My science and technology museum

Chapter 148 Xingyuan Smart Car

The arrival of solid-state mobile phone batteries has allowed Warwick to resume the supply of flagship phones and Xingyao solid-state battery mobile phones, allowing users who have been anxiously waiting to finally get their favorite phones.

At the same time, Warwick's mobile phone sales also ushered in a new round of surge.

In addition, other mobile phone brands such as Xiaomi have made waves in the low- to mid-range market with the help of the charm of solid-state batteries.

Xiaomi, in particular, is using solid-state battery mobile phones to completely open up the non-regional market.

Changed the previous difficulties.

On the other hand, Pingguo's situation is more embarrassing. Ningwang New Energy's sodium-ion batteries can no longer be used, and traditional lithium batteries do not have core competitiveness. They can only watch their mobile phone sales continue to decline.

Although Kuras regretted this, he had no way to deal with it.

In the end, in order to actively try to reverse the situation, Kulas personally went to Songxia Battery and Sanxing Electronics Company, hoping that they could participate in the research of solid-state batteries.

In this way, as long as we conquer the solid-state battery production technology and achieve the performance of Xingyuan solid-state batteries, we can get rid of the current embarrassing situation.

Even if the cost price is higher, it is acceptable.

However, both parties stated that according to the current research progress, it will take at least several years to reach this technical level.

But I’m afraid there’s no point in doing it until then.

After all, Xingyuan battery technology is also improving, and no one in the scientific research industry will stop and wait for suitors.

Losing his last hope, Pingguo could only choose to fail in the mobile phone business and gradually shift his focus to other businesses.

Wait until the next year to successfully obtain a solid-state mobile phone battery, and then find a way to restore the market.

As time goes by, the number of new energy vehicles on the road is gradually increasing. New energy vehicles can also be seen especially on highways. There are about the same number of battery replacement stations as gas stations. No matter where you drive your car, No need to worry about running out of power.

Under this circumstance, many automobile company brands have begun to produce their own new energy vehicles and gradually focus on traditional gasoline vehicles in overseas markets.

As a result, Xingyuan Battery has also received battery purchasing orders from many companies.

However, because the first-year production capacity of the three battery bases has been allocated, and Xu Lei still has to leave a lot of solid-state power batteries for battery replacement, we can only provide solid-state batteries after two years.

In addition, a major event occurred internationally during this period.

Yan Guo announced for the first time that it would reduce crude oil imports.

The most direct impact of this approach is that Xingyuan solid-state batteries are jointly restricted by various overseas forces.

Its circulation in overseas markets is prohibited.

The main reason is that not long after the decision to reduce crude oil imports was announced, international crude oil prices fell.

After all, demand is down.

However, if crude oil prices are allowed to continue to fall, it will have a serious impact on the living economy of many regions, and overseas forces will naturally not watch it.

Originally, Xu Lei planned to build charging centers and battery replacement stations elsewhere overseas. However, after this happened, he had to abandon the project and temporarily focus on Xingyuan smart cars.

With the efforts of Hu Xinren’s team, the Xingyuan smart car intelligent production line was quickly completed.

And passed multiple calibration tests.

Looking around, all the orange mechanical arms are in sight, it feels a bit like science fiction.

Even according to Hu Xinren's plan, he will lead the team to continue to upgrade the intelligent production line, and the next step will be to build a fully intelligent industrial robot production line.

By then, the production efficiency of both solid-state batteries and smart cars will be greatly improved.

Xu Lei naturally strongly supported this and said on the spot that he could apply for research funds at any time.

After completely solving the problem of the production line, only the core components of the car are left. This aspect is also carried out in an orderly manner under the responsibility of Wang Dawen.

Not only is it equipped with the latest electronic control system and motor, but also special polymer materials are used in the body.

It can be said that for this kind of material alone, it is impossible to find a second copy of all automobile brand companies in the world.

that's all.

Before the New Year's Day holiday, the first Xingyuan smart car was finally produced at the Binjiang solid-state battery base.

Friday, December 31st.

Binjiang City Battery Production Base.

Xu Lei, who came from Longhu High-tech Park after receiving the news from Wang Dawen, felt very excited when he saw the car in front of him.

And he didn't hide the anticipation on his face.

Like a kid who got a big toy.

I just want to get in the car and experience it quickly.

"Who designed this model? It's so handsome!"

Standing in front of the car and stroking the body of the car with his hands, Xu Lei did not hesitate to praise him.

The whole car is mainly white, but the color is not that simple white. When paired with the almost perfect car model, the first impression is that it is handsome enough.

It's the kind of car that makes you want to buy one when you see it.

In particular, I don’t know if it’s because of the special polymer material used in the body. Xu Lei feels obviously different from other cars.

