My science and technology museum

Chapter 105 What a future technology

"Mr. Mike, Wei Zhenhui said that they are incompetent and it is impossible to upgrade the chip manufacturing process to 1 nanometer in the short term. This is extremely unrealistic."

Washington State.

In the top office of the Hutt Building, Brady stood upright in front of his desk, reporting the latest situation to Mike.

Compared to his violent state last time, Mike acted extremely calm this time, sitting in his chair for a long time without speaking.

But judging from the expression on his face, I'm afraid a volcano has already erupted in his heart.

Anger is always on the verge of bursting out.

It was only out of consideration for his physical condition that he forcibly suppressed it.

The emergence of Loongson Group.

Not only has it brought the chip production process to a new level, it has also become a very strong competitor for them.

What's more, their chip technology, which they are proud of in the world, fell behind instantly.

Originally, Mike wanted to provide help by putting pressure on Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to conquer 3-nanometer chip production technology as soon as possible. By then, relying on OEM orders from Qualcomm and other companies, he could still maintain his absolute position in the industry.

It can be said that this is the most suitable response.

And under his leadership, this plan was completed very well.

At least the leaders of Qualcomm and other companies have stated that they will not terminate their cooperation with Semiconductor Manufacturing Company for the time being, let alone let Loongson Group OEM.

However, what seems to be a safe plan is actually just self-deception on the surface.

No one expected that Loongson Group would make rapid progress. In less than a month, the chip production process had been upgraded from 3 nanometers to 1 nanometer.

is it possible?

At least he didn't think it was possible.

After all, it is much more difficult to upgrade from 3 nanometers to 1 nanometer than from 14 nanometers to 5 nanometers.

So in this case there is only one guess left.

That is, when Loongson Group announced the development of a top-level lithography machine, it had already mastered the 1-nanometer chip production technology, but deliberately concealed it and did not announce it to the public.

After thinking about the key to this, Mike only felt that he had been insulted and provoked by the Loongson Group, and his whole face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

It wasn't until nearly half a minute passed in the office in deathly silence that Mike finally said, "What a waste. After operating in this industry for so many years, it can't compare to the technical level of a new company."

After scolding him mercilessly, he immediately raised his gaze and looked at Brady and asked, "Is there any new trend from Pingguo and Qualcomm?"

"According to the latest news I got, they have been in contact with Loongson Group."

Faced with Mike's inquiry, Brady naturally did not dare to waste any time and quickly answered truthfully.


Mike nodded for the first time and didn't show any surprise.

Obviously he had already guessed this result.

For companies such as Pingguo Qualcomm, if they want to ensure their market competitiveness, it is certainly impossible to use chips with backward performance.

Doing so will only drag each other down and make the situation more difficult.

But when I think about something like this happening during my tenure, it would be really embarrassing if I didn't respond in some way.

So the moment this idea appeared, Mike moved his eyes to look at the computer screen on the desktop. The content displayed on it was the collected future technology information.

"What a future technology. I really underestimated them. They have forced us to this point in less than three years since their establishment."

Brady, who was standing in front of the desk at this time, heard Mike mention future technology and quickly interrupted: "Mr. Mike, there is nothing special about this company, and Xu Lei is the key figure."

"This time, Xu Lei made a great contribution to Loongson Group's ability to conquer high-end chip production technology so quickly."

"It was our carelessness that allowed him to grow. Now it is difficult to find opportunities to get rid of him."

Nowadays, Loongson Group has an absolute say in the semiconductor market relying on the leading technology in its hands. It is simply not feasible to restrict future technology products as before. If it fails, it will only bring harm to itself. to greater losses.

In addition, Future Technology has no branches overseas, so there is no weakness that can be exploited.

But it was obviously impossible for Mike to give up like this. After thinking for a while, he immediately suggested: "If we attack Xu Lei personally or conduct a cyber attack, what is the probability that it will be effective?"

Brady knew very well that if the anger in Mike's heart was not released, he would never let it go, and might even bring bad luck to himself.

So even though I knew very well that these methods would have no effect, I still responded patiently.

"It's very difficult."

"We have received the latest news. Xu Lei has now become an academician and will definitely receive all-round protection. He has also returned to Binjiang City, where the company is based."

"As for cyberattacks."

