and it didn't end until after eleven o'clock in the evening.

After the banquet, Liu Jingyao arranged a one-stop service for a group of "allies" at the bathing city he opened. The main thing is to be considerate and considerate.

Water Bay Resort.

Although he seldom came to live in the villa that Lin Jianlong gave to Luo Yinning, he hired a live-in nanny to clean it every day, so he could move in at any time.

Luo Yanning and Lin Suqing returned here together after visiting Lin Jianlong in the First Provincial Hospital.

The two of them had eaten outside, and there was nothing else to do after returning to the villa. They went directly upstairs to take a bath in the large bathtub in the bathroom and chat.

There are hot springs in the villa, and the water used for bathing is also natural hot spring water. It is a kind of enjoyment to eat and drink enough and soak in the warm spring water, even if you do nothing.

Whenever the water in the bathtub gets cold, Luo Yanning uses "heat vision" to warm it up. He has now mastered "heat vision" to a high degree and can perform some subtle operations.

The water temperature in the bathtub should always be kept at around 40 degrees. Too high a water temperature can easily cause insufficient blood supply to organs. At the same time, the human body will lose a lot of water, causing hypoxia, dizziness, etc., as well as the risk of skin burns.

If the water temperature is lower than 40°C, you may catch a cold and it is easier for bacteria to multiply, so 40°C is the best temperature.

After swimming in the water for several times, Lin Su leaned softly against Luo Yanning's chest, as if all the strength in her body had been drained. (End of chapter)

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