My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 916 A glimmer of hope in the air crash!

Chapter 918 A glimmer of hope in the air crash!

51,000 feet above the ground.

The two Gulfstream G650s were traveling at full speed at Mach 995, second only to the speed of sound.

Gulfstream Aerospace has a motto: Time is money, and the time saved is the wealth earned by helping customers!

The G650's flight speed is just below the speed of sound, far exceeding that of ordinary passenger aircraft.

It can save users more time for business negotiations during their itinerary.

Especially for big guys like Marx who really make millions a minute.

Time is particularly important.

The cabin where Luo Yanning's master and apprentice were sitting was filled with laughter and laughter.

Except for him and Mulvey, it was the first time for everyone to fly on such a luxurious private jet.

Although Gao Yaling and Shi Mingsheng are worth tens of billions, they can only buy first-class cabins when traveling, and they are not so luxurious as to buy private jets.

Zhao Rui only flies on ordinary planes when traveling throughout the year. In order to save money, she usually buys economy class.

Du Enya was flying for the first time in her life. She was a little nervous when she first took off. When the plane broke through the turbulence of the stratosphere, her face turned pale with fear, for fear of falling.

In a high-speed flight close to the speed of sound, it took more than an hour for the plane to fly beyond the national border and enter the territory of Russia.

Zhao Rui looked at the route map displayed on the tablet and asked curiously: "Master, why doesn't this route go directly east across the Pacific to fly to the United States, instead of going in a big circle to the northeast? Two o'clock Between them, a straight line is the shortest, right?”

The United States is located between 25 degrees north latitude and 49 degrees north latitude, and 70 degrees west longitude and 130 degrees west longitude. China is located between 3 degrees 51 minutes north latitude and 53 degrees 33 minutes north latitude, and between 73 degrees 33 minutes east longitude and 135 degrees east longitude.

In other words, China and the United States are about the same latitude. From a globe, they are almost at the same position, and the United States is due east of China.

According to the theory of inertial thinking and the shortest straight line between two points, flying eastward and directly crossing the Pacific Ocean to the United States is the shortest route.

But in fact, when airplane routes around the world fly between cities at similar latitudes, their routes do not coincide with latitude lines. They deviate northward in the northern hemisphere and southward in the southern hemisphere.

Therefore, planes flying from China to the United States all deviate northeastward into the Russian Federation, then fly over the Bering Strait, enter Canada, and finally arrive in the United States. It looks like a big circle.

Luo Yanning smiled and explained: "Because this seemingly roundabout route is the closest to the shortest straight line between the two points you mentioned."

"Ah? Master, are you kidding me? It's obviously a big circle, but you think it's a straight line between two points?" Zhao Rui pointed to a paperclip-like folded line on the tablet, with a confused look on his face.

Several other people were also attracted by the conversation between Zhao Rui and Luo Yanning. They all pricked up their ears and were ready to listen to Luo Yanning's explanation. They were also curious about the questions raised by Zhao Rui.

Luo Yanning said with a smile: "Don't forget, the earth is a sphere, not the flat map we usually see. If you want to show the locations of various countries on the earth on a flat surface, you must use a projection method.

"Positioning" the points originally on the sphere onto the same plane will inevitably produce certain deformation and distortion.

For example, the most widely used projection method in the world is the Mercator projection, which was created by the Belgian Mercator in 1569 to solve the problem of navigation routes.

The main method is to assume that a cylinder with the same direction as the earth's axis is tangent to the earth's equator, and project the earth's latitude and longitude grid onto the cylinder surface according to the equiangular condition.

Then expand the cylindrical surface into a planar view, and you can get a Mercator projection map. This projection method is based on the condition of equal angles, so it is also called the equiangular tangent cylindrical projection. "

Zhao Rui looked at his master with admiration and exclaimed: "Master sounds very professional. Master, are you a graduate of aerospace? What about tangent and Mercator projection? Although I don't know what it is. , but it feels so awesome.”

Shi Mingsheng also smiled and said: "Indeed, I have gained more knowledge today. It turns out that there are so many details and skills in route design? It's because I am ignorant."

Gao Yaling said hurriedly: "Everyone, don't interrupt. Master, continue to talk. You can use this useless knowledge to show off to your friends when you fly in the future!"

