My science and technology museum

Chapter 133 Capacity Allocation [Please subscribe]

"This young company really brings surprises to people from time to time, but it's a pity that they are not our company."

Licanife Island.

Pingguo Spaceship Headquarters Building.

Kulas, who had just returned to his office after the meeting, was full of emotion. He did not expect Future Technology to bring such a surprise to the battery industry after Star Shield. Its growth rate is simply scary.

If there is no need to use Star Shield with Pingguo's own Internet security technology, then the same cannot be said for the battery.

Because no matter whether Pingguo's mobile phones or tablets, laptops and other brands are inseparable from the supply of batteries.

Previously, batteries were manufactured by Sanxing Electronics. Although power issues have been criticized by users, since major brands use lithium batteries, they have not been affected.

But not anymore.

Future Technology has developed mature metal solid-state batteries, which has had an impact on the traditional lithium battery market.

Especially the popularity of Xingyao mobile phone in the past two days made him a little uneasy.

Previously, because Shining was a mid-range mobile phone brand, it didn't have a big impact on them, so even though they knew that Shining's new models would use solid-state batteries, they didn't pay too much attention.

After all, according to the industry's perception, the cost and price of solid-state batteries cannot be reduced at all after several years of research.

Who would have thought that future technology would just happen.

It has even been directly reduced to the same price as lithium batteries.

Now that Xingyao's first solid-state battery mobile phone is so popular in the market, there is still a trend of spreading overseas. Next, Warwick will definitely use solid-state batteries in high-end flagship phones that are going to be launched this year. By then, Pingguo Mobile will have China's domestic market share is bound to lose part of it.

This is something Kulas absolutely does not want to see.

Kuras seemed a little anxious when he thought of this, and immediately asked Mel, who was sitting next to him in front of the computer and fiddling with the screen: "How are you? Have you been contacted?"

"Boss, we are in contact with people from Future Technology Company, and we should be able to establish a video call soon."

Facing Kulas' question, Mel immediately raised his eyes and responded in a deep voice.


After careful consideration, Kuras decided to have a video call with Xu Lei, the president of Future Technology, to start business negotiations on solid-state batteries.

But since I didn’t apply in the early stage, it’s not that easy if I suddenly want to make a cross-border connection.

At least it depends on whether Xu Lei has time.

that's all.

After waiting for almost half an hour, Mel's voice finally sounded in the office.

"Boss, the video is connected."

"very good."

After hearing the reminder, Kuras praised the other person and immediately took Mel's place and sat in front of the screen. When he saw the young and familiar figure, he quickly took the initiative to say hello.

"I didn't expect our first meeting to be in this way, Mr. Xu."

"I'm surprised that Mr. Kulas took the initiative to contact me. If I guess correctly, Mr. Kulas wants to talk about solid-state batteries, right?"

At this time, Xu Lei, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looked at Kulas on the big screen on the wall. He didn't mince words at all, and went straight to the point to clarify the other party's intention.

After all, Xingyao had just held a press conference, which made metal solid-state batteries completely popular. At this time, Pingguo's CEO Kulas wanted to have a video connection with him. I believe he could use his toes for whatever purpose. come up with.

Speaking of which, Xu Lei was indeed a little surprised when he first learned the news, and was still considering whether to answer the call.

But there is no reason not to talk about the business that comes to your door.

It is normal for Pingguo to want to purchase solid-state batteries. They are not the first brand company to have this idea, and they will not be the last.

But whether Xingyuan Battery wants to accept this order and how much quantity to accept all depends on Xu Lei's decision.

So it’s not a bad idea to test Kuras’s true thoughts through this video call.

After Xu Lei pointed out his intention, the expression on Kulas's face did not change at all. He still smiled and talked: "Mr. Xu is right. We Pingguo are indeed interested in purchasing the solid-state batteries produced by your company. Regardless of whether you have How much capacity can we take in?"

Hearing that Kulas said that he wanted to take over Xingyuan's entire mobile phone battery production capacity, Xu Lei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth with a playful smile.

Pingguo's ambition is very clear.

If they consume all solid-state batteries for mobile phones, they will be the only ones in the industry that can use solid-state batteries for their mobile phones, and their competitiveness will be unmatched by other brands.

Unfortunately, this scenario is nothing more than a pipe dream.

The prospects of Xingyuan solid-state batteries have been revealed. I believe that not only mobile phone brands, but also the unmanned aircraft battery car and new energy automobile industry will come to seek cooperation soon.

There is no shortage of sales channels at all.

On the contrary, they are afraid that there will be no solid-state batteries available due to insufficient production capacity.