"Last year we organized forces to attack their data servers, but in the end it had no effect."

There is another point that Brady did not mention, that is, the real address of the person who participated in the attack on the Future Technology server was found out and publicly executed online. For the circle he was in, it was no different than being killed on the spot. .

But what is surprising is that after listening to these contents, Mike's eyes became more determined.

It seemed that he had already made some decision in his heart.

Before Brady could ask, a voice reached his ears.

"Contact me to the Security Building and tell me that I want to borrow their people to make something small."

"Mr. Mike."

"Future Technology has a relatively powerful network security defense system. Even if the power of the security building is used, it may be difficult to achieve significant results."

"If the real address is posted by the other party, it may cause greater public opinion internationally."

Brady was personally responsible for the last cyber attack, and Pingguo Gugeweisoft and other company network experts participated, so he is very aware of the powerful level of technological protection in the future. If the people in the security building also overturn, the impact will be But it’s more than just a little bit.

It was out of this consideration that he specifically spoke out to stop it.

But Mike obviously didn't care about this, and repeated with a gloomy look: "Do as I say. Since there is nothing you can do with this future technology for the time being, let's start from the easy place."

"Someone has to pay for this."

After hearing what Mike said, Brady was about to say something persuasive, but soon realized something. He swallowed what he wanted to say again, nodded and said, "I understand, Mr. Mike." , I will take care of this matter immediately."

The words just fell.

He immediately turned around and exited the office without lingering at all.

Because Loongson Group has strong support from all aspects, it is progressing very quickly in the manufacturing of top-level photolithography machines and the construction of wafer fabs.

It is planned to be officially launched in June.

The first batch is OEM-produced by Warwick's Tenglong 980, which also marks the imminent arrival of the first fully domestically produced high-end chip.

After learning the news, it naturally aroused heated discussion and support from a large number of netizens. After all, Huawei will launch new mobile phones equipped with 3nm chips only after the chips are produced.

Let’s talk about future technology.

Since Academician Xu Lei's identity was announced, company life and other aspects have not changed much from before, and all overseas forces have also behaved very calmly, which allowed him to live the life of a real boss for a while.

In addition to the company hosting regular meetings every week and going to Longhu High-tech Park for construction site inspections, most of the time is basically spent communicating with Xingtong, allowing him to continuously optimize his learning through various methods, so that he can play his role in more industry scenarios. Powerful effect.

But I have to say that Xu Lei was quite surprised that overseas forces were so calm this time.

After all, he had already made various preparations.


Regardless of whether the opponent has new tricks in the future, Xu Lei won't be too worried. It's just that the soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth.

He believes that the current strength of future technology is enough to withstand pressure from all directions.

that's all.

Time quickly enters June.

When Loongson Group began to mass-produce Tamron 980 chips for Warwick, chip design companies such as Pingguo Qualcomm also released their own new 3-nanometer chips, and also stated that they would also be OEMed by Loongson Group.

The reason why they were able to design a 3-nanometer chip so quickly was not only due to the large number of chip design talents they had, but also largely because of the use of Yinglong chip design software.

After all, when the Yinglong chip design software was released, it focused on artificial intelligence and cloud technology, which can greatly improve the efficiency of chip design.

However, this also makes the three major chip design software companies such as Xinsi Technology completely exist in name only. Their original share of more than 90% of the global market has dropped sharply to about 10%. If they do not find another way out, I believe they will not be welcomed in the end. There is only one ending.

As for promoting Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., it has almost the same experience.

We lost several big customers in a short period of time, which basically reduced the number of orders in hand by more than half.

But they can't say anything about it yet.

I can only break my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

Although it was finally decided by senior management to find another way to develop carbon-based chips to compete with the Loongson Group, the industry was not optimistic about this due to various issues such as the cost and price of carbon-based chip manufacturing technology.

It is also worth mentioning that overseas chip companies such as Qualcomm have released their own new 3-nanometer chips. Domestic mobile phone brands such as Xiaomi are also happy about this.

Mainly, they have always purchased chips from overseas. If the other party cannot catch up in chip performance as soon as possible, then they will only have Warwick's Tamron chips to choose from.

The key is not to mention whether Tamron chips will be sold. Two different mobile phone brands are equipped with the same chip. Xiaomi will definitely be affected in the end.

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