Luo Yanning smiled and continued to popularize science: "On the map generated by the Mercator projection, connect any two points into a straight line, and then sail along this straight line.

Whether it is land or sea, the angle after its outline projection will not change, so it can reach the destination without deviating in direction.

However, the flat map under the Mercator projection will cause the area of ​​the region to change, and the magnitude of this change will vary in different regions.

For example, the extent of stretching in the area within the Tropic of Cancer is relatively small, but as the latitude increases, especially in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, the extent of stretching will become larger and larger.

This also results in our map under this projection, in which the area of ​​Antarctica and Greenland is many times larger than the actual area.

Therefore, under the commonly used Mercator projection map, the aircraft routes we see traveling along the latitude lines at mid-to-high latitudes are much longer than they actually are. It feels like a curve with a large arc. However, the actual distance is It's not that exaggerated.

For example, the route map on your tablet now looks like an exaggerated arc, but the actual flight distance is far less exaggerated than the arc shown on the route map. "

Everyone listened to Luo Yanning's science popularization, although it was a bit obscure and difficult to understand, but they all listened with interest. It was good to increase some useless knowledge during the journey and relieve boredom.

Luo Yanning reached out and took the tablet from Zhao Rui's hand, clicked on the two cities with similar latitudes, and continued:

"For example, if you fly from Beijing to Washington, USA, along the latitude line and directly east across the Pacific Ocean, the total flight length will be about 14,300 kilometers. This distance is actually not the shortest distance between the two cities."

“If we take the center of the earth as the center, connect the capital and Washington in sequence according to the Mercator projection map, and then draw an arc along the surface of the earth on the plane formed by these three points, then this arc is the same as Compared with the latitude line between the two points, judging from our inertial thinking and the Mercator projection map, we will definitely sail in a northerly direction and then "turn back".

However, we have calculated that in a fan-shaped state with the center of the earth as the dot, the arc flight distance from Beijing to Huaton is only about 11,000 kilometers, which is more than 3,000 kilometers saved compared to flying along the latitude line. "

Zhao Rui's eyes lit up and he said: "In other words, it seems that we have gone around in a circle, but the distance has been shortened by more than 3,000 kilometers?"

"Oh! I understand! The earth is a sphere, so the distance from the capital to Huaton is actually not a straight line, but a long arc!" After Luo Yanning pointed it out, Du Enya also thought of the key point.

Luo Yanning nodded and continued: "In addition, for long-distance flights, various emergencies and adverse situations will also be encountered during the air flight.

For example, extreme bad weather, unstable airflow, thunder and lightning and other meteorological factors, as well as parts failure, refueling and endurance, and other problems with the aircraft itself.

The longer the flight, the greater the chance of problems. No one can guarantee that there will be no problems during the flight if the aircraft is inspected before takeoff.

If you fly from Beijing to Washington along the latitude line, most of the earth's surface you pass through will be oceans. Once there are difficult problems to solve during the process, or there is insufficient fuel, it will be fatal to make an emergency landing or stop for refueling. question.

According to the existing northeast-oriented route, most of the surface planes we fly over are land, and only a small part in the middle is the sea area near the Bering Strait.

This route design not only reduces the length of the journey, but also provides more guarantees in terms of safety, so it has been used to this day. "

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang--!

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang--!

As soon as Luo Yanning finished speaking, there was a burst of fierce applause in the cabin.

"Master, you are so awesome! You know everything, you know everything! You know such unpopular knowledge!"

"It turns out that this is what route planning is all about. Life is really full of knowledge!"

"Another useless knowledge point has been added!"

After everyone heard Luo Yanning's popular knowledge about routes, everyone nodded with deep understanding.

Didi, didi, didi -!

Suddenly, a piercing alarm sounded in the cabin, and everyone's faces suddenly showed panic expressions, and their eyes were all looking in the direction of the cockpit!

With a bang, the cockpit door opened, and the captain of the crew stumbled into the cabin!

"Mr. Luo! It's not good! We have encountered an unprecedented disaster! Yes, unprecedented! In my more than 20 years of flying career, I have never encountered such an outrageous situation!"

The captain of the crew was a white man in his forties with twenty-three years of flying experience. His face was full of panic at the moment, and he was even a little incoherent. It could be seen that he was really frightened this time.

