My science and technology museum

Chapter 159 Quantum Computer [Please subscribe for monthly tickets]

To be honest, before entering the museum hall, Xu Lei did not expect to unlock the first-level civilization exhibits this time.

With the current technological level of Blue Star, there are still several goals that need to be achieved before it can become a true first-level civilization. At least it must fully utilize the resources of the entire planet, unlike now, which is basically based on fossil energy.

However, Xu Lei was surprised, but he quickly regained his composure.

After all, the strength and resources he has now are different from those at the beginning. Even if it is an exhibit of a first-level civilization, he is still confident of developing it.

At most there is some discount in performance.

What's more, even the technology from a first-level civilization may not be the most advanced.

There was another thing that surprised Xu Lei.

Originally, he thought that exhibits from higher civilizations were stored on the upper floor.

When he first started researching the interior space of this museum, Xu Lei discovered that there were other spaces above the hall, but he was forced to give up because he couldn't find a way up.

Because the exhibits unlocked several times before were all zero-level civilization exhibits, this made him think that the booths in the hall were all the lowest level zero-level civilization.

Since the first-level civilization has now been unlocked, it means that the booths in the hall contain exhibits of zero-level and first-level civilizations.

As for the upper space, it is likely to be a secondary civilization exhibit.

Although there is no passage up in the hall, I believe that as the influence continues to increase, the second-level civilization exhibits will be unlocked, and then the upper space should be able to enter.

After thinking about these situations clearly, Xu Lei returned his attention to the information screen in front of him.

Name: Quantum computer

Level: First level civilization

Evaluation: Indecision, quantum mechanics.

Influence: 0/500000

Collection unit: Universe Civilization Science and Technology Museum

As the owner of this science and technology museum, the exhibits collected inside must be for Xu Lei. Previously, domestic high-end chips were stuck with overseas technology, so the museum unlocked the extreme ultraviolet lithography machine.

Now that quantum computers have appeared, Xu Lei is not too surprised.

"Quantum mechanics cannot be decided in times of trouble. This sentence is not as simple as words, but it can truly achieve quantum hegemony."

"This time I unlocked something good."

After finally figuring out the true situation of this exhibit, Xu Lei murmured thoughtfully, his mind running rapidly searching for relevant memories about quantum computers in his mind.

The so-called quantum computing refers to a physical device that follows the laws of quantum mechanics and performs high-speed mathematical and logical operations to store and process quantum information. It has the characteristics of fast operation speed, strong ability to process information, and a wide range of applications.

Because its computing power is countless times more powerful than traditional digital computers, it can develop artificial intelligence more quickly, and make achievements in other fields quickly, so countries have conducted in-depth research as soon as this concept was proposed.

Whoever develops a quantum computer first will be equivalent to mastering quantum hegemony.

The speed of technological development in all walks of life will be as rapid as a rocket.

One can imagine.

If this quantum computer is successfully manufactured, Xingpull will undergo fundamental changes again.

It has terrifying computing power comparable to the vast galaxy.

By then, the projects that the research center's scientific researchers will be responsible for are expected to be solved in a few minutes.

No wonder the quantum computer is classified as a first-level civilization by the Science and Technology Museum. After all, with such a powerful computer, there is no need to worry about developing a first-level civilization.

As for the current global research on quantum computers, Xu Lei, as a dignified academician, knows a little bit about it.

In addition to the domestic Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is conducting research on two different types of quantum computers, overseas laboratories and Guge are conducting similar research, investing massive amounts of funds every year to ensure research progress.

However, although these forces often release the latest research results, they have only achieved the operation of more than a hundred qubits at most.

This is far from what is required for a quantum computer.

The so-called qubit is an object used for quantum computing to store data, and requires the use of quantum algorithms to operate.

According to international standards, real progress must be made by operating at least thousands of qubits.

However, if you want to realize quantum computing, you also face many technical difficulties. For example, qubits are extremely susceptible to external environmental factors, and you must ensure that the computer works in a specific environment.

Xu Lei's mind was running rapidly, and a large number of ideas emerged in his mind to analyze various problems of quantum computers.

But Xu Lei soon came back to his senses, shook his head to temporarily put away the messy thoughts in his mind, and then skillfully clicked on the note at the bottom of the information screen.

I plan to transfer various technical knowledge about quantum computer design into my mind first.