So Xu Lei immediately responded: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Kulas, before our new battery base is put into use, there is no additional capacity to provide solid-state batteries for you. I'm afraid this will disappoint you."

Kulas, who was still smiling, suddenly darkened after hearing Xu Lei's answer.

It seems that this situation was not expected.

“Without additional production capacity, how many mobile phone solid-state batteries did Warwick purchase?”

With my mind running at high speed, I am deeply worried about the new mobile phone that my company will launch next.

Currently, only one company in Warwick has purchased Xingyuan's metal solid-state batteries. Now he was told by Xu Lei that there is no additional production capacity, which only means that the quantity purchased by Ren Yuanwei must be a terrifying number.

In this way, when their high-end flagship phones using solid-state batteries come online, they can ensure sufficient supply and sales of Pingguo mobile phones will continue to increase.

And just as Kulas frowned a little and weighed his response, he heard Xu Lei's voice again.

"Mr. Kulas."

"In a few days, I will hold an investment meeting at Longhu High-tech Park in Binjiang City to decide on the allocation of solid-state battery production capacity in the new base. If you still want to purchase, you are welcome to attend."

As Xu Lei's voice fell, the video call was soon hung up, leaving only Kulas and sitting there with a complicated expression.

According to the information they investigated, the three large-scale battery production bases laid out by Xingyuan Battery are in the initial stage of construction, and it will take at least half a year from construction to putting into use.

I'm afraid it won't be until next year when I get the solid-state battery I purchased.

The key is that during this period of time, only Huawei, a mobile phone brand, had solid-state batteries.

Not to mention that Pingguo's domestic market share will be affected, but even overseas regions will lose a large number of users.

Even if Pingguo launches its own solid-state battery mobile phone by then, it is still unknown whether it can compete with Warwick.

But looking at global battery production companies, only Xingyuan Battery has matured the technology of all-solid-state batteries and truly realized commercial promotion.

So it’s not enough if Pingguo doesn’t use it.

Perhaps seeing that Kuras was not in a good state at this time, Mel brought a cup of coffee, walked to the side and asked softly: "Boss, do we want to send someone to attend the future technology investment meeting?"

"No, I'm going there in person this time."

Kuras took the coffee from Mel and finally made the final decision, preparing to fly to Binjiang City in person to attend the so-called solid-state battery capacity allocation meeting.

Even if it is unable to compete with Warwick at this stage, it must plan for the future and strive to obtain as much production capacity as possible.

As long as Pingguo can ensure a stable supply of solid-state battery mobile phones in the future, there is still hope to regain the occupied market share.

at the same time.

Binjiang City.

In Longfor High-tech Park, Xu Lei leaned on the sofa and contacted Chen Shihe after ending the call with Kulas.

When Chen Shihe's figure appeared on the wall screen, he immediately asked: "How did the investment conference on the production capacity allocation of the new battery base go? How many brand companies expressed their participation?"

"Report to Mr. Xu."

"The investment conference has been announced to the outside world. At present, there are more than a dozen brand companies that have made it clear that they will participate, mainly domestic companies."

Facing Xu Lei's inquiry, Chen Shihe naturally reported the relevant situation without any hesitation.

Xu Lei knows very well that when solid-state batteries become more popular, many brand companies will come to seek cooperation. However, the annual production capacity of the three new battery bases under construction is still unable to meet the needs of the entire huge market.

Instead of contacting each company one by one, it is better to gather them all and directly determine the production capacity allocation issue first.


With limited production capacity and the removal of Yu Hongliang’s military battery orders, there will definitely be brands that only get a small share of the production capacity, or even the trip is in vain.

But in order to gain a firm foothold in the industry and not be eliminated, we must try our best no matter what.

However, it must be mentioned that Chen Shihe did not end the call after reporting these situations, but instead brought up another matter.

"And Mr. Xu, Xiaomi's chairman Lei Jun has arrived in Binjiang City and he wants to meet you."

Chairman of Xiaomi?

Xu Lei couldn't help but be startled when he heard this. He didn't expect that the other party had already arrived as soon as the investment meeting was announced. He was the fastest among all brand companies.

But now that it has been decided to bring all brand companies together for this capacity allocation meeting, it would be inappropriate to meet with Lei Jun alone. It will inevitably cause criticism among others.

Considering this, Xu Lei replied casually: "Return to the other party. There is no need to meet alone. We can naturally meet him on the day when the conference starts."

"It's Mr. Xu, I'll reply to them right away."

After receiving Xu Lei's instructions, Chen Shihe stopped disturbing him too much, responded to the video and ended the call immediately.

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