Originally, Xu Lei only wanted to improve the internal quality of this car to ensure that it was qualified to enter the high-end market, but he did not expect that the appearance would also be almost perfect.

Wang Dawen, who was standing next to him at the moment, saw Xu Lei praising this car, and a happy look suddenly appeared on his face.

Then he spoke: "Mr. Xu, you are wrong this time. The model of this car was designed by Xingtong."

"There are two colors in total, black and white."

"In addition, this car in front of me is specially prepared for you, Mr. Xu. Although it looks the same as other vehicles, the various configurations inside are of the highest quality."

"I asked which excellent designer could design such a perfect car. It turned out to be Xingtong's work."

After listening to Wang Dawen's answer, Xu Lei suddenly realized what he said casually.

With Xingtong's current ability, it can only be said to be extremely simple to design a car model, and others would need to spend a lot of time modifying it. However, Xingtong can generate tens of millions of different parameters in a short time, so it can choose the most perfect one. That one.

However, after hearing Wang Dawen say that this car was specially prepared for him, Xu Lei's interest suddenly increased a lot.

Now due to his status, every time he travels, he is bound to have a lot of trouble. Not only is he followed by many security personnel such as Cheng Fei, but the car he rides in is also specially made.

It might have been acceptable at first, but now it's inevitable that you'll feel like you've lost your freedom.

If you travel in this smart car in the future, even if you drive alone on the road, it will not attract public attention.

In addition, Xingtong monitors various areas in real time, and there is no need to worry about other aspects such as whereabouts. It doesn't even matter if Cheng Fei and the others are not around.

So after thinking of this, Xu Lei couldn't hold it any longer, and immediately opened the door and got into the driver's seat.

Because Xingyuan smart cars retain traditional manual driving when designed, there are two driving modes.

The steering wheel can be folded and opened according to the selection of different modes.

In addition to the steering wheel, the most conspicuous thing is the central control screen in the middle. After the vehicle is started, a virtual model of the entire vehicle is immediately displayed on it. No matter there is a problem in any part during driving, an early warning will be issued as soon as possible.

Just as Xu Lei was considering whether to take the next step, a familiar electronic synthesized sound suddenly came from the screen.

"Boss, you are welcome to ride in the Xingyuan smart car, please choose a destination."

"The core program of this car is a simplified version of Xingtong. The car owner can freely choose a male or female voice. Because I have bound this car to you, Mr. Xu, she directly calls you boss."

Wang Dawen, who was already sitting in the passenger seat at some point, took the initiative to explain to Xu Lei.

After saying this, he suggested: "Mr. Xu, how about we go for a drive on the closed road behind the base?"

"Then drive around."

Xu Lei knew that there was not enough area in the base to test the performance of Xingyuan smart cars, so Wang Dawen and the others applied for a closed road behind the base as a testing site.

Now that he had already sat in the car, there was no reason to refuse when Wang Dawen said this.

After all, leaving such a good car and not driving it is the same as asking the bride to play flying chess on a wedding night. Xu Lei would definitely not do this.

Moreover, since Wang Dawen dared to offer to test drive the car, it meant that the car had already undergone comprehensive testing.

After all, with the support of Xingtong Jialingsi automotive chip, there won't be any problems.

At least Xu Lei still has this bit of confidence.

But Chen Shihe and Cheng Fei were very worried about this and firmly disagreed with Xu Lei riding this Xingyuan smart car alone.

In the end, they had no choice but to let Chen Shihe and Cheng Fei get into the car, and the four of them drove out of the base to the closed road behind.

But there were still several security cars following behind.

After selecting the destination to go to, the steering wheel in front of Xu Lei was automatically put away in driverless mode, and then the vehicle slowly started and accelerated gradually.

During this process, Xu Lei also felt a very obvious pushing sensation on his back.

It shows that the motor used in this car does have great advantages compared with the motors of ordinary new energy vehicles.

Of course, Wang Dawen, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was not idle at all. As the car continued to accelerate, he continued to introduce the other advantages of the car to Xu Lei.

"Mr. Xu."

"After our previous testing of this car, even when driving at a high speed of 120 yards, the driverless mode still operates normally."

"In addition, no matter how complex and changeable the road conditions are, Xingyuan smart cars can flexibly avoid them."

"To be honest, I am 100% sure that our car's data in all aspects will crush Tesla and others."

After carefully feeling the performance of this smart car, Xu Lei was quite satisfied.

Faced with what Wang Dawen said, Xu Lei made a decision on the spot after driving a few laps on the closed road.

"Then let's take advantage of New Year's Day to give everyone a surprise. The Xingyuan smart car will be officially released tomorrow."

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