Basically, in the final analysis, he is a layman in the field of quantum computing, and it is easy to make mistakes if he does not understand certain things.

Decisions are then made that are detrimental to subsequent progress.

In this case, figuring out the technology first will undoubtedly solve a lot of trouble.

What is more important is to combine the knowledge of quantum computers to develop the most suitable manufacturing plan.

It can only be said that the quantum computer is worthy of being an exhibit of a first-class civilization. When the dense information and complex formulas on the information screen came into view, even though Xu Lei was prepared, he couldn't help but take a breath.


"It's really scary!"

Fortunately, time stands still in the museum and there will be no negative impact on the body. Otherwise, I don’t know how long it would take to transmit this information into my mind.

With the help of previous experience, Xu Lei did not hesitate too much after sighing, and immediately began to study and understand the above content.

I don't know how much time passed, but it wasn't until Xu Lei stretched out that he looked away from the information screen.

Only the shocked look on his face has not disappeared.

Unexpectedly, this quantum computer was far more powerful than he imagined.

The two current mainstream types of quantum computers are optical quantum computers and superconducting quantum computers.

There are very difficult technical and hardware problems.

I don’t know how many years it will take to actually create a quantum computer that can control a sufficient number of qubits.

Although the quantum computer collected in the museum is a superconducting quantum computer, it can theoretically control tens of millions of qubits.

The computing power it possesses is simply unimaginable.


Relevant technical information also includes mature quantum algorithms and quantum operating systems.

These are currently unsolvable technologies.

However, Xu Lei's requirements are relatively simple. He does not expect to be able to perfectly manufacture the quantum computer in the museum. As long as it can operate millions of qubits, it will be enough to achieve true quantum hegemony.

But before building this quantum computer, Xu Lei still had a problem to consider.

That's how to get the influence of up to 500,000.

"The requirements for influence this time are too many. We must find a way."

Unlike the last time when the exhibit needed 100,000 influence to unlock, this time it actually increased five times.

The key point is that this large-scale high-tech equipment is destined to be impossible for ordinary users to afford. It can only exist in laboratories or large companies as core computing power to help the development of technology.

It is simply impossible to increase the influence to 500,000 points.

According to the past experience of influence growth, unless users can use quantum computing.

The moment this idea appeared in Xu Lei's mind, he suddenly had a bright idea and a bold idea came to his mind.

"If we use cloud computing, users may be able to enjoy the powerful computing power of quantum computing."


Xu Lei still wants to bring quantum computers into the world of ordinary people.

Although major forces around the world are currently researching quantum computers and competing to achieve quantum hegemony, they mainly want to use them in military research.

But if users can access quantum computers to process information through the cloud, commercialization can be achieved.

The key is this is the fastest way to grow your influence.

By then, the user's terminal device will be more like a monitor, which can have a certain storage capacity, but the information processing will be completed by the core quantum computer.

And due to the characteristics of quantum, its equipment will not be subject to cyber attacks even if it does not install security protection software such as Star Shield.

Even with the help of quantum computers, terminal devices the size of mobile phones can have the same functions as computers.

I believe that by then the performance of the chip will no longer be worth caring about, because there is no need to install so-called high-performance chips.

But Xu Lei also understands that there is still a long way to go to truly achieve this step.

So Xu Lei did not leave the museum space immediately, but carefully planned the next move.

Generally speaking, in order for users to access quantum computers to process corresponding information, in addition to manufacturing quantum computers first, they also need to arrange quantum relay stations to solve quantum communications and faster network environments.

Although there will be various difficulties in the process, Xu Lei believes that he can solve them with the technical knowledge he has mastered.

The most important thing is that only when the growth of influence is guaranteed can new exhibits be unlocked.

In addition, once quantum display terminals successfully enter the market, the carbon-based chips they have worked so hard to develop will lose their value. After all, the performance of carbon-based chips is simply incomparable to quantum computing.

I don't know how much time passed, but when Xu Lei's consciousness broke away from the museum, he saw the corners of his mouth slightly raised with a confident smile on his face, and then walked to the private elevator, preparing to go to the research center to officially announce the research on quantum computers.

It seems that technology companies like Google have long been involved in the field of quantum computing, but as a future technology with advanced artificial intelligence, it is indeed inappropriate to still have no achievements in this field.

I just happened to make up for this regret today and also brought a surprise to major forces around the world.

Thanks to Su Jin for the 100-point reward!

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