Sudden! The plane was like a vehicle driving on a potholed road at high speed. The fuselage jolted and shook violently, and then began to fall at an extremely fast speed!

The captain of the crew who had just stepped into the cabin was not wearing a seat belt. With a bang, he hit the bulkhead above the plane and was knocked unconscious by the huge impact force!




The sudden situation made everyone in the cabin panic.

Du Enya, Zhao Rui and Gao Yaling were even frightened and screamed.

Seeing this situation, Luo Yanning's face became nervous.

The accident happened so suddenly that no one was given time to react.

At this moment, even opening the hatch to skydive has become a luxury!

Just as Du Enya had worried before, falling from a height of tens of thousands of meters, even an airplane made of steel would be smashed into pieces!

Not to mention the mortal human body!

Even if Luo Yanning's own physical fitness is over 1,000 points now, after starting the unstoppable battle, her physical fitness will reach tens of thousands.

He was not sure that he could survive this plane crash!

"Start the overwhelming state!"

The situation was urgent, so Luo Yanning immediately activated her unstoppable state, maxing out her state in order to gain more vitality.

He didn't want to die, and he didn't want any of his disciples to die in this plane crash!


There was another loud noise, and a human-sized hole was knocked out of the bulkhead on the left!

A huge bird covered in black and with metallic luster on its feathers crashed into the airport!

"How can there be birds at an altitude of more than 50,000 feet!"

Seeing the big bird crashing into the cabin, Luo Yanning instantly realized that today's air crash was by no means an ordinary air crash.

It is currently known that the highest flying creature in the animal kingdom is a black and white vulture, which can fly up to 11,000 meters in the sky.

At an altitude of more than 50,000 feet and about 15,000 meters above the ground, it is a restricted area for all living creatures. How can there be birds?

Moreover, the size of this bird is also exaggerated.

The bird's body looks similar to that of an adult, and its wings are seven or eight meters wide!

The black feathers all over the body have a faint metallic luster and look extremely hard.

Thumping, fluttering, fluttering~!

The strength of this big bird's body is also exaggerated. It was knocked into the plane from the outside, but it was not damaged at all, except that its head was a little confused and it flapped its wings a few times.

When he saw the people in the cabin, Big Bird's eyes, which were as big as an adult's fist, first flashed with doubt, and then turned fierce!


The big bird screamed, as if ignoring the air pressure, it nimbly rushed towards Du Enya who was closest to it, and pecked straight towards her head with its metallic beak!

The big bird's beak is as thick and sharp as an adult's arm. It also has a metallic luster and looks extremely hard. If it pecked it, Du Enya's head would probably be pecked open like a watermelon!

"The beast is looking for death!"

In an emergency, Luo Yanning shouted!

Now he didn't care about exposing his strength in front of everyone. His eyes heated up, and with a pop of two hot and bright red lasers, he directly cut off the big bird's head!

Thump, thump, thump!

This is a big bird with extremely strong vitality. Even though its entire head was cut off, it was still alive. After a violent flutter in the cabin, it was sucked out of the big hole it made in a whoosh!

After everyone in the panic saw Luo Yanning's display of strength, they were all stunned. They forgot to shout and that they were in an air crash. Everyone's eyes were focused on him.

"Yes, there is still a master! As long as the master is here, everything will be fine! He will definitely save us!"

The several apprentices seemed to have a tacit understanding and all placed their hopes on Luo Yanning.

Hoo ho ho, ho ho ho--!

The plane was still falling rapidly, and the only sounds left in my ears were the whistling wind and the intense heartbeat.

"Calm down, calm down. At this time, you can't panic."

"There will definitely be a way, there will be a way, there is no end to the problem! There must be a way to survive!"

As if hearing Luo Yanning's inner cry, the system interface popped up automatically, with four prompt messages displayed on it.

【Ding! It is detected that the host is suffering from death threats, and special exchange options are enabled! 】

[The host can exchange 10 skills or system attractions for one of the following two skills. 】

[Option 1: Flying (active skill, unlocks flying ability, cost is 10,000 yuan/second. 】

[Choice 2: A glimmer of hope (passive skill, resist one fatal damage, refreshed once a month, can be stacked up to 10 times.]

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